Chapter 42 Stripping Off Clothes and Bandaging Part 1

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Translated by Snowfall77




Tenderly stoking Xia Ge’s sweat-beaded forehead, Ah Tang gave a little smile that did not reach her pitch-black eyes: “Very adorable, I’m almost reluctant to kill you.”

As Ah Tang was speaking, Xia Ge suffered a peculiar sensation in her abdomen!

Like something sharp……was penetrating her belly.

Because of her paralysis from the black vines’ poison, Xia Ge wasn’t in pain.  But blood was flowing.

Xia Ge: “……”
System: [……Host, do you feel cold?]

Xia Ge: {well, it’s not that surprising, is it?}

System: [……?]

Holding Xia Ge’s gaze without saying a word, Ah Tang slowly withdrew the jade dagger with which she’d stabbed her rescuer.  The metallic perfume of blood pervaded the stone chamber, and Ah Tang looked slightly amused: “Young man……guess I should say ‘cute young lady’ instead……You should have listened when I said you’d regret saving me.”

The two ladies had fallen to the ground together.  Apparently, as a side effect of using the potential gun, the poison in Xia Ge’s body had spread faster.  Numb and unable to move, about the only thing Xia Ge could appreciate was that being stabbed in the abdomen hadn’t hurt like it normally would.

Xia Ge barely managed a small chuckle: “……Ah Tang.”


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“No one’s going to want to marry such a vicious young lady.”

System: [……]

Ah Tang’s smiling expression didn’t change as she nonchalantly placed the teleportation runestone into Xia Ge’s limp hand: “Is that so?”

Xia Ge felt the runestone resting on her palm, tormented by the fact that she didn’t have the strength to break it.

Terribly dangerous.

The lady before Xia Ge was horribly, exceedingly dangerous.

But, maybe the paralysis weighed too heavy on her bones, or maybe she was too defeated by her recent failure, for Xia Ge found she couldn’t summon up the fear that she logically knew she should be feeling.

Xia Ge sighed: “……your young Master Ji, you must’ve buried him in this tomb too.”

Her small smile turning cloyingly sweet, Ah Tang rejoined: “The little girl has misunderstood this servant.  Master Ji doesn’t exist, I was simply deceiving you.”

Xia Ge: “……”  Oh, haha, very funny.

And stop calling yourself ‘servant’!

I couldn’t bear having a servant like you, no one could!

“Still, I was very surprised.”  Ah Tang leaned in and lifted Xia Ge’s chin up, staring directly into her eyes, “Such a smart girl, who obviously knew a while ago that I wasn’t what I claimed to be, why……”

Provocative eyes softly trailed over the length of Xia Ge’s wounded body, clad in shredded black rags and blood-stained white underclothes: “Why……why try so hard to save me?”

Ah Tang was uncomfortably close to Xia Ge, her voice too intimate, her breath in Xia Ge’s ear.

“Not trying to save you would’ve felt wrong,” Xia Ge shifted her gaze to peer up at the stone chamber’s ceiling, “People aren’t just all good or all bad.  Even if I thought you were lying to me, I didn’t have any proof of it.”

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The ceiling was an indescribable sight, making Xia Ge’s pupils contract.  Xia Ge closed her eyes, nonchalantly adding: “Actually, I like going to Mojia village to drink.  Their peach blossom wine is both cheap and delicious……and you said you were from there.”

“If, every time I went there to have a drink, I had to be reminded about the local girl who died right in front of me in such an awful way……it’d be too hard to take.”

The thorns’ poison kept Xia Ge numb, her limbs impossibly heavy, and even though she’d been stabbed in the abdomen, there was no pain.

Xia Ge did know full well that powerful people lived a life above everyone else, but at the moment she felt completely passive in the face of it.

“Truly?  That’s amusing.”  Ah Tang gave another little laugh, “However, won’t this little girl tell me her real name?”

I’m sorry, you’ve nearly stabbed me to death and now you’re bugging me for my real name on top of that?

Do you think you’re making any sense?

Xia Ge opened her eyes and glared at Ah Tang.

Ah Tang was beautiful down to the bones, true.  Although could she even be considered human anymore?  She’d posed as a pure, virtuous young lady, only to reveal her true nature to Xia Ge without a qualm.  An unscrupulous, wanton, demonic woman, contemplating Xia Ge with those seductive eyes.  Yes, Ah Tang was definitely beautiful, but Xia Ge wasn’t moved by that.  Instead, Xia Ge was enduring an overwhelming pressure.

Even if she argued to herself that Ah Tang’s beauty was only skin-deep, Xia Ge was now fully aware that Ah Tang was a peerless talent, a person no one should dare provoke.

Xia Ge slightly lowered her eyes.


“You don’t want to tell me?”

Ah Tang’s voice was gentle, the blood-stained jade still in her white hand: “That’s alright, I’ve always believed that even if a person won’t talk, their heart will——”

Leaning in to whisper right into Xia Ge’s ear, the jade dagger pressed against Xia Ge’s chest, Ah Tang’s mien was of one elated at no longer having to pretend: “Master Lei, how about I dig out your heart and see what it has to say, yes?”

Oh, piss off.  We both know it isn’t ‘Master Lei,’ it’s ‘Sister Lei.’

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Better yet, why don’t you fuck off into the wind, about 90,000 miles high, smartass?

When Xia Ge said not a word, Ah Tang acted like one addicted, lightly licking Xia Ge’s ear: “Master Lei, why won’t you speak?”

Getting her ear tongued gave Xia Ge the quivers and she blurted out: “What the fuck, don’t you have any shame?!”

Go ahead and cut my heart out!  But don’t lick me!!   Licking, my ass!  This woman was toxic!

“Shame?  What’s that?”  Ah Tang sounded almost perplexed, although her expression still amused.

Xia Ge managed to calm herself down: “……nothing important.”











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From “Shang Li Yong” written by Li Bai, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, the original text of the poem is as follows:


Dapeng rose with the same wind in one day and soared up to 90,000 miles.


If the wind breaks down, it will still be able to shake the water.


When the world sees my constant special tone, they all sneer when they hear what I say.


Xuan’s father is still afraid of future generations, but his husband is not young.

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