Lord of Magic

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

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The Mission Of The Other World (2)

Note: Changed back world to other world.

[Name: Akan]

[Strength: 11]

[Agility: 10]

[Magic: 30]

Befitting his nickname of ‘lab wizard’, his physical abilities were poor.

His magic however, is much better than average.

‘The mana in my mana core is from the [Magic] stat, and a stat of 30 gave me enough mana to use 1st Circle magic three times, huh…’

Akan’s mind quickly organized the information that came in like a wave.

The information that the fairy gave is very different from the common knowledge of Earth and the Macedonian continent.

Although very different, Akan accepted the information without any resistance.

Akan had the ability to melt down the knowledge of this new world due to him having experienced this before.

So unlike other people who didn’t know what to do, he quickly embraced the mechanics of this new world.

‘According to the fairy’s words, the mission given’ll be very related to survival. The factors that increase the chances of survival will be stat fragments, items, and skills, and if the fairy’s words’re true, then we can become stronger in a game-like way.’

It was weird.

Akan’s thoughts were so clear that it wouldn’t be strange that if an ordinary person knew what he was thinking of, they’d be scared.

His heart beated loudly.

But it wasn’t because he was trembling out of fear.

He was excited.

His adrenaline shouted out the fact that he could have a second coming as a wizard.

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And after a while…

“The explanation is now over. Let’s now start the mission. If you succeed in completing the mission, you’ll be able to return back, but if you fail…”

The fairy stopped talking.

Even if the fairy didn’t continue, they all knew knew what the fairy’s trying to say.

‘We’re probably going to die if we fail.’

“As God’s agent, I pray for the success of mankind.”

And the moment the fairy soared into the sky…


Humanity’s first mission was delivered.


[Eradication of wild dogs]

[Contents: Kill five wild dogs.]

[Rewards: If successful, 10 Strength fragments and a low-level skill book will be given to all survivors.]

[Special rewards will be given to the person who makes the greatest achievements.]

“Kill wild dogs?”

Go Changhyuk’s eyebrows slightly frowned as he saw the mission information that appeared before his eyes.

Killing wild dogs.

Because of the fairy’s grand explanation, Go Changhyuk expected very strong monsters to appear, but only wild dogs did. He thought that it was fortunate to have a quest difficulty lower than what he expected.

He hasn’t fully understood the situation he was in yet, but he at least understood that they’d need to kill 5 wild dogs in order to return.

The number of people summoned in this world is exactly 12.

‘I think there’ll be no problem solving this mission with this number of people.’

It was then…


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Red eyes surfaced from the woods as harsh cries were heard.

The wild dogs that appeared from the dark forest didn’t look like something people would generally think of.

Their black hair flew violently, and as their mouth opened, their sharp teeth were revealed. Those effects may be due to them having wandered the mountains for a long time.

The wrinkles on the back of their noses were completely distorted, expressing their hostility.

They looked so threatening that it wouldn’t be strange if they had been called as wolves.

“Th-That’s a wild dog…?”

“We’ll have to take those guys out…?”

“Fuck, how are we supposed the handle those things with our bare hands?!”

They were flustered.

Like Go Changhyuk, they were relieved the time they saw the mission saying they’ll only need to kill some wild dogs.

They thought that today’s mission wasn’t enough to threaten their lives right now, but they didn’t expect the wild dogs to be like this.

‘We could die.’ (Changhyuk)

The people were engulfed by fear because of the wild dog’s appearance.

“Fuck it! The mission had already begun! Everyone fight the… Keuak!”



As one of the employees stepped forward to encourage the people, the wild dogs rushed in.

The wild dogs, which were quite far away, shortened the distance in a flash, and had bitten off an employee’s neck.

The people of the chicken restaurant had their eyes widened as that employee’s blood scattered while having his flesh ripped off.


“My-my god!”

“….Did he die?”

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“Ahhhhh! A wild dog killed a man!”


In such a shocking situation, people panic.

Some people even collapsed due to them having their legs weakened by the scene of one of the staff being eaten alive in front of their eyes.

Changhyuk couldn’t support his trembling legs.

‘That isn’t a wild dog…’ (Changhyuk)

‘….A monster.’ (Changhyuk)

Yes, it was a monster.


Three wild dogs clung to the employee’s body to eat him up.

The rest of the wild dogs turned their eyes to find their share.

In order to live, Changhyuk had to respond somehow, but his body couldn’t move properly due to him having not experienced this before.

Paralyzed, he couldn’t carry out the desperate cries of his brain.


Go Changhyuk looked around in a hurry.

He had no intention of dying like this.

His legs were still trembling in horror, but he hurriedly searched for a weapon to use against the wild dogs.

In a short time, he had his back soaked with cold sweat.




As soon as he found an elongated wooden stick and tried to approach the dogs, one of it rushed into him.

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Changhyuk’s expression became pale at the appearance of a wild dog showing its sharp teeth while charging at him.

Others were unable to respond due to them being scared.

It was impossible to stop the attack of a wild dog in a situation where he couldn’t hope for help from others.



He closed his eyes tightly in fear of death.

He couldn’t bare to see his own throat getting pierced by the wild dog’s sharp teeth.




Instead of an intense pain, an unexpected sound was heard.

It seemed like the wild dog fell out.

Changhyuk slowly opened his eyes to the fact he was still alive.

As he opened his eyes, a situation he couldn’t imagine unfolded.


It was Akan.

Akan stood in front of Changhyuk with a stone dripping with blood held in one hand.

The wild dog which was about to attack Changhyuk fell to the ground and made a sad cry.

A situation where he didn’t see what happened.

‘Perhaps Akan saved me.’

Changhyuk stared at Akan’s back, enchanted.

‘The incompetent person who still didn’t have a proper a job at the age of 40.’

Akan had always been an object of ignorance.

Strangely, however, he thought that the Akan he’s looking at right now is a completely different person from the Akan he knew for the past 2 years.

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