Xia Ge gave in to despair: “Since I’m so ugly, just let me go.”

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Ah Tang pondered that suggestion for a moment: “Although ugly, you’re still amusing.”

Xia Ge huffed and met Ah Tang’s eyes: “I truly won’t tell anyone about you.  I have something very important to do, and it’s got nothing to do with you.”

“Mmm, you just mentioned you don’t know my real name,” Ah Tang ignored Xia Ge’s words, instead talking to herself, “That’s no good.  You must remember me.”

Xia Ge: “……”  Don’t worry, I will always remember you.

She’d never forget the person who stabbed her in the gut for the rest of her life.

It was a fucked up thing to happen to a person, and something a person would definitely remember all their life——even when you were a white-haired elder, you could still say with righteous indignation that ‘XXX stabbed me in the abdomen!’  If it wasn’t qualified to be a memory engraved for a lifetime, what was?

Unless, things got even worse for a person later in life —no, nothing was worse than a hole in your gut.

“I’ve a wonderful idea.”  Ah Tang’s words sounded disingenuous, along with her smiling expression and soft voice: “You tell me what your important task is, ask me my true name, reassure me that you won’t forget it, and then I’ll let you go, alright?”

Ah Tang’s tone was heavy with lingering tenderness, as if Xia Ge were her long-long lover: “Isn’t that very good, Xia-Xia?”

Good, my ass.  Like hell it’s good.

……endure, be tranquil like smooth water, bear with it……

Xia Ge’s face was wooden: “Very good, so please tell me your real name.”

The beauty raised an eyebrow: “Well, it’s Ah Tang.”

You’re seriously going to give me that shitty answer?!

Ah Tang?

You’re still fucking messing with me!

Observing Xe Ge’s complicated, angry expression, the beauty couldn’t hold back a laugh.  She reached out a hand and stroked Xia Ge’s black hair, saying slowly: “My name is Su Chan.”

“Oh.”  Xia Ge was a bit numb.

And finally understand how Ye Ze might feel about Xia Ge constantly messing with him.

He was likely going to avenge himself, it was just that the time hadn’t come yet.

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If Xia Ge had known she was going to get divine retribution, she wouldn’t have acted that way.  She just needed a second chance!  She absolutely wouldn’t bully Ye Ze again, well……probably.

System: [……]  Your words completely lack sincerity.

“I don’t like you talking to me with that look on your face.”  Bowing her head, Su Chan rested her forehead against Xia Ge’s, a strange light gleaming in her eyes, “Change it.  Any other will do, come on, call my name and I’ll listen.”

Xia Ge: “……”

You’re too fucking much.

Managing a half-hearted ‘pleasant’ face, Xia Ge called: “Oh, oh, Su Chan, Su Chan.”

System: [……]

Clearly unhappy at Xia Ge’s attempt, Su Chan got up, casting Xia Ge a sidelong glance.  A smile hovered at the corners of Su Chan’s mouth, but her eyes were rather cold.

The air became stifling, and the smiling beauty was terrifying,  surrounded by intangible pressure, exuding a dispassionate killing intent.

Quivering with fright, Xia Ge immediately adopted a more serious attitude, one appropriate to a respectable disciple: “Mm, Su Chan.”

Heaven and earth or Xia Ge’s control of her own fate, which was the biggest?!

System: [……]

Su Chan found the girl’s earnest way of calling of her name much cuter than before.

“Your important matter, what is it?”

Having thought Su Chan to be angry, Xia Ge was surprised by the beauty’s leisurely tone.

Su Chan unexpectedly hadn’t taken offense earlier?

Xia Ge was left a little bewildered.

……it was good that Su Chan wasn’t irate, otherwise she might throw Xia Ge, a grievously wounded person, against a wall.  And that was too short of a lifespan for Xia Ge.

At least she could still feel the paralysis slowly subsiding and her strength gradually returning.

The power of the Xue Bigu dan she’d eaten hadn’t yet waned.  If Xia Ge could exploit Su Chan’s thoughtlessness long enough to crush the teleportation runestone, Xia Ge would finally be able to get out of this mess.

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She was almost there, just a little more.

Maybe her old Lingxi ancestor up in the heavens would protect her and give her smooth sailing

Xia Ge just needed to hold steady for now.

“I promised others that I would place in the top three of the Danfeng entry examination,” Xia Ge kept her face blank, “And the entry examination is tomorrow.”

“Promised others?”  Su Chan repeated Xia Ge’s words, apparently finding them interesting, “It’s clearly your own matter, so why make promises?”

The harsh, cold pressure in the air quietly lifted as Su Chan spoke, and Xia Ge felt slightly safer.

Considering her words carefully, Xia Ge finally answered: “Its exactly because I made a promise to someone else about my own personal matter……that’s the reason why I must accomplish it.”

“Oh?”  Su Chan continued to act intrigued.

“When you’re a stranger to someone, have no relationship with them, they don’t go around saying things like ‘please get stronger’ or ‘grow to be better.”  Xia Ge spoke sincerely, “No, when someone talks to you like that, it means you have a special position in their heart.  From the bottom of their heart, they want you become outstanding, and if you do achieve it, they will be genuinely proud of you.”

Xia Ge hadn’t cared before, because she had thought everything inconsequential.  She was alone in a strange world, with nothing to care about.  It didn’t matter if she became a shining talent or a salted fish rotting in the mud, cause in the end, there was no one to care or fret over her.

But then……

Ye Ze has asked her to become an inner disciple of Danfeng.

At that time, Xia Ge had felt gratified.  There actually was someone worried about her.

Her system’s memory was deficient, its data lacking, rank not high enough, and the things that weren’t understood piled up higher and higher.  When she’d first met Ye Ze and gained her system, Xia Ge had hoped against hope to go back home.  In the end, though, all she got was the sentence——

System: [I Don’t Know.]

Xia Ge: “……”

Very fucking depressing.

So, lost in the unfamiliar world of a novel, she had to come to grips with the fact she’d likely never go back to her modern world, and that she might be an eternally solitary soul.  Only now she had finally gained one person who was concerned about her.

To be worthy of it……she would strive her hardest so that those who saw promise in her would not be let down.

Or at the very least, she’d try not to be so frustrating, making people feel uneasy.

“Indeed.”  Su Chan’s eyes lowered, expression unreadable.

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——If you cared about a person, you would hope that that person would become ever better.

Sh Chan’s hand lightly caressed the bone flute tucked in her sleeve.

Yes……that was correct.

……back then, there had also been this feeling.

——Wanting her to reach the highest summit, to always be able to press bravely forward, to proudly laugh at the world with a toss of her sleeve.  Had hoped that nothing, from the east to the west, could obstruct her steps.  Had hoped that she would possess all the beautiful things the world had to offer.

At that time……she truly had thought that way.

But that time was no more.

Feeling that her strength was almost restored, Xia Ge kept peeking under her eyelashes at a seemingly absent-minded Su Chan, waiting for the second she could crush the runestone and slip away.

“If you directly leave, you’ll die..”

Su Chan’s soft, exquisite voice came again: “I’d advise you to be well-behaved with me.  And don’t bank on the fact that it doesn’t hurt right now.  After the poison of the black vines wanes, you’ll be in so much pain you’ll wish you were dead.”

Alarmed, Xia Ge looked up at Su Chan.

Standing up, Su Chan took out from her sleeve with the missing corner the jade dagger with which she’d stabbed Xia Ge: “The poison from this Wangsheng dagger can dissolve the poison from the black vines.  While I did avoid your vitals, the dagger’s poison will be very stimulating.  After the vines’ poison is gone, your wound will be agonizing due to residual toxicity.”

Xia Ge understood every word coming out of Su Chan’s mouth, yet somehow she was having trouble comprehending Su Chan’s point.

……poison?  Meaning what?  Did she mean……?  Was the beauty claiming she’d stabbed Xia Ge to detoxify her?!

Su Chan put on an act of being disappointed: “I’ve always been a person who knows how to repay her debts, but Xia-Xia doesn’t seem to trust me.”

Xia Ge: “……”  I’ll trust you when hell freezes over.


Normal people don’t repay their debts of gratitude by stabbing the person they owe!  Even if the stabbing was some kind of ‘detoxication,’ they’d still at least fucking ask first!

And don’t call me ‘Xia-Xia,’ you’re making my skin crawl!

Trying tactfully get Su Chan’s mind on the right track, Xia Ge said: “Please stop using ‘Xia-Xia’……if my wound is prodded it hurts dreadfully.”

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Su Chan’s eyes seemed to be laughing, although her face was blank: “It hurts when you poke it?”

Xia Ge: “……”  Your expression makes me want to beat you, or better yet, how about I stab you this time?!  It won’t hurt at all, c’mon, let me stab you too, please!

Su Chan: “But aren’t you still paralyzed?”

Xia Ge: “……”

Yes, I was paralyzed, and when you stabbed me, I knew something was entering my body, but I didn’t experience the pain I should’ve.

And it was that lack of sensation that made it even more terrifying!  A dagger pierced my abdomen!  For real!  Went right in!  And I couldn’t feel it!

Xia Ge emphasized her main point: “But my spirit has been severely harmed.”

Visibly adopting a fake attitude of contriteness, Su Chang went: “Oh, oh, Xia-Xia, I am so sorry.”

Xia Ge: “……”









TN-There won’t any new chapters for a couple weeks.  Assuming I don’t get eaten by wild animals or suffer some other ignominious demise traipsing through nature, next chapter should be post around 6-7-22.


Wangsheng-second life or reborn

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