LFTMPH Chapter 88-Don’t Worry In Your Dreams Part 1

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Translated by Snowfall77

Xia Ge felt herself lost in a dream.

A very long, gentle dream.

A cool, silky feeling spread across her forehead, and someone close was dragging Xia Ge up from the sea of lava, higher and higher, until she was floating in soft, refreshing clouds.

A faint sigh sounded in Xia Ge’s ear.

“……don’t worry.”

Xia Ge thought about it.

Who was worrying?

She was obviously utterly carefree, alright?

= =

Xia Ge awakened from her dream.

Sunlight streaming in through a window, she stared up at the ceiling in a momentary daze.



Her throat didn’t ache anymore, her head didn’t ache anymore, and her body was no longer feverish.

Opening her eyes wide, Xia Ge put a hand in front of her face, shook it around, and then pinched herself.

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“Sss……hurts, it hurts.”  Dropping her hand back down, Xia Ge climbed out of bed, bouncing up and down a couple times.  “Ai, I can’t believe how good I feel.  Little puppet?  Little puppet?  What’s going on?”

The system did not respond.

Xia Ge: “……”

Perhaps her fever had made the system malfunction.  It wasn’t like something like this hadn’t happened before.

“Hmm……guess I’m already over it?”  Xia Ge scratched her head.  Recalling how sick she’d felt yesterday, it didn’t make much sense to her that she’d recovered so rapidly.

But she really did feel completely healthy physically.

“Guess I’m more robust than I thought……”  Patting her face, Xia Ge finally noticed a very unexpected object in her room.

In the warm morning sun, a little puppet sat on the carved window frame, dressed in a little red and white Danfeng outfit.  Its two eyes were beautiful black chrysoberyls, its lips smiling, and its soft, black hair was tied with a thin, green ribbon.  Holding its little chin in one hand, it beamed at Xia Ge brightly.

Xia Ge: “……”  Where the hell had this thing come from?

Xia Ge’s first reaction was to check her door, which locked from the inside.

To her surprise, the door was firmly locked and undamaged, and there were no signs of anyone trying to force it.

Xia Ge glanced back again at the lovely puppet smiling at her from the window frame.

Xia Ge: “……little puppet, did I make another puppet in my sleep?”

Still no response from the system.

Xia Ge: “……”

Fuck, finding this kind of thing, especially with its unknown origin, in her room was downright scary.

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Xia Ge looked to her left, she looked to her right, yet she didn’t dare get close to the puppet, deeply afraid that this new puppet would explode on her just the way she’d exploded her last little puppet.

When she’d blown up her own puppet, she’d suffered internally.  If someone else’s puppet exploded on her, her injuries would be external.  Either way, it was nothing good.  Best to exercise caution.

But no matter how trepidatious Xia Ge was, nothing changed the fact that there the exquisite puppet sat on the window frame, smiling bright and seemingly innocent.

“……fine, I’ll just take a look at it.”

After all, it probably wasn’t a good idea to leave the puppet sitting there.

She gave it scan and got the results.

[Small Puppet: Made Of White Wood, Strongly Resembles A Certain Person.]

Xia Ge: “……”

A puppet made purely out of wood?

Who was so leisurely and carefree that they’d make such a puppet and put it on Xia Ge’s windowsill?

It smiled so dazzlingly; it made one want to smile back.

In fact, Xia Ge already was.

Touching the corner of her mouth that’d curved upwards without her even being aware it, Xia Ge stood still for a long time.  Finally, she approached the puppet, picked it up, and found a note left underneath it.

On light green paper, a short phrase was elegantly written.

She read it out loud: “Don’t worry.”

Xia Ge: “……”

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So someone really did have nothing better to do than to put a small puppet in Xia Ge’s room, and with a mocking note no less.  Really, ‘don’t worry?’  Xia Ge had been sleeping soundly in her own bed.  Who exactly was disturbing whom?

Hold on……

Xia Ge examined the note more carefully, the corners of her mouth twitching.

Yes, she’d read it correctly.

Right……don’t worry.

Don’t worry.  Don’t worry.

Xia Ge stared at the words on the paper.

She knew the letters, and she knew the handwriting.

When she thought about the papers of Senior Sister’s that she’d seen……she knew who’d written the note.

Holding the small smiling puppet in one hand and the note in the other, Xia Ge’s thoughts were a mess.

While honest little {acacia} hung limply on Xia Ge’s dressing table, playing dead.

Putting the note and puppet down on the table, Xia Ge pulled {acacia} up: “Hey.”

Xia Ge then tried stretching {acacia} out as an intimidation tactic, to which {acacia} submitted to without qualm.

Unfortunately, Xia Ge’s arm-span was not equal to {acacia}’s length, and Xia Ge had to give the attempt up.

Plopping {acacia} back on the table, Xia Ge regarded the Yimei with narrowed eyes: “Someone else was here last night, correct?”

Quivering, {acacia} feigned ignorance.

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Xia Ge: “Give me a nod if there was and a shake if there wasn’t.”

Seemingly obedient, {acacia} cutely shook its ‘tail’ no.

“I find you quite lacking,” Xia Ge sneered, “I don’t think I’ll take you with me today.”

{acacia} slightly stiffened, shrunk itself smaller, and finally nodded its tail vigorously.

Xia Ge: “……”

That’s what she’d thought.  Someone had been in her room, hadn’t they?!

Xia Ge steadied herself: “Did you open the door for them?”

Hesitant to answer, eventually {acacia} weakly nodded its tail again.

Xia Ge: “……and you’re the one who locked the door after them?”

Cautiously shrinking back even further, {acacia} once again nodded.

Xia Ge: “……”

Well, {acacia} had made a full confession.

Making it glaringly obvious just who Xia Ge’s visitor had been.


——Do you like it?

—— Well……it’s alright.

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