
Chapter 611

Chapter 611: The Stone Statue

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

"Hey, little guy.".

A grand divine sense suddenly resounded in Chu Yu's mental realm.


Chu Yu was like a kitten in a terror attack.

The hairs on his body stood up as he was frightened.

"Don't be afraid.".

Even though the divine sense was grand, it was gentle.

It seemed to have suppressed itself to the maximum.

If the voice was any louder, it would've killed Chu Yu.

"I'm not scared. Alright… maybe a little, no, I am pretty scared," Chu Yu said fickly.

How could he not be scared?

The shackle itself was terrifying enough!

Chu Yu didn't even dare to touch it after all these years.

And now he saw the statue at the end of it.

And it was communicating with him?

The stone statue in Chu Yu's head was rough, the image was blurry.

He couldn't even tell how it looked like.

One had to stretch their imagination to be able to tell that it was a statue of a man.

"Hahaha…." The low voice laughed.

"Don't laugh…" Chu Yu's head hurt.

It was like a hurricane had swept through his mind.

Chu Yu didn't know why the vertical eye had informed him of the image of the statue.

Because it was just an image of its appearance!

And it occupied Chu Yu's entire mental capacity.

When the voice resounded, Chu Yu's head felt like it was splitting.

The feeling was excruciating.

"I never expected that the first living thing I would see is a measly human.".

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Was this creature not a human?

A wave of suspicion rose in Chu Yu's heart.

But he had no energy to think, his entire mental realm was occupied.

"Walk down a few steps, don't force yourself, count your steps. Stop when you feel pain," the divine sense said.

"Alright…" Chu Yu replied.

He did not feel any malicious intent from the divine sense.

The key thing was that he could tell that the divine sense was suppressed on purpose.

If it was just a little louder, Chu Yu's mental ream would have collapsed.

Chu Yu walked down stepped by step.

The first ten steps made him feel like he was going to explode.

Even with the energy from the vertical eye, the feeling was clear.

Chu Yu stopped in his steps as he asked, "Do I still need to walk further?".

The divine sense echoed, "Take a few more steps.".

Chu Yu took another few steps.


Chu Yu could hear the sound of his body cracking.

There were marks all over his body, like a broken porcelain vase.

It looked horrific.

"Do I still need to continue," Chu Yu asked, fear rose in his heart.

This was different from the rest of the lake!

There was no threatening energy, it was pure weight!

Even an ancestral being could not withstand it!

It was hard to imagine what would happen if the stone statue was not shackled.

Would the world end?

"Alright, you can stop now.".

There was no joy or loss in the divine sense, he sounded normal.

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Chu Yu stopped there as he felt his body reassembling itself.

The crack marks soon disappeared.

Everything looked as good as new.

"Walk again," the divine sense urged.

Chu Yu continued to walk down.

Every step was harder than the previous one!

The pressure he was withstanding was excruciating.

With every step that he took, he felt as if his body was going to be completely flateened.

His perfect physique had no use.

It was weak here.

Chu Yu walked and stopped for about a hundred steps before he finally saw the tip of the stone statue.

It was just the tip.

In his eyes, the tip was not large, it was just like the image he had seen in his head earlier.

The statue looked like it was just about a metre tall.

The pressure here, however, was terrifyingly overwhelming.

"You're not bad, you could actually withstand the pressure of a hundred realms. You've surpassed my expectations… by a little," the divine sense echoed.

Chu Yu was stunned: a hundred realms? What did he mean?

"If my body is placed in the world you're familiar with, it would be… immeasureable! You won't even be able to see my entirety. Perhaps not even one of my eyes.".

"For you to see clearly, I've delivered the image of myself to your outer world treasure.".

"At the same time, I wish you can interact with me.".

"Not just anyone can come here, you're already the best of the best.".

"Are the more powerful beings that have been here?" Chu Yu asked.

"Of course. That being walked down three hundred steps, he withstood the pressure of three hundred realms. He also saw my entirety.".

The divine sense belonged to the statue, its words stunned Chu Yu.

Each step was a realm!

Every step taken in front of this statue was receiving the pressure of a realm.

Chu Yu had taken a hundred steps, which meant that he had withstood the pressure of a hundred realms.

There was someone who could take three hundred steps?

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What kind of being was that?

Chu Yu was shocked, and so he asked the stone statue.

The stone statue's answer left him speechless.

"The being was of the same cultivation level as you. But he had his method. He had an outer world treasure as well, and his greatest technique gave him some leeway. Even without those things, he could take at least 130 steps," the stone statue answered.

Chu Yu thought about it and said, "Can I try again?".

"Don't force yourself kid," the divine sense reminded him.

Chu Yu shook his head, "I'm not forcing myself, I feel that… I can go further!".

Before this, Chu Yu only used his physical body!

He hadn't even used the three realms technique or the killing days heart technique.

Now, he felt like he could use one of them.

The three realms technique!

In the moment where he began using the technique, the statue let out a gasp.

"I'm surprised that you know this technique, it has chosen you.".

Determination was the key to cultivation, one had to step up in the face of adversity.

One step, two steps, three steps…

Chu Yu used the three realms technique and advanced another 30 steps.

The pressure of 130 realms left him breathless.

Chu Yu immediately began using the killing days heart technique.

Dual technique usage… activated!

This time, Chu Yu charged forward and took another hundred steps.

He was 230 steps in now!

The pressure was incredible here, his entire body was feeling it.

But the feeling of collapse from before had disappeared.

It was just too heavy!

Every step was arduous.

When he took a look at the timer in his mental realm, he received a huge shock.

With these 230 steps, over 100,000 years had passed.

And he felt like it was nothing!

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He hadn't noticed it, but from the moment he used the killing days heart technique, the stone statue went silent.

He did not let out any divine sense.

Until Chu Yu stopped.

The stone statue said, "No wonder. Use your outer world treasure and go to the bottom.".

Chu Yu gave a wry smile, the golden metal ball in his vertical eye had always been his greatest secret!

It was his trump card.

Even ancestral beings couldn't see through this.

But in front of great beings such as gods and this statue, it was not secret at all.

This statue was clearly on the same level as the gods.

Perhaps… it was even more powerful.

What was it?

Chu Yu began using the golden metal ball in his vertical eye as his body relaxed.


He wanted to curse.

If he knew this earlier, he didn't need to waste that much energy!

The vertical eye didn't give him any hint. He felt slightly betrayed.

The last 70 steps were taken with ease.

The stone statue was quiet once again.

After 300 steps, Chu Yu could finally see how the stone statue looked like.

It was exactly the same as what he saw in his head before.

But Chu Yu did not mention it.

Although the stone statue could tell that Chu Yu had an outer world treasure, Chu Yu did not know if the stone statue knew of its powers.

Chu Yu's guess was that they did not.

Of course, Chu Yu did not how any looks of surprise as well.

The pressure of 300 realms was no joke, even if the last few steps were easy.

Wat left him speechless was that this place was not the deepest part of the lake.

He looked down and saw a dark and endless abyss.

The stone statue was actually wrapped by shackle and placed at those depths.

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