
Chapter 630

Chapter 630: Furious

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

"Come on friend, let's just…"

"Take the money first," Chu Yu pouted his lips at him, "you should know better than to let your guests be greeted this way, Little Qu. A cup of tea perhaps? Are you despising me right now?".

The old ancestor bit down on his lips as he ordered his servants to prepare the refreshments.

Chu Yu was still looking at him with his mouth wide open.

He was driven to the edge, "Go on! Go to the storeroom! Retrieve half of the resources there! I am a man of my words!".

He looked at Chu Yu with bloodshot eyes, "But come on my friend, you have to be a man of your words too.".

Chu Yu gave him a wide beam.

The atmosphere was slightly tense and awkward.

Soon, two of the great beings of the Qu clan returned with a middle-aged man.

The man had a dark expression plastered on his face, he looked like he was in extreme agony. The moment he walked in, he got onto his knees in front of the Qu ancestor, "My great ancestor, how do you expect us to live if you take half of the resources away…".

The man was crying in desperation.

Chu Yu reached out into the delicate dish and grabbed a handful of snacks and began crunching on them.

He chattered on, "Not bad, serve us some more, there's too little here!".

The middle-aged master was also on the edge!

The snacks Chu Yu was crunching on was saved for the most special of occasions.

It was a delicacy!

They would only serve them to the noblest guests.

Look at this guy right here, mocking them as he munched on the fine treats.

Go to hell!

The ancestor was silent, as cold as a mountain, "What a disgrace! This is our most noble of guests! The most special… friend!".

The old ancestor was reprimanding the middle-aged man.

The man had no choice but to relent, someone that the old ancestor treasures must be someone of importance.

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After the great fight just now, he could tell that their side was at a complete disadvantage!

He ordered the servants to get more snacks and fished out thirty pocket dimensions that he had spent years crafting.

The old ancestor's face was grim.

He wanted to scream and curse!

Are you f*cking brainless?

Are you really fishing out half of all our resources?

There was an obvious break in the chain of communication.

Chu Yu took over the dimensions the man handed over, he wore a nonchalant expression on his face.

Without much thought, he kept the dimensions into his pocket.

He was concealing his joy and ecstasy.

Suddenly, he felt as if everything was working out smoothly for him, that it wasn't so hard to be the sect leader of the Limitless sect.

With families like this one supplying them, there was no need to worry resources at all.

"Back to business, my friend," the old ancestor hurriedly interjected Chu Yu's thoughts.

"Huh? What official business?" This is just compensation for my emotional damage. I'll take my leave now then"

The middle-aged man and the two powerful beings of the house nearly collapsed after hearing him.

What the actual f*ck!

Half of all our assets, just to pacify your traumatized feelings?

Can anyone get more shameless than this?

The old ancestor gave a tense smile, "Quit playing around…".

"I am not pulling your leg," Chu Yu was deadpan as he slammed his palms onto the table, "Little Qu, explain to me what is it that you want from me?".


"I haven't asked for any trouble here, have I?"

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"My disciple's old ancestor had some old problems with you, but not him, right?"

"He is just a child, he didn't come stirring any nonsense, right?"

"Trouble away from the clan, isn't that your slogan of the Qu clan?"

"What have you guys done?"

"I've already spared you all, are you clear about that?"

"What did I get in return for my mercy? A sneak ambush!"

"You should be grateful that I'm leaving your clan alone!"

Chu Yu was enraged, he was this close to shouting at the old ancestor.

The old ancestor was also triggered.

He had never met anyone like Chu Yu before in his entire life.

Chu Yu was so powerful!

And so thick-skinned!

He dared to talk to him like this?

If it was an ordinary person, the old ancestor would have shredded him into pieces.

"You know that those two men are not from the Qu clan! If they were, the five of us, together with those two men, would have nailed you down and slaughtered you no matter what," the old ancestor's words were harsh.

The thought of killing Chu Yu and sacrificing this split physical form crossed his mind, he was ready to do anything it took to take down this shameless bastard!

He was intolerable!

Even if they were threatened by the Dong clan.

Suddenly, Chu Yu burst out laughing, "Look at you guys, so anxious, I am just joking! Of course, I'm willing to lend a helping hand after receiving so many things from you, let bygones be bygones! What do you think about that?".

Chu Yu looked proud of himself.

The old ancestor was frozen on the spot, his facial muscles were cramping up.

He was extremely frustrated.

After a long while, he let out a long sigh and looked at Chu Yu, "My friend, if my cultivation was higher than yours, I would swallow you without a question.".

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"What an honest man," Chu Yu gave a polite smile, "I always knew that I was a likable man.".

The old ancestor held back his impulses and calmed his emotions, in his mind, he was thinking: "We'll see about that in the future!".

"So, tell me, Little Qu, what do you want me to do?" Chu Yu chattered on brashly.

"What is your opinion on this?" the old ancestor forcefully replied.

"What is my opinion? I have no clue, I thought the Qu and Bestial clan were going to team up against me!" he said matter-of-factly.

Seeing that Chu Yu had quit his fooling around, the old ancestor suddenly felt grateful towards him.

He found it preposterous!

Am I grateful towards that little brat?

"Yes, that was the original plan, but I changed my mind soon after that. I'd wanted to team up with you to take sown the Dong clan's old ancestor! Little did I know that they would have the same idea, and were acting way ahead of me!"

"Since it's a misunderstanding, I'll let it go," Chu Yu replied sincerely.

Return our resources if you know that it's a misunderstanding

The old ancestor was rolling his eyes.

He kept his silence, the last thing he wanted was to enrage Chu Yu again.

"Let's discuss what kind of show to put on in front of that old guy then!"

Chu Yu left the Qu clan after 2 hours, with his heart contented.

Before he left, he asked for more of that delicious snack, to be exact, he asked for a thousand kilograms.

Under the old ancestor's pleas, he managed to get away with five hundred kilograms.

Only then did Chu Yu leave the clan amicably.

If the old ancestor wasn't there, the rest of the Qu superiors would have started a riot against Chu Yu a long time ago.

Half of their assets…

What an expensive ally!

But the old ancestor's orders appeased them.

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Prepare to attack the Dong clan!

Are we going to take them out?

That's exhilarating!

The core members of the clan were all jumping with joy.

They knew that by the old ancestor's cautious nature, he wouldn't pass an order he wasn't confident about!

Dong clan, we're coming for you!

It would be a far-fetched dream to become the rulers across the land if they managed to take down the Dong clan!

Half of their assets… it was worth it!

They exchanged it for the glory of the Qu clan!

For centuries of glory!

They loved that idea of superiority.

At the Bestial clan.

The old ancestor and the young man had heard about what happened.

"That is extremely audacious of that foreigner!" the young man breathed out hostility.

He was still indignant about losing to Chu Yu.

"Forget about that, prepare to attack the Dong clan! The Qu ancestor had reached an agreement with that man, together, we shall extinguish the Dong clan!"

"Apparently, that man went ahead and wrecked chaos at the Qu clan, it took five great beings to subdue him, how did they reach an agreement together?"

The young man was full of curiosity.

The old ancestor chuckled, "He burned a hole in their pockets, the Qu clan staked in half of all their assets.".

"What? For real?" the young man felt incredulous.

"Qu Heng is a determined man, seems like this time, it's all or nothing for them! Thank god we have you around, if not…"

The young man nodded, "Yeah, if not, we'll be next. They would be marveling at me then! Hahaha!".

The old ancestor broke out into a laugh as well, "Enough, low-key, we have to be low-key!".

"Why is he here?".

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