Little Purple

Chapter 80: 80

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"I am thirsty."

Under the big tree's shade, a blue-clothed boy lightly touched his parched lips. His long eyelashes fluttered as the wind breezed by and moved his short dark hair.

The boy looked to the side where he could find spring water streaming down from the cracks between the stones. His cold and hollow eyes looked to where the water glittered when the sun rays touched its surface, and he gulped. He walked to the pile of stones and reached out his hand, cupping spring water within and drinking it. The water was fresh and felt cool along his throat. He took handful after handful, but no matter how much he drank, it couldn't satiate his endless thirst.

He wore a forlorn smile. "So, it is no use after all."

"Grrr…" Suddenly, the growling sound of an animal was heard, immediately jolting the boy. He looked around, all his senses keen and alert, trying to pin the direction the sound came from. However, all he could see was the thick surrounding forest from his place on top of the cliff. After a while, he managed to pin its direction but was shocked when he heard the sound of the animal getting closer and closer. He took a step and tried to run, but to no avail.

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The brown bear caught up to him and slammed him down. He was lucky that he jumped in time, as he barely managed to stop himself from flying. Unfortunately, the bear wasn't going to give up anytime soon.

"No, Brownie, you are not small anymore. Stop slamming your body on me." He panicked and dodged to the side. It didn't heed his request and kept charging. In the end, he needed to use force and pinched its acupoints to make it stop.

The bear, unable to move his legs, growled in pain and seemed to be asking the boy to release him. "You have been a bad bear. Now sit down and receive your punishment." The boy pinched the bear's cheek. It growl in denial, telling him that it wasn't trying to be naughty, just wanting to give him a gift to quench his thirst.

"No, I don't feel like drinking the honey you brought me. It won't solve my problem. I am not thirsty for normal water either. I am—"

All of a sudden, he could hear the mighty cry of a bird. He looked up to see an eagle flying on top of them, seemingly circling the area around the cliff before flying in the direction of a city.

"The imperial city, Jin Ye." He looked at the dragon tattoo on his wrist, his eyes suddenly growing darker and darker. "Brownie, I think it is time for me to go home."

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"You don't look so good, Falcon," Fa Sui said to his friend who was lying weakly on the cold ground. He raised an eyebrow, making a doubtful expression. "How was the mission?"

"Ay, do you even need to ask?" Veins pooped on Falcon's head. "We can't find him, alive or dead, ten months of searching were all for nothing!"

"So you haven't even found his body?" Fa Sui sighed. "That is strange. Your team is the best, not just in speed but also tracking. Your unit isn't called Falcon for nothing. Are your eyes going bad already, young man?"

"Stop teasing me." Falcon frowned. "And my unit is not called Falcon."

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"Well, the chief said that it was Falcon before, but because you were appointed as the leader, you told him to change the unit's name to Fei." Fa Sui chuckled. He still didn't know Falcon's real name, just sticking to the name Zhi Yu told him to call the new boy all those years ago. "On a serious note, we really need to find his body. I think the Third Young Miss is—"

"I see, he still has not been found." Qing Bo abruptly came and stood behind Fa Sui.

"Right…Right Counselor Qing!" Fa Sui jumped in fright.

Qing Bo sighed in worry. "Its true. If Hu Zi were to hear this, she would be very—"

"I already heard it." Hu Zi snuck in and joined the fun.

"What… Hu Zi!" It was Qing Bo's turn to sputter. "That… That is…"

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Hu Zi made a soft and helpless smile. She knew that the possibility of Shou's death was very high, as she saw him giving her his own life energy before falling from the cliff, but she at least wanted to bury his body…

Hu Zi tried to keep the pained expression off her face, but her emotions were all shown in those purple eyes of hers.

"Young Miss…" Fa Sui tried to comfort but trailed off.

"Don't worry, Hu Zi." Qing Bo suddenly came up to her. "That man always had a too-slick-to-die attitude," he said before sighing helplessly. "He is not dead yet. I bet my hair on it!"

Heaven knows how much Qing Bo treasured his hair. It was even prettier than his twin sister's. Hu Zi laughed at this, grateful for his attempt at cheering her up.

Even if the possibility of Shou being alive was very slim, she could not allow her sadness to cloud her from what mattered most.

Zhi Yu, Qing Bo, Shao Yao, Xiang Yi, Falcon, Fa Sui. They were all the family she had left, and she would do everything within her power to protect them. The Great General, Lady Tian, Hu Bai, Hu Cheng Se, Hu Ye, Qing Guang. These people had already passed by it was not too late to bring them justice.

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