Chapter 99-A Scene of Chaos and Confusion Part 1

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Xia Ge told the system: “You’re talking like you’re trying to marry me off.”

Next taking the book off her face, Xia Ge was surprised to see Mao Qing coming out of the hall.

“Yo!  Were you kicked too?”  Xia Ge laughed.

“No, I wasn’t.”

Although the sun was warm, when Mao Qing glanced at Xia Ge, her gaze was somehow different than usual: “The master asked me to down the mountain and get something.”


Mao Qing left.  Xia Ge looked down at her book, and then at the direction Mao Qing had gone.

System: [What’s Wrong?]

Xia Ge: “It’s nothing……she just seems a little off today.”

System: [Everyone Has Days Like That.]

Xia Ge: “……”

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Lips curling, Xia Ge was about to start reading again, only there came a sudden clamor.  Raising her head, Xia Ge watched as numerous Jianfeng disciples rushed towards the pavilion’s courtyard.

The leading Jianfeng disciple didn’t see Xia Ge as he howled to the others: “Surround the courtyard and arrest Xia Wuyin!”

“Don’t let that bastard escape!”


Xia Ge: “……huh?”

Hearing the commotion, the master emerged from the pavilion, book in hand, asking in a hoarse voice: “What’s going on?  What happened?  What’s all this fuss about?”

Xia Ge, having a bad premonition of what was coming, hid behind a Wutong tree, her danshu clutched to her chest.

“We suspect Xia Wuyin of being a spy for the Demon Sect!”

The leading disciple’s voice rang loud and clear, his eyes flashing: “Please hand this person over so that he can be dealt with!”

Eyes narrowing, the master spoke leisurely: “What are you talking about?”

The Jianfeng disciple raised his voice even higher: “I said, Danfeng’s Xia Wuyin is a spy for the Demon Sect.  Hand him over!”

Quiet for a long moment, the master suddenly admonished: “Little brat, do you have no restraint?!  What is this reckless provocation?!”

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“Disciples of Danfeng will naturally be dealt with by Danfeng’s senior disciple!  Who is Jianfeng to casually interfere?!  Aren’t you just trying to take unfair advantage of Danfeng’s senior disciple being gone?!”

With the leading Jianfeng disciple scolded into silence, another Jianfeng disciple had to step forward: “Master, it is true that Danfeng’s senior disciple is currently at the village of Kuzhu because of the Demon Tide.  But the matter of catching the spy is extremely urgent.  Lingxi Sect rules stipulate that if a peak’s head disciple isn’t present, the senior disciples of the other peaks can have final authority during that time……therefore, in this situation, Senior Chang naturally takes full responsibility.”

Never imaging that the Danfeng master would say such words, a stunned Xia Ge stayed behind her tree.

While the system was confused: [……How And Why Did You Suddenly Become A Spy?]

Xia Ge: {could be because of the small puppet i exploded that night.}

System: [What?  But Weren’t The Remains Of That Puppet With Chu Yao.  Would She Have Given Them To Senior Disciple Chang?]

Xia Ge denied it flatly: {impossible.}

System: [Then What……?]

{chu yao probably wasn’t the only person who saw the puppet’s remains at that time.}  Xia Ge frowned, {only……why not pursue it until now?}

System: [That Disciple Said His Jianfeng’s Head Disciple Has The Authority……Authority……What Was The Token That Bixi Gave You?]

Gu Peijiu had left yesterday.  Yet this morning, as soon as the rooster had started crowing, Bixi had brought over a small, carefully wrapped box to Xia Ge, telling Xia Ge to keep it safe.  When Xia Ge had asked what the box contained, Bixi had simply said that it was a token.  But Bixi hadn’t said what the token was for.


Following the system’s train of thought, Xia Ge wasn’t convinced: {there’s no way that token would give me any kind of authority.  senior sister wouldn’t give me something important.}

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System: [It’s Not Impossible.  Did You Bring It With You?  Take It Out And Let’s See.]

Xia Ge: {can’t, i left it in my room……i didn’t think i’d have any need for it at the time.}

System: [You Always Carry Things Like Tokens On Your Person, You Damn Idiot!]

Xia Ge: “{what if i lost while carrying it around?!  senior sister wanted me to keep it safe!}

System: [What If Someone Stole It From Your Room?  Did You Consider That?!]

Enlightened by the system’s eminent wisdom, Xia Ge answered: {……did not.}

System: [……]  Suffocation.

Meanwhile, the master and the Jianfeng disciples were still at a stalemate.  The master sneered: “Wanting to take away one of my disciples, but having no evidence.  What shamefully thick skin!”

The leading Jianfeng disciple took out a token: “We have authority to search Danfeng!”

The master shouted back coldly: “I only recognize Lingxi and Danfeng authority!  If your Jianfeng senior disciple is so capable, let him come here himself with the Lingxi search token!  Only then will I let him take a Danfeng disciple without objection!”

The Jianfeng disciple was once again rendered speechless.

Each senior disciple of each peak had a search token, but Lingxi’s elder held the only token that gave authority to search the whole of Lingxi Sect.

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Outside the courtyard, a dense crowd had gathered, effectively sealing the Jianfeng disciples in.  The master and the Jianfeng disciples who dared speak were deadlocked, and the Danfeng disciples still in the pavilion were poking their heads out every which way, trying to figure out what was going on.

“What’s happening outside?”

“They’re claiming Xia Wuyin is a Demon Sect spy?”

“What?  How could that be……”



System: [What Are You Going To Do?  Come Up With Anything Yet?  The Master Can’t Stall Them Forever.]

Xia Ge: {how about i go get the token from my room first, and then……}  I’ll figure out something.

But before Xia Ge could finish her sentence to the system, there came an ear-piercing alarm sounded!


Filling the sunny sky with countless dazzling colors, fireworks exploded, sounding the alarm, and the leading Jianfeng disciple involuntarily cried: “A Demon Sect attack?!  How it that possible?!”

Face growing very grave, the master sternly commanded the noisy disciples in the pavilion: “Silence!”

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