Lord Shadow

Chapter 618: 618

Humans had thought that they have reached a fairly modern style of living with weapons that could destroy the Earth and technologies that could enable them to go to the deepest trench underwater and to travel the moon and the planet around it.

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But to the eyes of Asgard, Olympus, to the eyes of the Jade Empire and many other civilizations in the Universe, they are still monkey playing with sandcastles and hitting each other with sticks and stones.

Because to them, humanity science and technology is laughable.

For those supreme beings they do not need weapons to destroy a planet.

They only need to wave their hands, and Laws would converge at the end of the tip of their fingers as they command the heavenly laws to bring down and annihilate planets.

Their weapons not only could destroy planets but could blast the Universe back into infancy.

Their weapons are Time Weapon, with the power to mess with the Timeline Streams or some destructive weapons that could wipe out entire galaxies in one blast.

That is the gap between humanity and those great civilizations.

Azief wanted to see the formation of the Universe because he truly wanted to see how the Universe is created.

Even now, there are still scientist debating of how the Universe was formed.

But Azief observation shows him too many things could go wrong in the formation of the Universe. One wrong gas, one wrong matter, one wrong positioning and it all could fall apart like…. sandcastles.

It was then he found out one reason why those supreme being have their own star system. It is not the star system they once had Azief deduced.

It is the star system they created. Of course this is only his speculation but he was confident of this speculation.

Because to create a living star system, a working system of galaxies there is one ingredient that is missing.

And that is why no matter how many times scientist goes out and investigate the universe, they would never get the answer.

All they have is theories. And each theory could be refuted because they missed the last ingredient.

A Divine Spark.

That is all it needs.

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That is how the impossible becomes possible.

Azief could throw a spark of his power and stabilizes the contraction of the disk universe that is forming to make sure that the contraction stops and the Universe stabilizes.

The same could be said for the other formation of the galaxies.

A galaxy could be formed in a different way but it always needs some stabilizing properties. What stops the contraction of space after the clouds of gas disperse and form into stars?

Magic. Mystical power.

And that is why Azief saw the limitation of a science that rejected magic.

Because, if this is before the fall, Azief would have no doubt believes that magic is some nonsense.

He himself was skeptic of many things that people said mystical and magical. And it was true then. There was no magical power before on Earth

But, to deny such things after the Fall, is not only being an idiot, it is being unnecessarily stubborn.

Azief smiles and then like all of his doubt has been answered, he heaved a sigh of relief. He was about to go home now.

Dimensional rips appear all over the Universe as the force of destruction slowly rolling out this Universe, and some of its essences and laws merges with the real world lines.

The last step of the Thirteen steps had broken in many pieces but it is still holding on.

Azief eyes shines again this time however it is not shining only silver and blue but also red. When the Omni law Body was formed, its eyes was formed from the core of a sun.

Azief hair is also emitting light that illuminate of the dark featureless void of the area of the Universe.

The light comes from the strands of his hair that was formed from quasar stars.

Storms of a chthonian element powers burst out and Azief punches out in front of him and a large rip of space was ripped out.

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The rips seem to be not connected to the Universe at all.

If one could see the scene in front of Azief eyes right now, they could see that inside that rip of space is a tunnel.

The top of that tunnel is green aura clouds that have no end, seemingly boundless and eternal.

The bottom of the tunnel is purple aura clouds.

And there is power of Time surging inside the tunnel. Azief took a long last look at the Universe that is about to be destroyed and he smiles.

He could see that all the Life force that he had given to this Universe would become that Divine Spark that would roll out a new Universe here.

'From now on, there will be no longer the Thirteen Steps!'

Azief said as he laughed, light radiated out of him that shines all over the destruction of the dark devouring force and he flew into the Time Tunnel rip just right before that destructive force could come to him.

As Azief pushed his feet off from the last step, the step exploded

The moment it exploded, a roar resounded all over the Omniverse and the great being all over the Omniverse was startled.

The entire Laws of the Omniverse seems to stirred. And faces appear from these Laws. Millions of faces appear, in a state of existing and not existing.

It is the faces of the ancient race, Etherna!

Laws were made from the remains of Etherna. That was the true origins of Laws.

In the ancient epoch, the Etherna commanded great and mystical power and conquers the whole Omniverse

When they were destroyed, because of their great power and understanding of the Omniverse, their power become a source of laws for all being.

It could be considered their punishment.

It is these faces that roars and everyone who knows, knew that it came from the resentment and dissatisfaction of the Etherna rebellion.

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And for those who doesn't know the true history of the Omniverse, they still could not help but beings startled.

And the moment that roar sounded, even Azief could hear it and it affect him as he could feel that tugging sensation all over his being and his soul.

This roar sounded like it comes from the ancient times and a powerful pressure crashed down onto Azief as his body fall inside the Time Tunnel rip.

On another separate Universe, a pair of eyes is looking at Azief. It was the Great Supremacy Azul.

Azul watched this scene and he smiles

'Thirteen. There never was fourteen. Now, I will wait. The Etherna seems to be prepared to take this to the end. And Azief himself is braver than I thought. What a difference between the two. I guess that Sovereign who called himself the Time God had some capabilities. Or was it the Etherna that had some capabilities, orchestrating all of this? HAHAHA' he laughed, but his eyes were cold.

He then averts his gaze.

Azul was not the only one looking at Azief struggling in the Time Tunnel.

Jade Emperor siting on his golden throne also saw this and he said

'I am right. It seems I too was tricked. It is fortunate I see through it first. Etherna. I guess even after epoch passes and almost everyone had forgotten such a race, they still refuse to accept their fate. Fighting with Him was not wise. It seems they did not want to give up even after all of that'

The Jade Emperor then sighed and he feel a little bit older. It would not be long now before he had to take his slumber and preparing for Havoc of Heaven with that Demon Monkey.

Though he had heard Odin had refused to go to slumber, Jade Emperor had some reservation and still make some preparation on the sly.

He had bet on Azief but he too also could not completely ignore the fate of his people if he were to fail in the bet.

Odin had always been a gambler, but he is not. No, he does not dare to gamble the fate of his entire Universe and ruins the lives of his people if he were to fail

That is why he is in a dilemma. He sighed and then said

'Since you have walked this path, sooner or later, we will meet again' And there is one more Being that is watching this matter.

Out of all of the powerful beings in the Omniverse that watched Azief, he is the most invested

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 It is none other than Wargod

Wargod in Interium looked intently at Azief and then he looks at his shoulders and his feet.

There is thirteen large thread that connected him and Azief

He sighed as he looks at Azief struggling inside the Time tunnel because of the pressure of that roar from the ancient Ethernas.

If not for the fact Azul was watching, he was tempted to once again open that Gate and forces Azief to choose.

He could only sigh and let thing happen like it was supposed to happen.

This time, it is slightly different than before but Wargod knows this is the beginning of the Time Crisis.

There is a reason why Wargod wanted to stop it. Time Crisis, was worse than the name seems to suggest.

It did not only affect Earth it affects the Omniverse in its entirety.

And Time Lords and the Orvanians also had to step in this time. This has happened before and it will happen again.

Since the Time Lords already knew that this would happen they would surely have some countermeasures this time, and the effect might not be as bad as before

And Orvanians had solved the Sithulran problem so they would probably send some Orvanians Guardian to the multiversal point to prevent a Singular Convergence from happening.

Wargod could only close his eyes and hope for the best

Inside the tunnel, Azief see something very shocking as he shouted in anguish looking at it.

He saw a betrayal.

Before he could see further he was sucked into it, hurtling toward time and light years inside the tunnels, slowly inching closer to home


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