Chapter 61-It’s A Deal Part 2

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Translated by Snowfall77




“Tsk-tsk, didn’t you trash think yourselves so capable just a few moments ago?!”

“Capable, my ass!”

“What, aren’t you going to stand up and fight me?”

Whoever this person was, suddenly showing up like a fucking nightmare, she was using extreme violence to curb violence.

“What?  You entered Jianfeng with these abilities?!  Who are your fathers?  Aren’t you going to cry for your daddy?!”

“Pieces of shit.”

Unwilling to accept that judgement, one of the thrashed bullies gasped out: “You, just wait until……”


Throwing an indifferent glance at the 3 trash disciples she just rendered unconscious, Chu Yao coldly snorted to herself.  Black clouds were breaking apart overhead, and Chu Yao licked her lips, soft moonlight gleaming off her canines as she spoke in a grimly proud tone: “Come on, I’m waiting……”

Ye Ze, who’d been watching the whole time, leaned against the tree and quietly stared at Chu Yao in a daze.

“Hmm?  Are you going to spend the whole night out here, Danfeng trash?”  Having finished with the abusing scum, Chu Yao now eyed the victim with disdain, “Weak like this.  You deserve to be bullied.”

Xia Ge listened in from among the branches, mute with embarrassment.

“Why are you still sitting there?”  Stepping on the head of the disciple surnamed Quin, Chu Yao easily pulled her sword out of the tree trunk, “What?  Scared your legs are too soft?  You can’t stand up?  A limp dick like you, what were you thinking coming to Jianfeng?  Or are all Danfeng disciples nothing more than fools?!”

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Hearing Chu Yao insult Danfeng, Ye Ze gritted his teeth, growling out in anger: “You……shut up!”

The answer to that was a sharp and ice-cold blade curving across his cheek.

Moonlight reflected coldly on Chu Yao’s sword, her canines were sharp, and her low voice was heavy with ridicule.  “If you want someone to shut up……the first thing you’re going to need is strength.”

“Someone who only makes their friends sad, that’s not a hero, that’s just trash.”

Suddenly every word in Ye Ze’s throat was blocked, and he was left unable to say word.

Sneering, Chu Yao swung her sword back into its scabbard, her every movement polished.

“If someone dares to bully you once, bully them back a hundredfold.  If someone says words you don’t like, beat them until they can’t speak.  Someone wants to rebel against you?  Beat them until they cannot.   If they don’t approve of your words, beat them they do.  Am I not right?”

Grinding his teeth, Ye Ze did not speak.

“So why are you still sitting there?”  Chu Yao next tread on the oblivious head of the tall and thin Jianfeng disciple, “Tsk, that first disciple of Danfeng sending you over here.  She really must have no eyes in her head.”

Ye Ze finally managed to get 3 words out: “……that’s not true.”

It was unfortunate that his voice was dispirited and uncertain.

Xia Ge kept watching in silence.

“No, because you say it isn’t true, that makes it false?”  Chu Yao lightly stepped on the third bully before unhurriedly walking back the way she’d came, her voice growing fainter: “Every piece of trash I’ve ever encountered was full of self-confidence, until……”

Thinking that she hadn’t been detected, Xia Ge was about to breathe a sigh of relief when the young lady with the sword suddenly cast a cold sideways glance.  Gleaming light brown eyes looked directly at Xia Ge’s position, then Chu Yao sneered before withdrawing her gaze: “Time always proves it, trash is trash.”

Xia Ge, who’d met that gaze: “……”

Ah, how fucking awkward.

A long time passed.

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Perched up in the tree, Xia Ge was embarrassedly whispering to herself: “She wasn’t speaking to……regardless……”

But why had Chu Yao said ‘trash is trash’ while looking in Xia Ge’s direction?


Even the system seemed to have been shocked speechless.

Xia Ge observed Ye Ze, who was still sitting at the base of the pagoda tree, while trying to sort her very complicated thoughts.

Yet now Ye Ze was slowly getting up.  Balancing against the tree trunk, he panted and even hissed whenever he inadvertently exacerbated his injuries.  Once he’d finally managed to stand up, he staggered over to the 3 unconscious bullies and started savagely kicking them!

The dreary sound of fists and feet meeting flesh was loud in the night air.  There was still the occasional hiss, but the fierceness of the blows never stopped.

Like a wounded, enraged animal that could only vent its feelings of incompetence by taking vicious revenge.

Calmly listening in the branches above, Xia Ge abruptly comprehended what Chu Yao had tried telling her before.

——The only one who could rescue Ye Ze was himself.

Only when he became strong……only then.

Cautiously taking out the black wood box, Xia Ge opened it and contemplated the Guilongyu missing its right corner, warmly glowing in hazy moonlight.

[Drop——Ban Is Lifted!]

Xia Ge opened her skills panel and found that they were once again accessible.

Then she went back to looking on as a heavily panting Ye Ze continued his retaliation, a ruthless and ferocious glint in his eyes.

He seemed a little unfamiliar.

Different from the shy young man who, when they’d first met, Xia Ge had knocked down with her fist.

……but this new Ye Ze was not bad.

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“Not a wimp anymore, huh, Ye Ze?”




Using {ghost and shadow} Xia Ge went to go get Ye Ze some medicine.  By the time she got back, Ye Ze was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, seemingly exhausted.

Xia Ge threw the medicine directly onto his face.


Unceremoniously clunked in the face with medicine, Ye Ze sighed and opened his eyes to find a certain someone dressed in hemp squatting on a branch above his head.

Ye Ze first stared blankly, then his cheeks flushed red and he turned his face away, saying nothing.

“Did you knock them all down?”  Xia Ge tilted her head, grinning: “You’re really outstanding.”

Surprised by Xia Ge’s question, Ye Ze looked around at the 3 disciples haphazardly passed out on the ground around him, and after a short while he answered glumly: “……no.”

“It had to have been you, I just saw it.” Widening her eyes, Xia Ge spoke foolishly, “I came here and saw you beating these people up, all 3 of them, and now they’re lying here.”

Xia Ge paused, now narrowing her gaze, “You’re the one who’s still conscious.”

Ye Ze put a hand on his forehead and kept his mouth closed tight.

“Aiya, well, no matter how this happened, at least the result is good,” Xia Ge said, “Although, why are you lying down?  Stand up.”

“I can’t get up,” Ye Ze finally answered in a muffled voice, “So shut up about it.  What are you even doing here?  Go away.”

Truly, a loss of face.

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“I just came to ask you to go drinking with me some time,” Xia Ge retorted, “With you gone, I don’t have anyone to drink with anymore.”

No response from Ye Ze.

Xia Ge joked: “I’m afraid that you won’t go drinking with me anymore.”

Ye Ze’s silence continued and Xia Ge wanted to take back her words.

……what she’d said wasn’t true, right?

“What are you afraid of?”  Xia Ge felt her head began to ache, “Do you think they’ll come and find me, beat me up too?  Don’t be so ridiculous.  Hey, don’t you know how tough I am?”

Ye Ze was acting like a lump on a log, making Xia Ge want to beat him up herself.

Was it that hard to just talk to her?

“Alright,” Xia Ge sighed, “Let’s make an agreement.  When you can step on those scum without relying on anyone else, when you’re not afraid of anything anymore……”

“Then we’ll go drinking together, yes?”

Silvery moonlight peeked through thin clouds.

The minutes passed.

Until Ye Ze heard his own hoarse voice answering: “……you might have to wait for a long time……that day might never come.”

Xia Ge was just happy that he’d finally spoken to her again.

“How could that be?”  Xia Ge’s voice was soft, “You strive with everything you’ve got, Ye Ze.”

Quiet for a long time, Ye Ze eventually answered: “Very well.”

Xia Ge smiled: “Then it’s a deal.”


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