
Chapter 607

Chapter 607: Daoist Borders

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

The old man took out his own weapon as well- an old kerosene lamp.

"You will never change your lowly behaviour," Zhou Gan mocked.

The old man did not reply, divine fire was in his eyes, the fire could burn the heavens!

Beings of the barren era were all powerful.

The 12 Gods were the most powerful of them all.

The kerosene lamp had a divine flame within it.

It flew towards Zhou Gan in the next instant.

"After so many years, let me taste your growth," Zhou Gan raised his harrow and quelled the flame.

"I've grown so much!".


What kind of beings were these two?

Even though the Bastion of Stars was no place to relax, the appearance of these two individuals stirred quite a response.

There had not been a battle of this scale for a long time in this place.

Once the battle started, people immediately knew of it.

No one dared to come over to take a look.

The Bastion of Stars had similar laws to the Immortal realm and the Nether world, even a battle of such scale wouldn't hurt the place too much.

But that didn't mean it wouldn't hurt the beings here.

The beings that didn't manage to escape the blast radius all suffered a horrible fate.

Within the huge lake, many creatures were blown to shreds, their souls all dissipated!

Some of the more powerful ones could reassemble their soul and run away, but their cultivation would be crippled for the next few centuries.

But they were already considered the lucky ones.

At least they were still alive.

Many other Saintly beings all died before knowing what had happened.

Instant vanquishing of the soul!

The Mouse and Zhou Gan's battle startled a few prominent figures at the Bastion of Stars.

A few them looked over.

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This place was like a huge maze to them.

The Bastion that they spoke of, the borders, couldn't be seen by the naked eye.

One needed enlightenment!

Only through enlightenment could one go through the borders.

Without it, one would be trapped in a void.

Of course, in the moment where one passed through the border, one wouldn't know what awaited them across it.

Apart from the beings of the barren era of course.

This independent world couldn't hold those beings.

The old man and Zhou Gan retracted their moves at the same time.

"I don't want to make a ruckus over here, don't think that I'm afraid of you," the old man said.

"Cut the crap, do you think I want to make a ruckus?" Zhou Gan replied.

"You really didn't hide him?" asked the old man, he was now calm.

These gods had lived for too long, why would they have to lie?

God's power, God's sanctity, God's will.

They were all things made up by humans.

Zhou Gan laughed, "What do I gain from hiding him?".

"I trust you," the old man said.

"He has to be here, he can't be anywhere else," said the old man as his light radiated a divine light. Runic markers danced around in the air.

He looked through the entire lake.

"He's not far away!".

The old man said coldly, "He has the outer world treasure on him, it seems that the treasure isn't simple at all.".

Zhou Gan batted his eyelids, "We all have outer world treasures with us, which is why I didn't think too much about it at first. But it seems that the one he possesses is unique indeed.".

"Why did you think I want to refine him? Do what you wish, I'll wait for him here. Let's see how he tries to escape from my grasp!" the old man replied.

Zhou Gan looked at him and nodded, "I'm going to visit a few friends, have fun waiting!".

The old man looked at Zhou Gan as he left, a look of suspicion was on his face, "Have I been trapped by this pig? What kind of outer world treasure can escape my inspection?".

But he chose to believe Zhou Gan in the end.

They were both part of the 12 gods of the barren era, there was some mutual trust there.

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After all, Zhou Gan wasn't the type of trash to lie either.

In the depths of the lake.

The horrifying battle had sent Chu Yu's heart thumping.

Rippling underwater currents were sent throughout the lake.

Chu Yu was caught in one of them and was sent hundreds of thousands of metres away from his location.

He continued to sink bit by bit after that.

Few creatures knew how deep this lake was.

Even those who were of the ancestral realm couldn't be sure.

The fearsome thing about the Bastion of Stars were its borders and the things behind these borders.

Since the ancient times, many have crossed over the borders after years of enlightenment, only to find out that a great being was behind it, killing them immediately.

The most tragic thing was that if the powerful being didn't awaken, he might not have even realised that he had killed a fly.

In front of such beings, most creature were like ants.

Once in a while, they would step on a few by accident

The endless lake had many borders above and below it.

Chu Yu stopped at one of such borders after riding the currents

He was knocked against an invisible wall after having drifted here.

A strong surge of pain overwhelmed his body.

It was as if his bones were broken.

He could only hold the pain in, he didn't dare to make any noise.

He knew that the old man had to be fuming.

He was searching everywhere for Chu Yu.

Indeed, soon, Chu Yu felt two rays of divine will sweep across him.

Countless Daoist runes illuminated the place as they searched the area.

This was some powerful sacred art!

Is was too terrifying!

Luckily, he couldn't detect Chu Yu.

This once again showed the prowess of the golden metal ball.

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Chu Yu just sat there calmly, there were no disturbances in his emotion. He leaned against the invisible wall and continued sinking.

Until he knocked into another wall.

Just like that, Chu Yu leaned against the first wall as he sat on the second one.

It was like he was dead.

He didn't think that playing possum was a skill.

It required him to regulate the flow of energy in his body, otherwise, he would freeze to death.

At first, Chu Yu didn't seem to spot anything out of the ordinary.

But as time passed on, he realised that something wasn't right, there were no creatures here.

The water was getting colder and colder!

It was as if his thoughts were being frozen.

He felt like he couldn't hold on for much longer.

And this was Chu Yu's body at that!

A body forged by the golden metal ball!

His body, together with his level of cultivation, was nearing the ancestral realm!

How was this cold getting to him?

Chu Yu had to ensure that he wouldn't freeze to death.

He began using the killing days heart technique.

Because this technique was borne from the golden metal ball, the ripples it created were the minimal.

It was close to nothing.

After he started using the technique, he felt much better.

The vertical eye unleashed an energy that nourished his body.

Chu Yu stood up and stretched his arms, touching the invisible walls.


Chu Yu immediately retracted his arms.

With just a simple touch, blood began flowing out.

But the blood was soon kept back into his body by Chu Yu.


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The depths of the entire lake began rumbling.

Almost immediately, ancient runes appeared like terrifying eyes, radiating a light that swept through the entire area.

The would on Chu Yu's hand had healed almost instantly, to his relief.

The runes stayed here for half a day.

Chu Yu's heart was thumping throughout.

He knew that they were sent by the old man.

If they spotted him, he would be in big trouble.

After half a day, the runes dimmed and swam away.

Chu Yu heaved a sigh of relief.

The old man stood above the lake.

The riptide that had swept through the bottom of the lake had killed many of the creatures within.

A few of them were creatures of Saintly cultivation.

It did not affect Chu Yu much however.

Just like that, Chu Yu began investigating the two walls that he was against.  

Chu Yu knew that he could not touch them casually, he had learnt his lesson.

Carefully, he let out a tiny divine sense and retracted it.

He began his attempt to understand it, but to no avail.

He felt a semblance of Dao, he was like a kid who couldn't solve an advanced mathematical problem.

Chu Yu was at a loss for what to do.

But he had time.

As for those he had kept into his pocket dimension… he had no choice, they had to remain there for now.

The pocket dimension was about the same size as earth anyway, they could practice their cultivation there.

Just like that, days passed.

Chu Yu was like a statue at the bottom of the ocean, he didn't move, he only studied the Dao from the two walls.

The old man seemed to be dead sure that Chu Yu was nearby, he constantly searched the lake for any movement.

It was a long stalemate.

From Chu Yu's point of view, his loved ones were all safe by his side.

What did he have to lose?

Come find me if you have the balls to.

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