Chapter Fourteen:

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The Chang Family Brothers (Part 2)

Three days later, Cheng Zhi’s family arrived. Before he arrived, Cheng Shaoshang already knew that her Third Uncle had to be Old Madam Cheng’s favorite son.

When she finished her daily homework (greeting Old Madam Cheng), she was pleasantly surprised to find that her grandmother had no time to make things difficult for her. To be precise, even if she couldn’t go to greet her grandmother, she wouldn’t have been noticed. Because Old Madam Cheng was busy asking Madam Xiao eighteen questions in quick succession, from the rice milk Cheng Zhi loved to drink, to the foot wash, to the filling of naan pancakes Cheng Zhi loved to eat, to his pillow preference. The richness of imagination and boundless divergence were truly the level of an international event commentator!

Madam Xiao couldn’t bear it anymore, and glanced at Old Lady Hu. She quickly stepped forward, leading Old Madam Cheng to reminisce about the past of “my son A’Zhi.” From wetting the bed at a young age until the formation of his Adam’s apple, even Old Lady Hu couldn’t handle it.

In this situation, Cheng Shaoshang became vulgar again. Those who knew Old Madam Cheng knew she was about to see her son, while those who didn’t know her thought that she was being reunited with her long-awaited lover.

However, when she first saw Third Uncle Cheng Zhi herself, Cheng Shaoshang immediately reflected on how narrow-minded she was. Cheng Zhi was a beautiful man who made people forget about vulgarity. He looked to be about thirty, with a few strands of scholar’s whiskers under his chin. His face was white, clean, and handsome. He looked as green as a green mountain and his smile was like a spring breeze. Since coming to this place, Madam Xiao was certainly the most beautiful woman Cheng Shaoshang had seen, but there was no such person among men who could stand against Third Uncle Cheng.

Cheng Shaoshang was in a daze for less than two seconds, only to hear Old Madam Cheng in front of her let out a coquettish sigh. She touched her fiercely undulating chest with one hand, tears in her eyes, and then rushed over with a stack of ‘my son’ sounds. She touched Cheng Zhi’s chest and asked why he was so thin, then hugged him and cursed, “You little heartless person who hasn’t been back for so long!” Old Lady Hu couldn’t stop her, and she was pretending that his wife, Sang, didn’t exist.

Cheng Shaoshang nearly burst out laughing. She had a fixed way of thinking on ancient dramas and thought this would be an overbearing mother welcoming home a favored son scene. Instead, this was like an old sister spending money to be able to hold onto her oppa scene. 

Cheng Shaogong took a gentle step forward and breathed into Cheng Shaoshang’s ear, “Careful. Mother is looking at you.” Cheng Shaoshang looked and, sure enough, Madam Xiao was looking at her with a displeased expression. She quickly flattened the curved corners of her mouth and stood solemnly. Fortunately, Madam Sang came and pulled Madam Xiao over. The two of them laughed, said something, and Madam Xiao no longer paid attention to Cheng Shaoshang.

While everyone was walking towards the hall of the main residence, Cheng Shaogong leaned over again. “Your face is too stiff.”

Cheng Shaoshang said with a sad face, “Why does Mother stare at me all the time? I know I don’t behave properly, but I’m slowly getting better.”

Cheng Shaogong chuckled and said, “Mother is afraid that we might get used to it. In the future, when we go out, we might accidentally have someone see something inappropriate. Before, she didn’t have the time to stare at us, so she would deliberately have someone watch us.”

“That’s right, the older brothers practiced the same as their predecessors.” Cheng Shaoshang’s eyes were full of suspicion.

Since they arrived, the first two brothers had been fine, busy with looking for teachers and visiting friends. However, her twin brother came by at least three times a day and they grew closer.

“No, we paid off the people who were watching us,” Cheng Shaogong said. He put his hands in his sleeves and looked well-educated.

She stiffened her face and refused to speak to this junior high school student again. The pride of a prestigious university student needed to be maintained.

The twins followed the crowd slowly. Cheng Shaogong glanced sideways at Cheng Shaoshang; if his twin sister was truly as foolish and domineering as was rumored, he would not have been so enthusiastic. However, he never expected his younger sister to be so interesting from the beginning. So childlike, yet occasionally aged and full of worries. Sometimes sensible and clever words that made one feel sorry, sometimes sharp and harsh words that made one want to vomit blood.

As for when to be well-behaved and when to be mean, according to her own statement, “It depends on the mood or weather.” At that moment, Cheng Shaogong wanted to hold down and beat up this child who was a head shorter than him.

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Whenever they met these days, she kept asking about the situation outside, such as where have the bandits been eliminated? Could women go out and play? How many stones can be harvest from the fields? What are some businesses people can do for a living? Sometimes even the most ordinary things she needed to ask, like a child, or like a wild person from the deep mountains who had just arrived to this mortal world, truly ignorant.

This peculiar situation of contradictions made him wonder how Madam Ge raised Cheng Shaoshang before. Cheng Shaogong couldn’t help but feel sad, so he decided not to beat her up.

At the banquet, all kinds of dishes were available. Madam Xiao took out the roasted bear’s paw that had been cooked in advance for most of the day. Cheng Shaoshang divided it into half. She thought it was plump and fat, sweet and tender, and the more she chewed, the more delicious it became.

It was the first time in her life that she had eaten such a rare food. Cheng Shaoshang was so absorbed in eating, and when she raised her head again, she saw Third Uncle Cheng had been pulled to the side of Old Madam Cheng’s table and was being monopolized. He couldn’t even hold his own chopsticks. He tried a few times to get his older brother to help, but Cheng Shi just sat in front of his own table with a satisfied smile. Cheng Shaoshang saw the obvious gloating in his eyes.

Madam Xiao seemed to be very friendly with Madam Sang. The two put their two tables together, drinking and talking happily. Compared with Third Uncle Cheng’s handsome appearance, Madam Sang’s appearance was truly ordinary, which could be considered above average. However, her handsome appearance and natural and approachable demeanor were better than a beauty of seven or eight points.

Cheng Zhi and his wife had a daughter and two sons. The eldest daughter was around the same age as little Cheng Zhu, and she had just lost her canine teeth. Like her father, she was a little beauty. The sons were also twins and around the same age as Cheng Ou. Like their mother, they were elegant and dignified. The three children had been carried by Nanny Fu to the residence to eat and rest due to the fatigue of the journey.

Old Madam Cheng’s enthusiasm was like a fire, but only Cheng Zhi was burned, and she didn’t realize there were others, except for Madam Sang’s faint ‘hmm’ when she saluted her, there seemed to be no such bridge.

Cheng Shaoshang’s gossipy heart soared, and she subtly moved her table a few inches towards Cheng Shaogong, whispering, “Why doesn’t Grandmother like Third Aunt as well?”

Cheng Shaogong looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to them. He moved his table more than a foot closer to her and leaned directly against it. He pretended to cough twice and asked in a low voice, “Why does Fourth Younger Sister say ‘as well’?”

Cheng Shaoshang rolled her eyes. “If you want to say that Mother and Grandmother have an affectionate and harmonious relationship, just forget I asked.”

Cheng Shaogong sighed and held his half of his bear’s paw in front of her. “Third Aunt was asked for marriage by Third Uncle himself, but Grandmother thinks that Third Uncle can find someone better. When he was young, his reputation was unparalleled in the countryside.”

Cheng Shaoshang looked at the bear’s paw in front of her and, with a snow-white fist, thanked him. She chuckled and said, “Third Uncle looks so beautiful, not at all like Father and Second Uncle. Is he like Grandfather?”

Cheng Shaogong liked the cute and simple appearance of his little sister, and said everything in the moment.

Of course, Old Master Cheng was a handsome man. In his last years of the previous dynasty, the people were destitute. The Cheng family was destroyed by the exploitation of the family. He was a scholar and had no skills except for music. Finally, he was arrogant and never made a dirty living, and ended up living in the countryside. At first glance, Old Madam Cheng took a fancy to him, and they were married.

From then on, Old Master Cheng had a warm place to stay. In turbulent times, he would not wander around, feeling hungry and cold. In his spare time, he could also touch bamboo slips and write the melody of the qin. Old Madam Cheng got a beautiful man like a flower. Although she didn’t understand most of his words and actions, her beautiful husband could eat two more bowls of food every day. Sleeping in the same place at night was more like being in a cloud of flowers.

“What a good marriage!” Cheng Shaoshang didn’t dare raise her voice, so she could only tap on the table lightly.

Cheng Shaogong stared at her, feeling that there was a problem with her understanding or maybe his explanation. In their later years, the couple would hardly say three words a day to each other, and they were resentful. The brothers grew up with watching their parents love each other, so naturally they didn’t agree with this icehouse couple model.

“A marriage, if you can get what you need, is a good marriage.” Cheng Shaoshang lowered her voice and taught this junior high school student step by step. “In the future, you will know when you grow up and get married.”

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The reason why Second Uncle Cheng and his wife were not doing well was because Second Uncle Cheng couldn’t give Madam Ge what she wanted, so she became a resentful wife, while Third Uncle Cheng and his wife could get what they wanted from each other, and naturally were harmonious and happy.

Cheng Shaogong was about to sneer back at her, “If I were to get married, wouldn’t you?” when Old Madam Cheng suddenly raised her voice and angrily said to Madam Sang, “I’m here to ask you, I have entrusted A’Zhi to you for all of these years. Why is he so thin?!”

The twins quickly stopped talking and looked over. It turned out that Cheng Zhi couldn’t bear the ‘maternal love’ any longer and struggled to break free and get back to his seat. Seeing her son treat her like that, Old Madam Cheng couldn’t help but vent some of her anger on Madam Sang. Cheng Zhi’s face was clearly rosy, his posture was appropriate, and was in healthy condition.

Faced with this obviously difficult question, Madam Sang smiled in a calm manner. “Naturally, the outside is not as good as it is at home. If he didn’t want to be an outside official, he would be at home with his mother. How about…” she glanced at her husband and asked without hesitation, “How about Mother coming with us next time?”

Cheng Zhi looked panicked and said with a guilty smile, “I naturally want it, but how can your Eldest Son be so good and the mother has to follow her son and suffer outside. Isn’t this hitting Eldest Brother in the face?”

The ball was kicked to Cheng Shi, who was enjoying himself. He remained calm and said, “It’s okay. Mother can rest assured, so just follow and live for a while but…” He deliberately lengthened his word and sighed. “It’s not like the capital outside, as long as Mother can endure it.”

No, Old Madam Cheng softened.

She was afraid of hardships in the early years. Although she was a little lonely in the large house these years, she was used to it. Even though she loved her son, she didn’t want to suffer any more, and the topic was dropped.

Cheng Shaoshang looked at Madam Sang with interest, who looked back and smiled at her. She was taken aback. When everyone was busy drinking and chatting again, she hurriedly lowered her head to ask about Madam Sang’s background.

Cheng Shaogong said, “Third Aunt is the daughter of the Lord of Bailu Mountain. At the time, Father’s official rank was not high, and Third Uncle was still studying so his reputation was not obvious. This marriage can be regarded as a high-profile affair for our family. However, Grandmother thinks Third Aunt is not good enough for him.”

Cheng Shaoshang snorted. “Forget it, would Grandmother be happy with any beauty assigned to Third Uncle? Besides,” she sneered, “Grandmother herself is just as suitable as Grandfather.”

Cheng Shaogong looked at his sister and said, “Shaoshang, it seems that you have no respect for Grandmother.”

Cheng Shaoshang used her knife and chopsticks to slowly dismantle the half bear paw. “Take a look at Second Uncle,” she said.

Cheng Shaogong couldn’t understand and turned to see Cheng Cheng silent, drinking, feeling lonely and aloof. If it weren’t for Cheng Shi occasionally greeting him and talking to him, he would be drunk. Cheng Yang, who was at the end of the banquet, also sat with her head bowed, occasionally softly persuading her father to drink less wine. Cheng Shaogong only then remembered that since Cheng Zhi returned to the household today, Old Madam Cheng never said a word to Cheng Cheng.

“I heard Aunt Qing say Second Uncle’s leg was lame for the family.” Cheng Shaoshang smiled, but her eyes were indifferent, and she continued to divide the bear’s paw. “He buried himself at home for more than ten years, also for the sake of the family. Father and Third Uncle are outside, and there has to be someone here in the capital, even if they are just ears and eyes to spread news faster. But for everything he has done for this family, does Grandmother have any sympathy?”

Cheng Shaogong grunted in his throat, unable to speak.

“It is said that people in the world are snobbish, but who could guess parents are also snobbish with their children? Grandmother relies heavily on Father and loves Third Uncle, but she has completely ignored Second Uncle for ten years.”

The little girl’s voice was very sweet, but her words were as sharp as the silver knife in her hand. “She clearly knows that Second Aunt was bullying Second Uncle. With her power, how could it be so difficult to suppress Second Aunt? But she didn’t. As long as she lives comfortably, she doesn’t care about the rest. Second Aunt can please her and help her do this and that, so she can’t see the suffering of Second Uncle.”

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Cheng Shaoshang put down the knife and chopsticks, divided half of the bear’s paw and gave it back to Cheng Shaogong. “Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. As parents, if we also want to judge our children based on their potential and appearance, why should us younger generations respect them?”

Cheng Shaogong held the plate in a daze. Cheng Shaoshang began eating her part of the bear’s paw with relish, as if the mournful words she had just said didn’t come from her.

Cheng Shaoshang ate for a while, then suddenly raised her head and said to him, “Don’t spread what I said. I will be reprimanded by Mother again later.”

Cheng Shaogong snapped out of his daze. “I’ll never say what we spoke about. You know, we stayed together in the womb for nine months. Apart from our parents, we are the closest!”

Cheng Shaoshang smiled and, for the sake of candied fruits and bear paws, decided to trust this thick-browed junior high school student. However, many years later, she wished she could slap herself a few times…

That night, in Cheng Shi and his wife’s residence, there were two half-person high bronze animal fat lumps standing on the left and right, illuminating the lacquered wood floor as bright as black jade. Cheng Shaogong, who looked guilty, knelt down in front of his parents and repeated what his twin had said during the day, thinking that if she were here, she would definitely be scolded!

Upon hearing this, husband and wife had very different expressions.

Cheng Shi caressed his beard and sighed, “What heavy love and righteousness! She has seen and remembered all the sins her Second Uncle has suffered over the years.” His eyes were moist as he spoke. “There are still people in this family who care about the hardships Second Younger Brother has suffered!”

Madam Xiao frowned and said, “That child is ignorant, how can she criticize the elders?!”

After saying this, the couple looked at each other.

Cheng Shaogong ignored the gaze of his parents, wiped his forehead with his sleeve and said, “Father and Mother, don’t sell me out, or I won’t tell you again in the future! Mother, don’t go scold Shaoshang either. Otherwise, she will know everything!”

Without waiting for Madam Xiao to reply, Cheng Shi waved his hand and said, “Don’t worry. She won’t know. Now, you go back.”

Cheng Shaogong bowed to leave, and as he walked, he turned around to remind them to not reveal the truth. He was impatiently scolded by Madam Xiao and he left quickly.

Seeing her son leave, Madam Xiao glared at her husband and said, “She is criticizing your mother!”

“So what?” Cheng Shi said nonchalantly. “I also criticize Mother.”

Madam Xiao was speechless.

“Besides…” Cheng Shi took a sip of the hangover soup and set it down heavily. “What is wrong with Niao Niao’s words?! Mother just wants to surround Third Younger Brother every day, no matter who he marries. Also, Mother is indeed a snobbish person! She never cared for Second Younger Brother since he was a child, always saying he was incompetent, but he was easy to handle!”

Madam Xiao was angry. Just as she was about to open her mouth, Cheng Shi took the conversation away, “Don’t repeat ‘elders do nothing wrong,’ either!”

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“I can’t stand the tone of those Confucian scholars! The elders are also human beings, not immortals who never make mistakes forever. Are the elders wrong and the younger ones allow them to be wrong? This is called filial piety?” Cheng Shi complained. “According to what you said, Mother will bully you and I will watch? Our family only survived until today because A’Zhi and I didn’t listen to what Mother said, and went out separately to find a way of life. What should we do? That’s why we have it good today!”

The example was too powerful for Madam Xiao to refute. After a long time, she sighed. “The truth is right, but it’s not appropriate to criticize elders in such a harsh way for those with less business. There is also Shaogong, who still has problems with tattling. It seems his two brothers didn’t beat him up enough in the first place. These two will be broken sooner or later!”

Cheng Shi chuckled and said, “Are they twins? There are still similarities!” Then he sighed, “I understand what you mean, but you are too preoccupied with getting her ready to be married off. I was hoping Yang Yang could help, and they would form a sisterly bond. Who would have thought Yang Yang avoids Niao Niao like a mouse avoiding a cat. Fortunately, Shaogong is a good child and he also cares for Niao Niao, this is not wrong!”

“Yes, yes, you are a loving father and I am a strict mother!”

Madam Xiao feigned anger, thought for a while, and then said, “Don’t blame Yang Yang, either. In my opinion, she is the one who understands reason and etiquette. She can distinguish right from wrong in her heart, knowing that her mother is wrong, but she doesn’t blame her mother. Should she tell Niao Niao, ‘I’m sorry, I know my mother has been malicious for the past ten years, bullying her family and squeezing the farmers outside, using her tongue to stir up trouble internally, and repeatedly stopping your mother and father from taking you to their side?’ It’s really a bad thing to do.”

Cheng Shi glared and said, “Why can’t we say it? Just clarify the truth so the whole family can move on. Do I criticize my mother? But I should be filial and continue to be filial. Is the relationship between mother and child so weak? It’s because you read too much into this that you’re in such a difficult situation.”

Madam Xiao was so angry that she turned her head and refused to speak.

Cheng Shi suddenly changed his tone and said leisurely, “I think you should learn from me. From time to time, if one were to ‘criticize’ one’s mother, one will be calm. One won’t accumulate any resentment in one’s stomach, and then one won’t be able to criticize her anymore.”

Madam Xiao trembled slightly as she turned her back and remained speechless for a long time. “You can tell…”

“I’m not blind.” Cheng Shi slowly moved his tall body over and whispered, “I saw your mother from afar in the early years. At first, I didn’t expect it. I just thought that although Niao Niao is beautiful and she didn’t look like you or me, but later I slowly remembered…”

He put his hands on his wife’s shoulders and rubbed them softly. “Back then, Madam Ge made you suffer a lot, but you were so tolerant and when you talk about Niao Niao, knowing ‘a mother can’t delay her children.’ However, you are very picky about Niao Niao.”

The couple didn’t speak for a while and sat leaning against each other. Finally, Madam Xiao let out a long breath and said with a smile, “What you’re saying is that it’s me who is the demon. I will have to change in the future.”

Cheng Shi was delighted and vigorously pressed kisses against his wife’s face. “My wife is an open-minded person, as she should be!”

Madam Xiao pushed her fussy husband away, scolding with a smile, “Just pass on your rules of criticizing elders, one day it’ll be your turn!”

Cheng Shi said solemnly, “No, no, no. It took three generations to cultivate a noble family. Now that we have just left the grass, we can naturally criticize and criticize, but after three generations, we won’t be able to criticize. That is to say, our grandchildren won’t be able to criticize us anymore! If they dare, my wife will bring out the sage’s great teachings, combine all the classics of filial piety together, and make them copy them to death!”

Madam Xiao couldn’t handle it, and finally burst out into laughter.

I love how Papa Cheng calls Mama Xiao out more in the novel than in the drama. And, despite how their parenting skills can be questionable, their relationship with each other is so cute. It’s adorable.

Next Chapter: Divorce Case (Part 1)

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