
Chapter 628

Chapter 628: An Ambush Is What It Is

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

The Bestial clan occupied the southern part of this area.

The place where they inhabited was dominated by towering mountains and deep valleys.

Ferocious predators roamed

Even though the resources were rich, this was also the most dangerous place here.

Below their clan's grounds, legend said that there was a hidden secret machine. As long as one could obtain it, it would produce at least two powerful cultivators.

Cultivators at the level of the ancestral realm!

The Bestial clan was the weakest amongst the three, they only had four ancestral beings.

If they could produce another two, their power would overtake that of the Qu clan's.

Many years ago, both the Dong and Qu clans had tried to obtain this secret machine.

But even the Bestial clan members themselves could not obtain it.

They all fell to defeat.

From that time onwards, no one had mentioned it any longer.

But the Bestial clan never gave up.

As the weakest clan amongst the three, they wanted to change their standing.

7000 years ago, a generational talent of the Bestial clan sneaked into the depths of the land in search for this secret machine.

He couldn't do it explicitly because that area had long been deemed a forbidden land! 

What no one expected was that the young man actually succeeded!

He managed to do it all by himself!

He wasn't greedy, but once he obtained the secret machine, it was transmuted into his body.

The young man didn't dare to leave that place.

He locked himself in the depths of the land for over a thousand years!

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Most of his clan members thought that he had died. They made the rules even more stringent and forbid people from going down.

Even though the Bestial clan did not say anything about this, the Qu clan knew what had happened.

Everyone thought that he was dead.

But 6000 years ago, that young man came out of seclusion!

At that time, he had already successfully stepped into the ancestral realm, and was an inch away from the Flying Immortal Stage!

When he appeared, he immediately went to the ancestor, he did not startle anyone.

Apart from the ancestor, no one else knew that he was still alive!

He was the trump card of the clan.

He was hidden from 6000 years ago, until today.

This man sat opposite the Bestial clan's ancestor as they sipped on some wine and savoured a few dishes. 

The young man said, "Old man, can I finally show myself?".

The ancestor nodded his head and smiled, "If my guess is correct, now is the time.".

"The Dong clan?" the young man asked- even though he had remained hidden for so many years, he was well aware of the issues on the surface.

The Bestial clan's ancestor nodded, "Yes, if my guess is correct, the Dong clan will attack us. They've tried many times over the past few years. They even tried to approach the Qu clan to separate us.".

The young man raged, "He can dream on if he wants to disrupt the relationship between us and the Qu clan!".

The ancestor laughed, "The Qu clan's only concern is that they won't be able to handle the Dong clan if they breakaway from us.".

He continued, "Friends, family? These are all empty words. The only thing that exists is self interest.".

"Ancestor, how do you plan to use this opportunity then?" the young man asked.

"What else can we do apart from protecting ourselves? We have to let the Dong clan feel some pain. We can't hide your existence any longer after this though," the ancestor said with some pity.

It was always good to have a trump card.

"I can't wait. I've trained for so many years, I have to do something for the clan," he smiled.

"Here's to beating them!" the ancestor said as he raised a glass.

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"Don't worry old man!" the young man toasted.

On the battleship, Chu Yu met the green bird once again.

This time, the green bird had a far more polite and respectful tone.

It had delivered a great gift!

"This is from my clan's ancestor, he wishes for you to fight the Qu clan and suppress them!" the green bird said.

Chu Yu nodded, "I've received your gift, of course I will help, do not worry!".

The green bird did not stay for long, he soon left.

"The Dong clan is very wealthy!" Chu Yu said as he looked at the cultivation resources delivered here.

He was stunned!

This was just a small area of the Bastion of Stars, but their wealth was astounding.

The resources that were sent were equivalent to the energy of a hundred galaxies!

If he were to bring these back to the Limitless Sect, it would be enough to sustain them for many years.

"Did they really think they could get their things back when they've landed in my hands?" Chu Yu laughed.

He sent Shang Guan Mu to the pocket dimension.

"Why?" Shang Guan Mu asked, he wanted to stay by his master's side.

"The enemy will come soon, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you," Chu Yu said before sending Shang Guan Mu to the pocket dimension.

He kept the battleship and descended on one of the large mountains nearby.

A few days later, at night, two powerful traces of energy lunged at his location.

There were no words said, they struck immediately!


The entire mountain shook as cracks appeared everywhere.

Countless creatures died immediately!

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The presence of these two beings alone was enough to suffocate the creatures here.

Their intent was not to scare, but to kill!

A powerful divine sense surrounded the entire mountain!

They were searching for traces of Shang Guan Mu's presence.

After making their move, one of them let out a fiery divine sense, "Why? Why isn't that little twat here?".

Chu Yu had long flown into the sky before they attacked.

He looked down at them and opened his vertical eye.

He didn't believe that they were from the Qu clan!

The Qu clan was definitely after him, but if they really wanted to fight, they wouldn't have just sent two people as before.

Under the view of the vertical eye, Chu Yu could tell that they were only mimicking the moves of the Qu clan, they were imposters!

The Qu clan's powerful beings had the soul form of snakes, while the Dong clan's had the soul form of birds!

The two powerful beings here had the soul forms of birds.

"Heh, you want to use these underhanded means?".

The two powerful beings attacked Chu Yu from below!

Even though their cultivation was not as great as Chu Yu, the fighting power was still terrifying.

One of them howled and asked Chu Yu to hand over the child.

What the f*ck? That's over pretending now isn't it?

Chu Yu did not want to expose them, the two parties began fighting as an explosive battle erupted.

In the end, the two beings left angrily in the direction of the Qu clan's grounds.

They even howled and said that this would not be the last Chu Yu saw of them.

Chu Yu immediately gave chase.

They did not expect he would do so, and they immediately used a forbidden equipment and escaped in a frenzy.

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If Chu Yu really did catch up, things would be troublesome.

Chu Yu didn't care too much, he continued in the direction of the Qu clan!

The Qu clan went into chaos after seeing him!

The ancestor hadn't informed the clan members about what was going to happen.

The news of this ancestral at the flying immortal stage coming over was alarming and frightened many of them.

The ancestor was a little stunned as well. He was just about to send men to ambush Chu Yu and negotiate. But now, Chu Yu had come to their doorstep… what was this?

He soon found out the reason!

Two powerful beings had battled this man before, and even asked to hand over the little b*stard.

They were pretending to be from the Qu clan/

"F*ck, he's asking for death!".

The Qu clan's ancestor bellowed with rage.

A killer look flashed across his eyes.

He wanted to know who was scheming against them.

It was most likely the Dong clan.

"You want to add fuel to the fire and reap the benefits later? I won't allow it!" the ancestor gritted his teeth.

Chu Yu had already entered their grounds as a fiery energy erupted from his body.

He shouted, "Is everyone here dead? Come out if you're not!".  

The divine sense echoed throughout.

The ancestor disappeared from his original location in a flash.

In the next moment, he appeared before Chu Yu up in the sky.

He howled, "You've hurt my descendants and you still have the guts to come here? Do you think we're easily bullied?".

Privately, he sent a divine sense to Chu Yu, "My Daoist friend, don't fall into the trap of the enemy, we can discuss and negotiate if there's a problem.".

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