Living Up to You

Chapter 15.2

Chapter 15 part 2

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Ling Xi also didn’t expect that Qing Kui wouldn’t slow down and flew straight towards her. Fortunately, she was no longer the Ling Xi of three years ago. She turned and dodged him on time.

When Qing Kui regained his senses, he discovered that he was about to hit a boulder of Xuwang Cliff. He took a sharp turn. Though he escaped the boulder, he lost his balance, fell down with his sword and was covered in dirt.

Ling Xi looked dumbfounded at Qing Kui’s series of movements and finally burst into laughter.

“Second…second senior brother…,” Ling Xi laughed. “Second senior brother…what happened to you? Haha…”

Qing Kui was annoyed that his face got red. He pointed at the approaching Ling Xi and said angrily, “Stranger, don’t come closer!”

While he talked, he quickly stood up. His lips moved and his body immediately became clean.

“Don’t second senior brother recognize me anymore?” Ling Xi could still not hold in her laughter.

Qing Kui kicked the sword on the ground disgustingly and then glanced disgusted at Ling Xi, “Ugly girl! I thought that you would’ve make some progress these past three years. Who would’ve thought that you haven’t cultivated an immortal body yet and only got uglier?!”

Ling Xi ignored his ridicule. She ran to him and compared her height. Three years ago, she only reached Qing Kui’s waist. Now she reached his shoulder.

“Sure enough, I have grown a lot,” Ling Xi said laughingly. “Second senior brother, let’s go.”

Qing Kui looked closer. Only now did he discover a shadow of the Ling Xi from three years ago. It had been a long time since he had seen such a big change on the people around him. For a moment, he was unable to accept it. He casted her sidelong glances suspiciously for a while until when he saw the black Chinese rose in her hair.

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“My Xiao Hei!”

Xiao Hei means little black

Qing Kui reached out to grab it. Ling Xi quickly dodged it, “Second senior brother, he is my immortal spirit now!”

It would be strange if Nan Zhi didn’t show up if he was caught by him (QK)…

“Ugly girl, I gave it to you! Quickly let me have a look!”

Qing Kui turned and wanted to grab that Chinese rose again. Ling Xi picked up the sword that had been kicked a few times by him, chanted a spell and ran away. “Haha, second senior brother, your sword seemed to be angry at you! I will leave first!”

Seeing that Ling Xi successfully picked up his Xiangyin sword, he shouted angrily, “Xiangyin, come back!”

After he shouted for a few times, his sword still flew farther and farther away with Ling Xi. Qing Kui angrily took out his wine gourd and humphed, “Let’s go! See how we will deal with them!”

Raini705 used wine jug, but I feel that wine gourd is more appropriate

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Ling Xi and Qing Kui didn’t immediately return to Tianmai Peak. Instead they went to Tingyun hall at the main peak of Cangjia Mountain.

At the center of the hall, aside from supremo Cang Yu and junior uncles Cang Hai and Cang Qu, there were other people who waited for them.

Ling Xi carefully put away the sword. She knew the other people. Senior sister Qing Lian, senior brother Qing Nian and also…big sister Xue Ran…

Shijie: senior sister Jiejie: big sister

Although, she hadn’t seen them for three years, but the three didn’t have remarkable changes. Only Xue Ran got more immortal aura to her. She obviously made great progress in three years.

“Ling Xi greets master,” Ling Xi went to Cang Yu, knelt down and paid her respect.

Aside from her and Cang Yu, the others were stunned by this.

“I have accepted Ling Xi as my disciple. From yesterday on, she is my sixth disciple,” Cang Yu spoke calmly while he helped Ling Xi up. “Today you will go down the mountain. The other entourage is her.”

On Qing Lian’s face obviously showed dissatisfaction, “But master said that there will be someone to lead us…”

“That is right, this trip to Donghua Mountain, you must take Ling Xi as the leader,” Cang Yu faintly said.

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“Master, if it wasn’t for her, eldest senior brother…”

“Qing Lian, are you questioning master’s decision?” Cang Yu unhappily interrupted Qing Lian.

Qing Lian still wanted to speak. Xue Ran saw this and hurriedly paid her respect to Ling Xi and said, “Shuimai Peak’s disciple of the 398th generation greats sixth junior uncle.”

Ling Xi took a few steps back shockingly. Xue Ran was a few years older than her. It should be her (LX) calling her “big sister”. However, she (XR) had entered Shuimai Peak and became Qing Lian’s disciple. She (LX) is Qing Lian’s junior sister. According to the seniority, she (XR) should call her junior uncle.

“Master, I also want to go!”

Before Ling Xi could respond,  she heard Qing Kui who just arrived said, “The prestigious immortals from all sects would come to the Four Immortals’ Association to discuss the major events of the immortal realm. It can be understood that master and junior uncles wouldn’t go in order to protect Cangjia. If even the youngest disciples were sent and I, this second senior brother didn’t go, it seemed a bit…”

Qing Kui intentionally halted his speech. He took a glance at Cang Yu’s expression. Originally, he had no interest in the Four Immortals’ Association, but even little Ling Xi is going. Could it be that he still had to stay bored at Tianmai Peak and continue to suffer punishment?

“You are still being punished. Retreat.”

The moment Qing Kui heard his tone, he knew that he had no chance. He casted a glance at Ling Xi and said, “My Xiangyin sword is at Ling Xi’s. It is angry at me. For the time being, it won’t come back to me. Master, why don’t we wait…”

Originally, Qing Kui wanted to say to wait till his Xiangyin sword wanted to return to his side before he would go back to Cangjia Mountain. Anyway, by that time, he would be down the mountain. To come back or not, he will see by then…

However, he hasn’t finished speaking yet when Cang Qu said, “It seemed that Xiangyin sword hit it off with Ling Xi. The trip of today was decided in a hurry. Presumably, there is no time to let Ling Xi choose her own sword. Senior brother, as I see it, why don’t you give Xiangyin sword to Ling Xi?”

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The moment Qing Kui heard that, he was startled. Seeing Cang Qu grinning from ear to ear at him as if he was saying, “Who let you steal my wine! You deserve to be suffocated in anger!”

“Master, this sword…”

“Alright. Ling Xi, accept this sword.” Cang Yu made a decision and didn’t wait for Qing Kui to issue a defense.

Qing Kui only felt a sharp pain in his heart. He got this Xiangyin sword after he suffered untold hardship and beheaded that old snake demon of the Thousand Demon Valley…

Yao: demon

“I have already explained to Qing Lian and Qing Nian the purpose of going to the Four Immortal Association and what you should pay attention to. You should just help Ling Xi successfully attend the Four Immortal Association.”

Cang Yu turned and beckoned, “Retreat. You can start your journey today at noon.”

Unexpectedly, this time Cang Hai didn’t say a word. He didn’t even comment on Cang Yu taking Ling Xi as disciple. He left with Cang Yu and Cang Qu.

“Master,” Ling Xi casted a glance at Qing Kui’s crying but tearless face. “Master, it hasn’t been long since Ling Xi entered the sect and have no qualifications. I’m afraid that there would be many mistakes with me leading everyone to Donghua Mountain. Why don’t you let second senior brother go with Ling Xi to help me? I believe that the trip will be a lot smoother.”

Qing Kui quickly said, “That is right, that is right. Master, I know Ling Xi the best and can definitely help her.”

Cang Yu turned his head and looked at everyone for a moment. Then, he nodded and said, “Then, go with them.”

At noon, the sun was at the highest and the clouds were more than the sea and the sea were calm like a mirror. At the top of Cangjia Mountain, five different figures emerged from the clouds and soared above the Eastern Sea accompanied by a scream of someone, “Bad wine gourd. Be more obedient! Fly more stable! Ah…”

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