LFTMPH Chapter 88-Don’t Worry In Your Dreams Part 2

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Translated by Snowfall77

Xia Ge stared down at the small puppet on the table in a daze, remembering when she’d met her beautiful Senior Sister at Cangshu Pavilion, and Senior Sister had pulled out the book Carving Wood.

The small smiling puppet’s face was beautiful too, and Xia Ge thought to herself that Senior Sister’s carving ability was very, very good.

And the light green paper, with its ‘don’t worry’ in graceful penmanship, seemed somehow tender.

It meant that……last night, it’d been Senior Sister who’d taken care of her?

The morning sun shone gently, and some indescribable warmth was melting into the bottom of Xia Ge’s heart, as if it could slowly heal the sadness brought by the exploded little puppet.

……for there was actually someone who worried about her.

= =

“Very good, that is all for today.”

The master who taught formations stroked his beard: “Tomorrow, turn in the drawings of the Zhangsan formation.”

“Yes, master.  Goodbye, master.”

Class was over.

Xia Ge slumped over her desk, not wanting to move.

Mao Qing gave her a good poke: “Ai, why are you so wilted today?  Don’t you like formation class?”

Before Xia Ge could answer, Mao Qing kept talking: “Why did you change out your little doll for another one?  Wow, I didn’t notice at first how adorable this one is.”

Hand on chin, Mao Qing gave the small puppet a good examination, before coming to a conclusion and clapping: “This one looks just like you!”

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Xia Ge was diffident: “Haha, it does?”

Mao Qing affirmed: “Yes, it does.  Did you carve this one yourself too?”

And then Mao Qing decided to heap on some more praise: “Xia Wuyin, your skill is getting better and better.  It really is beautiful.”

Xia Ge: “This one does look very good……”  Too bad she hadn’t actually been the one to carve it.

As Mao Qing and Xia Ge chatted, they both couldn’t help glancing over at Huo Bai.

Although Xia Ge hadn’t paid him much attention the past couple of days, Huo Bai made her feel very uneasy.

Like a □□.

In the past, Huo Bai had seemed oblivious whenever Xia Ge secretly observed him.  However, he now apparently sensed her looking at him and turned his head, meeting Xia Ge’s gaze.

Like a pool of still water, Huo Bai’s pitch-black eyes held no emotion, making Xia Ge feel like she was staring at a dead person.

Quickly withdrawing her eyes, Xia Ge involuntarily shivered.

Mao Qing was blissfully unaware: “What’s wrong?  Why are you suddenly quivering like that?”

Although her skin had goosebumps, Xia Ge grinned as usual: “Oh, it’s nothing, probably just a draft……I think I’m in the mood to go and buy some coconut cake.”

Mao Qing stood up: “How about I go with you?  We’ve got plenty of time until the next class.”

Xia Ge made a confused expression: “Why do girls always want someone accompanying them everywhere they go?  I’m fine going by myself.”

Suffocated by Xia Ge’s words, Mao Qing sat back down: “Go by yourself then.”

Xia Ge departed.

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Shortly after Xia Ge left, Mao Qing saw Huo Bai get up, as if intending to follow Xia Wuyin out.

“Ai, Huo Bai, are you going to go buy coconut cakes too?” Mao Qing was slightly excited, “Can you ask Xia Wuyin to bring back some for me?”

Huo Bai’s steps didn’t even pause, and he walked out of the pavilion as if he hadn’t heard a word Mao Qing said.

Mao Qing: “Eh?”

Since getting rejected wasn’t exactly anything new, Mao Qing thought nothing of it, simply muttering to herself: “Huo Bai really is getting colder lately.  Doesn’t pay attention to anybody at all.”

Glancing over at Huo Bai’s desk, Mao Qing saw that the little spot where he’d usually hide his mint candies was empty.

She hadn’t seen him sneaking his candies for a while now, and his personality was getting odder and icier.

What exactly had happened to him to make his behavior change so drastically?

Mao Qing’s brow furrowed as she sunk into thought for a long time.  Then she smacked her hand on her desk: “Could it be because I borrowed his brush two days ago and forgot to return it?!”

In the warm afternoon haze, it didn’t take Xia Ge long to realize that someone was following her.

Since she wasn’t in a hurry, Xia Ge took her time, steadily walking down more remote paths as the sounds behind her got closer and closer, the sense of danger growing.

Her silver ring flashed, her eyes gleamed coldly, and Xia Ge was one second from pulling out her sickle when there was suddenly a loud crash!


Xia Ge heard the gurgling of liquid and the fragrance of wine wafted in the air.

Anticipating a fight, Xia Ge was shocked by the turn of events.  That smell……

“Dongqing bamboo leaf-green wine!”

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Looking back over her shoulder, Xia Ge saw an unconscious Huo Bai laying prone on the ground, a smashed red-labeled pot of wine next to his head.


“You know the wine just by the smell of it.”  A young lady’s lazy voice came from the trees, “You must be very good at drinking.”

Scanning her surroundings, Xia Ge found Chu Yao sitting up in a Wutong tree with another pot of wine in her hand, hair tied with a blue ribbon, a sword at her waist, and her light brown eyes shining pretty and indolent in the dappled sunlight.

Xia Ge: “……what brings you here?”

Chu Yao: “Why, can’t I come here?”

Xia Ge: “Of course you can.  I’m little surprised, that’s all.”

Chu Yao leapt down from the tree, casually tossing her wine jar to Xia Ge.  Next, Chu Yao used her foot to prod at Huo Bai’s senseless head with a disdainful look: “Who’s this piece of trash?”

Xia Ge hugged the wine jar to her chest: “……a fellow Danfeng student.”

Chu Yao snorted: “Oh?  Trying to get your fellow students killed?”

Xia Ge: “……”

Chu Yao: “You should be more cautious, otherwise you might turn into nothing but a bundle of scars before you even know it.”

Xia Ge: “I’m very cautious.”

Chu Yao: “I’ve been following you for a while, where exactly are you going?”

Xia Ge stared off into space: “I want to……touch a quail.”

Chu Yao: “……”  Looking Xia Ge up and down.

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Xia Ge accepted the scrutiny with an innocent face.

To Chu Yao’s eyes, Xia Wuyin’s appearance had softened.  Hair tied back with a red ribbon, his cat-like eyes brimming with lively qi, he looked very clean and sharp in his red and white Danfeng clothes, a smiling wooden doll hanging at his waist.

Her gaze staying fixed on Xia Wuyin’s wooden doll for a beat too long, Chu Yao eventually tsked to herself, a faintly vicious gleam in her light brown eyes: “Does your fellow student have animosity towards you?”

Xia Ge shook her head, answering honestly: “No.”

Chu Yao thought for a moment, then gave Xia Ge a strange look: “Do you owe him money?”

Xia Ge sputtered: “……I don’t owe him money!”

Does she look like someone who ran around owing people money?!

Chu Yao scowled: “Tell me how much you owe him and I’ll help you pay it back.”

Xia Ge: “……”  Why was Chu Yao so convinced Xia Ge owed Huo Bai money?

Xia Ge: “Fine, it’s like this, this person does……have something wrong with him.”

Pointing at herself with a melancholy countenance, Xia Ge said: “Ai, you wouldn’t know, but although that person is very skilled in liandan, his mind isn’t all there.  He’s constantly mistaking other people for the person who killed his father, me especially.”

Chu Yao stared at her silently: “……”

Xia Ge put a hand to her forehead: “Don’t look at me like that, I didn’t kill anyone.”

TN- when Xia Ge says she wants to touch a quail, it could be her roundabout way of saying she wants a drink.  A quail can mean a shy/cowardly person also.

[1]  pronounced as quail (chún). (1) Abbreviation for quail. (2) Red Phoenix. (3) The names of the stars . The general term for the southern vermilion bird Qisu. [3]  (4) Quail clothes refer to clothes that are in tatters and have many patches: Quail clothes are full of knots. [4]  (5) Tong “alcohol”.鹑/59313341

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