Lord Shadow

Chapter 619


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The tunnel on the Supremacy Dimension closed up as a powerful wave passes just right after Azief enter the Time Tunnel.

The force obliterated anything in its path as all the magical barriers and formation around the Sealed Dimension broke down. 

the Supremacy Dimension and its Universe synchronized with the main Universe.

The Multiversal barrier was repaired and the dimensional barrier that had been put up for eons finally dissipated

The time lines merged together and a ripple of Time reverberated through all the Time streams

A large explosion birthed a new Universe, far away from Earth.

The sound of the roar quietened down. The Laws that is the building blocks of many Universes all across the Omniverse calmed down.

There is only silence and some lights promising new life in the location where Azief had just disappeared from

The calm before the storm. The Time ripples reverberates though all the time streams and eve Earth could feel its ripples.

It is an omen. A sign.

Death Monarch Azief is coming home. 



Death Monarch had finished his task and he is coming home. 

But to the rest of the world, they still could not sense his return. But not all could not sense his return. The world is no longer like before. The world has changed, so does the people.

Six years had passed since Azief first take that step. And six years is long in a world of change like Earth. 

With the World Orb, nothing is guaranteed. A new era had dawned in the page of history of humanity.

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When Death Monarch was walking on the steps of the Supremacy Stairway two years have passed on Earth. But now as he is coming home, it has already been six years since he last seen on Earth

Even two years after his absence, a lot of things had happened. Now, six years had passed, so there is even more change. 

Azief had set the Time Tunnel to bridge the gap of time difference between the Supremacy Dimension and the time flow of Earth Prime.

He had decided to come out at that time lines and the result was that he manages to compress time to the closest curvature of Time that he could manipulate which is six years after he went out of Earth.

But such enormous expenditure of energy that manipulate Times and Space, it leaves a mark. The moment he did that, it created a ripple that echoes through the continuity of the Time Stream. 

And a lot of people could feel a disturbance in the Time flow of Earth. Especially those who are sensitive to the Laws of Time and Space.

Azief when he was on that last step and using his Divine Law power he could sense that if he returned just as it is, he would have returned around twenty years after he had come out of Earth.

That is what would have happened if he only manipulated the Space. He would be transported into a world twenty years later.

Because that is the difference of time between the Supremacy Dimension Time flow and Earth Prime time flow.

And that is not counting the true difference of Time Flow. Twenty years is already small differences and that is because Azief is using the curvature of space.

Of course, Azief could not return at that time. If he was not confident that he could return to a shorter time, he would not have started the journey in the beginning.

If the Time difference is not that large, Azief would not even manipulates time. 

But if there was something wrong when he travelling through space rips, the twenty-year time frame might be compounded into hundreds of years. 

He did not want to return to a world where the people he knows and cared about might have died or suffers in his absence.

As such, he had planned from the very beginning to manipulates Time. By manipulating both time and space he could shorten the Time difference between the worlds

 It is why he uses his Omni energy to create at time Tunnel that compress the differences of Time between the Supremacy Stairway and Earth Prime.

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But the effect of doing such an act, it creates a mark in the Time Stream, and its power ripples through the stream of Time and those who could sense Time acutely, could feel it.

Azief had expected it. And he expected that ripples to warn some people and remind some people on Earth.

Azief had predicted that his enemies and his friend would be able to sense the Time ripples and come to the conclusion that it was him.

He wanted to warn, to remind and to assure some people. Death Monarch is alive and kicking and he is coming back!

 The moment that Azief step inside that Time tunnel, and the moment that Time stream of the Supreme Dimension and the time stream of the Universe melded, and as that tunnel ends reached Earth, some people noticed.

At that moment when the Time Tunnel closes in the Supreme Dimension, Jean the Time Monarch was in his Room of Clocks trimming the bonsai he got from Hirate.

Inside the Room of Clocks, there is thousands of clocks, ticking, all at the same time.

The sound of tick tock that echoes inside the Room of Clocks could drive anyone not proficient in the Laws of Time to go crazy. 

Each clock is different. 

There are wall clocks, tabletop clocks, weather station clocks, and there is also grandfather clocks that stands on the four corners of the room, cuckoo clocks and many other kinds of clocks that fills the entire Room of Clocks.

Each clock is intricately made, some made of woods, some made of metals and some are made by magical minerals. 

But one thing that all of them had in common was that each one of the thousands of clocks indie the large and tall room of the Room of Clocks, is that each clock seems to have a trace of Laws of Time.

Each tick, and each tock, seems to echoes with the trace of source of Time. Everyone knows of the existence of the Room of Clocks in the Republic.

All the Senator of the Republic knowns that Jean had a large room in the middle of the forest, where the only things that exist inside that room is clocks and a small table.

But no one knew what the Rom of Clocks function is for the Time Monarch. Like usual, after he wake up in the morning, Jena would go to the Room of Clocks and today is no different. But when he cut the bonsai branch, he suddenly heard it.

Not to be more accurate, it is what he doesn't hear that made him startled.

the ticking sound of the clock inside the room suddenly stop ticking. Green lines swirling with purple aura could be seen cut off all over the clocks inside the room. These green lines are only something that Jean could see.

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 Time stopped but Jean did not.

He slowly put down the trimming tools on the table and he frowned.

'Six years had passed. It seems the storm is returning. It is you, right?' he thought to himself and in that timeless moment he could feel that the time stream of the world is undergoing massive changes.

His eyes glows with purplish and greenish color

'Death Monarch has returned' he said and the moment he said it, the sound of the ticking clock once again sounded back.

Tick. Tock.

Tick. Tock. 

He looks at the clocks in his room and he sighed. 

'I guess I have no time for trimming the bonsai today. At least only a few clocks cracked' Jean look around him and he could see a few hundred clocks had cracked. Some had even stopped moving like there was something wrong with their machinery.

'Haish. The expenditure of energy to create such a powerful ripples of Time must have mean that Death Monarch had once again improve his strength.' Then he smiles a bit.

'if Hikigaya and Oreki found this out, I don't know if they would be happy or frustrated. The wall that they are determined to climb seems to become even taller. Heh' he chuckles.

He stores his trimming tools and then he went out of the Room of Clocks and went back to his Chancellor Office, don his official robe and summon his aides.

Jean called upon an emergency assembly of the Senate and it stirs the whole world as even Boris the Right Chancellor of the Senate also made a supporting order. 

He supported the summons and anyone who knows about Boris and Jean rivalry inside the Senate would surely raise their eyebrows. The two chancellors of the Senate are known to have deep dislike in each other.

But the reason why the Senate remains strong and why the Republic is one of the three great force of power in Earth is because when there is a conflict of interest between them and it involves the welfare of the Republic, these two Chancellor would push away their differences and stand as one. 

In the World Government they have the Twin Sages that have great influence over the matters of the World Government.

They also have the Earthshaker and the Mind Master. But the Republic have the Three people regarded as the trinity of power in the Republic. 

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Those three people are the Right Chancellor Boris, the Left Chancellor Jean and the High Chancellor Katarina

Once these three people made their stance known, every Senator would toe the line. Even though Katarina still did not make her stance known, since Boris had come out and issue a supportive order, everyone knows something big is happening. 

Like a stone thrown into a calm lake, the ripples are spreading all around the world.

All operatives of the Republic and all the Senators all over Europe must report to Moscow in three days.

All outside operation must stop immediately. This move by one of the Three Great Powers of the world drew many attentions.

Jean had noticed Azief is returning and drawing up counter measures. 

The strongest man in the world is about to return and the reason Jean call back all personnel is none other than to make sure that his people did not did any wrong to Pandemonium. 

If they did, he wanted to know who did it and how could he appease or how could he cover it up.

Jean is unlike the other heroes of the world. He had no interest in conflict with Pandemonium and is content to spend his time in Europe solidifying his power and influence there.

Of course, not everyone could make sense of Jean sudden moves. 

That is because not everyone has the same ability like him that sense the flow of time stream is being interrupted.

And while other might thought that the time stream is disturbed because of other forces, only Jean is adept enough in Time Laws that he had no doubt that this is Death Monarch aura.

But he was not the only one that senses Death Monarch return and started to prepare.


First chapter of the month. Hope you like it and leave some comments and dont forget to vote.

See you all tomorrow. this month my capacity for churning chapter might be impacted bcause I hurt my hand trying to smack ice yesterday, but if it not swelling in a couple of days, maybe it get better.

And for those who read Age of Heroes, after I finished scheduling some chapters for LS, I will post the new chapter for the month there.

Ciao and hope everyone is staying safe.

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