Little Purple

Chapter 79: 79

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"...Brother?" Hu Zi'e eyes widened at his sudden comment.

"Nothing." Zhi Yu sighed. He looked to the window and saw the shadow of a man. "Zi'er, there is something I need to tell you."

He signaled the man to come in. Falcon swooped in, bringing something with him, a scroll.

Inside the scroll was a letter. It was from the previous emperor, addressed to Zhi Yu. She stared at the letter, but the characters were all unfamiliar. Being able to see did not mean she could suddenly also read.

Qing Bo helped her read the scroll. The content inside stated that the previous emperor was tasking Zhi Yu and Hu Quan Li to protect the land that he gave them, the reason being that he found mysterious special about the land, but...

"This letter is clearly only half-finished." Qing Bo frowned. "The previous emperor didn't finish stating the reason why Zhi Yu and the great general needed to protect the land."

"Yes, that is true. This letter is the last document that the previous emperor wrote. I found it after much work." Zhi Yu sighed helplessly. Qing Bo understood what he meant by the last part, meaning that he must have obtained it secretly. "See that dark smudge on the corner of the scroll?"

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Qing Bo checked, and indeed, there was a red-brown colored splash of what appeared to be dirt.

"I believe that that is the previous emperor's blood." Zhi Yu closed his eyes while Qing Bo's widened.

"I believe he must have been assassinated right before he could finish this letter." Zhi Yu was pained.

"But didn't the previous emperor die from an accident?" Hu Zi's eyes widened.

"That's just something the imperial family claims." Zhi Yu answered. "No one managed to figure out the truth. Some of his allies made speculations but didn't manage to get evidence of the ordeal… Of course, just a little dark smudge on a piece of paper that was found lying in a pile of trash can't be evidence either."

In truth, he never showed the letter to anyone else because he figured that it was safer to not alert the imperial family that the previous emperor was cautious about the land of Hu since they might become interested later and try to take it. But it seems that they found out about it anyway.

"Zhi Yu, you are one of the previous emperor's closest aides, what do you think is the reason for the previous emperor's awareness about this land?" Qing Bo peered.

"It's probably related to the kingdom of Han and the empire of Chu." Zhi Yu explained.

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"The kingdom of Han?" Hu Zi tilted her head. She knew of the kingdom, but wasn't that familiar with it.

"Zi'er, have you ever heard of the name Han Xu Ren?"

"You mean the genius prince of the kingdom of Han?" Hu Zi heard it from Hu Cheng Se before.

"Han Xu Ren reportedly once tried to make a machine to help the Han kingdom's industry, but when he tested the machine out on the dragon mountain, he realized that he had made a destructive weapon instead." Zhi Yu explained thoroughly. "He ended up destroying an area in the mountain. You two went there often so maybe you have seen it before. It is the only flat area in that rocky mountain, full of dragon teeth-like mountains and steep hills but not that many trees. I recall that there is a hot spring and a river near it."

Both Qing Bo and Hu Zi were rendered speechless. "Hu Zi, isn't that..."

"Yeah, that description sounds exactly like the area where we used to camp." Hu Zi broke into cold sweat. That area was huge, to think a lone weapon did that. "We better not let anyone have it, then. Where is it now? Did the infamous genius prince destroy it for good himself?"

"Well…" Zhi Yu wore a gentle but somewhat sarcastic smile. "It seems he buried it underneath this house."

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There was a sudden silence among them.

Qing Bo's eyes twitched. "What?" He slammed the table. "That powerful thing is right under our feet?"

"Apparently so." Zhi Yu had predicted that Qing Bo would react like this, so he had removed the teacups from the table earlier. "The probability of it is high."

Qing Bo sighed heavily. "This is my first time hearing about such a thing. Where did you get this information?"

Zhi Yu didn't answer, only glancing at Falcon a little before going back to Qing Bo.

Qing Bo saw his movement and turned his attention toward Falcon.

"Don't worry, the information is valid. We must protect this land from the imperial family."

"What will the imperial family do if they get their hands on the weapon?" Hu Zi said.

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"There is a big possibility that they will attack the Chu Empire." Qing Bo crossed his arms. "They have been meaning to do so for forever, those greedy foxes. It's not very surprising since the Chu empire is the largest and richest empire on the continent. Moreover, since they are located on the southern part, the climate is warmer and the crops are more varied than ours. I believe the emperor has been coveting their land since he ascended to the throne."

"The land of Chu, huh?" Hu Zi recalled some distant memories. "Hmm…"

"What's wrong, Hu Zi?" Qing Bo curiously looked at the former blind girl. "Did you think of something?"

"No, it's just that I had a friend from there a long ago. He probably already forget about me but I wonder how he is now."


A man with a dark robe and long hair looked up at the starry night sky through the window in his study room, searching for a particular star that had a light blue color.

That star reminded him of his best friend. It used to be the brightest star in the southern night sky, so he never needed to search for it. But this time, he ended up searching for quite a while and still could not spot it. "It died?"

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