Chapter 99-A Scene of Chaos and Confusion Part 2

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A Jianfeng disciple wiped nervous sweat from his brow: “What do we do?!”

“Most of Jianfeng’s powerful disciples went to fight against the Demon Tide!”

“Maybe it’s some evil trick of the Demon Sect?!”

Xia Ge couldn’t care less whose evil trick it was, she only knew it was giving her a chance out: “Well fuck, this my golden opportunity.  Time to escape!”

“Who’s that running?  Catch him!!”

The master called at Xia Ge: “Lu Ge, go down the mountain and bring me back some Fuzi grass!”

“Leave it to me, master!”  Xia Ge yelled back as she ran.

However the leading Jianfeng disciple immediately spotted the little doll that hung at Xia Ge’s waist, and scoffed: “Master, doesn’t Danfeng say that ‘without truthfulness, there is no trust?’  You’re not trying to stain Danfeng’s reputation, are you?

Then, to his fellow disciples: “That’s not ‘Lu Ge,’ that’s Xia Wuyin!  Hurry up and catch him for me!”

The master jeered right back: “Who is it that lacks truthfulness?  Isn’t it the bastards who arbitrarily arrest people with no evidence?  Jianfeng buries itself in bullshit, so who are you to speak of trust?”

Another Jianfeng disciple went to draw his sword at the master’s words, but was stopped by the leading Jianfeng disciple, who said in a cold voice: “We came here to apprehend someone, naturally we have evidence!  And we’ll clearly produce that evidence after we get him!”

“You lot, you come with me to catch Xia Wuyin!  The rest of you go down the mountain and help protect the village!  Otherwise I’m afraid many people will get hurt!”

Xia Ge had made it out of the courtyard, treading on a few Jianfeng disciples who got in her way.  Since she was using {ghost and shadow} to do so, in the eyes of the Jianfeng disciples, she’d only confirmed her identity as a Demon Sect spy.

“Who can wield a sword?!  We have to catch him and take to him to our mountain prison!”

“But all the disciples with high-level swordsmanship went to help stem the Demon Tide……”

“Shut your mouth!”

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Running a few circles to shake off the Jianfeng disciples following her, Xia Ge made to back to her room, only to see that it was, unsurprisingly, guarded by a few Jianfeng disciples.

Xia Ge ducked behind a beech tree and pulled off {acacia} who’d been acting as her hair ribbon.  Black hair cascading down around her face, Xia Ge whispered to the little Yimei currently coiling around her fingertips: “Hey, that crowd of people, I need you to……tie them up for me.”

Seemingly very excited, {acacia} promptly flew off.

One of the Jianfeng disciples, holding his sword to his chest, was idly chatting with another.

“Those fireworks……does that mean the Demon Sect is attacking us?”


“You talk too much; we’re supposed to be watching for that person.  Since we were told to guard his rooms, the bastard is sure to come here sooner or later.  The Demon Sect……that’ll be dealt with by someone else……”

Despite the disciple’s words, his tone was uncertain and he seemed more than a little uneasy.

Xia Ge slightly narrowed her eyes.

Unbeknownst to the Jianfeng guards, {acacia} had already silently burrowed into the ground under their feet.  Pushing through the dirt like an earthworm, {acacia} stretched its snake-like, red body, slowly positioning itself.

“Where did that bastard run off to?!”

“Everyone, search carefully!”

“Do you think he went……back to his residence?”

“Tsk, it’s certainly possible.  You, you, and you, go see if he’s shown up there.”


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The indistinct cacophony of more people approaching could be heard!

Pupils shrinking, Xia Ge felt for {acacia}’s location, then softly called: “Restrain them!”

The second her voice fell, innumerable crimson ribbons instantaneously erupted from the soil.  The disciples around Xia Ge’s room didn’t even have time to draw their swords!  Caught completely off guard, the disciples’ mouths were covered while they were being tied up like dumplings!



Emerging from behind the beech tree, Xia Ge rushed into her rooms, moved her bed, and dug out the small box she’d put under the flooring: “Ah, didn’t lose it……”

System: [Of Course It Wasn’t Lost……]

Xia Ge threw the box into her silver ring.

System: [Now What?]

Xia Ge: “Wait a minute……why do I always feel like I’ve forgetting something?”

Outside the window, Xia Ge saw that three new Jianfeng disciples had arrived.  When they saw their fellow disciples thoroughly bound in red ribbon, they become obviously scared.  One ran back the way they’d come, probably to go give a report, and the other two stood back hesitantly, not daring to get too close.

Regardless of whether Xia Ge had forgotten something or not, it was evident that now was not the time for quiet pondering.

Grabbing a writing brush, Xia Ge hit one tied-up disciple along the back of the knees with it.  She’d controlled her strength, not striking too hard.  But, with accompanying ‘ouch,’ the disciple found himself unwillingly kneeling down.

Using {ghost and shadow}, Xia Ge got up on her roof and called {acacia} back to her.  The Jianfeng disciple below who’d gotten the extra manhandling was trying to pick himself up from the ground, hair disheveled and in a confused state.

“Stand up.”

A disciple running off to report was no longer necessary.

The leading Jianfeng’s disciple’s tone was decidedly cold and gloomy, his boots and several others appearing before the kneeling disciple’s vision.  Utterly embarrassed, the disciple got to his feet, dusted off his clothes, and then stared hatefully at Xia Ge.

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Sitting up on her roof, Xia Ge examined {acacia} and found some soil on the Yimei twisting about her hand.  Distressed, Xia Ge tried to wipe it off, going: “Ai, you got all dirty……”

Once {acacia} was clean to Xia Ge’s satisfaction, Xia Ge used it tie her hair back again.  Assuming a haughty attitude, she asked the irate Jianfeng disciples below: “Yo, shouldn’t you guys be defending against the Demon Sect attack?  You’ve got nothing better to do than chase me around?”

“Xia Wuyin, cut the bullshit!”

“Get down here and come with us!”

“And by the way, I’m not Xia Wuyin, I’m Lu Ge and I’ve got to go down the mountain to fetch something for the master……”

As Xia Ge spoke, she leisurely retrieved the box Bixi had given her from the silver ring, opened it, and pulled out the token carefully nestled inside.

Decorated with painted maple leaves, the token was Danfeng red, and had an engraved word upon it.


It really was a command token……

“Pah!  You’re Xia Wuyin!  The doll at your waist is your puppet, right?!  You’re a puppet master and a spy for the Demon Sect!”

A Jianfeng disciple bitterly lambasted: “You’re truly shameless!  Where’s your sense of honor?!”

Xia Ge paid him no mind, seeing no point in either cursing back or denying the accusations.

Instead she blankly stared at the token in her hand for a long moment.

Holding the [Command] token that made Xia Ge Danfeng’s temporary senior disciple.

You could enjoy the privilege that came with the title, but you also had to shoulder all the duties and obligations of Danfeng.

Senior Sister had actually wanted Xia Ge to have this……?

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Xia Ge’s pupils suddenly shrank!

“Wait, wait a minute……” Xia Ge muttered, “The Demon Sect is attacking down the mountain?”

System: [Yes.  It Is Logical That The Demon Sect Would Attack From The Bottom And Make Their Way Up.]

But Xia Ge was busy remembering the last thing Mao Qing had said to her——

——The master asked me to down the mountain and get something.

The next second, Xia Ge’s figure flashed away before the Jianfeng disciples’ bewildered eyes, her excessive speed leaving not even a hint of her shadow behind.

“Where’d he go?!”

“He ran away again!!”

“What the hell!!  Chase after him!”

“He probably went down the mountain!”

“Fuck!  We can’t let him rendezvous with the Demon Sect!”

As Xia Ge pushed her {ghost and shadow} speed to the limit, the scenery around her became nothing more than afterimages of blurred colors.

System: [Where Are You Running To?!]

Keeping a deathgrip on the token in her hand, Xia Ge hissed: “Mao Qing was headed down the mountain!”

飘拂草      Pinyin: fú zǐ máo

Floating Grass, the name of traditional Chinese medicine. It is the whole plant of Cyperaceae plant Fimbristylis dichotoma (L.) Vahl [Scirpus dichotomus L.; S. annuus All.; Fimbristylis annua (All.) Roem. et Schult ] . Fluttering grass is distributed everywhere except in the northwest. It has the effects of clearing heat, diuresis and detoxification. It is often used for dysuria, damp-heat edema, gonorrhea, and fetal toxin in children.

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