Chapter 66 – True Feelings

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TL: Cheetah

ED: Ryuubii


“President, I don’t want to trouble Takanashi-san with me!”

Sara-senpai nonetheless plans to refuse for that reason.

Considering Senpai’s personality, causing trouble for me is why she doesn’t want me to be a member.

Because if I were in her position, I would say that too.

However, I’m not going to refuse this proposal.

It’s not just because I want to repay the favor, but I want to do it.

I don’t know what I can do, but if I can help my Senpai in any way, I think this is something I should accept.

“President, I accept. To be honest, I don’t think I can be of any use as a student council member when I don’t know what I can do, but if I can help Sara-senpai even a little, I want to do it.”

“Takanashi-san, I don’t want to…”

Sara-senpai tried to stop me.

Of course, I would do that too if it were the other way around.

That’s why.

“Sara-senpai, if you were in my position… What would you do if you saw me as a Vice President that had a lot of work to do?”

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“Of course, if I can be of help to you, Takanashi-san, I would be happy to- Ah!”

We genuinely think alike – Senpai and I.

Then, indeed, she understands how I feel.

“Well… Takanashi-san, aren’t you inconvenienced? Joining the Executive Committee of the Student Council means that you will be on the managing side, mainly for school events. You will no longer be able to enjoy the events, and they will take up a lot of your time. But if you still…”

“Still, if I can help Sara-senpai even a little, I want to do it.”

Trying to persuade Senpai, I firmly stared at her eyes to convey my seriousness.

She was a little troubled, but Senpai nodded.

“Takanashi-san, I look forward to working with you.”

“Likewise, looking forward to working with you, Senpai.”

With this, I could finally be of help to Sara-senpai.

All I have to do now is improve on what I can do and do my best.

“With Satsukawa-san agreeing, this case is now closed. Things will be a lot easier.”

“Now, what should we do to solve the problem of these guys?”

“It’s impossible! There’s no way to solve it! Looking at how they interact, there’s no place to interrupt! Unconsciously going off to their own world, it’s worrying what will happen in the future…”


They were saying something over there, but I honestly didn’t listen to it because I didn’t care.

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It’s better to think more about what will happen from now on.

“It’s decided. Then, Takanashi-kun, let me welcome you to the Student Council. I look forward to working with you.”

“Yes, thank you very much!”

I said my thanks with a bow, and everyone applauded.

I saw Sara-senpai with a big smile, the President and the ladies smiling, and the men… with complex smiles.

Thus, I became a member of the Executive Committee of the Student Council to support Sara-senpai.

“We’ll do the proper introductions next time. Then, everyone, dismiss.”

Now, it’s time to head home.

As expected, it’s very tiring.

And before I knew it, Sara-senpai had brought my luggage from the next room.

She’s as fast as ever.

“Takanashi-san, thank you for your hard work even though you are not feeling well. Now let’s go home. Will your relatives visit you today?”

“Ah! N-no, I heard they were busy with something.”

I completely forgot.

Sara-senpai would surely forgive me if I told her, right?

“In that case, I’ll make dinner for you today. Mou~, you need to be well-nourished since you are still sick, okay?”

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“She said <<Mou>>…”

“Kyaah~! Cooking dinner for a boy at his house! Satsukawa-san, you’re so bold…”

「「「Guhooo!!! x3」」」

In the end, we didn’t realize that we had dropped an extra-large bomb.


After finishing the feast Senpai had prepared for me, the phone rang as I relaxed.

By the way, I offered to escort Senpai home, but she got mad at me and told me to rest.

The call was from Yuji.

Lately, we have been talking more than before.

“Hello, Yuji.”

“Hello, Kazunari. Has it been hard being sick?”

“Well, a lot has happened, and I am so tired.”

I talked to Yuji when I caught a cold, and he knows that Sara-senpai has been coming all this time. By the way, Yuji told me to stop Sara-senpai from showing sympathy.

When I finished talking about today’s events and the student council, Yuji asked me in a serious tone.

“Hey Kazunari, can I ask you something?”

“Hmm? What’s with the serious tone?”

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“You, what do you think of Satsukawa-san?”


“I know you’re overly concerned about Satsukawa-san, especially since she asked you to be her friend.”


Whatever position Sara-senpai wishes for me, it doesn’t matter as long as I can stay with her from now on.

More than that, I don’t want to let go of this happiness.

“Well, let me ask you this one thing. I’ll ask this only once, and you won’t hear about it again. So, tell me honestly.”


“Kazunari, do you like Satsukawa-san? Do you see her as a woman?”

It’s not a question that is difficult to answer.

Because from the very beginning, I already have my answer.

“Yeah, I like Sara-senpai. I love her, but…”

“Stop. That’s the only thing I need to hear. I understand. Thanks for honestly answering how you feel. Then, good night. (I got the answer as Yuzuki said, but I guess I need to ask her to follow up on the opposite).”

With that, Yuji hung up the phone.

That’s right. I like Sara-senpai.

But if I tell her that and it’s not the position Sara-senpai wants me to be in, then..

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