Chapter 54-Dreamless Sleep Part 1

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Translated by Snowfall77




It was the dead of night and Xia Ge lay on the bed, deep in a restless slumber.

In the meantime, Gu Peijiu was still holding Xia Ge’s hand, the young lady’s entire mien quiet and peaceful.

Moonlight streamed in through the window, the dim light of the candles flickered, and Bixi whispered: “Miss, you should lie down and get some rest.  I can watch over the boy.”

Gu Peijiu contemplated Xia Ge’s furrowed brow, closed her eyes for a moment, then said softly: “I’m fine.  It’s you who should go get some sleep.”

Eyes widening, Bixi couldn’t believe what she’d just heard: “……Miss?  You……”

Gu Peijiu cast Bixi a sideways glance, candle flames reflected in her pitch-black eyes, expression calm yet implacable.

Any further argument died in Bixi’s throat.  She bowed her head: “Yes, Miss.”







The night deepened.

Feeling that Xia Ge’s hand was a little too cold, Gu Peijiu kept hold of it, but also tucked it under the blanket.

Thinking to herself that even she had a hard time understanding why she cared so much about this child.

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Too many perplexing things about him?

No, Gu Peijiu knew that wasn’t the reason.

It was as if……as if he belonged to her.

Gu Peijiu’s heart skipped a beat and her grasp on his hand involuntarily tightened.  Closing her eyes, she pushed the strange thought aside.

……far more likely that the past few nights of not sleeping well was causing her brain to conjure up odd ideas.

A self-mocking smile flitted across Gu Peijiu’s face, then she opened her eyes and studied the boy on the bed.  A long while later, she took a dan out of her sleeve with her free hand, slowly placing it in the boy’s mouth.

The boy frowned in his sleep, looking wretched, but nevertheless he obediently swallowed the dan.

So long as Gu Peijiu kept holding his hand, it didn’t matter what she did to him, he’d remain very well-behaved.

It was far easier to soften towards this compliant child, so unlike the untrustworthy, mouthy, flirtatious self that he usually presented.

Apparently he instinctively trusted whomever ‘Doudou’ was, no matter what ‘Doudou’ did to him.

Watching the medicine take effect, Gu Peijiu noted that the boy’s brow gradually relaxed, his nightmare seemingly over, even his grip on her hand slightly easing.

Gu Peijiu took the chance to try and softly pull her hand away, but the second she attempted to do so, the boy’s hold instantly clamped down again, unwilling to release her.

“……don’t go.”

He murmured faint and hoarse, his tone gentle like there was someone he didn’t want to scare: “Don’t.”

Gu Peijiu made no further movement.

Feeling the hand in his no longer trying to free itself, the boy relaxed in his sleep.  His forehead smoothed out and his breathing turned steady.

So he didn’t hear Gu Peijiu bemusedly remark in a low voice: “Oh, now you’ll sleep sound.”

Gu Peijiu had been managing Danfeng’s entry examination, overseeing other various matters, and on top of all that, she’d also been plagued by nightmares.  She lowered her eyelids in exhaustion.  It’d been too long since she’d slept well herself.

Besides, it’d be a while before Xia Wuyin could talk back.

Cicadas buzzed, the moon hung high in the starry sky, and Gu Peijiu let slumber slowly take her away.

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She too……would rest.

Slip away into a dreamless night.

Peaceful until dawn.




= =




The dan had taken effect and the pain of Xia Ge’s wounds was greatly reduced.  As its host’s body was recovering, the system that’d suffered a failure due to roiling lingqi gradually started restoring itself.

[Drop——Physical Examination In Process……]

[Drop——‘Sea Of Knowledge’ Inspection In Process……]

[Drop——Scanning Finished, System Reboot Completed.]

[Ding!  No. 003 Primary Puppet System ‘Invincible Puppet’ At Your Service!]

[Name: Xia Ge

Physical Condition: Moderately Critical

Mental State: High Risk (Collapse Imminent)

Main Title: Puppet Master (Primary Level)

Skills: [ ] (Click To Expand)

Puppet Panel (Updated): [ ]

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Secondary Title: Liandan Master (Apprentice Level)

Skills: [ ] (Click To Expand)

Other: ……


In State Of Emergency, Self-Repair System For At-Risk Spirit May Be Activated: Yes/No? (10 Points)]

[Drop——System Transfer Of Host Points——]

[Ding!  The System Will Initiate Self-Repair System For At-Risk Spirit.  This Service Will Forcibly Obscure The Host’s Negative Memories And Emotions, Continue Activation: Yes/No?]


[Point Deduction: 10 Points]

[In Progress-1/100]




= =






The next morning—

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Gu Peijiu opened her eyes.  The candles had long since guttered out, and pale sunlight was filtering through the green curtain as it took Gu Peijiu a moment to gather her wits.

She couldn’t believe……she hadn’t been startled awake.

There’d been no nightmares.

She’d shut her eyes, and before she’d known it, opened her eyes to the dawn.

How soft the morning light was.  Looking down at the boy she’d fed the pain-relieving dan to, Gu Peijiu saw that he remained soundly asleep.

Off in the distance, a rooster crowed, followed by the sound of Bixi’s voice going: “Miss?  Are you awake?  May I come in?”

Gu Peijiu kept her voice low: “Come in.”

Fog covered the mountains, lazily rising in spirals painted gold by the sun, as Bixi entered the room.  Astonished at seeing her mistress still sitting beside the bed in yesterday’s clothes, Bixi sputtered: “Miss, you……this……”

Distressed and angry, Bixi continued: “Please let me take of him, miss.  You have Danfeng matters to attend to today.  If you keep going on like this, you’ll collapse!”

Gu Peijiu calmly shook her head: “I’m not tired.”

And that was the truth.

She’d just had the best sleep she’d had in ages.

Glancing down at the hand tightly holding her own, a possible explanation formed in Gu Peijiu’s mind.


When you had someone depending on you, wouldn’t you subconsciously seek to make yourself strong?

Become a person who is worthy of being relied upon.

Right now……

——She was being held onto by a child who seemed to have faith in her.

And it didn’t matter whether or not she was the person in the boy’s heart, the trust had been given.

She, Gu Peijiu, would never fail to live up to trust invested in her by anyone.

So was that how she’d overcome her nightmares?

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