Chapter 65 – Resumption of the Meeting

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TL: Cheetah

ED: Ryuubii


“Although we’ve had a bit of an extended break, let’s now resume the meeting…”

The Student Council President said.

The long desks were arranged in two rows, with the President and Senpai in the so-called birthday seats (TN: 誕生日席). A chair was placed next to Senpai, where I will be sitting in.

“We will now select the competition’s content based on the student’s answers on the survey. Please give me the results.”

Senpai said, moving forward the discussion.

Senpai looks so crisp, dignified, and cool.

She was also like this when she delivered announcements on the stage in the gymnasium.

“For these reasons, we believe that these three events are the possible candidates for the sports competition.”

Hmm… Was there such a thing as a student request survey…

Hn? Questionnaire form?

Ah! There was something like that! I think I wrote down some random stuff because I wasn’t interested.

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“If it is an event that is difficult for everyone to participate in, shouldn’t there be a competition that can be joined by a selected member?”

The discussion is severe, with no hint of the earlier atmosphere.

Frankly speaking, I don’t think I can be of any use here, and I’m worried I might be a nuisance.

Sara-senpai led the meeting, and all their opinions were inevitably subject to her approval.

“I-Isn’t t-that a good idea? Also, the students who are watching will enjoy it.” Said one of the council members.

I was listening to the conversation, but I couldn’t help gawking at Sara-senpai, and when she glanced at me, we couldn’t help but make eye contact.

She broke her crisp expression and gave me a soft smile, the one she always gives me.

…I couldn’t help but blush.

“Yes, I agree with that. It’s good not only for the players but also for the students watching the games.”


Somehow, a look of astonishments can be seen on the council members.

And only the Student Council President is smiling…

“Uhm, then, the costume relay is okay?”

A board member suddenly raised this statement to confirm. Everyone was still confused at what they witnessed for some reason.

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I don’t know why they’re in disarray, but…

“I second that since it was based on the student’s survey. Also, since it’s a request from the students, everyone can have fun whether they’re participating or not.”

Sara-senpai agreed with a gentle expression. And when everyone saw it, the decision was finalized.

In contrast to the confused faces of the council members, the smiling face of Senpai took my breath away.

But the decision was concluded relatively quickly.

It looks so much fun discussing things… Not in my class, though.

And now, they are having a light informal discussion.

“Vice President, about the suggestion box. For now, I’ve done as much as I can.” (TL: What chapter was it again? That’s way back!!!)

“Thank you very much. Then, I’ll do a final check on my end.”


W-Why is everyone looking astonished again?

“…What’s with Satsukawa-san today?”
“…I’m scared. The topic is being decided so smoothly.”
“…No, it would help a lot if she is always like this.”
“…I knew Satsukawa-san is a goddess! This is the real Satsukawa-san.”
“…Why did she have a change of attitude so suddenly?”

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The Student Council President grins from ear to ear. Is he planning something?

The others are whispering and acting weird.

“Well, that concludes today’s agenda. Thank you all for your hard work.”

The President began to speak his closing remarks facing everyone.

“I’m sorry, but I need to talk to Takanashi-kun about something. But if everyone has something to say about it, you can listen too.”

Finally, I can hear what the President wants to say.

But what does he mean, it concerns the others?

“President, I’ll tell you this first, if your talk with Takanashi-san is something that I can’t overlook, then…”

Senpai said, threatening the student council president with an unsettling aura. Everyone’s faces were turning blue.

“P-Please don’t put that kind of pressure on me. You’re scaring me, so I’ll get right to the point, Takanashi-kun. Would you like to join the student council?”


What the President said was too unexpected.

Me? Joining the student council?

Sara-senpai was surprised, while the others looked like pigeons hit by a peashooter.

“Me…? I mean, that’s really unexpected. But why me?”

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“There are several reasons, but I’m asking you to join to assist Satsukawa-san. To be honest, Satsukawa-san has a lot of work to do. And if you join, it won’t be difficult for her to follow you around and meet up with her.”

Indeed, just watching Sara-senpai, I somehow knew that she was swamped.

She had probably taken on a lot of work herself.

There would be no reason to refuse if I could make it a little lighter for her.

Senpai looked surprised, confused, and lost.

Considering her personality, she could not honestly ask for this.

“It would help if Takanashi-kun could take over the communication from the other council members. Your job would just be to look over Satsukawa and convey her the message on the right timing from the others.”


“President, I second the motion!”

“Takanashi-san, please! Please join the student council!”

“Satsukawa-san is having a hard time, so helpers are urgently needed!”
“Takanashi-kun… Please… support Satsukawa-san.”

Even the others seemed to be on board for some reason.

One after another, they threw words of approval at me.

To be honest, I’m glad to see them accept me like this, for whatever reason.

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