Chapter 61-It’s A Deal Part 1

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Translated by Snowfall77




Chu Yao had left the mountainside grove of trees, but Xia Ge had not.  Instead Xia Ge quietly sat there, her thoughts going round and round.  Eventually she decided to use {ghost and shadow} to sneak back to Ye Ze’s hut.

Although Ye Ze’s hut was in the same area as other new Jianfeng disciples’ accommodations, his hut was the one farthest away from the others, carrying the faintest stench of isolation.  It’d probably been deliberate, Xia Ge figured.  It hadn’t been as noticeable when she’d visited earlier, with everybody coming and going.  However, in the deep darkness of night, the distance between Ye Ze’s hut and the others now read as stark, looming ill-intent.

Perched firmly in the branches of a pagoda tree behind Ye Ze’s hut, Xia Ge had just finished sizing up the placement of Ye Ze’s hut when she unexpectedly heard cold, sneering voices below her.

“What?  People are earnestly paying you a visit and this is how you treat them——”

“Aiyo, you’re making me so sad I want to cry—–”

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“Did you think we wouldn’t be troubled by your annoying existence?  Nobodies should stick with other nobodies——”

There came the muffled sounds of punching and kicking, and Xia Ge’s heart started pounding loud.  Looking down, Xia Ge could see a figure being beaten up underneath the tree she was in. Pulling leaves from a branch on instinct and throwing them, Xia Ge knew that with a single blow, she could  rescue her friend from these vile perpetrators!

[Warning!!  It Is Prohibited To Alter The Established Plot!]

Thanks to the sharp and sudden reminder from the system, Xia Ge’s pupils shrank, and the astral wind carrying the leaves turned to a feeble breeze.  Instead of cutting through the chests of the 3 bullies, the leaves simply fluttered down weakly.  Xia Ge looked on helplessly as a man’s cold-hearted fist swept through the falling leaves to land on Ye Ze’s face.

Igniting an unholy fire in Xia Ge’s chest.

{little puppet!}

The system’s tone was mechanically apathetic: [Host Is Prohibited From Altering The Established Plot.]

Opening up her skill panel, Xia Ge abruptly found that all her skills were inaccessible.   She couldn’t even open up the Points Mall.

Next, Xia Ge wanted to jump down and physically attack the bullies, even though she knew that to try and do so would be incredibly stupid on her part.

Because without her skills, she didn’t have the strength to beat anyone up, and——

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For Ye Ze……this wasn’t a scene he wanted Xia Ge to witness.

If Xia Ge rushed in, Ye Ze would only feel humiliated.

Slowly balling her fists, Xia Ge thought of Guilongyu.

After getting along together with Ye Ze for so long, Xia Ge felt she knew what Ye Ze was like.

Maybe she was being overly self-confident about how well she understood him, but Ye Ze……

Not wanting to be to diminished in Xia Ge’s sight nor be too high above for her to reach, Ye Ze would strive to maintain a balance——

Of being both proud and humble.

When he could have worn inner Danfeng disciple clothes, he’d instead worn hemp, playing hooky from his lessons to go drink with her.  Then he’d turned around and felt humiliated when she saw him in a tight corner.

That was why……he’d said those things before.

She had known.  And that’d been why she hadn’t said anything.

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——Therefore him being bullied was now even more intolerable!

He should always be standing proud.  In front of Xia Ge……he should not suffer an iota of embarrassment!

Black clouds were dimming the moon, the night sky giving almost no light.

“Who do you think you’re staring at?!  Don’t think I won’t gouge your eyes out!”

A snicker from one of the bullies, tall and thin, who then kicked Ye Ze in the stomach: “Fucking bastard——”

——Enough already!

No matter how stupid, anything was better than watching Ye Ze getting beaten to death!

Unable to endure it any longer, Xia Ge was about to jump down out of the tree when she heard a hard sound of impact.  The tall, skinny, and arrogant bully had been kicked so forcibly that he was sent falling to the ground!

“Who?!  Who kicked me?!  Whoever dared to kick me—my father is——”

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Not even the other 2 bullies could see who the new arrival was, the night darkness was too deep, but they could all hear the interruption of a female voice, crystal sharp as an icy wind: “Who’s your father?”

The voice was familiar, yet unfamiliar, fierce, filled with the promise of imminent broken bones——

“——Let me guess, he’s the same kind of trash as you?”


The other two bullies were also quite agitated, one of them cowardly screeching: “I’m telling you, my father is patriarch of the Qian family of Jinzhou!  You’d better watch yourself!”

A declaration that was answered by the cold blade of a sword grazing across his cheek before whipping past his ear ——


Making the whole tree shake, the sword plunged into the base of the pagoda tree where Xia Ge hidden, frozen in surprise.

A second later, the scared witless son of the Quin family patriarch registered the sting on his cheek.  Reaching up with a trembling hand, he felt the warm liquid dripping down the side of his face and promptly began wailing: “My face!  My face, ah, ah, ah—who are you?!  Who are you—I must—I will not, I won’t let you get away with this!”

“Me?”  The female voice sounded distinctly bloodthirsty, “I’m your revered aunt!”

The next moment, the younger Quin was punched hard against the tree! Leaves shaking around her, Xia Ge tightened her grip on a sturdy branch as the last of the bullies was also pummeled into the tree trunk, followed by the dull sounds of punches and kicks.  In the blink of any eye, 3 previously violent fiends were trampled half to death, just like little lambs led to their slaughter.  Beaten over and over again, they no longer knew north from south.

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