Living Up to You

Chapter 15.1

Chapter 15 part 1

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The long white beard of Cang Yu floated in the night. The scent of the lotus flowers made Ling Xi’s head extremely clear.

She faced Cang Yu’s eyes frankly, nodded and said, “That is right. If there is a way to save eldest senior brother, even if Ling Xi has to give up everything, Ling Xi will not hesitate!”

Cang Yu’s solemn expression relaxed slightly. His tone also eased a lot, “Kneel.”

Ling Xi was surprised. She didn’t understand why the supremo suddenly made her kneel, but she still obeyed him.

“All the immortal ancestors of Cangjia Mountain, the moon and stars be a witness. Disciple Cang Yu, Cang Jia’s 396th supremo will take Ling Xi as my sixth disciple. I will train her fully and teach her carefully.” After Cang Yu said that, the stars and the moon seemed to have heard what he had said. They shone brighter than before.

When Ling Xi heard that, her heart got a big shock. It felt like a dream. She pinched herself fiercely.

“Ling Xi, are you willing to keep Cang Jia’s honor, protect the living beings of the six realms and make it your duty to remove devilish beings in the future?” Cang Yu looked once again at Ling Xi. His gaze was pure and clear.

Ling Xi’s eyes got red because of her pinch. Cang Yu was still in front of her and waited for her answer.

“Yes. In the future, Ling Xi will certainly keep Cangjia’s honor, protect the living beings of the six realms and make it my duty to remove devilish beings!”

“Good, from now on, Ling Xi is the sixth disciple of the supremo and the disciple of Cangjia Mountain’s 397th generation.”

Cang Yu reached out his hand. The stars and moon shone even brighter and gathered in his palm. They bloomed into a rainbow-colored silk brocade purse. The light floated and there was a string of pure white feathers at the opening.

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“This is your purse of tail feathers. Take it.” While Cang Yu helped Ling Xi up, he spread his hand in front of Ling Xi.

Ling Xi’s mind was blank. She didn’t know what to say and didn’t know what kind of expression she should put on. She only looked at that unique purse of tail feathers. She remembered that Qing Kui once dangled his colorful purse of tail feathers and said, “The color of the purse is an indication of the difference in cultivation. Look, I have mastered the cultivation of all five doors. So, I have five colors. As for the color of the feathers, it is the color of the spirit flower when it bloomed.”

Ling Xi accepted the purse of tail feathers. Immediately a cool breath spread from her fingers to her whole body. It was very refreshing.

“Ling Xi, lead the disciples of Cangjia in my name to participate in the Four Immortals’ Association and ask to see high-tiered deity Donghua. Tomorrow, I will let Qing Kui come pick you up.”

When Cang Yu left, the sky was glowing.

Ling Xi was confused and couldn’t tell what time this Xuwang Cliff would become dawn or that the barrier had been removed by Cang Yu that it would become day normally.

After all, this Xuwang cliff no longer had the need to lock up anyone. It was useless to keep the barrier.

Ling Xi sat in the lotus field for a long time. The last sentence that Cang Yu said before he left still lingered in her ears.

She thought that she would be imprisoned for life here. Finally, she could go down the mountain.

She thought that she would be disliked by the supremo for life. Finally, the eyes he looked at her with was without vigilance and he allowed her to appear in front of the immortals in his name.

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She thought that with her qualifications and the things she had done before, not to mention become a disciple of the supremo, it would even be a wishful thinking to become a disciple of Cangjia sect. However…

Ling Xi held the purse of tail feathers in her hand tightly. Finally, she had decided that she was not dreaming. She suppressed her excitement and ran to the study.

“Nan Zhi, Nan Zhi…,” Ling Xi yelled. She suddenly stopped when she reached the threshold.

The morning sunlight happened to pass through the window and left a string of golden marks on the desk and gave a thin layer of light to Nan Zhi who was dressed in black. His head was buried and his ten long fingers were carefully and dexterously travelling between the lantern paper. From time to time, it would stop, dip the brush in ink and add a few strokes.

Ling Xi looked at him a bit in daze.

He liked Nan Zhi’s focused look very much. He didn’t have many expressions. Often, there was only the expressionlessness when angry and the expressionlessness when happy or the true expressionlessness. At most, there was the disdain with a bit of dislike that appeared because of no choice for being pestered by her. Only when he is focused on one thing would she be able to find a warmth from his face.

Now, the sunlight shone on his face and undoubtedly dispelled the innate cold air, making the warmth softer.


Ling Xi was still in daze when Nan Zhi already stood in front of her and held the lantern in front of her eyes.

“You painted…,” Ling Xi happily took over the lantern. Looking at the ink painting on the lantern, she pointed at herself and asked, “Me?”

The woman in the painting was bright, beautiful and with a sweet smile. The dimple on her left face made her appear even more lovely and cute. She sat in front of lotuses, leaning against a stone wall and watched the sunset slowly disappear at the end of the sea of lotuses.

“Do I look so good…,” Ling happily touched her face. There was no mirror at this Xuwang cliff. She truly hadn’t really looked at her own face these past three years.

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Nan Zhi turned his gaze. He leaned against the threshold with his arms crossed. He looked at the sun without saying a word, but there was a faint smile in his eyes.

Ling Xi looked at the lotus field in front of her. If she had remembered correctly, there was no stone wall there…

She lowered her head and studied the painting again. The rough painting looked like stone wall. When she took a closer look, it was actually a silhouette of a person. The her in the painting was leaning on that person. The smile on her face…from Ling Xi’s perspective, there was suddenly a joy in there.

Ling Xi also didn’t know why when she saw this painting clearly, her heartbeat quickened inexplicably and her cheeks were slightly hot.

“Nan Zhi, I’m about to go down the mountain. Will you go with me?” Ling Xi calmed herself down for a long time before she carefully opened the purse with the tail feathers. The lantern instantly became smaller. While she put the lantern in the purse, she pretended to ask casually.

Nan Zhi was still silent as always. Ling Xi waited for a long time before she raised her head and saw his leaving back.

“Nan Zhi, where are you going?” Ling Xi frowned and shouted.

Forget it even if he didn’t stay with her, but he was still so impolite after three years. He still didn’t answer when people asked a question.

“Pack things up,” Nan Zhi answered.

Ling Xi’s frown immediately disappeared and her mouth revealed a smile.

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On the empty Tianmai Peak, Qing Kui would sneak down the mountain every three months and steal junior uncle Cang Qu’s wine. His life hasn’t been slow these past three years. However, the two words “extremely boring” couldn’t summarize the state of Qing Kui’s life of the past three years.

Shishu: junior uncle. The junior brother of your own master Shifu: master Shibo: senior uncle. The senior of your own master

Although, many times he got the intentions to go to Xuwang Cliff to taunt Ling Xi a bit, but the moment he recalled that angry face of master, his gall shrank to the bottom of Tianmai Peak and wouldn’t come out no matter how much one called.

Therefore, when he received the order to go pick up Ling Xi from Xuwang Cliff early in the morning, his sleepiness immediately went away. It was a rare sight that he diligently cleaned the main room where Ling Xi lived at in the past. Not only did he go to junior uncle Cang Qu’s place to steal wine, he also took two brand-new quilts. Finally, he ran to Dimai Peak and stole some rice and oil to fill the small kitchen that he turned his back on countless of times.

Who would know if that silly girl had made progress these past three years and whether she needed to allay her hunger with oil and salt…?

While Qing Kui thought that, he looked satisfied at the fruit of his labor. He took another look at the sun that just showed a whole smile. After he chanted a spell, he went to Xuwang Cliff on his sword.

Ling Xi was long waiting with her baggage. The moment she saw Qing Kui’s figure from afar, she beckoned and said, “Second senior brother.”

Qing Kui heard the call and sped up. Ling Xi hurriedly went to greet him.

Originally when Qing Kui heard Ling Xi shout that familiar “second senior brother”, he happily wanted to rush over and scare her, but when he got closer, he discovered that the wrinkled, ugly and short girl from his memories had disappeared. The one who was coming to greet him was a slender and elegant young girl dressed in light green clothes. She had pretty and delicate features. When she saw him, she smiled. Those bright eyes seemed to be shining.

Qing Kui just took one look before he froze. He forgot to control his speed and flew over.

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