Chapter 44-{blood-stained spring and autumn} Part 1

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Translated by Snowfall77




While Xia Ge and Su Chan were busy fraternizing in the stone chamber of the ancestor’s tomb, outside Jianfeng’s entry tournament was about to start.

Jianfeng’s training ground was quite large, with three furnished platforms, positioned to the east, west, and north.  Chang Lan, Jianfeng’s senior disciple, sat at the northern platform.

At the eastern platform were Danfeng disciples who’d come to observe, while the western platform’s seats were reserved for Shoufeng disciples.

Dressed in the azure Jianfeng clothing that designated an alternate senior disciple, Chu Yao sat to the lower left of Chang Lan, holding her sword.  Her silky black hair was tied back with a blue ribbon, Chu Yao’s light brown eyes were bright as she looked over the outer disciples wearing hemp.

Xiaoqing stood deferentially by her side, feeling that Chu Yao was inexplicably in a good mood.

“The roll call will begin!”

According to Lingxi Sect rules, before Jianfeng’s tournament could officially start, the roll call was to be read three times.  Any of those enrolled who didn’t answer by the third call were considered to have forfeited their right to participate.

The one reading the roster was a Jianfeng disciple, dressed in a white robe with blue lapels, posture ramrod straight and expression solemn.

“No. 1, Huo Yuan!”

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“Here!”  The clear, resounding tones of a man rang out.

“No. 2, Kong Yu!”


A woman’s crisp voice.

“No. 3……”


A great many people were participating in the tournament and Xiaoqing couldn’t help feeling impatient listening to the long list of names.  Peeking sideways at Chu Yao, Xiaoqing was surprised to see that the expressionless young lady was listening rather intently.

Which Xiaoqing found somewhat perplexing.

……was there someone Chu Yao was……waiting for?

Struck by that thought, Xiaoqing suddenly paid closer attention to the next name called.

“No. 79, Xia Wei!”


Xiaoqing noted that Chu Yao’s eyes gleamed for a second at sound of ‘Xia,’ then dulled hearing the ‘Wei,’ and her impassive facade turned to barely concealed fidgetiness.

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……so, the person Chu Yao was anticipating, their surname must be ‘Xia.’

Xiaoqing inwardly mulled it over.  Hadn’t Chu Yao mentioned some ‘Xia’ person yesterday?

Out of over 300 disciples, there were three that had the surname ‘Xia.’

However……it was quickly clear than none of the three was the one Chu Yao hoping for.

“No. 373, Li Liu! ”


“Very good, present are 370, three are absent! The roll will be called again in half an hour!”  Finished reading the list, the Jianfeng disciple announced this to the crowd, only to hear an irritated voice behind him ask: “You called every name?  You didn’t skip over any?”

The disciple turned, and finding that it was Chu Yao addressing him, he answered promptly and respectfully: “Senior Chu, I did indeed call every name on the list.”

Even though she was slightly smiling, Chu Yao’s face was cold: “Oh, I see……”

Sensing the sudden drop of Chu Yao’s mood, Xiaoqing cautiously ventured: “Miss, you……”

Chu Yao abruptly stood up, her delicately embroidered wide sleeves making a casual arc as she moved, her face stony: “I will be going back.”

Surprised by her words, Chang Lan also stood up: “Little Chu, why are you leaving before the tournament has even started?”

“No particular reason.”  Chu Yao glanced at Chang Lan, her light brown eyes filled with alienation, “Brother Chang, I don’t like being called ‘Little Chu,’ please address me as ‘Sister Chu.’”

Touching his nose, Chang Lan gave a helpless little laugh: “Right then, Sister Chu.”

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“Many thanks, Brother Chang.”  The second she finished speaking, Chu Yao directly strode off.

Xiaoqing had to hurry to catch up: “Miss, Miss……you’re really going to leave this soon?  What……what about the young son of the Chang family……”

In a foul mood, Chu Yao coldly snorted: “Let other people pay attention to the tournament.  Just know that Jianfeng doesn’t accept trash.”

Embarrassed, Xiaoqing answered: “No……of course not.  But the Chang family has a good friendship with the Chu family, so perhaps you’d like to get to know their youngest son……”

Seeing that Chu Yao’s face had darkened even more, Xiaoqing abandoned that train of thought and sensibly went silent.

A little while later—

“……Miss, did you……see the person you were looking for today?”

Xiaoqing’s tone was very cautious.

Why the hell did Xiaoqing have to bring it up?  Chu Yao’s previous happy mood had been completely snuffed out.

This day wasn’t turning out to be a good one.

And Chu Yao felt oddly distressed.

“I came to see a runt.”  Chu Yao’s voice turned vaguely sinister, the bones of her fingers grinding as they gripped her sword.  “Oh, and a deceiver.”

Xiaoqing: “……”  You were hoping to see two people?

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……also, what person would be audacious enough to try and deceive the eldest daughter of the Chu family?

Still……judging by Chu Yao’s earlier mood that had morphed into her current gloomy one, it appeared that, whoever they were, someone had indeed misled Miss Yao.

With oppressive pressure emanating from Chu Yao, Xiaoqing could only fall quiet again.

Ignoring Xiaoqing, Chu Yao’s steps suddenly halted.

An alarmed Xiaoqing was about to speak, but Chu Yao’s icy tone sounded first: “Even if they’re not a disciple of Jianfeng……Lingxi Sect has two other peaks.”

Xiaoqing just grew more confused.

“Xiaoqing,” Chu Yao’s lips curled up in a sneer, “Tomorrow I will go observe Danfeng’s entrance examination.”

Xiaoqing’s expression turned quite unsightly: “Miss……Danfeng is filled with the poor and low-class, you are a noble lady, it’s not advisable for you to——”

Chu Yao shot a glance at Xiaoqing, light brown eyes flashing with a cold light that made Xiaoqing tremble.

Head lowered at once, Xiaoqing said: “Yes, Miss.”

“Xiaoqing,” Chu Yao’s voice was flat, “Don’t turn into the type of person that disgusts me the most.”

Xiaoqing, body still shaking, warily answered: “……yes, Miss.”

“Go arrange it with Danfeng.”


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