Chapter 81 – Sports Festival Part 6

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“Mother? Not your sister, but your Mother?”

Honestly, I never heard that Sara-senpai has an older sister. And the only possibility that remained was that she is her Mother.

But she didn’t look like one, and there was still the possibility that she was the sister of Sara-senpai’s relative or something…

“I’m Sara’s mom. Sorry, Takanashi-san.”

“For now, please let go of Takanashi-san’s hand, Mom!”

Sara-senpai approached with an intimidating aura, so her Mother hurriedly let go of my hand.

Senpai then stood in between her Mother and I.

“I’m sorry for my Mom’s action, Takanashi-san.”

“Mou~ Sara-chan. Fufufu~n… I see how it is now. So it’s like that with Takanashi-san.”


“It’s nothing~.”

Sara-senpai’s mother… looks so young…

I don’t even know her actual age.

More importantly, I couldn’t help but look at her when she pulled my hand earlier. She was wearing clothes that clearly showed the lines of her body… And the twin assertive mountains she has…

 “Ara? What’s the matter, Takanashi-san? Is there something bothering you?”

She spoke to me in an even more mischievous way than before. And for some reason, she posed to me, showing off her lovely lumps, which made me avert my gaze by looking down.

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I looked up as I was called and saw Sara-senpai’s smile intensify(?)


Sorry for the commotion earlier. I’m Mayumi Satsukawa. Thank you for always taking care of Sara-chan. Please feel free to address me as Mayumi-onee-chan. You can call me your sister-in-law too, okay?


Does she need to emphasize it by repeating it twice?

Of course, I don’t plan on calling her “Onee-chan” or “sister-in-law.”

Because I’m afraid of what Sara-senpai will do…

Natsumi-senpai came to us as we were preparing lunch. After that we started to eat.

“So, um… your Mother…”

“Kyah! Stop it. You’re flattering me by calling me, Mother! Isn’t that great for you, Sara-chan!”

“I don’t understand why you’re so giddy about that?”

Sara-senpai retorted back with a stoic voice and straight face.

So should I also…

Did I do something wrong?

Is it wrong for me to call her Mother?

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“Umm…then, should I call you Mayumi-san?”

“Oh, that’s too bad. But calling me like that is also…”

“I don’t understand what you intend to do, but since the conversation is not going anywhere, please shut up, Mother.”

Sara-senpai was irritated by Mayumi-san’s unfamiliar flirting. Thus, she said that forcefully.

“Pft… Hahaha.”

Natsumi-senpai understood what Mayumi-san was doing and was laughing by herself while covering her mouth with her hand.

Ah… I forgot what I was going to ask her.


“Well, let’s eat the bento that Sara-chan worked so hard on. I was supposed to be free today, but a crying man called me earlier, so I have to go home after I finish eating…”

That person… I heard from Senpai before. She said that Mayumi-san was helping Sara-senpai’s Father with his work.

In other words, it must be a phone call from Senpai’s Father.

Though, I don’t know if it’s true that he’s crying.

“Is that so? Father must have been very busy right now, so I’m surprised you were able to take the day off.”

“That’s why I can’t see it until the end~. I even want to make a commemorative video of Takanashi-san and Sara-chan at the folk dance…”

Uwah! She even thought that far?

She took a camera out of her bag to show off. But surely she has already captured a lot of pictures.

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I wish that…

Anyway, there’s going to be a folk dance. Still, there will be patrolling and cleanup, so the student council members aren’t going to be there either way…

“Sigh… It’s a shame, but we have student council business to attend to, so we won’t be participating in the folk dance.”

“Ara~a… That’s too bad. Well then, let’s at least take a commemorative photo before I leave.”

Mayumi-san then shot a wink at me.

Please stop. I’m scared of what Senpai will do.

And then, we started eating the multi-stacked tasty lunch box that Senpai made for us.

“Here, Takanashi-san. Say ahh~~… It’s delicious, you know?”

“Mom, please stop it! Stop bothering Takanashi-san! And in the first place, I was the one who made it!”

Senpai’s Mother is an amusing (?) person.


“Now I really have to get going. I literally can hear your Father crying.”

This may be the first time I’ve been tired because of eating.

Well, it’s not so bad as a change of pace… right?

As I was thinking, Mayumi-san pulled out her smartphone from her bag.

“Now, since it’s a rare chance, let’s take a commemorative photo.”

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“Mayumi-san, I’ll take the picture!”

Natsumi-senpai volunteered.

Wasn’t this supposed to be a group photo?

“Then, let’s do that. For starters, take a picture of Takanashi-san and me.”

I thought she was going to grab my arm, but then she just intertwined her arms around me.


“Takanashi-san! Takanashi-san! Look at the camera.”

I was afraid to look at Sara-senpai’s face, so I focused on the smartphone that Natsumi-senpai was holding. But Mayumi-san took advantage of it and pressed her body further against me.

I can feel something huge and soft on my arm. Endure IT!

“…Takanashi-san, thank you so much for taking care of Sara. I look forward to seeing you in the future.”


Mayumi-san muttered in a voice so small that only I could hear her.

I see. For Mayumi-san to tell me this…

When Mayumi-san pointed towards Sara-senpai, I unintentionally turned around. I saw Sara-senpai staring at me with her cheeks puffed out cutely.

As I thought, did I do something wrong?

No, it’s been a while since I’ve seen that look. I consider more of it a reward.

But I’m afraid of what comes next…

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