Chapter 83 – Changing Everyday Life

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“Good morning, Takanashi-san!”


The people who called out to me as I entered the classroom were those who were with me at the cavalry battle.

Looked like it was not a one-time friendship.

“Good morning!”

“Good morning, Takanashi. Excellent work at the sports festival.”

“Was being in the Student Council hard?”

The two members from Natsumi-senpai’s fan club also greeted me.

This exchange of greetings is one that I haven’t experienced in a very long time.

Same as usual, the idiots are the ones who were very noisy.

*Slides open* 

“Pardon the intrusion.”

It was Hayato who entered the classroom.

He came straight towards me and tapped my shoulder.

“Good morning, my best friend!”

Was he really Hayato…? His high energy in this early morning makes me think otherwise.

“Good morning, Hayato. What’s up?”

“There’s nothing really. I just came to say hello.”

I learned later that he wanted a genuine “friend.”

Well, I guess good-looking guys have their own hardships…

After I returned his greeting, he flashed a cool smile.

If I were a woman, I’d mistake it for something else.

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And what’s with the girls glancing happily at us…


The sports festival ended. Tuesday was the first day of school since Monday was a holiday.

And currently, people are gathering around my seat.

…Will there be a downpour later today?

Even the ones who were our opponents in the cavalry battle were here. This has never happened ever since the semester began.

“You lost your temper the other day, right? The mood changed after that…”

The day I lost my temper, they fussed about how pissed off I was during lunch break and said I was crazy.

Also, besides behaving childishly, they even made fun of the two members of Natsumi-senpai’s fan club. This made them an enemy of the girls.

“That’s true. Those guys who usually make a fool of themselves aren’t here…”

“It’s been like this lately. Thanks to you, it became more relaxing, and the classroom is quieter now.”

Apparently, my actions had resulted in a change in the class’ circumstances.

So that’s why they were favorable…

Let’s be honest. I wasn’t thinking about the class’ circumstances. I’ll keep quiet about the fact that I didn’t care even if the atmosphere got worse…


“Hmm… but isn’t that good for you, Takanashi-kun?”

“Yes. If those guys didn’t stop, I thought of getting help from the Disciplinary Committee of the Student Council.”

So Sara-senpai was thinking of disciplinary actions regarding those morons.

But this might make high school comfortable to a certain extent.

That said, I want these happy moments to continue.

“Now that the sports festival is over, it’s time for exams…”

That one remark that Natsumi-senpai said made me depressed. I had forgotten about the existence of the test.

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Sara-senpai, who saw my expression, appeared to be concerned.

“Takanashi-san? Is there a problem regarding exams?”

“No… I just forgot all about it. I’m taking my classes, so I think I’ll be fine.”

I’m taking classes, and I’m properly paying attention. But I don’t study at home.

“Do you study at home?”

Of course, she would ask that…

The old me would have immediately answered, “I’m studying,” but Sara-senpai would not accept such a lie.

“…I don’t.”

I immediately answered with honesty.

Sara-senpai, who heard that, somehow came up to me with a smile.

She then patted me on the head.

Sometimes I wonder, but does Sara-senpai see me as a child?

At least, that’s what I believe.

“You can always ask me for help, anytime.”

I had a feeling that she was going to that…

After finishing my lunch, I watered the plants as a part of my daily routine, leaving the seniors.

As I headed to the shoe box to change into my outdoor shoes, Hayato arrived from the opposite side at just the right moment.

“Hey Kazunari, how was today’s lunch?

Hayato knows that I’m having lunch with the senpais and about Sara-senpai’s homemade bento.

Plus, he also knows that Sara-senpai and I weren’t lovers.

“All the things that Sara-senpai cooks are delicious, is all I can say.”

“Kuh. So jealous of you.”

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As they were having this conversation, Hayato opened his shoe box, and something fell out.

“Every single day…”

It must be an everyday occurrence for this guy.

He then collected the letters that had fallen out of the box.

“You’re as popular as ever.”

I don’t envy him… Sara-senpai is all that I need.

I quickly moved to my shoe locker and opened up the shoe box.



“Oops! We’re the same, my best friend.”

This thing that just dropped was a letter… right?

Hmm… No matter how much I think, I don’t remember triggering flags.

So the possibilities are:

Please introduce me to Hayato.


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Please introduce me to Sara-senpai.


Please introduce me to Natsumi-senpai.


I want to confess.



Which is it…

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