
Chapter 629

Chapter 629: That's Too Much

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

F*ck negotiation!

What was there to talk about at this stage?

Let's have a fight first!

He sniggered, "You have the guts to send men to attack me and try to kill my disciple, but you don't have the guts to admit it? Cut the crap, go to hell!".


This attack rocked the edges of the Qu clan's territory. Up in the sky, an explosion erupted.

The laws of the Bastion of Stars were very complete, even great beings could not destroy planets like they could in the mortal realm.

But despite this, the clash of powers between two powerful beings were terrifying!

The sky seemed to be splitting.

The Qu clan's ancestor carried a heart full of rage, he wanted to see for himself how powerful this outsider was.

As the two traded blows, the creatures of the Qu clan were all shocked!

The enemy came to their doorstep?!

We shouldn't have mistreated the Shang clan back then!

The longer the battle progressed, the more flustered the ancestor got.

The opponent's battle prowess far exceeded his expectations.

Based on his own abilities, he seemed to be losing!

He was shocked and angry, but at the same time, he privately continued to send divine messages to Chu Yu, asking him to sit down and talk.

"My Daoist friend, those two are really not my men! We can get all of the ancestrals in my clan out and you can see for yourself! You've fallen into their trap! They wanted us to fight!". 

Seeing some weakness in the ancestor, Chu Yu didn't bother, he continued his assault.

His battle prowess was far too strong! 

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Many of his techniques were from the Monkey's legacy.

Before long, another two ancestral beings appeared from the Qu clan.

Even though there were three of them, Chu Yu still dominated and pushed them back.

One of them even had their arm severed by Chu Yu's sword.

The Daoist traces of the sword continued to battle that ancestral's own Dao at his wound.

The ancestor was anxious now, he delivered another message to Chu Yu, "My Daoist friend, do you really want to fight to the death? The Qu clan has five ancestrals in total, you've met two of them before, all three of us are here, are we the ones who did it?".

Chu Yu gave a cold smile, "Why should I believe you just because you claim that there are only five?".

"It really wasn't our men…" the ancestor said softly.

"But I received a shock from the attack," Chu Yu replied.

What the f*ck!

The Qu ancestor was enraged.

Why didn't this man chase after the two imposters and attack them like he was now?

Who the f*ck believed that he was scared?

But Chu Yu's words gave him the understanding that things were about to turn for the better. He even wanted to work with Chu Yu after this… a blood price had to be paid.

The Qu ancestor gauged the power of this outsider, he was trying to tell if the three of them here, together with the two ancestrals from the bestial clan, could kill Chu Yu.

The conclusion was that they could, but they would sustain terrible injuries as well.

Unless they went all out!

Nine ancestrals together!

The Qu ancestor thought to himself: If we can really gain his trust and turn him against the Dong clan, we have to get rid of him as well!

This man was a super power!

Who knew when he would leave?

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"What do you suggest we do my Daoist friend? This has nothing to do with my clan…" the Qu ancestor said with a wronged expression.

"I was scared by your sneak attack, your clan members did it, and now my heart is still thumping," Chu Yu said.

His attacks were vicious, he was definitely not scared.

It was the other two ancestrals who were scared to bits.

One of them had their arm severed, the other one would probably have fled if the ancestor wasn't around.

The ancestor's expression darkened, "To show our sincerity, our clan can give you some compensation.".

"Just a little? Hand over half your resources, and I'll let you off!" Chu Yu replied.

Well f*ck me!


Was he crazy?


Chu Yu suddenly accelerated at extreme speed and kicked the injured ancestral, sending his body flying.

The ancestral spat out a mouthful of blood, his body was nearly disintegrated by Chu Yu's kicked!

"Stop! Stop!" the ancestor was going crazy, if this continued the Qu clan would be beaten to a pulp.

How would they exterminate the Dong clan then?

"Do you agree or not?" Chu Yu asked.

A dangerous aura surrounded his body, it was as if he could unleash a killing blow at any moment.

The Qu ancestor stood in front of his two descendants as he said, "Your request is too ridiculous! This wasn't even started by our clan!".

"If not you, then who? Who trusts your words?" Chu Yu smiled coldly.

There was no explaining himself here.

Chu Yu had no way of knowing if he could trust the Qu ancestor.

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"A tenth of the resources!" the ancestor said as he gritted his teeth in rage.

He had to gather the bestial clan and kill this greedy motherf*cker from the outside, and then he'll destroy the Dong clan! When that time comes, he can get all the resources he wanted.

"Half," Chu Yu smiled.

"One fifth! We're taking the blame for the deeds of someone else, mainly because we want to become allies with you! Don't be so greedy!".


"Two fifths!".

"Half," Chu Yu insisted.

"Three fif-…" the ancestor did not finish his sentence.

"Alrigh alright! But you have to promise me one thing!".

"Speak!" Chu Yu instructed as he hit the other ancestral with his palm technique, which sent him flying off.

"F*ck! Why are you still fighting?" the Qu ancestor bellowed.

"If I don't fight, will the Dong clan believe that we truly hate one another?" Chu Yu responded cheekily.

The ancestor now understood that this shameless b*stard knew that the two men weren't from the Qu clan from the beginning!

He came here to negotiate!

He was a fraud!

The ancestor was fooled by Chu Yu.

He even thought that he had fallen into the enemy's trap and came here to wreck havoc.

But who knew? From the beginning, this man was clear of what he wanted.

The ancestor felt nauseous. The feeling of being played was horrible.

"Hurry, get the other two ancestrals out, the two that went to the Shang clan before. Otherwise, how else can we end this?" Chu Yu teased. 

He wasn't afraid that the ancestor would go back on his words.

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If he did, Chu Yu could always continue the fight.

From the start, the ancestor had been led on by Chu Yu.

Now, the ancestor called the other two ancestrals out as the five of them attacked Chu Yu together.

Chu Yu pretended to run away out of fear.

When he left, he mocked, "Hahaha, you call this the greatest clan here? How dare you come ambush me with this sort of power? I'll let you off since you outnumber me today! But I'll come back again! I hope to see some improvement when I do!". 

Even though the ancestor knew it was just an act, he was still furious.

The Qu clan had suffered huge losses today.

Even if they went all out, it was hard not to lose any of their own.

Even if they managed to injure Chu Yu badly, they would probably have all died.

The gap between them was not small at all.

After the act was over, Chu Yu entered the Qu quarters again.

The ancestor had the urge to give him a tight slap, but he held himself back.

Over all these years, no one had managed to shame them like this before.

Not even the great Shang clan of the eastern river!

"Hand over the goods," Chu Yu ordered as he looked at the ancestor.

The ancestor was furious!

He felt belittled and bullied.

Half of the clan's resources!

His heart bled from the hurt.

A feeling of regret suddenly appeared in his heart- if he hadn't ordered the two ancestrals to get rid of the Shang clan, would this have happened?

How regretful!

What a shame.  

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