Chapter 44-{blood-stained spring and autumn} Part 2

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Translated by Snowfall77




Ancestor’s tomb-


“Rest,” Su Chan annoyingly cajoled Xia Ge, “You won’t feel the discomfort if you’re sleeping.”

Xia Ge desperately wanted to just crush the teleportation stone.  But, while she didn’t trust Su Chan at all, Su Chan’s earlier words had already put doubts in Xia Ge’s heart.

“Set your mind at ease.”

“Xia-Xia has saved me twice.”  Su Chan’s eyes crinkled up.  “As someone who knows how to repay kindnesses, I will help you thrice, isn’t that good?”

Xia Ge: “……”

Please stop talking about me saving you twice—pretty please.

Even when you’ve completely lost face, you should still be allowed a little inner dignity, alright?!

Face blank, Xia Ge said: “You’re so fucking awesome, you didn’t need me to save you.”

Remembering how this dangerous lady had pretended to a weak, helpless beauty, had purposefully let herself be caught by the black vines, and then looked on smilingly as a scared Xia Ge expended every effort to rescue her, Xia Ge felt a burst of black qi in her chest that she could not dispel.


“Ah, it was very touching, watching Xia-Xia strive so hard to save me.”  Su Chan slowly leaned over Xia Ge, red dress swishing, eyes glinting with amusement, “Would Xia-Xia go that desperately all-out for just any stranger?”

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Xia Ge: “It is only the societal ethics that everyone should practice, thank you.”

—The system had been playing dead, but it couldn’t let that pass: [……Societal Ethics Are Not Meant To Be Tossed Aside Like Garbage……Something Like That?]

Xia Ge: {you’re so right, and as a person with societal ethics, I’m about to throw you in the garbage, so stop talking to me, cause we have no relationship.  goodbye, you trash system.}

System: [……]

“I don’t understand.”  Su Chan’s eyes narrowed: “Xia-Xia is always saying things that don’t make sense, it’s really not fun.”

Xia Ge: “Then let me say something easily understandable.  When can I leave?”

“Xia-Xia is being boring again.”  Su Chan nonchalantly waved her torn sleeve and the place where it’d ripped suddenly shone with a bright golden light.  Eyes widening a little, Xia Ge felt something moving in her own sleeve.  A second later, the small piece of red cloth she’d tucked away came floating out, also shining with a gold hue.  As if it’d been summoned, it drifted to the spot it’d been rent from.  Golden threads joined themselves back together, and in a second the sleeve was once again intact, no trace of any damage to be seen.

What the……?  Too cool.

Horribly afraid to speak, the system nevertheless pathetically tried to restore a shattered relationship: [Host, That’s A Yimei.]

Xia Ge: {oh.}

System: [Host, Would You Like Me To Examine It?]  It wasn’t a trash system, how could Xia Ge say such a thing?!

“{spring and autumn} tells me that it thinks you’re very good.”  Su Chan gave a small smile, “And it rarely recognizes anyone, Xia-Xia.”

The red wedding dress?  It was……{spring and autumn}?

“……I don’t think I want your wedding dress’s recognition.”  Xia Ge couldn’t help dwelling on how Su Chan had played weak and dumb, and there was a lump in her throat that she’d couldn’t dislodge.

“Wedding dress?  Xia-Xia thinks I’m wearing a wedding dress?”  A little taken aback, Su Chan paused before giving a charming smile, though her pitch-black pupils were filled with arrogance, “No one on this earth is qualified to have me wear {spring and autumn} as a wedding dress.”

Um, didn’t you say before that it was a wedding dress?  Didn’t that make it one?

Guess there hadn’t been a single grain of truth in Su Chan’s story.

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Completely void of sincerity, Xia Ge went: “Oh, right, that’s too bad, very regrettable, 666.”

System: [……]  What the hell did ‘666’ mean?

“But, maybe if Xia-Xia works hard, such a day might come.”  Su Chan’s smile was now tinged with malice.  She leaned down even closer over Xia Ge, the gold on her forehead gleaming, her breaths deep, and her voice calm and clear, “I do appreciate people who give me a sense of security……”

Xia Ge: “……”

May such a day never come. Really don’t want that kind of day, ever.

Too terrible.


Checking the time, the system hesitantly interjected: [Host, Do You Still Want To Take Part In Danfeng’s Entry Examination?]

Participate?  Why wouldn’t she want to?

The examination started tomorrow, so there was still hope, right?

Clenching at the teleportation runestone, Xia Ge felt her paralysis fading, just not fast enough.  While the pain in her gut was getting sharper.

……things weren’t going too well.

“Xia-Xia, that teleportation runestone, it’ll get you out, but……” Su Chan had noticed Xia Ge’s actions and said in a softened tone: “There’s no knowing where it’ll take you.  To my knowledge, your Lingxi ancestor didn’t like to follow conventional thinking.”

Thinking of her own personal precepts that she lived by, Xia Ge felt that Su Chan had a point.  And that old Lingxi ancestor had a point too……why play by the rules?

Yet the most pressing matter was——

How had Su Chan noticed Xia Ge’s subtle movements?!

What kind of eagle eyes did Su Chan have?!  Truly a mysterious and awful beauty!

“Therefore, be good and don’t move.”  After stroking Xia Ge’s head, Su Chan chuckled lightly and stood up, “It’ll hurt even more if you move.”

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So Xia Ge stopped talking, stopped trying to move, didn’t even try to blow the hair off her face where Su Chan had touched it, and genuinely gave up on using the teleportation runestone any time soon.

Because, truthfully, Su Chan was a bit too scary.

Seeing that Xia Ge had decided to behave, Su Chan let it drop.  She had more important things to do than tease a little cross-dressing Lingxi disciple.  After gently propping Xia Ge up on a stone wall, Su Chan walked over to the small Liuli tree table.

Xia Ge, leaning against the wall, watched Su Chan with glinting eyes: {……hey.}

{spring and autumn}

It hadn’t clicked before……but now Xia Ge recollected overhearing……

“Yimei were first made in bygone times.  Except for the current Demon Master’s {blood-stained spring and autumn}, and the Chu family’s {sacrificial knife} , where are you going to find a third……”

So far as Xia Ge knew there was only one Yimei that could be called {spring and autumn}.

The Yimei possessed by Demon Sect’s master, {blood-stained spring and autumn}.

{spring and autumn}?  Fake, right?  Surely an imposter?  Had that Yimei been mass-produced?  The old one, the original one, was {blood-stained spring and autumn}.  And the new counterfeit was called {spring and autumn}, right?  Right?!








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tn-made it back to reliable wi-fi



Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger

bàn zhū chī láo hǔ  扮  猪  吃  老  虎

Said of someone who pretends to be dumb but is actually clever; Not really a dumb pig, just pretending to be.



multiples of 6 are associated with good fortune in Chinese culture. The number was first used by a group of League of Legends players when they were trying to applaud their teammates and opponents.


When it comes to Chinese internet slang, it means ‘You are doing amazing sweetie. Also, you will find that most Chinese gamers put the number ‘666’ in the group chat to stand for ‘smooth/slick’ when they see that their opponent has made an impressive skill. Also, it sounds a lot like ‘job well done’ or ‘good luck in the game’.

What does 666 mean in Chinese?

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