Chapter 15-Huge Black Sickle

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Translated by Snowfall77



The villagers were already almost done disposing of all the puppet corpses on the road, but, for some unknown reason, they kept sending sympathetic glances Xia Ge’s way.

As an outer disciple, Xia Ge was given a wage and granted a small wooden hut to shield against the four seasons, protecting her delicate body properly.

……ok, so occasionally the hut was in a state of disrepair, rain leaking in, wind blowing through.  A bit troublesome.

But it didn’t matter.  She was a little expert at repairs.  In fact, she was the kind of expert that was skilled in all kinds of combat.  Fixing a small roof that was leaking was nothing.√

After spending most of the day being tormented one way or the other, Xia Ge was finally at the small hut she called home.


Gazing deeply at her house, Xia ‘Little Expert’ Ge’s face faintly twitched.

……who could tell her what’d happened?

The system lamented without an ounce of authentic compassion: [……Really Too Bad.]

Little expert Xia Ge slowly raised her head, eyes fixed on the huge black sickle stuck in her roof.  And just who could Xia Ge file a complaint against for this happening?  The vicissitudes of life now weighed on Xia Ge’s mind.

When she’d gone up against the demon puppet before, she hadn’t quite registered just how immense its sickle had been.  But now that such a sickle was protruding from her abode, all thanks to Chu Yao’s sword qi, the thing looked immense.

The sickle blade, about 1 meter long, had pierced the top of her roof, and its 2 meter handle was directly pointing up at the moon in the night sky.  While the chains attached to it danced in the breeze, jingling loudly.

No matter how fucking good she was, wasn’t this degree of destruction a touch beyond her capabilities!!?

Xia Ge clung to her silver coin, trying to comfort herself: “There are tens of thousands of buildings in Ande Guangsha……”

System: [Does Not Exist.jpg.]

Having no choice but to return to reality, Xia Ge bemoaned: “……don’t tell me, this lovely money that just fell into my lap, I’ll have to use it to get the roof repaired tomorrow?!!”

Kindhearted, the system stated: [It Probably Will Not Be Enough.]

Had that bastard killer girl done this on purpose?!

Xia Ge: “I demand a duel with her!!!”

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Something had to fucking compensate for the loss of 10 delicious sesame cakes!!!

Realizing that the money fallen down from the heavens would be disappearing without a trace, there was an endless chorus of ‘fuck your mother’ running through Xia Ge’s mind.

After cautiously unlocking and pushing open her run-down wooden door, Xia Ge stood at the corner of the wall, staring up the dangerous sickle from the sky that was piercing her dodgy roof beam.  The edge of the sickle blade gleamed in the flickering light of the small candle she’d lit, as if mocking her helplessness.

“Little puppet, I’ve been thinking, and this just won’t do.”

Xia Ge’s voice was bitterly sorrowful: “We’re going to have to think of a way to make money.”

The system wisely kept its silence.

Whenever Xia Ge schemed of ways to make money, the system naturally bore the brunt, becoming little more than ‘a death claimed to be a suicide by the authorities.’

Xia Ge didn’t know how make money.  No, she was obviously just trying to pull the wool over people’s eyes!

Earnestly and benevolently, Xia Ge enticed: “Little puppet, at these special times, shouldn’t we be a united front?  Look, do you see it?  The state of our common property—-don’t tell me you’re not distressed by it?  It can’t be possible that you don’t want to help out your darling host, could it?”


Really don’t want to, not at all.

Xia Ge laid the distress on thicker: “Little puppet, if you won’t do it for your host, at least for your own sake—-why don’t you figure out how we can get that sickle out of the roof without hiring a worker?  So we can sell it for more silver!”

System: [……]

Finally the system responded with some hard to come by words: [Take That Down And This Hut Will Collapse.]

Xia Ge’s face blazed with righteousness: “What kind of system are you?”

System: [……]

System: [Host, Advising You To Upgrade As Soon As Possible.  Do Not Delay.  Once You Have Upgraded, You Will No Longer Need To Entreat Me To Find A Way To Sell The Sickle For Money.]

Xia Ge: “What? Why?”

System: [……]

So after the upgrade, illicit activities, thievery, and selling the sickle will become easier?!  No more nose to the grindstone?!

Realizing that the system had gone speechless again, Xia Ge deeply sighed, her forlorn expression one of a child who’d grown up lonely: “Ai, little puppet has gotten smarter and knows when to change the subject……”

System: [After The Upgrade, Host Can Loot And Plunder Everywhere, Reaching The Pinnacle Of Life.]

Xia Ge: “What do you take me for?!  I’m not that sort of person.  Little puppet, how could you think of me that way?  I’m truly disappointed!”

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System, still indifferent: [Oh.]

Brow suddenly furrowing, Xia Ge turned serious: “By the way little puppet, I’ve got something important to ask you about me upgrading.”

Knowing how rare it was for its host to act solemn, the system’s tone subconsciously became more helpful: [What Is It?]

Xia Ge asked severely: “……after upgrading, will I be able to pilfer from the back mountain more efficaciously?”

System: [……]

Damn it, if it ever thought again that this trash host might possess even a smidge of moral integrity, it would send its unparalleled-self straight to the recycle station to be rebuilt!!

“Enough bullshitting,” Xia Ge thought to herself.  The sickle had damaged the roof, but that could be dealt with later.  Right now, upgrading was more important.

Opening a window, Xia Ge peered outside.  She lived alone, however Ye Ze had lived in another little hut right next to hers, which he frequently came back to.  Even after he’d become an inner disciple and was provided housing on the peak, Ye Ze would still come down to stay in his old hut.

Yet it seemed today he’d been kept busy with lessons.  The sun had already set, meaning that it was too late for him to leave the mountain.

It happened occasionally, when he had too much work, that he wouldn’t come back.

Night-time was deep, and there was no one else was around.  The townspeople had destroyed the puppet remnants speedily, the ground already clean.  Dealing with the sickle was a bit too difficult, best to postpone that headache to tomorrow.

So……here it was.

Her hut was very shabby.  There was a simple four-legged bed shoved up against one wall, the foot of each bed leg set in a small wooden board with four corners, like a horseshoe.  A clean yellow quilt neatly spread over the top of the bed, and Xia Ge yawned just looking at it.  She closed the window, going over to squat by her bed.  Come to think of it, she’d been so busy copying and whatnot the past couple days, she hadn’t been able to bask in the warmth of her quilt……

With one hand, Xia Ge hoisted the rear left leg of her bed.  As the small square board was lifted up, a hole in the floor was exposed.

Indeed, a hole had been dug there, although usually hidden by the ‘horseshoe’ of the bed leg.  Stashed inside the hole was a very small iron box.

Taking out the iron box, Xia Ge carefully removed its contents, put her new silver coin in, and then just as carefully put the iron box back in its place.

System: [Is That Silver Coin Really That Important?!]

Xia Ge’s expression clearly indicated that the system didn’t comprehend the sufferings of the people: “Little puppet, of course such a huge sum of money is important.”

System: [……]

There was a little iron box underneath each of the four bed legs.

And Xia Ge took them out one by one.

White clay for a puppet’s skin.  Two small black stones for the eyes.  Black silk for the hair.  Jade for the bones.  And finally, the Liuli tree to form the flesh.

In front of the tightly closed window sat a small table, and Xia Ge placed the items on it.  Looking at the two black stones, Xia Ge cocked her head  before suddenly laughing: “Speaking of……”

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System: [Hmmm?]

“Son of Biliu, it is worthy for me to admire Jiu.”  Picking up one of the black stones, Xia Ge couldn’t help staring at it, “Such an intense, powerful Senior Sister, yet her name is a black stone.”

System: [……]

The system, having no inclination to ask Xia Ge what she meant, simply pulled up its database to do its own research.

After checking the information, the system couldn’t help trying to correct its host: [……What Black Stone?  It Means Fine Black Jade.]

Xia Ge heaved a sigh: “Wow, little puppet, you really do covet Senior Sister’s beauty.”

System: [……]

“Alas, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  That’s the only way black stones become fine jade.”  Maybe Xia Ge was still smarting from the opponent’s beauty score of SSS compared to her own bitter ‘none’ and ‘ugly.’  She snorted to herself a couple of times before adding: “……on the contrary, to my eyes, black stone is nothing more than black stone!”

System: [Hehe.  You Are Not Even Equal To Black Stone.]

Xia Ge sensibly changed the subject: “Alright, I’ve got all the materials right here, what do I do?”

The system groaned to itself.  Didn’t trying to trample on someone else more often than not result in slapping your own face?




The author has something to say:

Xia Ge: Ah, fine jade. _(:з)∠)_

Senior Sister: Heh.






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“Son of Biliu, it is worthy for me to admire Jiu.”

From “The Book of Songs·There is Hemp in the Hill”

According to most scholars, this is a love poem written in the tone of a girl. The incident mentioned in the poem is precisely the place where the girl and the lover’s passionate rendezvous: “There is hemp in the mound”, “There is wheat in the mound”, and “Li is in the mound”.




佩pèi   to respect

玖jiǔ    black jade



There are tens of thousands of buildings in Ande Guangsha, and the meaning of sheltering the world’s poor people is: how can we get tens of thousands of spacious and tall houses, generally shelter the poor scholars in the world, and make them laugh.


The hut is broken by the autumn wind

[Tang] Du Fu

In the deep autumn of August, the wind screamed, and the wind swept away many layers of thatch on my roof. The thatch flew around and crossed Huanhua Creek, scattered on the opposite bank of the river. The high-flying thatch wraps around the high treetops, and it falls into the ponds and depressions in the low-flying and floating.

A group of children in Nancun bullied me because I was too old and had no energy, so I had the heart to be a “thief” to steal things like this, and ran into the bamboo forest with the thatch without any scruples. My lips were dry and I couldn’t stop drinking. When I came back, I sighed alone on crutches.

After a while, the wind stopped, and the clouds in the sky were as black as ink, and the gloomy sky gradually darkened in the deep autumn. The cloth was covered for many years, cold and hard, like iron plates. The child had a bad sleeping posture and broke the quilt. When it rains, the roof leaks, and there is no dry place in the house. The rainwater on the roof leaks like twine. Since the Anshi Rebellion, I have had very little sleep time. The night is long and the room leaks and the bed is wet. How can I stay until dawn.

How can we get tens of thousands of spacious and tall houses, which generally shelter the poor scholars in the world, make them laugh, and the houses remain unmoved in the wind and rain, as stable as a mountain? Ugh! When will such a towering house appear in front of me, even if my thatched hut is blown by the autumn wind, I myself will die from the cold and be willing to die!



This poem depicts the leaking house in the autumn night, wind and rain, and truly records a fragment of thatched cottage life. Suddenly born in a strange land at the end, with personal experience, promote oneself and others, and further put his hardship aside, imagine a vast mansion that shelters the world’s poor. This unrealistic fantasy is based on the poet Xu Shensheji’s hunger and hunger; and the broad-minded performance makes the work radiate a positive romanticism. The language of the whole poem is extremely simple and imagery, with a little lack of management and waves, which flow from the heart and soul, so it can be exciting.

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