Chapter 98-Diji-Level Liandan Master Part 2

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Translated by Snowfall77




Mao Qing squinted at her danshu, studying the page carefully,  until eventually asking Xia Ge in a casual tone: “Do you think  you could refine this dan?”

Xia Ge gave Mao Qing a long, silent look, then reached out and put her hand on Mao Qing’s forehead.

Getting her forehead inexplicably touched, Mao Qing stiffened for a second before relaxing: “……?”

“No fever?” Xia Ge muttered to herself, “What’s making her talk such nonsense?”

Mao Qing: “……”

Xia Ge: “You still can’t tell the truth from the rumors when it comes to me?”

Mao Qing went “Oh.”  She was about to say something further, but her expression abruptly went blank.

Xia Ge felt a sudden sense of foreboding.  Only before she could react, the danshu blocking her face was grabbed, and the next second used to heavily whack her on the head.

“Xia Wuyin……”  The master stared down gloomily at his errant disciple, “I see your skin is getting itchy!  Hmm?  It’s one thing if you don’t want to study properly, but now you’re harassing your fellow female disciples?!  Do you have no self-regard?!  Are you going to study and feed everyone dogfood at the same time?!”

Xia Ge: “No, I……!”  I’m not harassing anyone!  How can a girl harass another girl?!

“You still want to talk back?!”

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The more the master spoke, the angrier he got, and Xia Ge’s danshu fell back down onto her desk as the master gesticulated: “Am I blind?  I can’t see what’s right before my eyes?!  Get out and go face the wall!”

Xia Ge glanced over at the harassed Mao Qing.  Chin still propped in one hand, Mao Qing gave Xia Ge a particularly pretty smile.

Calmly picking up her book, Xia Ge bowed to the master: “Master……I’m sorry, I won’t harass female disciples again.”

From multiple people came a muffled : “Pfft.”

The master’s irate expression didn’t improve: “Get out, get out!  Face the wall and don’t stop until class is over!”




The morning air was quite refreshing.

Holding her danshu, Xia Ge stared at a Wutong tree, mind empty.

System: [Why Didn’t You Tell The Truth Just Now?]

Xia Ge, caught in the lingering afterglow of ‘harassing a fellow female disciple,’ took a moment to register the system’s question: “Ah……when did I not tell the truth?”

System: [The Dan In Your Book……You Could Refine Them All If You Wanted To.]

Xia Ge: “Oh, could I?”  C’mon, how had she harassed a fellow disciple?  Simply by……touching them on the forehead?”

Besides, Mao Qing really had sounded like someone with a fevered imagination.  Xia Ge hadn’t even finished reading the danshu yet.  Was she supposed to pretend she knew everything?

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System: [……]

Then the system couldn’t stop itself from ranting: [Why not?!  Aren’t You Going To Become A Tien-Level Liandan Master?!  You Have A System That Comes With A Preinstalled Danmai!  Anything You Want To Try And Refine, It’ll Be A Piece Of Cake!]  Why are you trying to live like a fucking outsider?!

Xia Ge: “Oh, sorry.  I forgot……”

System: [……]

The morning sun shone brightly and Xia Ge had been reading for a while when she suddenly said: “Don’t you think……it’s pointless to say things like that?”

System: [What?]

“What Mao Qing said to me the other day.”  Xia Ge closed her book, staring up at the dense leaves of the Wutong tree.  “She said……that I could become a Diji-level Liandan master.”

—— Everyone is saying you can accomplish it.

——If I work hard, maybe I can accomplish it too.

——Whether you succeed or not, if nothing else……you’ve given me the courage to chase it.

The system still didn’t understand: [And?]  What are you getting at?

Fragmented sunshine warmed the top of Xia Ge’s head: “And, thanks to you, it’s easy for me to reach Diji-level.  It’ll be far more difficult for Mao Qing to achieve her dream.”

Slowly closing her eyes, Xia Ge whispered: “If I depend on you, I’ll reach Diji-level, or even Tian-level.  In that case……I don’t deserve to be her source of courage.”

Xia Ge: “That was why I told her……that she could reach Diji-level too.”

The system remained silent.

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Xia Ge looked to the clear sky: “This kind of feeling……It’s like I’m someone who cheated their way to the top, and then turned around and told someone else; so long as you work hard, you can become like me.”

System: [You Can’t Say It Like That.]

“You’re right, I can’t say it.  It’s a bit inappropriate,” Xia Ge spoke haltingly, “Because that person down at the bottom, maybe they really can work hard and reach the highest levels.”

“But right now Danfeng doesn’t have its Danmei cultivation method,” Xia Ge murmured, “Mao Qing……what exactly is she supposed to work hard on?”

System: [You Have A Hard Enough Time Just Taking Care Of Yourself.  Why Are You Worried About Someone Else?]

Xia Ge fretted: “I always feel responsible for what I say.”

The system muttered: [……You Usually Tell So Many Lies, I Can’t Tell What Particular Sentence You’re Feeling Responsible For.]

Xia Ge covered her face with her book: “Hey, not everything is the same.  Not everything I say could guide the direction of someone’s life.  When it comes to eating and drinking and shit like that, that’s not important, and therefore it’s guilt-free.”

System: [……]  You actually know the word ‘guilt.’  Thanks be to the heavens.

After pondering for a few minutes, the system ventured: [But I Think What You’re Saying……]

[It Doesn’t Make Sense.]

Xia Ge: “Hmm?  What do you mean……”  Makes no sense?

The system interrupted: [You Didn’t Become A Liandan Master For The Purpose Of Becoming Someone’s Courage.]

[Entering Danfeng Was Not About Some Other Person’s Expectations Or Beliefs.]

[Whenever You’re Going The Wrong Way, That’s When You Always Think You’re On The Right Path.]

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Xia Ge: “Oh……I’m like that?”

System: [You Are.]

[We Are One, We Live And Die Together.]

[Xia Ge, I Am Not Your Cheating Device.]

[I Am Your Talent, So That You Can Keep Forging Ahead.]

You don’t have to feel guilty.  No need to be uneasy.

You have talent, and you can indomitably press forward.







狗粮gǒu liáng (Trad.: 狗糧)

dog food; (Internet slang) public display of affection (term used by singles 单身狗 forced to “eat” it)

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