Chapter 53-The Coming Days Will Be Long

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Translated by Snowfall77





By the time the doctor came, Gu Peijiu’s sleeve was still in Xia Ge’s tight grip.  Gu Peijiu, afraid that freeing her sleeve would only worsen the patient’s injuries, made no attempt to free herself.  Coming upon this scene, Dr. Li stroked his goatee, quietly eyeing Gu Peijiu in evident embarrassment.

Gu Peijiu repositioned herself so that her back was to Xia Ge: “Proceed.”

Bixi couldn’t restrain herself: “Miss……”

Gu Peijiu didn’t let Bixi finish: “You may leave.”

Bixi hesitated, until finally bowing her head: “Yes.”

Bead curtain clacking behind her, Bixi left, and Gu Peijiu narrowed her eyes: “Doctor, you may start.”

The doctor checked Xia Ge’s pulse, peering at her pale face: “Aiya, this is that kid……”

His tone one of clear recognition.

It wasn’t strange that he knew Xia Ge’s face, he was the local village doctor after all.  And Dr. Li was simply making a casual comment, but Gu Peijiu’s tone was icy: “You’re familiar with him?”

“I’ve met him before,” Doctor Li was busy feeling Xia Ge’s pulse, his brow slightly furrowed, “His pulse……it’s weak and unstable, his body is weak too.  And his yin qi too strong and his yang qi is deficient.”

Doctor Li paused, then continued: “He brought an injured girl to me once before.  He paid for her too.  I think he’s barely got enough money to take care of himself.  But anyways, he’s got a good heart.  I made sure the medicine was a little cheaper for him, that’s probably why I remember him.”

“Mmm……”  Gu Peijiu glanced over at her window, green curtain blowing in the breeze, voice flat: “Please look over his injuries.”

Muttering to himself, Dr. Li tried pulling away Xia Ge’s black clothing.  Blood had made a congealed mess of them though.  Grabbing a pair of scissors from his trunk, Doctor Li sanitized them with alcohol, and began carefully cutting away the cloth from Xia Ge’s abdomen.


The boy hissed unconsciously in pain, and Gu Peijiu slightly stiffened: “……doctor?”

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“It’s nothing serious, just the bandages are sticking to his wound and I have to remove them.”  Dr. Li kept cutting, using tongs to toss the bloody bits of cloth in a pail.  “I don’t know who bandaged him up before, but I can tell you that this boy wasn’t careful enough and managed to reopen his wound.”

“Please, please……”  The boy was apparently lost in a troubling dream, “I’m no good……I’m very foolish……don’t……don’t make me leave you……I won’t go……no, I’m not going……we’ll go together……”

Is it ‘Doudou’ the boy is talking to?

The hand on Gu Peijiu’s sleeve grasped even tighter, and Gu Peijiu softly answered the boy’s ramblings: “Mmm, I won’t let you go.”

Turning her head, Gu Peijiu examined the boy’s expression.

Her words seemed to have reassured him, although not completely.  Fear was still etched on his horribly wan face, the corners of his eyes were wet with tears, and his hand still wouldn’t let go of Gu Peijiu’s sleeve.

Dr. Li had finished cutting away all of the clothing and bandages, and was now using an alcohol-soaked cotton swab to clean the wound, slowly revealing its original appearance.

A tidy stab to the abdomen, most likely made by a smallish dagger.  Just that one side of it had been ripped open, the edges a deep blackish-red.  That was obviously the spot where the boy had hit himself on the table corner, tearing the wound back open.

Mangling himself.

“This child……ai!”  Examining the injury, Dr. Li was little moved by his patient’s patheticness, an unconscious child with no family to care for him.  “Really……did not understand the gravity!”

Now it was Gu Peijiu’s turn to stare at the boy’s wound, fists clenched in her sleeves, thin lips tight, a cold air faintly emanating from her.

A real talent you are, disappearing for 3 days, getting yourself hurt this badly……like a complete idiot.

Liandan you’ll shrug off, just so you can go be an expert at self-harm instead?

Gu Peijiu was not unaware of her fluctuating mood, a raging anger threatening to overtake her.  Glaring at the boy’s closed yet teary eyes, she took a moment to calm herself, then said in her usual indifferent tone: “I fed him a hemostatic dan earlier.  But you can still treat him, correct?”

——No matter how displeased Gu Peijiu was, punishment could wait until Xia Wuyin had woke up.

“Yes, of course.”  Dr. Li nodded, “Lady, would you please leave the room now?  I think his condition is not very stable, and the bandage went around his whole body.  I’d like to check his back, to see if there’s any other injuries.”

Gu Peijiu considered the doctor’s request, while eyeing the hand tangled up in her sleeve, and finally said: “No, continue, however I’ll be staying.  I want to know how he was carrying on behind my back.”

A little stunned, Dr. Li could only stutter: “But this……”

He gave the boy on the bed another glance.

With black hair spread behind a face white as snow, the emaciated figure looked weak and undersized.

Dr. Li then shot a look at the young lady with the icy countenance.  Her soft black hair was tied elegantly with a red ribbon, brow smooth and clean, while her pitch-black eyes were like an abyss that allowed no terrestrial light.  Lips pursed, she was staring at the boy on the bed.  And perhaps it was because she managed Danfeng affairs, but her imposing aura held both anger and power.

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After all, the patient was still practically a child.

Bowing his head, Dr. Li got to work cutting off the rest of the rags on the patient’s body.  However when he got to the upper chest, Dr. Li was given pause, letting out a: “Huh?”

Gu Peijiu had also noted what’d surprised the doctor.

Both of them gawked at the plain white bandaging that was clearly different from the lower stomach bandaging, and neither one of them spoke for a minute.

An irresolute Dr. Li eventually asked: “……does……does he have some kind of unmentionable disease……on the chest?”

The boy’s skin that was exposed and not stained with blood shone pale and creamy like jade.  Soft, very pretty skin.  Unusually so for a boy.

Fury unabated, Gu Peijiu didn’t care whether the patient had an unmentionable disease or not.  On the other hand, Gu Peijiu was conscious of her own dignity and her ogling an unconscious boy could be deemed inappropriate.  Turning her face, her voice was as cold as ever: “……Doctor, please attend to the wound first.”

Her ears lightly flushed.

Dr. Li gave one more look at the binding around the patient’s upper chest and, out of respect for the patient’s privacy, decided to leave it be.  Instead he lifted the boy’s torso up, loudly huffing at what he found: “……what is this——”

Gu Peijiu looked again and found no need to ask what the doctor was talking about. The blood-soaked bandages on the boy’s back and the bloodstains on the bed reflected in her black pupils, rendering her speechless.

With a decidedly gloomy expression, Dr. Li painstakingly removed the bandages stuck to the boy’s back, ignoring the patient’s shivers of pain.  The boy’s hand wouldn’t let go of Gu Peijiu’s sleeve, his mouth kept muttering, although he still didn’t wake up.

While Dr. Li worked, Gu Peijiu no longer cared about what appropriate or inappropriate.  She stared silently at the boy’s back, her lips a thin, hard line.

Brow furrowed, Dr. Li closely examined the crisscross marks on the boy’s back, some of them cracked and bloody, clearly caused by something malevolent and fierce: “These seem to have been made by a whip.”

The doctor,  having no way of knowing that the thorned black vines from the ancestor’s tomb were the actual cause of the marks on Xia Ge’s back, made a more obvious assumption.

“A whip?”  Gu Peijiu’s fists clenched even tighter, though her voice remained completely calm, “How, in the space of three days, did he manage to get himself whipped?”

Wondering the same thing himself, Dr. Li kept his mouth shut.  Whatever foolish business this child had been up to, it’d clearly left him in a wretched state.

Gu Peijiu, regretting her outburst, gestured to the doctor: “Apologies……I spoke impulsively, please continue treating him.”

Dr. Li complied, carefully putting applying medicine and rebandaging all the wounds of the unconscious patient.  When he was finished, he sighed and told Gu Peijiu: “This child’s pulse is weak, his qi depleted, and his yin and yang are imbalanced.  Getting hurt this badly, it’s not a good omen.”

After listening to the doctor, Gu Peijiu pondered for a moment, then asked: “When do you think he’ll wake up?”

“At least 2 or 3 days,” Dr. Li sighed again, “But since he previously ate a Bigu dan, don’t worry, he’ll recover.  So long as he sleeps properly, he should eventually be fine.”

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“It’s just, judging by his pulse, he overexerted himself for a long time without any rest and ended up hurting his sea of consciousness.”  Dr. Li shook his head, “Since he seems to be troubled by nightmares, I’ll prescribe some nerve-soothing medicine.  That way he can sleep soundly.”

Gu Peijiu knew that the real reason for the patient’s sea of consciousness being damaged.  It was because he’d tried to show off and be brave by reversing the Shanggujuling formation, resulting in the wild lingqi coming back to bite him in the bum.

Yes, his mind and spirit would need good rest to recover.

Outside the window the sun was slipping away, and Bixi saw Dr. Li off.  The day was already almost over.  Glancing down at her sleeve being stubbornly held, Gu Peijiu’s eyes marginally softened.

But once her gaze traveled to the rest of the boy’s body, wrapped up like a dumpling, and she remembered the appearance of the awful wounds under those bandages, her temporary softness was immediately replaced by an indescribable anger.

If you can’t be bothered to take care of yourself, why should others bother feeling sorry for you?

Snorting to herself, Gu Peijiu gently took the boy’s wrist, meaning to remove the offending hand from her sleeve.  But the wrist was very bony, pale, and slight, not much like a boy’s.

Unwillingly swayed, Gu Peijiu paused for a moment, and the sleeping boy pulled tighter at the cloth, wan face screwing up in distress: “No, no, don’t leave me.  Don’t go, don’t go——”

His round fingernails dug so deep into the sleeve, they sunk into his palm.  The child muttered in ferocious need, repeatedly urging someone to stay in words laden with despair and desperation.

Gu Peijiu considered, the last rays of sunset gently beaming through the window.

Then the delicate eyelashes of the young lady in red drooped as she finally made a decision.  Firm yet gentle, she removed the boy’s hand from her sleeve, slowly prying the curled fingers off until the red cloth slipped free.  The boy’s eyes watered, and Gu Peijiu clasped his hand in one of hers.

Her voice low and coaxing, Gu Peijiu told the boy: “See, I’ve listened to you.  I haven’t left.”

The boy clutched tight, the grip of his thin, pale hand solid like stone.

Like he was holding onto his faith.

Sighing to herself, Gu Peijiu softly brushed away the tearstains from the corners of the boy’s eyes.

Just a child who understood nothing.

And there was no need for Gu Peijiu to lower herself to a child’s level.

The things that were wrong?  She’d keep him by her side and slowly teach him what was good.

After all……the coming days would be long.


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His yin qi too strong and his yang qi is deficient

Yin is the feminine, yang is the masculine.





sea ​​of ​​knowledge

The sea of ​​knowledge means that all the knowledge stored in the memory of a person’s brain is as broad as the sea. The more knowledge is stored in the brain, the greater the sea of ​​knowledge, which means that the brain stores a large amount of knowledge information.

This has the same meaning as the purple mansion in ordinary novels, which is a lot of information to describe the memory of the brain.

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