
Chapter 610

Chapter 610: The End of The Shackle

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

This wasn't an illusion!

Chu Yu felt that it was hard to believe.

This was the Bastion of Stars?

He felt like a student out of his league!

As a great Saint, his cultivation was unparalleled in the mortal world.

Apart from the old man and other gods, there shouldn't have been anyone else that could match him in the mortal realm.

But here in the Bastion of Stars, he was just like an elementary kid.

There were far too many things that he didn't know!

This gave him a headache.

Like math problems to a child.

He looked closely at the shackle beneath him, and a feeling of hesitation emerged in his mind.

Should he continue going down?

He wasn't even sure about the speed of time here, he didn't dare to touch the shackle either.

If the shackle itself was that scary, the thing it held should have been way scarier.

Curiosity killed the cat after all!

Chu Yu sighed and continued sinking.

His inner curiosity triumphed over this fear of the unknown.



When he met a border, he would break through it.

Just like that, 10,000 earth years passed quickly.

Chu Yu returned to the pocket dimension time after time, but there were not many changes.

2,000 years… was just an hour there!

So after these 10,000 years, only 5 hours had passed.

The group inside did not know what to say to Chu Yu either.

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They couldn't experience the outside, they did not know how lonely it could be.

To them, they would see Chu Yu appear every half an hour.

Moreover, Chu Yu's body hadn't gone through much changes.

They slowly got used to it.

They used the time they had to build a small house.

Chu Yu reappeared at the lake as a though appeared in his mind.

The world was fair- It had been 10,000 years, he didn't need to worry about the old man anymore, he could use his powers to hone his cultivation.

But the progress in his training was as slow as it could be.

There was barely any progress.

If he had used these 10,000 years to train as per normal, Chu Yu believed that he would have already reached the ancestral realm!

The only difference was that Chu Yu's will was must stronger than before.

Whatever he had gone through was real to him.

The time spent alone could only be understood by one who had gone through the same experience.

Chu Yu thought he wasn't scared of loneliness.

But these years proved otherwise.

Every 2,000 years or so, he would return to the pocket dimension to take a look, afraid that he would forget the faces of his friends.

2,000 years was a long time!

On the sealed earth, it was more than the age of civilisation!

Chu Yu could also understand why there wasn't the aura of a god on people like the Dragon.

How could they hold that image for billions of years?

Only statues could do it!

Chu Yu continued to head deeper.

This lake was like a universe in itself.

It was way too deep.

If not for the shackle, he would have long given up.

100,000 years passed.

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Only two days had passed in the pocket dimension.

Chu Yu's cultivation had reached unimaginable heights!

His speed of cultivation now was very quick.

Even though he already had the killing days heart technique, the superclass, and the three realms technique to help him, there were still many imperfections.

But after these 100,000 years, he could slowly fix the imperfections.

His fundamentals had reached a whole new level.

Although he still couldn't compare to existences such as the old man, he could put up a fight against ancestral beings now!

But he still didn't know if the great Saints at the Bastion of Stars were stronger than he had imagined.

200,000 years passed.

Even though the environment in the lake was not suited for cultivation, Chu Yu's accumulation of knowledge allowed him to break into the ancestral realm at any moment.

Once divine judgement came, he would become an ancestral!

A young one at that!

This made him extremely excited.

He just didn't know if time flowed differently in the depths of the lake and the surface.

If the speed of time on the surface was the same as the flow of time in the pocket dimension… he would've struck the jackpot!

He could stay here for another billion years!

When he went out, it would've just been a month.

But it was a pity that there were no heavenly thieves in this place.

He had to wait for the light of day.

Chu Yu had always felt the cold in the lake, it was a kind of cold that froze the soul.

But he had gotten used to it after all these years.

In the recent 100,000 years, he didn't seem to need the protection of the vertical eye anymore.

Of course, he still had to rely on it once in a while.

He had also broken through hundreds of borders in these 200,000 years!

None of them were the same!

Even though he had broken through many of them, each one posed a new challenge, and he had to buckle down to solve them.

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It was never easy.

He was fortified by his training.

He had considerable improvement in many aspects.

The last time he returned to the pocket dimension, roughly 20,000 years ago, he gave Fatty a few tips.

Fatty was so overjoyed that he wanted to follow Chu Yu out, who didn't envy the difference in the passage of time?

Even Ming Hui wanted to as well.

Chu Yu brought a bottle of lake water back to the pocket dimension that time.

He let out a drip inside there.

Instantly, the entire place nearly became a frozen tundra!

Fatty's two wives were nearly turned into frozen statures!

Luckily, Chu Yu managed to keep the drop of water quickly.

Chu Yu was shocked himself.

He never expected the water at the depths of the lake to be that fearsome.

He was glad that he could withstand it, but there was a sense of fear, and a sense of suspicion.

Chu Yu understood it now, it was the golden metal ball!

If Chu Yu didn't have it, he would never be able to reach such depths!

These depths were not meant for just any creature!

It was no wonder he had not seen a second living thing underneath the waters for all these years.

Fatty nearly peed himself, and he never mentioned going out ever again.

Across all these years, Chu Yu had been studying the shackle as well.

He tried bit by bit.

Even though he still could not touch it, his divine sense no longer shattered when it came into contact with it.

The metal that this shackle was made of was definitely divine gold of the highest grade.

Traces of Dao wrapped the top of it, and within it, there was an unimaginable force.

Even though it looked thin, its powers were terrifying.

Chu Yu had a feeing that he was reaching the bottom!

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Which meant that he was nearing whatever the shackle was holding back.

After a few years, he could clearly feel that the shackle was nearing its end!

When he broke through another border, the vertical eye gave him a large amount of information.

Apart from divine judgement, Chu Yu was basically an ancestral now.

He was elated!

The amount of information that this progression gave him was hard to believe!

His brain was almost fried.

The border closed up behind him and reconfigured itself- which meant that Chu Yu had to solve it again if he were to return.

After he pieced the load of information in his head, he was at a loss for words.

The information depicted a stone statue.

A stone statue that was shackled and locked up.

It was just a statue? And it nearly fried his brain?

The statue was merely a metre tall…

Even statues of stone lions on earth were taller than that!

Chu Yu tried to imagine how they would look like side by side.

It wasn't hard to imagine the stone lion statue back in his home.

Chu Yu wanted to verify if the statue was an ordinary one.

In the end… he couldn't picture it in his head!

He could not place them together side by side?


This is interesting now!

Chu Yu now understood what was going on.

The statue's true size… it was too big!

Like the biggest planet and earth, the difference was stark.

In front of such a size, the stone lion statue in his head was just a speck of dust!

It was why the information the vertical eye gave him nearly exploded his brains.

Where did this statue come from?

Why was it shackled to the bottom of the lake?

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