Long Live Summons!

Chapter 728: 728

Chapter 728 – The Most Sorrowful ‘Fat Lamb’! 

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Translator: DDGod

Proofreader: MinglingDingaling

“Wanna go? No way!” The Guard Captain Ding Bo sneered. Ding Bo couldn’t let Yan Zao go since he knew too many secrets.

He lifted his left hand and summoned a Silver Grimoire, creating a unique Domain belonging only to him.

A gush of smoky substance effused from his body and quickly spread into a semi-circular Domain Space within a hundred meters. It was Ding Bo’s Domain Power, Ghost Domain. In the smog-filled 100-meter space, all enemies would be affected as long as they were inferior to Ding Bo. The Domain would then forcefully bless them with a ghost form.

For enemies trapped in the ghost form, their attacks and defenses would be weakened.

But of course, that’s not the point.

What’s more important was that only the enemy in the ghost form could bring about the unique deformability of the Cheating Ring and change the enemy into a big Fat Lamb.

“Sheep Transformation, with blood as the preliminary.” Ding Bo bit his tongue and mixed his blood with the saliva, then spat it out maliciously.

Spittle and blood with paralyzing toxins squirted out like an arrow.

Even if it was just his spit, it held infinite power.

It was too late for the field-mouse-like Yan Zao to escape from the Ghost Domain. He was hit by an arrow on his back, but in an instant, his body flickered with light. Yan Zao, who was paralyzed, gave out a scream. Countless smoke surrounded his body, and when it diffused, the short Yan Zao transformed into a fat white awkward sheep.

If it were not Yue Yang’s timely help, Yan Zao would have fallen directly off the cliff and his body smashed to pieces.

Yue Yang waved his hands gently, then Yan Zao fell on the ground with a light breeze holding his body, his four hooves touch the ground without any damage.

Yan Zao, even in his sheepish form, thoughtfully looked at Yue Yang and bowed slightly to thank him, then quickly running out of the Ghost Domain. It’s certain that Ding Bo wouldn’t let him go,and with a press of his hand, a light shined from the Silver Grimoire, then the Golden Horn Flame Demon appeared with a flash of flames. Its rank was lower than the Infernal Nightmare. Although it was only Heaven Stage Level 1, it had a wisdom greater than a common warbeasts. Its sly eyes indicated its wickedness. The Golden Horn Flame Demon stomped heavily on the ground, but while there was no reaction in the Ghost Domain, a sea of fire appeared outside of it.

If Yan Zao kept running forward, he would turn into a roast lamb.

“Want to play with fire?” Yue Yang didn’t summon any grimoire, nor did he use the Creation Domain. He just summoned the Spirit of Sky Fire.


Original translation from wangmamaread.

As soon as the Spirit of Sky Fire came out, she blew on the sea of ​​fire outside the Ghost Domain.

The ​​fire immediately burned more brightly, getting out of the control of the Golden Horn Flame Demon and completely taken over by the Spirit of Sky Fire. She turned her hand to the foot of the mountain, the burning flame split which revealed a road. Yan Zao then escaped easily without being burned by flames.

Compared to the Golden Horn Flame Demon, the Spirit of Sky Fire who was born in the Flames of Nirvana made up of storm, flame, thunder, consciousness and spirit was no doubt superior.

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The Golden Horn Flame Demon roared at the Spirit of Sky Fire, but it didn’t dare make a rash action.

Because it knew that she was a strong enemy!

“Magma Wyvern!” Ding Bo reached out to summon another Magma Wyvern at the Quasi-Heaven Stage. He sneered at Yue Yang, “Want to compare with me in terms of the number of warbeasts? Come on, Come on, let me show you what a real Sky-rank Innate is, you fucking prince! If you think that I’m no different from other Sky-rank Innates, then you are totally wrong! Do you think that every Sky-rank Innate has grimoires like I do? Impossible! Only a real expert would have grimoires as strong as mine!”

“I agree with you, but I have to tell you, even with the summoning grimoire, you are not necessarily a real expert!” Yue Yang saw the Magma Wyvern rushing into the sky and then swooped to the cliff in the direction of Yan Zao. He summoned Reaper Mantis to let her kill the Magma Wyvern.

“The Centaur Warchief.”

Without being terrified by the Reaper Mantis, Ding Bo immediately summoned a Centaur Warchief with a bow and arrow in its hands and a short spear on its back, instructing it to launch an attack against the Reaper Mantis.

Meanwhile, the Magma Wyvern stopped and turned around, joining hands with the Centaur Warchief in launching a pincer attack against the Reaper Mantis.

Being aware that he was in an advantageous situation, Ding Bo sneered and taunted at Yue Yang, “You want to compete with me on warbeasts? You’re simply disgracing yourself!”

Ding Bo proceeded to summon an extremely hideous Twin Head Giant Demon.

The Twin Head Giant Demon was about 30 meters tall.

It roared as it lifted a boulder near the edge of the mass graves, ferociously throwing it at Yue Yang.

Jumping lightly, Yue Yang dodged the boulder. However, Ding Bo beckoned to a Poisoned Arrow Porcupine of Quasi-Heaven Stage to shoot tens of thousands of arrows that were as thick as raindrops towards Yue Yang in the sky. Ding Bo knew that he couldn’t kill his opponent by these means, but he didn’t intend to kill Yue Yang quickly. He was confident in killing his enemy, but he wanted to vent his hatred by fiercely torturing his detestable foe. The Twin Head Giant Demon that had forced Yue Yang to jump lifted a hill-like stone and threw it directly at Yan Zao of sheep shape in the valley.

Yan Zao managed to dodge the stone with great effort.

However, a warbeast that had absconded from the Ghost Domain, laid in ambush in Yan Zao’s way of escape.

It spewed out yellow thick smoke towards Yan Zao from its hip… Being engulfed by the yellow thick smoke, Yan Zao fainted at once with his body still in the sheep shape.

The warbeast that looked like a weasel picked Yan Zao up in its mouth and went back to its master. Looking down at Yan Zao, Ding Bo taunted him contemptuously, “Pitiable pathetic weakling, do you still think you can escape from me? You are destined to have this miserable fate because you are ignorant of your weakness. As a person in the Quasi-Heaven Stage, your biggest mistake was to fight against a Sky-rank Innate who has a real grimoire.”


Proofreader: MinglingDingaling

After laughing at Yan Zao, Ding Bo shouted at Yue Yang, who had just escaped the arrow rain, “Look at yourself now, how dare you talk big? Even if I don’t use 100% of my power, I can easily have you under my complete control. Didn’t’t you say that you can protect this guy? Didn’t you say that you won’t allow me to harm a hair on his head? Now, as long as I like, I can hack him to pieces at any time. What can you do? Yan Zao’s fate is the same as yours, because you are also a pathetic weakling! Weakling, your name is incompetence, hahahahaha!”

“He who laughs last, laughs best.” Yue Yang waved his hands, and Ding Bo found that his Ghost Domain changed a bit.

A shadow somehow appeared in front of him .

It was a female Barbaric Bull like the horned girl.

In addition to Possession, Reconstruction, Giant Shadow and Never Leave Your Side, Phantom also a special ability called [Shadowmeld].

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[Shadowmeld]: Phantom could blend into the darkness freely, which couldn’t be seen through. In a certain special environment, Phantom can create a dark fog and blend into the darkness with the help of the main body providing a large number of mana.

When Ding Bo mocked Yan Zao with a smirk, Ah Man had already appeared in front of him.

Faced with this unusual female Barbaric Bull, Ding Bo instinctively felt danger.

When he started to attack, the weasel-like warbeast relying on its fast speed rushed to Barbarian Cow Shadow Ah Man at the same time to attack her.

“Go to hell!” Ah Man opened her left hand and grabbed the weasel’s throat as if she was an eagle catching chickens. Then she slammed it against the ground. The entire mountain cliff shook vigorously, a horrible crack stretching from where An Man slammed the weasel to the far side. Gravel rolled down from the rock wall, its power ten times stronger than the throwing-stone attack of the Twin Head Giant Demon.

Ah Man casted the weasel with a cracked skull to a faraway mountain.


A mountain rock shattered and fell into the mass graves below the valley with the weasel’s body.

Following the weasel, the porcupine was kicked away by Ah Man and fell into the valley like a meteor, without the chance to shoot its poisoned arrows on its back. While the Twin Head Giant Demon had just lifted a boulder, Ah Man hit it hard in the chest, which made its heads drop immediately, its eyes rolling, its arms going limp and its body slump to its knees. As a result, the Twin Head Giant Demon was crushed to death and buried by the hill-like boulder.

“Flame Spray!” Ding Bo showed no sign of fear and dabbed at the Infernal Nightmare, though he looked extremely terrible.

The Infernal Nightmare of Heaven Stage Level 3 immediately spurted the Hellfire.

Ah Man was engulfed in the fire.

Even the Fiery Dragon Crystal, known as a crystal that was most capable of withstanding high temperatures, would melt into water in the Hellfire.

Ding Bo sneered at Ah Man who didn’t dodge the Hellfire in mind, thinking, “No matter how strong you are, you are unable to withstand the Hellfire that jointly spurted from the Infernal Nightmare and me!”

“Detestable fellows!” Tearing the fire with her hands like the Emperor of Fire, Ah Man walked out, which stunned Ding Bo. Except for the Nirvana’s Flame, in which she usually remolded her body, no fire could hurt her easily. Ah Man dismissed the Hellfire and rushed towards Ding Bo in the Flaming wind storm, punching the Infernal Nightmare on its head hard.


Tilting its noble head, the Infernal Nightmare of Heaven Stage Level 3 had a furious look in its huge eyes.

However, Ah Man didn’t care about the Infernal Nightmare’s thoughts.

She had killed a lot warbeasts of Heaven Stage Level 3, the Infernal Nightmare was just a piece of cake!

The Infernal Nightmare threw back its head in a flash, erupting the unique psychic blow of the Nightmare clan, glaring at Ah Man with killing eyes, preparing to give the female Barbarian Cow, who dared to attack it, a blow!

Due to the power of the killing eyes, Ah Man reeled back.

The heart of Ding Bo leaped with joy, thinking that Ah Man would fall down and then desperately die in the spiritual world of Nightmare.

But the cruel truth was that Ah Man was completely uninjured! Ah Man, who often practiced with Red, had been accustomed to the psychic blows, and her spirit was connected with the owner, Yue Yang, so Ah Man’s spiritual world couldn’t be destroyed unless the ultimate will of Yue Yang was destroyed. Even the general ‘Environment’, who served under Emperor Wu Shuang The Peerless tens of thousands of years ago, the Wry Face Mushroom he summoned could only cause marginal impact on her and couldn’t inflict any damage directly… Instead, the attack from Nightmare’s killing eye completely provoked Ah Man.

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A strange feeling arose in her heart.

In an instant, a pair of beautiful big eyes turned blood red, just like eyes of death.

In an instant, a red light flashed!

When Ah Man turned back and glared at the Infernal Nightmare of Heaven Stage Level 3, not only the Infernal Nightmare, but also Ding Bo on its back, screamed, rolling directly from the horse back, holding his head, screeching painfully.

[Doom Eyes], which had not been released for a long time, was finally triggered when Ah Man was furious.

And, meanwhile, the more horrible [Bloodeye Double Kill] also was triggered!

[Bloodeye Double Kill] was a kind of skill that would be triggered when [Doom Eyes] was triggered, it could kill an enemy in an instant while killing a related enemy… Ding Bo, who was the master, fell down! Although he was not killed by [Bloodeye Double Kill] all of a sudden, his soul suffered severe trauma! Not a scratch on his skin seemingly, his soul had suffered irreparable damage.

Sure enough, Yue Yang wouldn’t give Ding Bo the opportunity to heal up even if it was possible.

The Infernal Nightmare of Heaven Stage Level 3 slumped to the ground, which shattered Yue Yang’s desire of keeping it as his mount. However, Yue Yang cared little about this as he just intended to find a cool and outstanding mount to ride before throwing the Southern Heaven Realm into turmoil and taking advantage of that to plunder and loot.

Now, the Infernal Nightmare’s death caused severe damage to Ding Bo’s spirit and made him dismount in panic.

Seeing that, Yue Yang roared with laughter.

“Continue to summon other warbeasts to frighten me. I’m scared.” Now, Yue Yang summoned Red that couldn’t wait to prove itself to others.

Being in a dangerous situation, Golden Horn Flame Demon betrayed Ding Bo and fled on the spot.

A pair of bright and beautiful silver wings barely appeared magically on Red’s back when Yue Yang and Red’s spirits were raised dramatically. Without Yue Yang’s instructions, Red, who was almost as powerful as the Goddess, whipped Golden Horn Flame Demon with her variant evolved [Whip of Agony] that was improved by the silver wings, which almost killed it.


Golden Horn Flame Demon opened its huge mouth and was about to scream miserably when Red burst out Banshee Scream above its head.

Although Red hadn’t completely awakened.

But she had possessed the tremendous power that was approached to that of the Goddess.

Hearing Red’s Banshee Scream, Golden Horn Flame Demon’s ears burst and its eyes, nose, mouth and ears spurted blood before it fainted. Being aware suddenly that its enemy had flashed and appeared behind itself, Centaur Warchief that had shot Red to rescue Golden Horn Flame Demon just then wielded the bowstring to attack the enemy behind it and spurted forward to dodge his enemy’s attack from behind, without the chance to draw out the short spear on its back.

“[Sheep Transformation]!” Pointing to Centaur Warchief, Red transformed Centaur Warchief into a skinny and black goat.


“What is it?” Ding Bo was completely stunned. Could his enemy who had neither Cheating Rings nor Ghost Domain use Sheep Transformation skills like this?

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Red pulled out the God Killing Dagger and slammed into the forehead of the old goat, killing the Centaur Warchief directly.

After the killing, the Centaur Warchief quickly returned to its original body and did not retain the appearance of the goat.

original translation from wangmamaread

Ding Bo reached out with his big hands to Red, bite his tongue tip give her a spit, hoping to turn this woman into Fat Lamb, if he could kill this terrible woman, then it would be easier to handle the powerful female Barbarian Cow.


For the disgusting act, Red was extremely hateful. She flapped her silver wings on her back,  flying over Ding Bo in a flash.

The spittle mixed with blood, automatically pursued the target in the Ghost Domain with his psychic power. But with the flying pass of Red, it quickly hit toward Ding Bo’s face in a straight trajectory.

On the way, due to its lack of automatic turning ability, it must hit Ding Bo.

“Oops.” Ding Bo was amazed, taking off the Cheating Ring from his fingers in a hurry, however, he saw the smiling face of Yue Yang. Yue Yang held out his right hand, suspending in front of Ding Bo. Xiao Wen Li’s extraordinary Binding Chains broke out. If Ding Bo hadn’t suffered from the soul damage of [Bloodeye Double Kill] before, he didn’t need to take off the Cheating Ring, and he would have escaped the saliva, but his soul was kicked, so that his agility was greatly weakened, and he had to maintain the Ghost Domain, so it was a tragedy now.

As for Xiao Wen Li’s extraordinary Binding Chains, clown and Wise Demon Marshall had suffered a lot before.

For Ding Bo, who was of Heaven Stage Level 5, it wasn’t a simple matter even if he would get rid of it finally.

He could only watched the spit flying towards his forehead.

“Puff Ghost, help!” Ding Bo exhausted all his strength to summon his last warbeast, Puff Ghost. His Guardian Spirit Beast was a Poisonous Saliva Bug Goblin that blended with him, so it had a huge effect in normal time, but it couldn’t save his life in a critical moment. In an extremely critical situation, he immediately chose to summon Puff Ghost. As long as he spat at Puff Ghost, he could immediately transfer this curse power to Puff Ghost, and then he would be safe.

“Howl!” Puff Ghost immediately betrayed him as it was summoned.

Puff Ghost had never shown signs of betrayal before. Ding Bo had always thought that his charm was greater than the Guard Captain.

What he had never expected was that Puff Ghost just swallowed humiliation and bore a heavy load, waiting for an opportunity. When Ding Bo was in danger, Puff Ghost did not save him, but spat contemptuously right in his face. Then it soared up into the sky as it cried and uttered sad calls to pay tribute to its original master Guard Captain.

Thick smoke surrounded Ding Bo.

In desperation, Ding Bo turned himself into a fat, white sheep with the help of Cheating Ring in his hand.

Yue Yang laughed out loud, and then he picked up the Energy Belt and Cheating Ring falling on the ground. He smiled at fool-like Ding Bo, “Although I don’t like mutton hot pot, if you treat me, I will condescend to eat!”

Yan Zao in sheep shape recovered consciousness, and saw Ding Bo who became a sheep. He burst into a fury, knocking into Ding Bo.

He took advantage of becoming a sheep earlier and became more familiar with controlling a sheep body, trying to knock Ding Bo down the cliff. Ding Bo got heated, and didn’t care that Yue Yang was standing aside. He used his head to collide with Yan Zao, trying to secure his position. He didn’t want to fall off the cliff and die after turning into a sheep…

“Hahaha!” Yue Yang laughed till he cried.

“Chewing chewing.” Reaper Mantis on the top of the mountain had caught Magma Wyvern. She kept chewing the latter’s head. Wyvern? That was her favorite food!

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