Chapter 14-A Lasting Summer Song Part 2

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Translated by Snowfall77



The night breeze had turned chilly.

Chu Yao softly snorted to herself, reaching out a hand to gently pluck the last half of the pancake out of Xia Ge’s bloody hand: “Let it go, I’ll buy you 10 new fresh cakes instead.”

Eyes still tightly shuttered, Xia Ge immediately offered: “I’ll let it go for one piece of silver!”

Chu Yao: “……”

Rolling her eyes, Chu Yao hit back with: “I thought you were asleep?”

Xia Ge assumed an entirely innocent and unperturbed expression: “I never said I was asleep.”

Chu Yao: “……”

What had she thought to herself a moment ago?  Hero?

She took it back.  She must have been blind.

After a long sigh, Chu Yao asked: “One or two pieces of silver is just one or two pieces of silver, why won’t you open your eyes?”

Now it was Xia Ge’s turn to sigh: “I already told you, I was blinded by your glorious moves from before.”

Knuckles cracking, Chu Yao’s eyes narrowed dangerously: “You’d better tell me the truth.”

“Oh, alright, sand got in my eyes.  I can’t open them.”  Xia Ge’s tone was of one who was following good advice readily.

Chu Yao: “……”  Why did such tone make her want to beat the boy even more?

Taking a deep breath, Chu Yao tried again: “You…..”

Xia Ge immediately waved her wounded hand at the village-savior with a sorrowful face: “Do you think I can just hop up the mountain and file for workers’ comp?  Right, and I’m sure there’s an award for ‘doing boldly what is righteous’……

Chu Yao: “……”  What the hell was this boy talking about now……

After the other party didn’t reply for a long time, Xia Ge figured the killer girl might not have understood, so Xia Ge helpfully spelled it out: “I mean……I just did something brave, but will Lingxi give me money for doing so?  Will they give me money because I’m injured now?  And you just said one or two pieces of silver is nothing, so when are you going to give them to me?  Right now or in installments?  A banknote or cash?  I’m not picky……

Unable to hide her enthusiasm for silver, Xia Ge rubbed her thumb and fingers together: “How about you give it all to me now?”

It would be very good if she got it now!

She could buy a bottle of wine to relieve all her stress!

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“I’ve got the silver right now.”

“But first,” Chu Yao hummed a little, “Tell me what peak you’re from.”

Xia Ge’s heart lurched.

She couldn’t tell the truth about this!

What if killer girl was still under the influence of {soul capture}?  Or what if the Jianfeng girl was harboring suspicions about Xia Ge’s eyes……

One could live without silver, but Xia Ge absolutely had to protect her identity!

Eyes still closed, Xia Ge promptly spouted some bullshit: “Ah, I belong to Shoufeng……”

Her voice fell.

[Ding! Congratulations On Receiving The Impression Of ‘Runt Full Of Lies’ From Chu Yao, A Senior Disciple Of Jianfeng!  This Impression Will Result In Your Credibility To Drop By 100% To The Target.  Please Pay Careful Attention.]

Mmm, so this sword girl’s name was Chu Yao.

But what was this impression……dropping 100% in one go?!

Have more trust in people, young lady!

“I said—you’d better tell me the truth.”


“Otherwise, that coin you want, for your injury and heroism, that won’t be given.”

So aggrieved she wished she could die, Xia Ge protested: “Too inhumane!  Who doesn’t reward bravery and righteousness with silver?!”

Chu Yao grunted: “If the peak is Jianfeng, I’ll give you money.”

Xia Ge’s expression turned gloomy: “Shoufeng doesn’t reward silver?”

“Shoufeng is very poor.”  Chu Yao’s face was wooden as she cracked her knuckles again.  “Now, tell the truth and cut the crap.  Cause you don’t stink of chicken shit like the rest of that trash from Shoufeng.”

Xia Ge acknowledged that Shoufeng disciples were poor, but they all smelled like chicken shit?!  Bollocks!  Uncle Xu who ran the sesame cake shop was also an outer disciple of Shoufeng, and his pancakes didn’t have the stink of chicken shit!

Wait a minute……was there……

Chu Yao watched as Xia Ge’s expression subtly shifted.

Xia Ge to herself: “Sure, I’d eat anything when I was a beggar……but now, thinking about it, have the pancakes always smelled just a little of chicken shit……”

Still set on finding which peak Xia Ge was from, Chu Yao opened her mouth to continue, only to be interrupted by the runt’s sorrowful voice: “……then, my pancake right now stinks of chicken shit?”

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So that face from a second ago was from worrying about whether or not your pancake smells like chicken shit?!

Clenching her fist, an evil grin spread across Chu Yao’s face, but then she glanced at the battered, appalling half of cake in Xia Ge’s hand and her nasty smile froze for a moment.

……there was more to this than just the stench of chicken shit.

Chu Yao’s aspect changed: “Yes.”

Xia Ge: “!!!”

The runt’s countenance turned remorseful: “I’m sorry Sister, I’m embarrassed.  I’m a disciple of Danfeng, I’ve never eaten chicken shit-flavored cakes……”

Turning a deaf ear, Chu Yao declared: “Ah, you’re an outer disciple of Jianfeng.”

A dismayed Xia Ge countered: “Sister, I’m from Danfeng!”

Chu Yao’s patience was running thin: “Don’t bullshit me, you’re from Jianfeng, right?  Acting impulsively, having no brains, why do we have an outer disciple like you in Jianfeng……What’s your name?”

That sure that quickly?  Was it normal for Jianfeng disciples to be all brawn and no brains?

Bowing her head, Xia Ge assumed an ashamed appearance: “Me, my name is Xia Ge……”

Chu Yao silently ruminated.

Xia Ge?  Odd……Chu Yao couldn’t remember ever hearing of this person before.

“I will remember you.”

Then Chu Yao stood up straight, tossing a heavy silver coin to Xia Ge: “Take this and find a doctor to bandage your hand.  I expect to see you at Jianfeng’s next entry examination.”

Chu Yao studied the runt tightly grasping the silver.  He looked like he thought the heavens had just dropped an unimaginable fortune into his lap, and Chu Yao found her eyebrows twitching with suppressed frustration.

……She really didn’t want to concede that this runt was actually an outer disciple of Jianfeng.

“Xia Ge,” Chu Yao irritably reminded the boy, “Next time you go out, remember to wear the blue ribbon of Jianfeng.”

Not having heard someone call her by that name in a long time, Xia Ge felt she’d almost forgotten it.  It caught her off guard.

The thrill of getting rich quick was suddenly pushed to the back of her mind, and Xia Ge felt oddly despondent.


“And throw the rest of that pancake away.”

“Don’t pick back up what you’ve already discarded.”  Chu Yao turned around, her voice brimming with arrogance: “Xia Ge, lift up your head, you must remember that you’re a disciple of Jianfeng!”

—-Xia Ge, Xia Ge.

A lasting summer song……unexpectedly, it was a pleasing to the ears name.

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Accompanied by a pair of exceptionally beautiful eyes.

A courageous figure, willing to sacrifice his own blood to protect the weak.  Such things couldn’t be bought with money.

At the very least, it was worthy to be remembered.

When Chu Yao left, the night air was cold.  Though it was hard to cool down hot blood still pumping.

Under pooling silver moonlight, gripping her new silver fortune, Xia Ge slowly opened deep violet eyes.

The girl with the sword walked with a straight back, the moon’s rays shimmering off the icy arcs of her fluttering blue ribbon.  Extraordinary, refined, and unconstrained.

The corners of Xia Ge’s mouth slowly curved up.

As expected.

That girl was someone born to be a shining light.

“I truly didn’t want to lie to her.”  Xia Ge shook her head and sighed, completely lacking of any sense of responsibility.

System: [Hehe.  That’s The Coldest Jest I’ve Heard This Century.]

“Alas, little puppet, you still don’t understand me,” Xia Ge replied, then added hypocritically, “Who didn’t believe me when I told her the truth?”

System: [……]  Why don’t you save your trust levels that are bankrupted everywhere, host?

Humming to herself, Xia Ge walked away, basking in the elation of her new silver.

The supreme art of telling of a lie lay in making it 7 parts true, and only 3 parts false.

And with her 0% credibility, even if Xia Ge did tell the truth, it’d still be considered a lie by the killer girl.

Ai, deceiving was just too easy.

Xia Ge couldn’t stop herself.




The author has something to say:

Small theater-

Xia Ge: Ah yes……Danfeng’s red ribbon.

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Ye Ze: Mmm, red, looks pretty good.

Xia Ge: Ummm……

The next day-

Ye Ze: ……where’s your red ribbon?!

Xia Ge: Well, I wanted to pass myself as a Shoufeng disciple so I could steal some bird eggs ==

Ye Ze: Steal bird eggs……wait, what does that have to do with the green ribbon on your head?

Xia Ge: Green is lovely, gives the flavor of nature. =v=

Ye Ze: = =

In reality-

Xia Ge: Wha……why did my red ribbon turn green when I fished it out of Aunt Li’s vat of yellow dye……

System: ……

Xia Ge: Magical dye, ah.







夏xià—summer    歌gē—song





TN-Many thanks to DL for contributing to my coffee fund via my forgotten kofi.  If anyone else wants to buy me more coffee, which I love, the link is   Just know that I can’t post any extra chapters right now, as I’m still slowly trying to stockpile.

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