LFTMPH Chapter 55- Life Is Tough Enough Already, No Need to Expose Everything! Part 1

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Translated by Snowfall77





Before Xia Ge woke, her chaotic mind lingered over beguiling visions of the pork chops and roast pork buns of her previous life.

In her dreams, 3 pork chops, doused in tomato sauce and with white bones, were sitting heavy on a bed of cooked rice that soaked up the juices.  To the side, sat a basket of buns, fragrant with meat.

And Xia Ge wore a plain t-shirt and denim shorts that showed off her pretty figure, picking up chopsticks at the street restaurant as she got ready to heartily gorge herself——

But the chopsticks were sharp like knives, and the second Xia Ge went to tear the pork meat from the bone, her eyes popped open.

There was a green curtain pulled back from a window, and the fading golds of sunset shone into the room.  Beside Xia Ge sat a calm young lady dressed in red and white.  The young lady’s face was haloed by warm light, and at that moment, her expression seemed oddly vague, indistinct somehow, and Xia Ge could not read it.

“……pork chops……where……”

Xia Ge wasn’t ready to come back to whatever this reality was.  Her heart was still with those juicy pork chops——there had been 3 of them, yes, definitely 3, and roast pork buns, and oh, the pork chops had had thick bones……

And now……it was all gone.

No pork chops, not even any sauce……

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It’d been nothing but an empty dream.

“You’re awake?”

The voice was pure and clear, like a cool stream flowing over rounded pebbles, beautiful to the ears.

Beyond that,  Xia Ge’s brain was completely muddled and it felt like there something wrong with her hands.  Instinctively looking down, she yanked out her hand that’d been under the blanket, and was surprised to find it wasn’t just her hand she’d pulled out.

Holding her own small and weak-looking hand was someone else’s slender, warm hand, as if Xia Ge’s hand were something deeply cherished.

The young lady holding Xia Ge’s hand made no move relinquish it.  She’d said only those 2 words to Xia Ge and was now apparently willing to simply wait for Xia Ge’s reply, tranquil and patient.

Gu Peijiu knew that people who’d suffered injury to their ‘sea of consciousness’ would usually have a period of mental confusion upon awakening.  How long it lasted depended on the person.

But while it was happening, they would often be lost in the memories of past experiences.  Unmoored from current reality, their body and mind would revert to their past state, and they wouldn’t recognize anyone they’d come to know later.

Right now the boy was staring at Gu Peijiu blankly, his fine eyelashes uneasily trembling.  Filled with the soft glow of the setting sun, the eyes that were normally so astute were instead filled with helpless bewilderment.

Moving Gu Peijiu’s heart a little.

Yet all Xia Ge knew was that the pork chops were gone, the buns were gone, and all that was left was a stranger in front of her.

Kinda like……


Upon hearing her own hoarse voice, Xia Ge was instantly taken aback.  Startled and embarrassed about rough it was to the ears, she slightly cowered, like a small animal that’d done something wrong.

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Gu Peijiu’s eyes softened, and she reassured in a gentle, comforting tone: “It’s alright, whatever you want to say, go ahead and say it.”

Xia Ge still regarded Gu Peijiu apprehensively, though it didn’t escape her notice that Gu Peijiu’s hand was very warm.  So finally, deliberately lowering her voice, Xia Ge whispered: “……don’t, Yin……”

It took Gu Peijiu a second to discern what the child meant.  He didn’t know……his name?

“I know it.”  Gu Peijiu paused for a second, then continued: “Your name is……Xia Wuyin.”

The boy froze, then shook his head, unhappily pursing his lips until saying in a rather stubborn voice: “You……Wuyin.”

Gu Peijiu clearly didn’t understand.

“Eyes……”  Xia Ge chewed her lip, “Like……Wuyin.

Now Gu Peijiu felt really lost.

The boy was saying that her eyes looked like his?

Utterly confused, Xia Ge swirled about in an inner turmoil, not knowing where she was, and worse, why she was there wherever it was.  The delicious food was all gone, and her younger brother who’d come with her to play had also disappeared.  Instead, the only thing in front of her was a beautiful young lady, holding Xia Ge’s hand with a gentle expression.

With eyes……like her brother’s……pitch-black eyes.

Like obsidian.

Gu Peijiu had no idea how to respond to Xia Wuyin’s assertion, eventually settling on soft agreement: “Yes, like Wuyin’s.

[Ding!  Host Has Regained Consciousness! Self-Repair System For At-Risk Spirit Is Temporarily Completed!]

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[Final Stage Of Spirit Adjustment.]





[Spirit Adjustment Is Complete!]


The foggy world snapped back into focus and Xia Ge’s mind was abruptly flooded with her present reality.  A reality where her own grubby paw was being firmly grasped by a slender, elegant, jade-like hand.  And said hand belonged to her noble and honorable Senior Sister, who appeared to be reluctant to let go of her hold.

Too unbelievable to process……

Gu Peijiu’s voice fell, and the child’s hand quivered suddenly in the silence, like he’d just received an electric shock.  He seemed to have regained his senses, immediately yanking his hand out of Ge Peijiu’s——

“……Senior, Senior……Senior Sister?!”

Then, belatedly realizing that her movement had been too careless of her wounded body,  Xia Ge hissed, baring her teeth from the pain: “Fuck, that really hurts!”

The chill fading from her palm, Gu Peijiu lowered her eyelids and slowly tucked her hand back into her wide sleeve.  Face expressionless, she then asked: “You’ve woken up?”

Feeling utterly embarrassed, Xia Ge mumbled: “……yes, woke, woken up.”

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It was all a little fuzzy, but Xia Ge could mostly remember what’d just happened.

She seemed to have……mistaken Senior Sister for someone much younger……

Xia Ge’s head was beginning to ache.

How in world could she have taken Senior Sister for a younger compatriot?  What kind of wild dream had Xia Ge been wrapped up in?  She’d almost exposed——

Hold on.


Xia Ge instinctively wanted to check her body, but before she could lower her head to do so, she was interrupted by Gu Peijiu’s calm, cold voice: “Xia Wuyin, you will have to give an explanation.”

Neck stiffening in apprehension, it took Xia Ge a moment to bend it humbly down, thinking about what the lost deer had said……that it was most likely Senior Sister who’d found Guilongyu.

Was that what Senior Sister wanted……explained?

Wait a minute, shouldn’t Senior Sister being chatting amiably and gently to Xia Ge right now?

Cause wasn’t Xia Ge a seriously injured patient?

Life is already tough enough as it is, Senior Sister!!

Besides, thinking about it, why was it Senior Sister Xia Ge was seeing the second she woke up?  Was Senior Sister that impatient to grill Xia Ge?  Maybe Gu Peijiu was out to settle some scores?!  And what the hell was up with that hand holding?!

Xia Ge told herself to proceed cautiously.  No need to make things worse than they already were.

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