Love Dependency Disease v1c13

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Volume 1, Chapter 13: Sneaking into Experimental High School

TL: flarewk

After school, as Ma Qing Xue is aware that I have an important mission, she didn't came over to pester me, but just said a "Be careful" to me.

I'm quite clear on what would happen to me after I'm being discovered.

Doing a wide spread of resources inside another school, this is the kind of stuff that would be very likely to land me into jail.....

And end of the day, I'm just a student who wants to live his middle school life peacefully, so why would I always be involved in stuffs that could land me in jail!?

While grumbling, I walked past several streets, and eventually reached Experimental High School.

It's one of the important schools of this city, history-wise it had always been competing with Su Hua severely onto receiving new students every year.

That is what President has told me, for the victory of the sports meet will decide a portion of the future students who wanted to make a decision on choosing between those two schools.

In China, it's as expected that the enrollment amount will decide everything for a school, does it?

Sighing a deep breath within my heart, I walked into Experimental High School, as the school uniform and student identification pass that the Prez has specially prepared for me easily allowed me to sneak past the security checkpoint, thus clearing the first obstacle.

I boldly walked into the second floor's male toilet of Experimental High, as I knew that there will be someone meeting me up here.

After I've entered the second cubicle, I knocked on the wooden floor of the cubicle, and as expected, a sound came from beside my cubicle.

"There's no toilet paper already?"

"The President have toilet paper!"   (Zj)

"The other party isn't easy to deal with*!"

"The situation is rather dangerous*!"    (Zj)

We complemented our hidden signals correctly; the person in the neighboring cubicle is indeed a spy for Su Hua.

"You are?"

"I am the Librarian Keeper."

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"I've been looking forward to be meeting you for a long time already! Here's the information, please take a look first, if there's any questions feel free to ask me."

(TL: do you believe that the above ^ italicized sentence is actually only 2 chinese characters? -.-)

He handed me a folder filled with documents via the small crack from the neighboring cubicle.

After opening the folder, I noticed that it contained a landscape map of Experimental High School, which detailed various facilities around the school, and it even marked a few people that were needed to be careful of.

"Librarian Keeper, the Experimental High School's Student Council and Four Dirty Kings have a huge guard onto you, they have extensively researched onto your personal details, remember to pay heed and be safe, and don't ever get caught!"

"Don't worry, infiltration and hiding are one of my strong specialities."

That's a true statement in fact, for last time when attempting to hide from my girlfriend I painstakingly trained in all sorts of ways in order to shake her off.

Walking out of the toilet, and after passing the information back to the spy for him to destroy it, I slightly wettened my hair with a bit of water at the wash basin, and put on a pair of black rimmed glasses, the appearance of me now could be said to be totally different from the me earlier.

Right now, I have three important missions to do.

Number one, to pass some resources to male students who were known to be restless in school.

Number two, to enter the school's server room, and place the virus that the Prez gave me into their server.

Number three, which is considered to be the hardest mission among all of them. I must make one of Experimental High's elite athlete, who had won gold in the nationals before in the field of long-distance running to lose his vigor, or somehow making him unable to participate in the sports meet.

I realized that my actions are extremely shameless, but these are caused by the helplessness in life...

Browsing through two locations marked with a red dot in the map earlier, which are the more renowned spots of where the male students would often exchange their resources with each other; I didn't had any discovery, but when I walked towards the third location, I noticed that there were around ten male students currently doing a filthy contract of exchanging.

"What are you here for?"

A few male students became cautious as I suddenly approached them, looks like they knew each other well, they probably been in cahoots for quite some time already.

"I heard, there's an exchange here?"

"That's right, and so?"

"May you guys let me join in onto this as well?"

"Sure, but you will have to first prove to us your worth."

They pointed to me the contents of what they were exchanging, to my eyes, these resources are nothing more than sub par quality at most.

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"How about this?"

From within my clothes, I took out what was to me one of my most average collection of resource, but this to them is akin to the most top tier high quality goods that they can ever hoped to obtain in the current market.

"Very good, since we don't want to take advantage of you, how about we use all of our resources that we are holding to trade for that book resource of yours, deal?"

Looks like these people are folk that do recognize good quality material when they sees one, they knew the worth of what I was holding in my hands.


Instantaneously, happy expressions showed up on their faces, but my motive wasn't just simply that.

I carefully took out another book from within my arms, and passed it to them.

"Consider this a special offer for you guys, if you guys want this resource, then just agree to one condition of mine will be enough."

I took out my absolute top grade best collection I had ever possessed, I daresay that this item will definitely be in a world that they could have never dreamed of before.

"No! Impossible! I remember that this book had only been distributed for a mere three days when it was being miserably forced off shelves, and the rumors says that among the oldest of the old veterans, only the 'Forbidden Librarian Keeper' would have this kind of dream-like resource into his secret collection!!"

As expected, it's someone who truly knew about this kind of stuff!

"You're absolutely right, once I had an exchange with the Librarian Keeper, and this is what I've traded from his hands."

Being recognized will of course be within my expectations, for the goods that I possess are far too valuable, but me who had already prepared a lie beforehand easily gained their trust afterwards.

"What kind of condition would you want us to do! As long as it doesn't involve us dying, we'll do anything you say!"

They looked at me with expressions of longing thirst, as they had their gazes fixed onto the resources I was holding, I knew that they had already succumbed.

"It's nothing too much of a trouble that I would ask you guy to accomplish, it's only that I feel that good stuff must be shared with everyone, once you guys take this and scan it to online image form, remember to help me spread that, I have urgent business looking for the Librarian Keeper, hopefully this would be enough to draw him out."

"Sure! We agree to your terms!"

They grabbed the resources that I was holding and quickly dashed away, and I'm extremely clear on a fact, that this book for even an old veteran who had mastered his skills over the years would let him lose his vigor completely for three consecutive days, what's more a normal average person, this would be enough to make them unable to get off their bed for a short period of time. Only truly old legendary veterans like me will be able to resist the temptations.

(TL: in short, this porn resource is so good that after mast**bation by ordinary people apparently will cause them to overindulge in it over and over again until they cannot get up from bed for a short period of time)

Next, would be my second mission.

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Holding a key that the spy had provided me earlier, I snuck into the school's server room, maybe because this is one of the more secluded place of Experimental High, that's why I'm able to easily infect the server with virus without any hitch at all.

The last and final mission, according to my initial plan I was to sneak inside the men's dormitory, and afterwards place one of my secret collection underneath his pillow before fleeing away after that, as for whether it succeeds or not it all will depend on fate itself.

Sneaking inside the men's dormitory, the information that the spy had provided me earlier contained his room number as well as his room key; as most of the students were doing preparations for the sports meet and all were almost at beneath the stadium doing their training, so this is a good opportunity.

Inside the dorm room, the boys stinky sweaty smell and their smelly feet had mixed together, which formed into a smell that really repulsed people off; this is the main reason why I didn't choose to live in school.

Suddenly, a girl's blouse got blown down from the girl's dormitory opposite and into the dorm room's balcony. Hung onto the one-piece blouse still had that female student's long stockings on it, can't this female student hang her clothes more securely in order for this not to happen?

I placed the resource right underneath his pillow, and once I've successfully escaped, I would have managed to complete all three missions.

And just when I was about to open the door, I saw that the target was walking up the stairs, and from his position he could already seen the dormitory already; luckily I didn't open the door too widely.

It's now too late to escape from the scene, I must quickly think of something else!

Surveying around the dorm room, there completely wasn't any spot that could hide someone, and if I'm caught I'll definitely be treated as a thief and will be handed over to the Student Council, if that happens then I'll be in deep trouble!

What to do! What to do! What to do!

As the footsteps sounded closer and closer, me who had a sudden inspiration suddenly looked at the one-piece blouse that had been blown onto the balcony earlier.

"Time to die trying!"

I quickly locked the door of the dorm room, and hastily took off all of my school uniform that I was wearing, and quickly threw them downstairs from the dorm room's balcony. I realized that the skinny body figure that I possessed actually fitted this blouse rather well, and the unsightly leg hair that I had was then completely disguised under the cover of my long stockings.

Just then, the sound of the doorknob rotating ensued, and since the locked door would naturally won't be opened by just that, seizing this chance I quickly ran into the toilet within the dorm room, and moistened my hair even more, all the while drinking a few gulps of tap water to adjust my voice tone.

Looking at the mirror, what appeared in front of me is a short haired girl who seemed to be emanating with youthful vitality, as her pure clean blouse with her overgrown long black stockings seemed to be fitting perfectly, I really want to thank my parents now for giving born to me with such a unisex face!!

Right now, I've became a sicko pervert dude who had put on female clothing.

I opened the door, and the target evidently did not expect that there would actually be a girl who is lurking inside the dirty and smelly boy's dorm room, and as he stared at me dumbfoundedly, he conveniently forgot that how and why I possessed the key to this doom room.

Looks like I'll have to talk first!

"Yang Heng..... Actually I, have always loved you for a very long time, today when I saw that all of you wasn't in the dorm room, so I've secretly snuck in....I'm really sorry!"

I imitated Ma Qing Xue's way of talking, hopefully this way it would make me feel more of like a female student.


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He shyly used his fingers to scratch his face, not daring to look at me. Looks like he is a rather shy person.

"If....If there's nothing else then I'll first go away!"

"Wait! ....... can you tell me, what's your name?"

"Zhang Qing Xue!"

"What a nice name, I feel that this name really suits you!"

"Mm.....thank you, may I go already?"

"Pl- please wait a moment, may I take a picture please?"

Da'ge, I beg you to hurry up and let me go! What's so good about taking photographs of a man!


I can't let him take a picture of my face, at the very least he mustn't photograph everything entirely, so I lowered my head slightly, and did an extremely shy expression, but this seemed to have made him even more excited......

"Umm.....if you're free, let's go out and play some other time?"

"Can it be two days later? I'll be waiting for you in Su Cai Park!"

Two days later, is the date of the sports meet commencing.

"B....but the sports meet........."

"Two days later, I'll be moving away already, actually I didn't want to tell you this and just quietly move away......but I can't put down this feelings that I had....."

"Don't worry! I'll definitely be there!"

He looked at me who is about to cry, and immediately changed his mind abruptly; a female student's identity is really useful after all!

"I really love you the most, I'll first get going then....."

As if I was impatient to reincarnate already, I hurriedly dashed towards Su Hua, for my Su Hua's school uniform is still placed in my classroom.

If I don't go back to wearing my male uniform, I'm afraid that I'll fall in love with the female's uniform already!!

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