
Chapter 609

Chapter 609: The Passage of Time

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Oh f*ck!

That was terrifying!

The shattering of the divine sense, even though it did not cause any harm to Chu Yu, made him jump.

Chu Yu hesitated before opening his vertical eye and taking a look at the shackle.


A terrifying killer intent rushed out.

It was formed by several ancient runes.

The powerful energy rushed towards the vertical eye.

The vertical eye let out an energy wave that blocked the rush from entering Chu Yu's body.


A riptide formed at the depths of the lake.

It carried a terrifying amount of energy as it exploded in an instant.

The hairs on Chu Yu's body stood up as he hastily retreated, he wanted to dodge this fearsome riptide.

He looked over with a nervous face towards the shackle.

Luckily, nothing came bursting forth this time, but he was still scared.

It was just a shackle!

Even the vertical eye's divine sense shattered when it touched it!

Chu Yu bemoaned this, but he was still curious.

If a shackle was so terrifying, what about the thing it was holding back?

What kind of thing was it?

Was it even more terrifying?

The Bastion of Stars held too many secrets, even great beings didn't dare to relax here.

But Chu Yu's understanding of the Bastion of Stars was not deep.

Even though he knew that this place was full of things that could potentially kill him, the thirst of knowledge drove him on.

He went down to take a look.

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Chu Yu swam towards the chain again.

He didn't dare to use his divine sense this time, nor did he use the vertical eye.

He only sank with it.

He was at an unbelievable depth, the pressure was unreal as well.

Even Saints would feel an enormous weight on their shoulders.

It was hard to breathe!

Even though Chu Yu wasn't under that much pressure, he knew that it would only get worse as he went further down.

The protective energy around him was constantly flowing as well.

The killing days heart technique and three realms technique were both being used.

This was his greatest takeaway from the thousand years of dwelling in the lake.

Even though there was not much growth in his cultivation, he was now able to use them together.

Dual technique usage!

This was something that many beings wouldn't dare to imagine achieving.

Chu Yu still did not contact the people in his pocket dimension.

He was still afraid of the old man.

He was prepared to see what the shackle was holding back.

He would then break through another barrier and contact his family.

Otherwise, they might have thought that he had met with danger.

The deep dark depths of the lake seemed to be devoid of life.

It had been many days, Chu Yu had not seen a single creature here.

The shackle continued to head below.

Chu Yu was tempted to reach out to grab it.

What laid beneath?

But he held his curiosity back.

After many days, Chu Yu met with another border.

The chain went through it like it was nothing!

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It continued heading to deeper depths.

Chu Yu was a little lost.

Wasn't that cheating?

But he did not give up, this meant that the shackle was no ordinary thing.

It was just a border right?

Chu Yu just needed to break through it!

It was like walking down a familiar road.

Chu Yu had been studying the borders of the Bastion of Stars for the past 1000 years, he had some enlightenment.

This time, he only needed ten years.

In the moment where he went down, the border completely sealed up behind him.

"I want to see my family," Chu Yu looked back.

His divine sense could not penetrate the border.

It had been two borders past now… surely the old man wasn't on his tail?

Chu Yu decided to pay his loved ones a visit.

He left a timer in the lake- he wanted to see if time passed at the same rate in the lake as with the pocket dimension and the surface.

He had an inkling that time flowed faster here.

But he wasn't sure because there was no basis of comparison.

Chu Yu appeared within his own pocket dimension.

He looked around quickly, everyone was still there.

It was just that…

Chu Yu was a little shocked, there was a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"How could this be?" he frowned, he felt like he was hallucinating.

The sight before him befuddled him.

The group of people were just standing before him, as if they had just entered!

Xu Xiao Xian looked surprised, "Why are you here already? Have we reached the Bastion of Stars?".

"…" Chu Yu was speechless.

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Something was wrong.

He looked at the group before him.

There was nothing wrong!

"What happened? Did something happen?" Lin Shin asked with a face of concern.

"Did you meet the enemy?" Song Yu asked.

"No, nothing's wrong, how much time… has passed?" Chu Yu asked.

The group of them looked at Chu Yu in unison as Fatty laughed, "How much time has passed? Brother, we've only been here for half an hour, don't tell me it's been a 100 years out there!".

Da Jia Zei ruffled his feathers as he said, "Hey Fatty, you should say a 1000years instead, that'll be funnier! Hahaha!".

Everyone laughed.

Chu Yu was in a state of shock.

Was he the one hallucinating or was it them?

The group could tell that something was off about him. 

Old Huang looked at Chu Yu, "Could it be true… that it's been many years?".

Everyone quietened down as they looked at Chu Yu.

Chu Yu gave a wry smile, "I didn't count exactly, but according to the flow of time on earth, it should be just over a thousand years.".

Everyone else's faces contorted in shock!

If the words hadn't come out of Chu Yu's own mouth, they would never have believed such a thing.

Even though their cultivation levels were inferior to Chu Yu's, the flow of time should always remain the same.

Because this was a pocket dimension crafted by Chu Yu himself.

Powerful cultivators could create their own environment and distant their passage of time from that space.

This was why many powerful cultivators did not pay too much attention to the passage of time.

The passage of time in different places could possibly be different.

Chu Yu explained everything that had happened at the Bastion of Stars.

It was simple really, the story could be told in three sentences.

But the shock in here was overwhelming!

First, Chu Yu entered the Bastion of Stars and hid in the lake.

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The old man came as well!

Next, the two battles between the gods occurred.

Chu Yu only felt the energy, he didn't know who were the ones battling the old man, nor was he sure of the outcome.

After everything settled down, he began seeking enlightenment from the borders.

After 1000years, one of them opened.

Then, Chu Yu saw the shackle, and he hit another border.

Fatty said with a face of excitement, "That's good isn't it? That means that time passes quicker in the lake. We can train our cultivation there with half the effort!".

Chu Yu rolled his eyes, "Go out? If you head out now you'll be crushed by the pressure!".

Fatty said with some doubt, "I'm a Saint now alright? How could I die so easily?".

Chu Yu smiled, "You want to try it?".

Fatty shook his head, "Forget it, I don't think you're lying…".

Even though they did not know what was the reason behind the time lapse, it was a good thing.

Chu Yu was worried that they had waited for a thousand years.

"Phew!" he let out a long breath.

He didn't really know what to say.

"Luckily, you guys are still young, it makes me much more at ease.".

The group didn't quite know what to say either.  

But they could understand what Chu Yu was feeling after everything he went through.

Lin Shi and Xu Xiao looked at him heart-wrenchingly.

He had been alone for a thousand years.

Surely it must have been lonely?

Chu Yu looked at the two girls and smiled, "Perhaps my perception was wrong. The Bastion of Stars is way too complicated, it isn't something I can understand at this level.".

He settled the rest down here.

After that, he left the pocket dimension and returned to the depths of the lake.

Once he returned, he checked out the timer that he had left behind.

In less than half an hour in his pocket dimension, 960 years had passed here!

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