Chapter 82 – Sports Festival  (Final)

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After the turbulent lunchtime, I recovered after receiving the legendary lap pillow from Sara-senpai. Afterwards, I returned to HQ. (TN: WTF? This came out of nowhere)

The events went smoothly, and the most popular event was unexpectedly the costume relay, which was suggested by the students.

The students had to get the costume in turn in a relay-style to complete the masquerade. Since they also had to wear costumes while running, the race was challenging.

It might be good to have that again next year…

Finally, the cavalry battle began, in which I was forced to participate.

I’m at the rear position.

Fortunately, we were an isolated group in class.

“Well, let’s do our best not to get hurt.” 

“I’ll do my best, but please don’t drop me.”

“Can you feel this weird atmosphere?”

They’re looking… at me.

Maybe they still have a grudge from what happened earlier this morning?

“Ah… sorry. It’s probably because of me…”

“Ooh! That thing that happened this morning!”

“Yeah, I’m also curious.”

“This is getting pretty interesting! So this means that we have a lot of enemies, right?”


From my past experiences, I thought they would hate me or curse me…

Although each of them reacted differently, they were all smiling.

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“…You don’t like it?”

“Of course not! I’m totally excited!”

“Ah, he’s just this type of person, so he’ll be fine.”

“Takanashi probably misunderstood. It’s not like we hate you or anything, okay?”


That was a shocking statement.

These guys are indeed an isolated group. So they might not be connected to those morons whom I have a special relationship with.

“No, no. Let’s just say it like this. The enemy of my enemy is an ally.”

“You might not know this because you always left the classroom early, but it seemed like you have more enemies now.”

“Oi! It’s starting!”

I’ve learned something very surprising. But the cavalry event is a sport where you can get hurt if you’re not careful.

There is a possibility that we’ll be focused on, so I should stop thinking unnecessary thoughts and concentrate.


As soon as the signal to start was given, some riders came running straight at us.

“We can’t take on all of them! We should run for now, watch what happens, and strike back later!”

Our rider gave that order.

I synced my movements with the one at the front and began to move with him.

It’s a bit challenging, but we moved to an inconspicuous spot without stopping.

When the chasing group fell apart, we counterattacked and repeated this strategy.

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They would target us no matter where we moved, and if we avoided them well, they would fight and destroy each other.

We were able to fight our way back, thanks to Hayato’s cavalry support.

However, we were targeted too much. Our headband was taken away from us in the middle of the game, and thus we lost.

“Ah! It’s over at last.”

“Thanks to Takanashi, I had a lot of fun!

“You really like this kind of thing, don’t you?”

“… I, too, had fun.”

Yes, to be honest, it was enjoyable.

I never thought in the slightest that I would be able to have fun competing together with my classmates…

The white team won, yet my mind was occupied not with results, but with how much fun I had.

I was greeted with a “Good job!” when I returned to HQ.

To be honest, I felt more stunned by what happened than happy.


After all the events, all that remained was the traditional folk dance.

The boys and girls were looking forward to it, though there is a promise that only those you like or interested in can dance with you.

Well, I wish them all the best.

I need to patrol one last time after this. After that is the cleanup.

Just as I was about to leave, I heard that a public morals committee member was in the infirmary. That person who was supposed to go with me was being treated for a slight injury sustained during the cavalry battle earlier.

So I’m currently patrolling with a substitute.

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“Takanashi-san, all that remains is the area behind the school building near the flower garden.”

“Sara-senpai, is everything alright in the HQ?”

The person accompanying me as the substitute is Sara-senpai.

I asked because when there was a talk about having someone else act as a substitute, Sara-senpai immediately took it up to accompany me. Then, she shoved all her work to the Student President.

“Takanashi-san, how was the sports festival?”

Senpai suddenly questioned.

Was she simply asking me if I had enjoyed it? Or was she asking about the various things that happened…?

“Honestly, there were a lot of good things and surprises that happened. I can’t put it well… but to sum it up, it was a lot of fun.”

I can’t put it into words well, but that was how I honestly felt.

Indeed, a lot of things happened.

There were many surprises.

Though it was fun.

Plus, I made new friends.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had such a memorable event.

However, would any of these happen if it were not for Sara-senpai? Or if I had not participated in the sports festival?

Thinking about it, it was all thanks to Sara-senpai.

On the other hand, what can I give Sara-senpai as thanks for the sports festival?

Is there anything?

Then, the Oklahoma mixer began to play from the speakers. (TN:, a popular folk dance in japan)

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Apparently, the folk dance had started.

Hmm… How was the Oklahoma Mixer supposed to be danced again?

“Sara-senpai, do you know how to dance the Oklahoma Mixer?”

“Yes. Though I don’t dance it… I learned it because I have to. Maybe you don’t know how to dance it, Takanashi-san?”

Because of her condition, Sara-senpai hates dancing with boys.

Can I still dance it? I haven’t danced to it in a long time. I don’t know.


Right now, it’s only the two of us here…

What should I do? It’s kinda late to ask…

I was a little worried, but didn’t want to miss this chance.

“Umm… Sara-senpai, would you like to dance? Right here…”

Sara-senpai is true to her feelings, so there was a chance she would reject it, but I took the plunge and told her.

“Is that really okay? I would be pleased to dance if I could dance with Takanashi-san…”

Whew, it was okay.

If both of us are okay, then there is no problem.

Since there was not much time, I approached Sara-senpai and took her hand without waiting for her approval.

Sara-senpai smiled and started to dance with me.

There we are, until the end of the song, no change of pairs, just the two of us folk dancing…

…In a quiet place, the flower garden.

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