Lord of Magic

Chapter 5

The Mission of the Other World (3)

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(Note: ‘Gaegaegang!’ (깨갱) is a sound made when hitting a dog.)

‘Did I miss?’

As he looked at the wild dog who still had its life, his eyes narrowed.

Despite the headshot, it still wasn’t dealt with.

Akan frowned as he glanced at his aching wrist.

‘No, my attack hit, but the wild dog’s skin was abnormally tough.’

Its hard skull is still a skull, but its tough skin seems to have minimized the damage when hit.

If this was a normal situation, blood would’ve already bursted out from its head.


The other wild dogs reacted sensitively to the bleeding and the sad cries of their wounded partner.

They had their flashing red eyes focused on Akan.

“Ah, Akan-nim, thank you.”

Akan heard Changhyuk’s voice from behind.

Unlike his usual voice filled with disregard, his voice now was filled with awe.

“Hey, get ready.”


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“If you don’t want to die here, get ready to fight!”

Go Changhyuk opened his eyes to Akan’s changed demeanor.

The Akan that Changhyuk remembers wasn’t the kind of person who speaks in a disprespectful tone.

Especially to him.

In fact, Changhyuk disregarded Akan because of Akan’s submissive behavior.

Changhyuk wanted to question Akan about his sudden change, but it was Akan’s harsh cry that greeted him.

In his bloody momentum, Changhyuk nodded subconsciously.

“Ah, right.”

Go Changhyuk picked up the wooden stick he found before.

Akan averted his gaze from Changhyuk then proceeded to bring a speech to the people of the restaurant.

“I understand that you’re all bewildered. However, you’ll all die if you keep going on like that. Save your questions for later, and for now, focus on survival.”

At Akan’s speech, the people regained their composure.

Although they got confused about Akan’s change, they didn’t mind it that much and focused on one thing.


They didn’t want to die here.

Their desire for life filled their eyes with determination.

They took all the things around them that could be used as weapons, and proceeded to look at the wild dogs with ferocious eyes.

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‘Now they’ve got their minds up.’

After seeing the people gain fighting spirit, Akan turned to look at the wild dogs.

Akam didn’t save Changhyuk because of emotions.

Immediately after the situation had arisen, Akan, unlike the others, was already looking for a solution on his own.

Akan is an entity who has already experienced traveling between dimensions.

He was able to quickly accept the new changes as he had already experienced things that couldn’t be explained with common sense.

‘My strength is 11. According to the fairy, 10 is the average, that means I’m a bit above average. However, even a single wild dog’s strength is overwhelming, so I’ll have to cooperate with the people of the restaurant.’

Akan saved Changhyuk because of his judgement for survival.

Go Changhyuk was the quickest judge amongst the people at the restaurant and had excellent physical abilities.

‘Go Changhyuk would prove helpful in the battle against wild dogs.’

So he stepped out without hesitation at the appearance of a wild dog charging towards Changhyuk.

He then grabbed pebbles on the floor and shot the wild dog at its head.

He thought he killed the dog immediately because of the numb feeling that came up in his hand, but the wild dog was stronger than he thought.

Seeing the wild dog that didn’t die despite being shot at the head, Akan squeezed his hand holding the stone.

‘Although they only look like dogs, they’re still a life form from the other world. Their physical abilities are strong enough to be classified as low-level monsters. It’ll be impossible to kill them with attacks like before. I’ll need timing, I’ll have to gather all my power and attack them at their vital points in surprise.’

He moved his fingers, making the sharp part of the stone face forward.

‘I can’t use attack magic.’

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If he uses magic, it’ll help him deal with the wild dogs.

However, the people’s gazes were the problem.

They’ll need to utilize everything to survive, but according to the fairy, they’ll eventually return to the real world.

Akan didn’t want to explain the usage of magic afterwards.

Its uniqueness’ll give them a terrible sense of difference.

He turned away from the several attack magic that came in his mind.

He’ll have to find other ways.

‘However, it’s foolish to give up my only advantage, magic. Ah, if I use blessing type magic that’s not revealed externally, then it’ll be helpful in close-quarters combat.’

But even in that, there was a problem.

Blessing type magic is at least 2nd Circle.

With the amount of mana Akan currently has, he can only use it one time at most.

It wasn’t Akan’s style to use magic inefficently, but given the situation, there was no other choice.

‘In the 2nd Circle blessing type, there’s Strengthen and Haste.’

Strengthen increases power, while Haste makes movements faster.

If you think about Akan’s stats, his strength being 11, while his agility being 10, it’s a common idea to amplify strength using Strengthen.

However, Akan thought differently.

‘The skin of the wild dog is not something that can be done in just by increasing my strength by a little. The better choice is to increase my agility to get a more accurate blow.’

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His head worked quickly.

His ability to judge momentary situations like these was definitely like that of a certain Macedonian archmage.

This is Akan’s true face. The Akan that worked in Korea as a part-timer for 10 years is just a surplus of who he was.



The mana running around his mana core was brought to his circles.

As he rotated two circles, his Dantian started to dry up while his body began to energize.

In terms of numbers, his agility would’ve doubled from 10 to 20.

After Akan’s finished using magic, the wild dogs began to charge at the people.




“Block them!”

The people were frightened at the scene of many wild dogs rushing towards them at once.

They wanted to run away, but because Akan set their minds up, they held on to their weapons.

And before long, the wild dogs arrived at hand.

The people wielded their weapons as hard as they could.

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