Long Live Summons!

Chapter 729: 729

Chapter 729 – The Survivor’s Last Words 

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After defeating Ding Bo, Yue Yang harvested once again.

Although Weasel, Poisoned Arrow Porcupine, the Centaur Warchief, Twin Head Giant Demon, Golden Horn Flame Demon, Magma Wyvern, the Infernal Nightmare, and other warbeasts had been killed, their bodies became rare flower fertilizer or dog food, and the energy demon crystals and the demonic heart were more than treasures. In addition, he got a Cheating Ring of [Sage]-level and an Energy Belt that could continuously provide energy after wearing. Yue Yang even unexpectedly harvested a Puff Ghost of Heaven Stage.

After the sorrow and wailing, Puff Ghost had nowhere to go, so it finally chose to follow Yue Yang, who had revenged for its original owner.

Puff Ghost: Gold level 10, special-type warbeast, semi-invasive spiritual life, suspending riding the avoid, cursing the enemy when spitting the target with saliva; it can also convert the curse by taking the target vomiting. Skills: Disgusting Gods and Ghost, Carrying the Can.

This Puff Ghost was not powerful.

But its actual effect in the battle was excellent.

Whether it was cursing the enemy or eliminating the curse for the master, both were ideal practical skills. If one could master it well, he could often reverse the situation.

Yue Yang was not prepared to contract Puff Ghost, since he had mastered the ultimate will and owned the Creation Domain so that his combat power could almost reach its peak, so contracting a warbeast that cursed the enemy was not very helpful to him. The enemy that Yue Yang wanted to defeat was at least the level of Lionheart King, but the Sky-rank Innate of that level couldn’t be weakened by the curse power of Puff Ghost.

On the contrary, if he handed over Puff Ghost to others, such as Yi Nan or Sickly Beauty, he believed that their power would be greatly improved.

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Puff Ghost was outwardly a ghostly woman though, in fact, it was a genderless spiritual life.

In general, the wisdom and emotions of this spiritual life were not very high, so it’s extremely difficult to evolve into Holy Beast. This Puff Ghost, who restrained itself, took the opportunity to revenge and paid tribute to its former master, was almost an elite in its race. Yue Yang did not expect it to evolve into a Holy Beast. After all, it was inherently difficult for some warbeasts to evolve into Holy Beast, such as Yi Nan’s Silver Horned Pegasus, Yue Bing’s Ancient Titan Tree, and Luo Hua City Mistress’s Nirvana Sunflower… but these warbeasts could not evolve into Holy Beast though, it did not mean that they would reach the limit of evolution. At least in terms of combat power, warbeasts could continue to upgrade as long as they kept fighting and growing.

After arranging the next mission for Yan Zao, the excellent agent, Yue Yang decided to return to Rainbow Castle.

However, Sickly Beauty declined his offer.

“Leave Puff Ghost to sister Yi Nan! I’m not the main force. Even if I increase my strength, it will be difficult for me to be a great help to you. On the contrary, if this Puff Ghost becomes Yi Nan’s warbeast, it is undoubted that she, who has great spiritual power, will get stronger, just like adding wings to a tiger. ” Sickly beauty proposed to let Yi Nan make a contract with Puff Ghost.

“This warbeast has some wisdom, it may evolve to become a ‘variant’.” Yue Yu was also optimistic about the future of Puff Ghost.

“Well, I will find a way after I help Star Scorpion complete its last variant evolution.” After Yue Yang returned to Rainbow Castle, Golden Crown Thorny Flower Queen Duo Duo woke up. Then Hui Tai Lang had to give the best food, Heaven Ding Bo of Stage Level 5 and the Infernal Nightmare of Heaven Stage Level 3, to this unreasonable little girl. It turned its grief into appetite, devouring the weasel, porcupine and the Centaur Warchief.

Yue Yang decided to keep Twin Head Giant Demon. He wanted to use its blood to help improve the strength of Ye Kong’ and Fatty Hai’s warbeasts.

Golden Horn Flame Demon  was given to Spirit of Sky Fire as a reward. The head of Magma Wyvern was eaten up by Reaper Mantis.

Queen Qi Ge was rewarded for leading the Dragon Ladies to work diligently with the remaining body of Magma Wyvern. Although the best Magic Crystal of Magma Wyvern had been eaten up by Reaper Mantis, the remaining part of Magma Wyvern’s body in Quasi-Heaven Stage could improve Queen Qi Ge’s contracted Wyvern enormously.

The evolution of Star Scorpion, which was an Earthly Divine Soldier, had come to the final stage.

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It was believed that the evolution could be finished in a few days.

Yue Yang shifted his focus of cultivation to Golden Crown Thorny Flower Queen. He hoped that the girl could win credit for him. Without his help, she had evolved and leveled up to a Mythical Beast, possessing Grimoires automatically just like Ika and Xiao Wen Li who were born with Grimoires. In order to improve Duo Duo’s ability to fight, Yue Yang had not only given all the warbeasts’ bodies to her sea of Thorny Flower to absorb, but also the refined ‘Heart of Madness’ and ‘Heart of Mist’, hoping that both of her Thorny Flower Demons could fuse with the ‘hearts’, evolving and mutating.

“OK. Duo Duo will never sleep again after taking a nap this time.” Biting a small hole in Yue Yang’s finger with her tiny canine teeth, Duo Duo took a sip of his blood and flew back to her flower bed to sleep quietly.

Countless Thorny Flowers spread quickly and formed a flower sea, surrounding Duo Duo on the flower bed.

Both of the Thorny Flower Demons had absorbed the ‘Heart of Madness’ and the ‘Heart of Mist’ and fused with Spirit Stone that Yue Yang was unwilling to exchange. They aimed at becoming the Thorny Flower Generals, or even the Thorny Flower Command in Chief that Yue Yang expected them to be. They also wanted to be the best subordinates of Duo Duo that could go out to fight in their own initiatives when she was in her dormant period.


Compared to the Heart of Mist of the Black Demon, the Heart of Madness refining from the Crazy dancing grass was more suitable for the absorption of the Thorny Flower Demons.

However, the energy of the Heart of Mist was a stroke above the Heart of Madness.

Two days later, before the final evolution of Star Scorpion, a Thorny Flower Demons completed its variant evolution and turned into a super-large Mad Thorny Flower General of up to 50 meters. Its upper body was similar to the female general in vine armor, wearing a wreath of countless thorny flowers, but its lower body was still a huge thorny flower vine. This Mad Thorny Flower General inherited most of the power of the Crazy dancing grass. It could remote the psychic blow, combined with the powerful strength of the original Thorny Flower Demons, its combat power was ten times more powerful than before.

The most important thing was that it owned the ability to fight independently, even during the period when Duo Duo lay dormant, it could come out to help Yue Yang fight.

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Another Thorny Flower Demons that absorbed the Heart of Mist was still evolving.

At noon on the third day, the unprecedented Star Scorpion, an Earthly Divine Soldier of the armor gloves created by Yue Yang, was finally born. In the splendid brilliance, the huge Star Scorpion was constantly deformed, its energy quickly converged in the core of the Scorpio, and then relying on the core, it constantly changed its combinations to form the shape of the Sky Scorpion Gloves. Almost exactly the same as the original Sky Scorpion Gloves, just by adding a miniature version of the Star Scorpion on its top, the long gold tail with a blue tip.

Although it was a glove rather than a weapon, Star Scorpion, the Earthly Divine Soldier, was also good at attacking.

Any life, once it’s strung by the tail, there would only be one result.

That is, all tissues, including the blood, would develop a nervous twitch. The scorpion venom was very sharp, comparable to the Antiaris toxicaria, no antidote in the world.

Yue Yang specially fused the golden wool that he also had gained in the Twelve Zodiac Temples with the glove of Star Scorpion’s, who was an Earthly Divine Soldier, in order to enhance its comfort and aesthetic feeling.

Sure enough, Star Scorpion bitterly opposed using the golden wool as the glove’s inner decoration at first.

It was only later that Star Scorpion approved of Yue Yang’s idea when they found using the golden wool as the inner decoration could make Star Scorpion transform easier.

Yue Yang had determined to find more golden wool in the Heaven Realm and multiply Star Scorpion’s transformation speed thanks to this unexpected discovery. Except for Hui Tai Lang, who was familiar with transformation and transformed a little faster than Star Scorpion, nobody else could match Star Scorpion in transformation speed for the time being.

Tao Tie Blade was slow compared with Star Scorpion in transformation, but its greatest superiority was its appetite of the inner world that could contain a great number of things, so it could be used either as a warbeast cleaner or a temporary jail for captured enemies.

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“The pity is that I only have one glove. It will be much better if I have another glove and make a pair.” Being unsatisfied with the glove, Yue Yang said with his right hand in the Sky Scorpion Glove, for which even the Lionheart King in the Heaven Realm had a strong desire. Hearing that, Yue Yu tittered. She knew that her younger brother was a man who would never be content with the status quo. For example, if he was given a pair of Sky Scorpion Gloves, he would regret that he didn’t have shin guards; even if he had the Sky Scorpion suit, he would sigh with pity that he was unable to give everyone the same suit.

“Ye Kong and others have arrived. It seems that they have made some discoveries.” Sickly beauty knocked at the door outside the laboratory.

“What have they found?” Yue Yang hurried out.

When Ye Kong and others saw Yue Yang, they just kept silent, looking at each other in dismay.

Yue Yang felt strange – what made these guys hesitate to speak? Did Fourth Mother have an accident? The thought scared him a lot. But the sickly beauty looked calm; Ye Kong and others also behaved normally, so he drove this terrible thought out of his minds.

Ye Kong and Fatty Hai just kept silent, but Xue Tan Lang, who had always been uncommunicative, nodded to Yue Yang, “Well, we have a mission on the Sixth Floor. We accidentally heard the news in a tavern – Oleander City was destroyed by war. We knew that you had been to Oleander City before to look for Uncle Yue Qiu’s belongings. We didn’t have time to inform you and rushed to the city, but it turned out that it had been leveled to the ground. It was not caused by war, but by a super Sky-rank Innate.”

Hearing that, Yue Yang asked in shock, “Are there any survivors?”

The Prince of Tian Luo replied, “Fortunately, Bao Er found a strange mound at that time. We dug up a survivor who was seriously injured. He died after saying two sentences. We’ve found out his identity – he is a receptionist of local Mercenary Guild. He has been stationed in Oleander City for decades and has never been transferred.”

“The first sentence he said was ‘we got the wrong person’, and the other sentence was ‘Mr. Tiger Slayer… White River Valley’. We can’t figure out what he said between ‘Tiger Slayer’ and ‘White River Valley’!” Liu Ye answered first.

“But there is no place called ‘White River Valley’ in the Tong Tian Tower.” Fan Lun Tie, the Ox-head girl, added.

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