Chapter 42 Stripping Off Clothes and Bandaging Part 2

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Translated by Snowfall77




No point in talking about shame with a person who didn’t have it.

That much was obvious.

Just, Xia Ge really, really hated strangers touching her body.

It was particularly disagreeable.

“Back to the topic at hand, what is your name, little girl?”

Stone-faced, Xia Ge declaimed: “You are correct, my real name is not Lei Feng.  My true name is Nicholas Zhao Si.  You may address me by ‘Nicolas,’ or Miss Zhao Si…..Though I would prefer it if you simply called me Miss Nicolas.  Thank you.”

System: [……]

“No matter, if you don’t want to tell me, I understand, Miss Zhao Si”  Smiling, Ah Tang finally tucked her dagger into a sleeve, “Or should I say Xia Wuyin?  Miss Xia?”

Xia Ge feigned bewilderment: “Xia what?  I’m not……”  Actually Xia Wuyin.

Who’s Xia Wuyin?  What a low and boring name……She, Nicholas Zhao Si, refuses to recognize it!

A cold index finger pressed down on Xia Ge’s mouth, the beauty in red quirking an eyebrow: “Shhh……”

“It’s what you told me yourself.”

Bullshit, saying I told you that?  Are you fucking suffering from hallucinations?

Opening her eyes wide against the blinding light, Xia Ge’s expression was clearly one of—“When did I ever tell you that?”
“Not only do I know your name, Xia Wuyin, I also know that you are the 556th outer disciple of Lingxi Sect, Danfeng Peak, No. 88.”  Ah Tang smirked.  “You also informed me that you wished to burn paper offerings for your ancestors.”

Xia Ge: “……”

System: [……]

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……so it was going to turn out like this.

Resisting the truth, Xia Ge refused to surrender: “That’s someone else, I swear……my name really is Nicholas Zhao Si.”

Ah Tang whispered with a smile: “Whatever you say, Xia-Xia.”

Xia Ge: “……”  Xia-Xia?!

Hearing herself being called that had given her goosebumps all over.

Xia-Xia?!  I’m still in spring, not ‘summer-summer,’ ok?!  I’d even accept autumn or winter, but not summer!

How could she, the great Nicholas Zhao Si, accept such an awful moniker?!

“Nothing else to say?  Actually, you can ask me any questions you might have, I’ll answer you very kindly.”  Ah Tang’s amused eyes crinkled up.

Looking quite constipated, Xia Ge declared: “I don’t have anything I want to ask you.”

“You’re not curious at all?  No curious about how or why I……am in your ancestor’s tomb?”  Licking her luscious lips, Ah Tang contemplated the pale skin of Xia Ge’s slender neck, the perfect clavicle revealed by torn clothes, the glint in her eyes slightly softening.  Because Xia Ge had been protecting Ah Tang from the vines, most of Xia Ge’s wounds were on her back and arms, leaving her chest uninjured: “That seems out of character.”


Talking as if you know me so well, I really should thank your ancestors to the 18th generation.

Why should I be curious?  Haven’t you heard that the more you know, the faster you die?  Especially when it comes to perverts like you.

Inwardly groaning to herself, Xia Ge decided to follow Liu Hulan’s great example by not saying a word.  Vowing her allegiance to the Party even unto death……wait, no, she meant vowing to protect Lingxi Sect, its old ancestors and her own small life.  But just as Xia Ge was girding her inner resolve, she saw the cruelly-stabbing beauty take a bandage out of a sleeve and start……start pulling away Xia Ge’s clothes!

“Hey, hey, aaaah, what are you doing?!!!”

No longer feeling remotely stoic, Xia Ge sputtered: “You, you, you……you get away from me!!!”

System: [Host, Please Stop Acting Like You’re Being Raped.  It’s Coming Across As A Little Too Affected.]

Affected, your mother’s ass!!

I’m being stripped!!  I’m seriously wounded!!  And I can’t move!!  Little puppet, where’s your empathy?  I can’t believe you!

Meanwhile, Ah Tang retained the refined attitude of a peerless talent: “If I don’t bandage the wound, then my little hero Xia-Xia will end up sleeping here along with her ancestor on the back mountain.”

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——Look at this righteous-acting fucking fraud bandaging me up while threatening me with tombs at the same time! You’re the one who fucking stabbed me in the first place!!!

Paralyzed head to toe, Xia Ge could do nothing as the beauty removed Xia Ge’s outer clothing.

Completely exposing Xia Ge’s snow-white breast-binding.

Xia Ge blushed a deep red, steam practically coming out her nostrils: “You, you, you……leave me alone!!  Get away from me!!!  Pervert!!  Stop touching me!!  Fucking pervert!!”

Ah Tang calmly eyed the undeveloped bust underneath the delicate collarbones, one corner of her mouth curled up.

“……little hero, it’s actually not necessary to bind your bosom, is it?”

Xia Ge: “……”

Way to kick a dog when it’s down.

What’s wrong with a flat chest?!  How about I eat your rice and you can call me fat?!  Is it any of your goddamned business what I wear around my chest?!

Stepping in to offer some soothing words, the system said: [This Other Party Is A Beauty, So You’re Actually Getting The Better Half Of The Bargain.]

Xia Ge: “……”  Whose side are you on?

The system’s voice lowered as it spoke frankly: [I Think It’s The Other Party Who Is Suffering A Loss.]

Xia Ge’s voice was cold and detached: {you’re going to be uninstalled.  goodbye.  we’re finished now.}

It’s not a fucking question of who is and is not suffering losses!!

While Xia Ge was undergoing emotional turmoil, Ah Tang unhurriedly finished undressing the little girl and took out a gold bottle of medicine.  After gently applying the medicine to Xia Ge’s wounds, Ah Tang painstakingly bandaged Xia Ge up layer by layer, finishing off the loose ends with a chic little bow.

The beauty’s every movement was slow and tender.

Nevertheless, Xia Ge did not feel the slightest bit appreciative .

Hitting, then giving a treat.  That might be a wonderful way to train animals, but Xia Ge wouldn’t be fooled by it.

“You’re really not curious at all?”  Finished with bandaging, Ah Tang again lifted Xia Ge’s chin, still faintly smiling, “I could tell you everything you want to know.”

Xia Ge: “I’m not curious, so why don’t you just go ahead and kill me?”

“I’m not going to kill you,” Ah Tang claimed, “That was a lie before.”

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Xia Ge: “Oh.”

Apparently the little girl was very angry.

Sighing, Ah Tang managed to be maybe half-truthful: “Actually, I’ve always been someone who knows how to return a kindness.”

Xia Ge: “……”

System: [……]

We’re afraid you’re a phony, beauty.

Ah Tang gave a warped little laugh: “Please believe me, I’ve always……known how to show gratitude.”

She’d ever repaid the favor of those who were correct in her eyes.

Redressing Xia Ge in her torn clothing, Ah Tang expected the little girl to hold onto her silence.  Yet to Ah Tang’s surprise, a question was forthcoming.

“The demon puppets outside, you were controlling them, right?”  The little girl’s raspy voice suddenly rang out, “At first I thought it was the lost deer controlling them, but thinking back on it, I don’t think that’s correct.”

“The lost deer is the lost deer, and a puppet master is a puppet master.  The lost deer might have {soul capture} eyes, but it wouldn’t be able to control a regular puppet, let alone a group of unwieldy demon puppets.”

“You’re the one who was managing the demon puppets, moving me into place to meet the lost deer, letting it guide me into the tomb, that way showing you the way in too.”

Not bothering to deny it, Ah Tang kept leisurely putting Xia Ge’s clothes back on, eyes hooded in amusement: “Ah, my little hero is quite smart.”

“By the time I came back to my senses in the passage, you would have already found this third chamber.”  Xia Ge kept her tone bland, “The demon puppets of the formations would be no hinderance to you, so it’d be the stone wall with the mural that obstructed you.”

Ah Tang: “The mural wall did block me, and I didn’t know how to get through it.  So I hoped that you would find a way.  I never imagined your method would be to hack it to bits, tsk-tsk.”

Eyeing Xia Ge’s body up and down, Ah Tang added: “It is hard to believe that you’re a girl.”

Xia Ge: “……”

The wall was there, blocking us, what did you want me to do?!  Knock on it and say ‘open sesame’?!  My method worked, didn’t it?! First you exploit me and then you trash-talk me, so ‘tsk-tsk’ my ass!!




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tn-thank you, immo, for the ko-fi!  sorry my pace is so slow~




尼古拉斯赵   Nicholas Zhao Si

Nicholas is a hot word on the Internet. Nicholas was originally the name of the international superstar Nicholas Cage. Later, in ” Country Love “, Zhao Si (played by Liu Xiaoguang) danced a dance, like a ghost step dance, which netizens felt very Funny, very superstar temperament, just call him Nicholas Zhao Si. Netizens often add Nicholas before their own name. [1]


Liu Hulan (刘胡兰, 1932–1947) was a young female spy during the Chinese Civil War between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.[1][2] She was born in Yunzhouxi village, in the Wenshui County of the Shanxi province. She joined the Communist Party in 1946[3] and soon after joined an association of women working in support of the Liberation Army. She was actively involved in organizing the villagers of Yunzhouxi in support of the Communist Party of China.

Her contributions involved a wide range of activities, such as supplying food to the Eighth Liberation Army, relaying secret messages, and mending boots and uniforms.


On January 12, 1947, the Kuomintang army invaded her village in response to the assassination of Shi Peihuai, the village chief of Yunzhouxi, who was known to be loyal to the Kuomintang. Upon entering the village, Kuomintang soldiers rounded up several reputed Communist Party members, among them the teenager Liu Hulan. The party members were decapitated in the town square. Before killing Liu Hulan, the executioners paused, giving her one final chance to renounce her allegiance to the Communist Party. She refused, and was immediately beheaded. She was 14 years old.

It was in her memory that Mao Ze Dong wrote the famous line, “a great life, a glorious death” (“生的伟大, 死的光荣”).


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