Love Dependency Disease v1c14

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tl: Hey all. I've bulldozed these chapters and now im rather worn out. I'll take a short break from tl-ing in the meantime, all right? Don't expect anymore updates for the moment -hands ded-

Volume 1, Chapter 14: The Sports Meet Begins

TL: flarewk

At long last, I've finally reached the school, perhaps due to me running a little too anxiously beforehand, the blouse had already been moistened by my sweat and had stuck onto my body, which caused the male students to malevolently stare at me as they walked past.

"Hey, quickly take a look at that female student, she's not wearing anything in front!"

"Wahh.... she's still rather pretty too, why don't you go ahead and ask for her number."

Similar such conversations floated into my ears.. initially it was rather embarrassing, but then after some logical thinking I remembered that I've also been seen several times before when I swam last time, so the shy feeling quickly calmed down.

The crux is; this is the first time I've ever donned a girl's attire, and it is surprisingly suitable as well!

I walked into my classroom, and realized that my school uniform were already gone.

There's a small note on the table, and it wrote:

Zhang Jian, your clothes are a little dirtied, I'll help to bring back and wash it for you, I'll return them to you tomorrow.

By: Ma Qing Xue

Her kind motives have ruined everything for me, I'm finished! Don't tell me that I've to wear this blouse that's nearly completely soaked in sweat till home?

Out of options, I have but no choice but to head to the Student Council room, where hopefully the President would have some spare school uniforms for me to change.

"President, the Explode Experimental High School plan is a success, oh right, do you have any Su Hua school uniform or Experimental High school uniform?"

The Prez looked at me with an expression of confusion, but since the voice that I was speaking now is my original voice, the Prez merely got surprised for a little while before coming back to her senses.

"Zhang Jian tongxue, you did an extremely good job, but I'll have to check the actual situation with our spies before a reward will be given to you."

There's a reward as well? This is an unexpected surprise, as I only acted in all of these to prevent myself from being expelled in the first place.

Looks like that I had unknowingly made a dirty agreement with the Prez after all.

(TL: may be double-sided pun here.)

"Right now your way of wearing is..?"

"Necessary for infiltration!"

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"The reason why you asked me for a school uniform is probably because of this, right?"


"I'm really sorry, although we do have Su Hua and Experimental High's school uniforms in here, but they are all female outfits."

She covered her mouth and chuckled.

I think it's on purpose that you didn't want to give them to me, right!

"But President, I......"

"Quickly go! I'm about to relapse again!"

The Prez's mood suddenly became irritable all of a sudden, and I know at this point that this was the sign before she relapses.

But I didn't know whether if it was real or just play-acting.

Looks like I would have to cross-dress all the way home, the unlucky me then decided to just walk a longer route back and just enter through the back entrance of my small district, at least there would be lesser people along that route.

I've just walked out the school gate when my blouse was being blown by a strange unknownst gust of wind.

"My eyes, My eyes! It's actually a pair of men's boxers! Plus there's a strange protrusion shape on it too!"

That bastard Wang Yi......

"I'd say, can't you be a little more professional if you want to cross-dress?"

He actually even got mad at me, I haven't even started to be angry yet too!!

"It's me, don't tell me you didn't recognize me at all?"

I didn't even put on any make up at all, at most it's just a change of clothes only.

"Librarian Keeper? You've finally decided to walk down this path of misguidance?"

"Never mind that, being your closest friend, I've decided to help satisfy your hobbies. Come, let's go to somewhere where there's no one around."

Who was close to you already, get lost!

"This is merely a necessity for the infiltration, oh right, how's the assault on Experimental High?"

"Very strong, so far me and Men Huntress barely won, but Master of Stalkers and Anal Calamity have been defeated."

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"But how about you, how's the progress on your side?"

"I've exploded them successfully, the national champion have been deposed off by me."

"Is it? But the real battle will still be behind, on the day of the sports meet commencing, I don't believe that the Four Dirty Kings would be that honest then."


"This time, the risk towards us is extremely great, for the location of the sports meet is at the grounds of Experimental High School."

"In any case let's take a step at a time."

After exchanging some information with Wang Yi, I've proceeded for home, and even though I purposely chose a route when there's less people walking around, there's still a lot of people attempting to strike up with me which made me extremely vexed.

Exiting the lift, I walked towards my house door and had just used the key to open the door when the neighbor's door suddenly opened, as Xiao Ling walked out from it.

"Hello da jiejie, may I ask what time would Zhang Jian return home?"

Xiao Ling appraised me for a moment; looks like she didn't recognize me...

"Should be soon already...."

I used a girl's voice to reply Xiao Ling.

"Oh, may I ask you a question then, jiejie you and Zhang Jian have what kind of a relationship to each other?"

"I, huh..... I'm his girlfriend."

I felt like teasing Xiao Ling, and when she knew my true identity she would probably be extremely shocked then.

"I see.... to tell you the truth, I would advise jiejie to quickly break up with him for the best."

Xiao Ling! What do you mean by that!


"Actually, Zhang Jian is a perverted lolicon, I have evidence here too..."

Xiao Ling took out the footage and audio recorded from last time, and it perfectly showed the pervertic acts that I've done previously.

Xiao Ling, saying bad words about me behind my back, and exposing me isn't such a good behavior, alright?!

"But I don't think he would do anything weird to you too, right? Maybe he would be only teasing around with you.."

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"Sobsobsob......jiejie, just last night, when I was sleeping soundly Zhang Jian seized the chance to barge into my bedroom, and he did this and that and that and this sort of stuffs to me very roughly, now I'm unable to marry to anyone anymore........"

"Also, I'm already almost pregnant already!"

She actually even wailed out in sadness.

Xiao Ling, are you deliberately trying to land me into jail?

I'm afraid that I'll be shot to death via execution for this!

"Mm....I'll break up with him, and if there's nothing else I'll go in and pack my stuffs already........"

"All right, I did all of this to hope that jiejie will stay away from his devilish claws, jiejie you must remember not to ever let Zhang Jian know that I've told you these, if not me and my mummy will be terribly tortured by him!"

Xiao Ling's acting is totally comparable to international standards, even I've started to believe that what she said is somewhat true already.

I returned home, took off the female outfit, and after rechanging back to a male's outfit I then heaved a sigh of relief.

I looked at the mirror once again, as expected, there's a huge different compared to me when I was wearing a female outfit.

I murmured to myself in silent amazement, even though I've just changed an attire only.....

After roughly half an hour later, I knocked onto the house door of Xiao Ling's.

"Yosh~ I've come over to eat dinner~"

"Sure~ welcome welcome, I've long prepared dinner already and was just waiting for Jian ge to come~"

She actually didn't mention anything about earlier to me, so now it's up to me to bring it up.

"Hey, Xiao Ling, my girlfriend earlier had just broke up with me for some unknownst reason, since you all are girls too, can you help me analyze why it would happen?"

"Mm, let me think, maybe she had an affair outside, this sort of woman are the absolute worst, Jian ge don't be mad about this, it's merely a small issue not to be worried about, since I'll never ever give up on Jian ge!"

"Also, Jian ge being such a kind person, she actually wanted to break up with Jian ge, that's her own misfortune!"

Xiao Ling did an expression of extreme pity on my earlier mishap, followed by another expression of being extremely mad at the me who was crossdressing earlier.

This acting skills, I have to salute towards it!

Being an adult I would be uneasy to just unveil her actions, plus since it didn't really cause any loss towards me anyway, so I'd just gave up on this issue.

As usual, I returned back to my home to rest after Xiao Ling had slept.

Countdown till the commencment of the sports meet, two days left.

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During these two days it's all quiet without any happenings at all, whether be it Su Hua Middle High or Experimental High School, both didn't take any actions at all.

But, I knew that this is just the calm before the incoming storm.

This came from our confidence that our tactics will cause the other party to lose, but putting it in another way, the outcome of the sports meet would still be an uncertainty.

"Zhang Jian tongxue, if we lost this time then you'll need to prepare to transfer schools, and of course, if we won, then I guarantee that no matter what you've done, as long as it's not too much of a serious problem, I can allow you to have a problem-free high school life."

This sentence was what the President told me just before the commencement of the sports meet.

Those people, who for the sake of winning and didn't care about what methods they had to do, are the scariest indeed.

Although I knew some incriminating evidence against the President, but due to having no hard proof at all, I could only put up my absolute best in order to win this already.

Today, is friday, it's the day of the commencing of the sports meet.

I woke up early from my bed, and walked towards Experimental High School.

En route, I "coincidentally" encountered Ma Qing Xue, and my meal this morning is also a cake that she've brought along.

Eight o'clock, after the principals and Student Council Presidents of both schools had finished their usual long prep talk, the sports meets began.

I observed the condition of the students from both schools, Although the word 'good' wasn't exactly the best to describe the current Su Hua's students mentality, but at least it is on an average level, but looking at Experimental High's, eight out of ten students were unmotivated, and had black circles around their eyes. Their few elite trump cards seemed normal though, looks like they had protection, huh.....

Meanwhile, a few of Su Hua's sport elites plus many other people had been on leave, and the remaining few aren't really considered to be that good in sports as well. As expected of the Four Dirty Kings of Experimental High, they have their devious methods as well!

Among the crowd I didn't see the nationals gold championship winner Yang Heng, he's probably still waiting for the cross-dressed me at Su Cai Park right now...

I'm really sorry for that! If we are to win this, I'll once more crossdress again to accompany you!

I deeply apologized within my heart towards him.

12 area of fields, respectively being long distance running, short distance running, long jump, high jump, swimming, shot-put, and men's baton pass run, ladies' baton pass run, soccer, basketball, badminton, and lastly ping pong ball.

Among these, us Five Human Trashes and the other party's Four Dirty Kings were also sports meet participants as well.

As my sports ability aren't not so good, I've registered just for the badminton and ping pong area of fields, so the burden onto me isn't that great.

At the same time, the other party's Four Dirty Kings, had one person participating in the long distance run as well.


As the referee blew the whistle, the battle of whether I'll still get to remain in Su Hua started, once and for all.

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