LFTMPH Chapter 55- Life Is Tough Enough Already, No Need to Expose Everything! Part 2

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Translated by Snowfall77



Was it too late to feign a headache and pass back out……no, wait a minute——what had happened with the Danfeng entry examination?  Had her furnace exploded?  No one had gotten injured because of her, had they?!

There were too many things to sort out, she really needed to free up some room on her 520M internal memory……

Not like she had the time right now though……

Cause the cold voice of the young lady in white and red was already breaking the silence: “A stab wound, lashes from a whip, violating the rule against going to the back mountain repeatedly……Xia Wuyin, you’re quite capable.”

Trying to collect her thoughts, Xia Ge’s gaze floated to anywhere but Gu Peijiu’s face: “You’re too kind Senior Sister……but please, no need to praise me.”

The second the words left Xia Ge’s mouth, the air pressure in the room dropped by 5 or 6 degrees, and Xia Ge found herself wishing for a miraculous sledgehammer to just crush her to death already.

Who was getting praised?!  Who did Xia Ge think was sitting across from her?!  Was Xia Ge imagining herself to be an invincible puppet?!

It’s Senior Sister!  The bigshot senior who could sentence Xia Ge to copying the Danxun for a lifetime with just a few choice words!  It wouldn’t kill Xia Ge to show some respect, now would it?!

Gu Peijiu said not a word and the room was suffocatingly still and quiet enough to hear a pin drop.

Letting her eyes drift to the window, Xia Ge tried again: “……Senior Sister, it seems the weather is very nice today.”

When situations are awkward, talking about the weather is always the safest topic!

Xia Ge congratulated herself on her quick-wittedness.

Gu Peijiu observed Xia Ge’s restless gaze: “Mm, very nice.”

Meaning that……for the moment, they could continue to……talk about something else besides Xia Ge’s supposed capabilities?

Promptly taking advantage of the opportunity, Xia Ge stammered: “Then……then……Senior Sister, I……”

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——Xia Ge had too many questions, actually.  Which one should she ask first?

The results of the entry examination!  She should ask about that——but would the results be out yet?

Xia Ge opened her mouth to ask, but was preempted by Gu Peijiu’s detached voice: “The results of the entry examination are out.”

Holy shit, the results were already out?!

Just how long had Xia Ge been asleep?!  Too long, apparently!

There was a tightness in Xia Ge’s chest, and without thinking she raised her eyes to face Gu Peijiu.

Expression slightly timid, Xia Ge asked the vital question: “Then……did I pass?”

Had she passed?  C’mon, c’mon, tell it quickly!

Sunset rapidly fading away, Gu Peijiu’s face was shadowed, the delicate eyelashes of her dark eyes barely discernable, yet it was clear that her lips were slightly curling up: “Not telling.”

Xia Ge: “……”  Who was this? Had Senior Sister been replaced by an imposter?!

Not completely indifferent to Xia Ge’s downcast face, Gu Peijiu added: “Wait 3 days and you can see the results for yourself.”


Then a small stand placed right next the bed caught Xia Ge’s eye.

Huh……why was that there?

On the stand was red ink, a pen, and a neatly stacked pile of papers, the top one horrifyingly and clearly labeled Danfeng Entry Examination Final Evaluation.

It seemed the results were rather handy!  ……Senior Sister was going to make Xia Ge wait 3 days?  Really?

Did Senior Sister have to make her thigh be so slippery?

Thoughts racing, Xia Ge decided to not pratice resigned patience, but instead make a piteous plea——cause why wait when the results were right there?

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“Umm, Senior Sister, you see, I……”

Bowing her head in a show of patheticness, Xia Ge quickly scanned her body.  Most of her bandages had been changed obviously, but the not the one about her upper chest……hmmm.  So that particular secret was still safe?

Right, right.  If Senior Sister knew about Xia Ge’s real gender, she’d have been interrogating Xia Ge on why she running around dressed as a boy, not calmly discussing the weather or examination results.  A fucking blessing from heaven!

Very fortunate, very fortunate indeed.

Gu Peijiu faintly raised her tone: “Mm?”

Xia Ge immediately hid her secret delight, pasting a sorrowful look on her face, although her words flowed quite smoothly: “But Senior Sister, as you can see, I’m seriously injured.  Will I even be able to see results……”

To demonstrate the seriousness of her situation and the great psychological trauma she was enduring thanks to her physical wounds, Xia Ge covered her face with her hands, whimpering for added affect as she cried: “Senior Sister, it hurts so much!  Do you think I’ll ever be able to stand upright again?”

Expression indecipherable, Gu Peijiu calmly listened to Xia Wuyin’s deeply insincere display.  A long moment later, a slightly cold smile hovered on Senior Sister’s mouth.

She’d been willing to wait, but since the boy had the initiative to bring it up himself, well, don’t blame Gu Peijiu for being rude.

“Oh?  It hurts?”

A pitiful Xia Ge nodded: “Mmm, it hurts a lot.”

Gu Peijiu’s smile grew deeper and colder: “Well then, Xia Wuyin, since it hurts so much, why don’t we talk about just how all the injuries to your abdomen and back happened?”

Xia Ge: “……”

Gu Peijiu’s eyes were pitch-black: “How did you get into such a state that you may never stand freely on your own two feet again?”

Cold sweat beaded on Xia Ge’s brow: “I’m sure I’ll be able to stand up again, haha……Senior, Senior Sister, actually, um, it’s, I’m afraid it’s a pretty long story……”

“Go on.”

Xia Ge noted Gu Peijiu’s cold demeanor and tried to drudge up some calm composure of her own: “Why I went to the back mountain, what I came across in the last 3 days, I’ll tell you everything.”

The tone of the young lady in red and white was ever so cool and understanding: “Don’t worry about making a long story short.  Take your time and don’t fret.  I will listen to all of it.”

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Xia Ge: “……Senior Sister, the pain is suddenly gone.”

Life is already hard, let’s not expose everything!

















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rén jiān bù chāi (rén jiān bù chāi), an online buzzword , means “life is already so difficult, don’t expose some things”, from the song ” Lie ” sung by Lin Youjia . Later, it was often quoted by netizens in replies, meaning that “the landlord directly told the truth of a matter, but it was just that people couldn’t face it directly for a while”.


From Lin Youjia ‘s song ” Lie “, one of the lyrics is like this: “I didn’t lie, why should I lie. Love someone, what will happen if you don’t love them enough. Don’t say I lie, life is already like this. It’s difficult, don’t expose some things.” Then he was quoted by a large number of netizens in Tieba and Runaway comics .




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