Chapter Fifteen:

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Divorce Case (Part 1)

Madam Xiao decided to straighten her mind and do what she said she would do. She thought that since this daughter grew up next to someone like Madam Ge, who had ulterior methods, she had to teach her first instead of rectifying her character.

On the second day, she sent more than ten tubes of bamboo slips to Cheng Shaoshang, including four volumes of ‘Jijiu Zhang,’ four volumes of ‘Pian of Generals,’ and several volumes of ‘Cang Jie Pian.’ She didn’t know if it was because it was near the end of the year or it wasn’t customary to ask for tutors in this era, but Madam Xiao couldn’t find a teacher for Cheng Shaoshang. Usually, Qing Cong and Cheng Shaogong would come up to teach a few words when they had spare time, but it wasn’t every day.

Sometimes, Madam Xiao would condescendingly point out Cheng Shaoshang’s posture of holding a pen, and said that after learning these she would start to recite the basic classics, Confucianism, Taoism, Strategist, the Book of Song, Chu Ci, Sima Fu, making incense sticks, flowers, throwing pots, and cuju… all requirements for her to be regarded as a qualified noble lady.

Shaoshang didn’t agree with this. She had already decided she wanted to make it on her own in the future, and what she really wanted to learn was not these things. Literacy was okay, but those classics… What’s more, literacy didn’t delay learning practice. After enduring it for two days, she couldn’t bare it anymore. “This is taking too much time. I want to learn more about economics and the affairs of the world.”

Unexpectedly, Madam Xiao sent her away with a light sentence. “Reading and understanding is the foundation of everything. If you understand the book, why worry about not being able to achieve something in life?”

At this moment, Cheng Shaoshang understood the pain of Yang Xiaguo. So eager to learn martial arts and live a safe life but asked to memorize a moral code… which one would be the most reliable during a fight? After she mentioned this to her backer, Cheng Shi, Madam Xiao quoted a set of classics that even he didn’t know. As a result, she could only continue to memorize and read, without leaving the house. Woohoo.

It began to snow heavily a few days later. The northern land was high and cold, and the snowflakes didn’t melt when they fell to the ground. A thick and velvet blanket of snow quickly accumulated on the ground, covering the sky and earth as white as a flour mill.

The father and sons of the Cheng family rarely went out to visit friends and socialized these days. The whole family sat around the stove, chatting and drinking like in the cold days of the past. When it came to happiness, the three brothers of the Cheng family even sang their hometown tunes with wooden chopsticks tapping on their wine cups. The singing was either rough or clear, and the sound lines swirled around the columns. When they were in high spirits, Madam Xiao and the Sang family also chimed in. The fun of singing was so abundant that even the servants who were patrolling outside smiled to each other. Among the younger generation, only Cheng Yang could keep up with a few words, while the rest could only smile and clap their hands.

Old Madam Cheng was a musical idiot and couldn’t carry a tune to save her life. Now that the children and grandchildren were so full of joy, she was so happy that not even her two unsightly daughters-in-law could temper her mood.

A servant girl suddenly interrupted to report: Old Master Ge had arrived.

Cheng Cheng’s chopsticks, which were just about to hit his wine cup, fell with a clank onto the table. His eyes were wide with panic.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

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Although Cheng Shi had sent someone to the Ge family to inform them of what had happened, he thought they would arrive at least after New Year’s Day. However, it was only four days until then, and Old Master Ge had come in person. Cheng Cheng was at a loss to do, and when he stood up, he knocked over his wine jar. Only when Cheng Yang heard that Old Man Ge had brought his eldest son and daughter-in-law did her eyes light up and she couldn’t conceal her excitement.

Old Master Ge had a gray beard and hair, rich figure but simple clothes – probably because of his haste on the road – and his face was full of wind and frost. His eldest son and daughter-in-law supported him on both sides. The three members of the Ge family had gentle faces and gentle words, with the kind of appearance that made people think they were good people. Cheng Shaoshang had a hard time connecting the three of them with the surly Madam Ge.

According to Lian Fang, Old Master Ge had brought more than ten large carts carrying a pile of New Year goods such as pigs, sheep, rice, millet wine, juice, and dried fruits.

Old Madam Cheng couldn’t be bothered to put on airs and hurried out to greet them. Cheng Yang, who was following behind her, could only hold back for so long before she broke from the crowd and tearfully knelt down in front of Old Master Ge. “Grandfather! Uncle! Aunt!”

Aunt Ge quickly stepped forward to help Cheng Yang up. At that time, her eyes were wet, and her loving expression couldn’t be concealed. She stroked Cheng Yang’s face and murmured, “… Our Yang Yang has grown taller and looks so pretty.”

Cheng Yang cried and laughed, hugging Aunt Ge and refusing to let go. She wanted to drill her head into her aunt’s warm clothes and beg them to take her back to the Ge household in her arms. Uncle Ge couldn’t let go of his old father and craned his neck to watch, with a look of concern on his face that only a truly loving father would show.

“Uncle has brought you a lot of things,” he said. “Don’t cry, don’t cry, it’s cold and you’ll freeze your face…”

This was quite impolite but no one cared.

Cheng Shaoshang slowly took a step back, the playful smile on her face fading. She leaned quietly against the edge of the porch, hiding herself in the corner, and did not come out until everyone had exchanged greetings and walked in to the inner hall. She lowered her head and shook out her clenched fist; there were four dark pink nail indents on her snow-white palm. Looking at the direction of the crowd, Cheng Shaoshang turned her head and went straight back to her small courtyard. She didn’t care about the reprimand she’d receive later.

She had no objection to Cheng Yang. From the honest and kind-hearted words and deeds in her daily life, one could tell she had been taught well.

However, she knew from a young age that the most hateful thing in the world was not that her parents were cold and indifferent, but to watch the wonderful and loving parents around her, and she couldn’t catch up with them.

Madam Xiao didn’t have the time to take care of Cheng Shaoshang at that moment. She not only wanted to open the guest room for the three members of the Ge family, but also accommodate a large group of people accompanying the Ge family’s caravan. Seeing that her feet were not touching the ground, Madam Sang volunteered to help, went to take Madam Ge, who had been locked up for days, out of the old house and tidied her up so she could be returned to her family.

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Because Madam Ge couldn’t go out, she could only eat and sleep those days. Not only did she not lose weight, but her cheeks were a little plumper. When she knew that her family had arrived, she proudly stated, “You just wait! I have suffered a lot these days. I must have an explanation for my grievance!”

Madam Sang looked at her incredulously. “Do you think your father came here for you?” Not to mention the current Cheng family, even the Cheng family who had yet to make a fortune, had never been subservient to the Ge family.

Madam Ge was stunned. Although she was locked up, there were still people who were able to inform her about the goings on outside. She knew that Cheng Shi had been promoted and made a fortune, and her own family could no longer control her. This was just her habitual stubbornness.

Madam Sang felt that her intelligence would be lowered the more she continued to speak to Madam Ge. She quickly commanded the martial servants given to her by Madam Xiao to drag the woman into the new house’s inner hall.

At this moment, the inner hall was still ablaze with fire, making the whole room warm, but it no longer had the cheery atmosphere. The younger generation had been cleared out and food and drinks all rearranged. However, no one touched their chopsticks and it left only a room full of awkward silence. Even Cheng Shi, who had always run the train with his mouth full, didn’t know where to start. It was Old Master Ge who took the lead and spoke up.

“…I felt sorry for her when she lost her mother at such a young age and ended up spoiling her too much. I knew she had many faults, but still had the courage to marry her into the Cheng family and have caused only suffering for others. I have been patient all of these years and will apologize first!”

As he spoke, he fell down to pay his respects to Old Madam Cheng and Cheng Shi, Uncle Ge and Aunt Ge following suit. Old Madam Cheng was frightened and she shrank back, nearly knocking over the food table.

Cheng Shi quickly took a step forward and vigorously supported Old Master Ge, repeatedly saying that he couldn’t.

Kneeling to the side, Madam Ge shrieked, “Father! What are you talking about? The Cheng family has wronged me so much…” Before she could finish, Uncle Ge couldn’t bear it anymore. He got up and walked over in a few strides and slapped Madam Ge hard. Half of her face was bruised and half of her body was paralyzed on the ground.

“Father has always been loyal to you since the day you were born. How much love and care have you had? Have you ever been filial for a day?! Day after day, you cause trouble! Father turned seventy this year and, for you, has braved the wind and snow, day after night, to travel. And yet you still feel no guilt! You are like pigs and dogs! Animals!”

Uncle Ge himself was also a grandfather, quite prestigious in the countryside, and yet he still had to come to the Cheng family to make amends for his ignorant younger sister. Thinking that his father’s suffering was worse than his own, he grew even more furious.

Madam Ge was beaten dizzy. She looked up to see Uncle Ge gnashing his teeth in hatred, his eyes were bloodshot; he was afraid and guilty, so he had to turn his head away and didn’t dare open his mouth again.

Old Master Ge didn’t look at his daughter and allowed himself to be supported by Cheng Shi. He continued to talk about his daughter’s various evil deeds while they sat down, apologizing profusely. The apologies were sincere.

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“Grandfather’s behavior is making me feel ashamed,” Cheng Shi said, feeling embarrassed. “If you hadn’t helped me with food and supplies before, how could I …?”

Old Master Ge waved his hand to prevent Cheng Shi from continuing. “Don’t speak of it,” he sighed. “Only ignorant women like my daughter talk about food and supplies every day. The world was in chaos, the army a mess, and bandits and thieves were rampant. People like my family, who had thin assets but no dependence, were just as thin as the mouth of the hungry wolf. There were countless destroyers outside. It’s thanks to the General that out neighbors were saved. As for the Chen incident, the General doesn’t have to worry about it…”

As he spoke, he smiled bitterly and said, “To put it bluntly, that Chen thief plundered wealthy families everywhere, leaving no trace of land behind. He robbed property and wouldn’t let people go. If the property was destroyed, the Ge family would inevitably be destroyed. How could we ever thank you?”

Cheng Shi had already rolled over these words several times and he realized that he didn’t owe anything to the Ge family. However, now that Old Master Ge himself said them, and said it from the bottom of his heart, he felt embarrassed again. He had no choice but to sit silently, thinking that this good person was much harder to deal with than the bad one.

Old Master Ge turned to Old Madam Cheng. “To put it in my heart, if a woman like my daughter were to be given to my family as a wife, I would definitely have given up. It’s a pity that the Cheng family has been kind and patient to this day. For the past ten years, I have been in the country, and I thought her temperament would gradually improve as she got older. But after hearing the reports of the messenger, I realized these evil ways were not only not corrected, but it has worsened and caused suffering to Second Son-in-law…” He looked over at Cheng Cheng and wept, “I didn’t teach my daughter well myself, but I hurt you…”

Cheng Cheng had been restless before, but he fell to his knees in front of Old Master Ge and began to weep after hearing those words. “Don’t say that! I’m not… I’m not hurt. She was originally…” As he was about to blame himself, Cheng Shi secretly cursed him for not making any progress but didn’t want to speak up.

Unexpectedly, Old Master Ge didn’t ask him to continue, and said in his trembling old voice, “Don’t say anything. You have been looked down upon by an old man since you were young, how can I not know your character? I thought it was a great fate for you to become my son-in-law in this life, but I didn’t expect this to make you suffer and lose your spirit! How can I face you? Today, you will issue a letter of divorce, and I will take this evil creature back! In the future, if you still agree to recognize me as an elderly neighbor, please call me Uncle.”

As he spoke, the old man was in tears and Cheng Cheng couldn’t help but cry.

Although he disliked the Ge family, he had a lot of admiration for this kind-hearted elderly man who supported the weak and pitied the poor since childhood. When he was young, he thought it would be great to have a father like Old Master Ge. When he first married into the family, he was satisfied in his heart and never expected to land in this situation today.

Cheng Shi originally thought this matter would be entangled for a long time and didn’t expect Old Master Ge to be so straightforward. He was overjoyed and had the intention to end it on the spot, but he saw three members of the Ge family and Cheng Cheng crying. The atmosphere was touching. Although he wanted to send for someone to write out a divorce letter, that seemed… unkind for the moment.

Cheng Zhi, who had been silent for a long time, finally straightened up, cleared his throat and said, “Uncle, let me say something. Now that it is almost New Year’s Day, writing a divorce letter during this time… it is unlucky.”

Cheng Shi breathed a sigh of relief. “Exactly. Why not, why not…” he trailed off, looking around. He remembered that Madam Xiao had escaped under the pretext of getting things ready for the Ge family. He couldn’t help but secretly scold his wife for being too cunning and hiding away. Where could he find someone? He needed ideas!

Seeing that it was not going to end well, Madam Sang quickly stepped up to help. “It’s better like this,” she said softly. “Anyway, after New Year’s Day, Second Brother will be leaving for Bailu Mountain. It’s better for Uncle to take people back first and wait for the future…” She carefully considered her wording. “No matter what is decided in the future, my family will send someone to inform the village. My lords, do you think this is good?”

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As soon as the words were spoken, everyone in the Cheng family breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the ‘separation before divorce’ plan was a good idea; they could save face for both families and not end it on the spot.

Madam Xiao, who was outside of the door, heard this and clenched her toes. As one of the top few victims of Madam Ge, she really didn’t want to get involved. What would she say if she went in? She was perplexed when she said good things to Madam Ge, but when she said bad things, she would inevitably make things worse. Thinking about Old Master Ge’s kindness and honesty, she simply didn’t enter.

The thick snow trampled and creaked under foot as she walked out of the courtyard. Madam Xiao thought for a moment. Since she was idle, she may as well go and educate her daughter. Unexpectedly, as soon as she arrived at the entrance of Cheng Shaoshang’s residence, before she could remove her shoes and go up the steps, she heard the gentle voice of Qing Cong coming from inside.

“…how could the Young Mistress just leave on her own? You didn’t greet Old Master Ge, it’s too rude.”

“Is Grandfather here to visit relatives?” Madam Xiao heard the lazy laughter of Cheng Shaoshang. “They are here to do ‘big things.’ What are you doing next to me, watching Second Uncle write the letter of divorce? Second Aunt has been in trouble for the past ten years and ‘exerted herself’ on me. Do you want to hear him say “I’m sorry’ to me? Mother told me the day before yesterday that I should avoid talking about my elders’ right and wrong, so I just avoided it. What’s more, not long after I left, my three elder brothers came over so they must have been sent away…Speaking of which, Aunt Qing, you are really good. It’s rare for Eldest and Second Brother to have the time to tell me about their experiences in the Imperial Academy and you drove them away…”

This girl was very eloquent, reasonable, and coquettish. Qing Cong was silent.

Outside the door, Madam Xiao slowly shook her head. In her opinion, her daughter was more difficult to deal with than eighteen Madam Ge’s combined. In just a few days, Qing Cong’s words were no longer a match for Cheng Shaoshang.

Was leaving on your own the same as being dismissed by an elder? She was at a loss for words.

“Of course, leaving on your own is different from being sent away by the elders,” Cheng Shaoshang suddenly said. “It’s because I didn’t think carefully. Aunt Qing turned around and helped me talk to my mother. In fact, I knew I was wrong as soon as I walked away. It must be changed in the future. It must be changed.”

Now Qing Cong had nothing to say. At one time, she felt pity for the girl who had suffered under Madam Ge’s hands, but now it was understandable to be disgusted with the Ge family and she felt her words made sense. It would be embarrassing to meet and greet her so it was better to quietly avoid it and be straightforward.

Madam Xiao furrowed her brows and immediately thought of two things: wisdom was enough to refuse advice, and, words are enough to cover up wrongdoings.

Next Chapter: Divorce Case (Part 2)

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