Chapter Forty-Six:

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After Cheng Zhi returned to the government office that night, Madam Sang immediately relayed to her husband what Shaoshang had said.

Cheng Zhi remained speechless for a long time. He originally had been the most in favor of this marriage, but at this moment, his emotions were inexplicably gloomy. He sat alone at the window for a long time, until the second sound sounded, before spreading the silk roll and dipping his brush in ink to reply to his brother’s letter.

The army rode like the wind, and the three places were not far apart. However, seven or eight days later, Cheng Zhi received a handwritten letter from his brother, which said, ‘The exchange of tokens with Master Lou has happened, the marriage agreement has been made, and we will complete the ceremony after returning to the capital.’ As for the keepsake of the engagement, the former produced a mutton fat jade suet and the latter produced a golden tiger paperweight. The two of them also made an appointment to quickly ride to the junction of the two states of Qingyan and Yanzhou, drink three bowls of wine, and clap their hands five times in agreement.

People trusted each other during that time, so the marriage contract was settled.

Cheng Zhi raised the silk scroll in his hand and sighed, “My brother said that although the magistrate of that Lou County is a scholar, he has a straightforward temperament and is kind, and is very happy with the match and likes him.”

Madam Sang didn’t even bother to lift her eyelids. “Over the years, has your brother ever had any friends with whom he didn’t like?” With Cheng Shi’s innocent and dark face, even if he felt that the other person had forgotten to bring their brains when they were reincarnated, his face could still be incredibly friendly.

Cheng Zhi sighed again. “Where are Niao Niao and A’Yao?”

Madam Sang also began to sigh, “Either inside the city or out.”

The couple stared at each other, speechless.

In fact, as early as seven or eight days ago, the young master of the Lou family had already regarded himself as the son-in-law of the Cheng family, and when he walked in and out, he looked up and straightened his chest with joy. A servant in the government boldly called him ‘son-in-law,’ and the reward was a slap in the face.

Originally, Cheng Zhi worried that he was young and prosperous, and his wallet was loose. Now that no elders were around to control him, he would be led out to play by the dandies of the city. Unexpectedly, since Shaoshang woke up, Lou Yao never left the house except for a few times.

Whenever the aristocratic family in the city sends a memorial card and Lou Yao tells Shaoshang about his plans to go out for a banquet, she shrinks onto the bed with a lonely and unhappy look, “Oh, you’re going out?”

Then Lou Yao fell into a soft-hearted mess, feeling that his young fiancé was easily struggling to escape the clutches of illness. Now, at a time of weakness and helplessness, she was afraid of loneliness. How could he go out and have fun alone? After rejecting the invitation, he continued to teach Shaoshang how to read and write, and continued to talk and laugh for another day. Anyway, when he was in the capital, due to the strict supervision of his mother and former fiancé He Zhaojun, he had little chance to connect with those promiscuous children from a young age, and he didn’t find any fun in those pursuits.

“I have humble knowledge; won’t your family look down on me?” the sick girl was worried.

Lou Yao’s heart was not only soft, he even softened his tone and voice. “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid,” he said softly. “I am also the most ignorant one in my family.” The main branch of the Lou family had two bedrooms, each with several children. Lou Yao was the second to last in this series, and there was a cousin Lou Li below him. The above brothers and sisters, regardless of the common people, were known as cultured and intelligent, but he was of the wrong birth. He didn’t love literature or swords, and even refused to go to the Imperial Academy.

“It must bother you to teach me to read and write every day,” Shaoshang smiled gratefully.

Lou Yao shook his head like a windmill. He didn’t feel bothered at all, he was just overjoyed, okay? Since childhood, he couldn’t even lift his head in front of his siblings. Now, he was being looked at with such admiration from his beloved, and her gentle and humble voice was asking every word. He was really happy.

In order to meet her teaching needs, Young Master Lou, who had always avoided writing like a raging beast, became diligent for the first time. He not only asked his attendants to take books from his father’s study in Shanyang Commandery as teaching materials, but also reviewed the books he had recited when he was young night after night.

After the attendant who went to retrieve the book explained the reasons and consequences, Lou Jun Cheng, who had intended to call his son back, immediately gave up and quickly sent over a dozen bamboo slips. He also packed a lot of clothes and gold ingots, instructing his son to, ‘stay there for a while to learn how to behave with Uncle Cheng, and not rush back to the capital city.’

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After hearing this, Madam Sang laughed angrily. “Master Lou is a county magistrate who has been around for many years, but he asked his son to learn how to ‘behave in society’ like you?” That was really the funniest thing she had heard all year.

“I am now the county magistrate,” Cheng Zhi quickly corrected his wife.

“You are a substitute.”

No matter how the elders thought in their hearts, Lou Yao’s stay in the county government office became more and more peaceful.

Shaoshang was also very satisfied with the situation. There were two things in front of her now. One was that she didn’t expect someone to ask for her so soon, and she still had a good family background. Therefore, it was obviously not enough to only read and handle official documents for handling affairs. She must learn the kind of graphic writing and high-end books. Whether it was for future marital happiness or not, it was best for her to firmly grasp Lou Yao and cultivate a relationship as soon as possible.

Shaoshang made a comprehensive plan and simply kept Lou Yao by her side, which happened to solve two difficulties together. And Lou Yao was like hitting a stone mill made of honey, willingly putting on a halter and pulling up the millstone. Every night he worked hard to review his knowledge, and then during the day, he gave it back to his semi-illiterate fiancé. He was so busy all day with such frequent interactions that he didn’t have time to socialize outside.

So, in just a few days, rumors spread throughout the city that ‘Master Cheng’s family style was as good as before, and his niece was strict in supervising her husband.’

Madam Sang was unjustly hit with an arrow, which was both infuriating and funny. She pulled her husband’s ear and cursed with a smile, “When they wanted to give you a dancer, I asked you to accept it! These people have been for many years now, I still remember!”

Cheng Zhi repeatedly begged for mercy. “If we really want to calculate the family tradition, it’s not your turn. There’s also Sister Yuan Yi above us. Let’s calculate this account with her later! Come on, sit down first, sit here with me… let’s sort this out first…”

Without waiting for the couple to settle their accounts with deep affection in the room, Shaoshang finally recovered and could go out to the fields.

At this time, it was late February and the earth was returning to spring. The ice and snow on the branches in the fields melted together, and fine, fluffy green grass tips emerged from the moist soil. Although the cold wind still blew in the face while riding a horse, it was not as ruthless as the harsh winter chill. On the contrary, with a somewhat deliberative temperament, Lou Yao had to take Shaoshang out for a walk every day.

Sometimes they would wander around the various commercial workshops in the city, picking out a few interesting objects, and sometimes they would ride their horses all the way out of the city, wandering around the neighboring countryside. Now that the bandits who caused the rebellion the month before had been eliminated, and there were two families of servants guarding them, they were not afraid of danger.

Sometimes, they would go too far, and often it was dark before they would return to the city. Cheng Zhi was like an annoying gatekeeper uncle, and every day he had to solemnly reiterate the time the city gate closed to those young children.

Lou Yao and Shaoshang lowered their heads, looking at each other and laughing like two little moles. When they looked up, they made an honest and obedient appearance, only nodding and agreeing. However, the next day, they ran deep into the countryside as usual.

What made Shaoshang even more happy was that Uncle Pig’s Feet, who had always been at odds with her, gave her an extremely lightweight and exquisite antique carriage – a small one that could be used for two people to sit side by side with open sides, painted in red and gold all over, as bright and lively as a young girl. On top of it was a round and graceful light umbrella cover, with curved axles like necks. The two wheels were not only sturdy, but also wrapped in layers of unknown animal leather for shock prevention.

“Uncle, is this really a gift for me?” Shaoshang couldn’t believe it and kept rubbing the shiny painted wall of the carriage. She still remembered when she was admitted to college, when her uncle gave her a super cute and powerful electric scooter, which saved her a lot of energy on campus.

Cheng Zhi’s kind expression said, “It wasn’t from me, it was from your aunt.”

“Thank you very much, Uncle!” Shaoshang almost jumped up with joy, feeling in her heart that Uncle Cheng was really the best person in the world. Ignoring being in the backyard stable, she jumped up and kissed Madam Sang’s face. Although she knew how to ride a horse, she eventually felt uncomfortable after a long bumpy ride. With this little carriage, she could go anywhere easily.

Madam Sang couldn’t help but laugh and secretly reached out and twisted her husband’s waist.

“But I can’t drive, can I?” Shaoshang was so happy she almost forgot about that.

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Cheng Zhi was so kind that couldn’t seem to be ordinary, “Let A’Yao teach you.”

Lou Yao naturally bravely responded.

Just like someone who could ride a bicycle would soon ride an electric bike, it was not difficult for someone who could ride a horse to learn how to drive a carriage. In just two days, Shaoshang was able to swing the bamboo whip forcefully, and the whip didn’t need to fall on the horse’s hindquarters. With the light tap and sound of the bamboo, this adorable carriage could be driven. A few days later, she could not wait to drive it around the city. After she felt that she was familiar with it, she and Lou Yao went out of the city to look east.

In early spring, the cold wind was blowing, and the young horse’s hooves were urgent.

Shaoshang pulled the reins of the horse with one hand and held the bamboo whip in the other, driving skillfully and slowly. Looking around with beautiful eyes, all within reach were the busy voices and shadows of rural women. Or burning wasteland, or plowing the land, or fertile soil; in the fields, there was a melodious singing of farmers, regardless of who started first. Many people who heard it would laugh and say a few words, from near to far, one after another, singing continuously.

Having been there for so long, it seemed that she only had recently come to know this familiar and unfamiliar world. In this scene, except for the unnamed cemetery of the wasteland where the cold wind and dying moon still lingered, the bloody slaughter the month before seemed to never have happened. Regardless of whether they lost loved ones or friends, people were like the earth, who are trampled on and eternal, always looking forward with hope.

Shaoshang accepted parking and driving, and, after a while, she said, “A’Yao, in the future, as our parents did, we must do our best.”

Lou Yao stood by the carriage and stared for a long time. “Hmm,” he said. “I dare not say how prosperous it will be, at least we should educate the people to understand the etiquette.”

“Only when the granary is full, can we know the honor and disgrace. We have to feed them first!”

“Naturally!” Lou Yao smiled. “My father often says that as long as the people can have enough food and clothing, nothing can go wrong. But… I think if parents and officials support them to have enough food and clothing, it’s just a temporary plan. What if we change officials in the future? Why don’t we let them be sensible, strive for self-improvement, and know how to find ways to have enough food and clothing.”

Shaoshang immediately looked at him with admiration and praised him repeatedly. “That’s right! A’Yao, what you said is really good! Teaching people to fish is better than giving them fish, this is the way to make it last!” Then a series of praise went on, and the young man’s face turned red with praise.

During this period, the two of them got along very harmoniously.

Shaoshang intentionally curbed his sharp habits and showed a good temper toward Wan Qiqi. She always had business and quantity in everything; Lou Yao was a soft-tempered person. When encouraging Shaoshang he was patient in all things. Shaoshang felt that this development momentum was very encouraging, whether they loved each other or not was too illusory. At least now that they could like each other was the first step to success.

Shaoshang once again set off with her whip, and behind her rode a team of guards who sailed towards the east in a vast sea.

Lou Yao rode a horse and watched with a smile as his young and beautiful fiancé skillfully drove the car. The more he saw, the more proud he became. As he saw they were on an exceptionally beautiful hillside with a pond on the side, he suddenly suggested, “Why don’t you play the flute for such beautiful scenery?”

Shaoshang looked around and readily agreed. She immediately asked Lou Yao to sit next to her, handed over the reins and whip, and freed her hand to play the flute.

The sound of the flute rose with the wind, and the melody was light and comfortable, full of vibrant hope. Spring was warm and flowers bloomed, and good times would come. With the blessings of heaven, we pray for smooth weather and warmth – from the accompanying guards to the farmers by the field, everyone smiled.

“– Good! Good flute, good music!”

A mellow and powerful voice suddenly sounded from the hillside, startling everyone, and the guards behind the carriage were all on guard. Shaoshang quickly put her flute down, and Lou Yao gripped the reins. The two looked around.

She saw a middle-aged man wearing a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat hanging from his back slowly walking towards the pond. Although he was carrying a fishing rod and fishing basket in one hand, dressed as a fisherman, he was accompanied by a group of respectful servants behind him.

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The middle-aged man originally only came out when he heard the sound of the flute. However, when he saw Shaoshang sitting in the carriage, his brow immediately furrowed. Looking at Shaoshang’s expression, he began to ponder a bit. “Are you the niece of Cheng Zhi from Hua County?”

Shaoshang was not as angry as when she had been when she first met Yuan Shen. Seeing this middle-aged man’s extraordinary and impressive demeanor, she quickly pulled Lou Yao out of the carriage and waved her hands to keep the guards away, bowed, and greeted, “I’ve seen the ceremony, and master is right. Could it be that you have an old relationship with the Cheng family?”

Lou Yao had been feeling familiar with the middle-aged man since he saw him. When he heard him speak, he suddenly exclaimed, “Ah! You are Master Huangfu!” He was once taken by his brother to listen to his lecture.

Shaoshang had no understanding of the court affairs, only knew that this middle-aged man was clearly a considerable official. At present, there was a strong sense of femininity, and she shrank behind Lou Yao to deal with it.

Who knew that Master Huangfu would ignore Lou Yao and instead stare at Shaoshang and jokingly say, “Mistress Cheng, since your name is Shaoshang, why don’t you play the qin instead of playing the flute?”
[Shaoshang and Shaogong are named after strings of the qin.]

Shaoshang couldn’t avoid it. “I… I don’t know how to play the qin, and this flute was taught to me by my aunt not long ago…” How did this guy know her name?!

Looking up, Shaoshang finally realized the appearance of this man.

This man named Master Huangfu was quite old and not good at maintenance. Although he had beautiful eyebrows and a grand demeanor, his face was covered in wind and frost, and fine wrinkles covered his face. Therefore, Shaoshang didn’t dare to speculate on his specific age.

Hearing this, Master Huangfu felt inexplicably disappointed and handed the fishing rod and basket to the servants beside him. He waved his hand and asked them to walk further. “Your aunt didn’t like to play the qin was she was young, saying her fingers hurt,” he said. “However, she still learned to play it later, and played it very well.”

Shaoshang put away her smile and remained silent for a long time. “Do you have an old relationship with the Sang family?” She already knew who this person named Huangfu was, but how about using this tone when talking about someone else’s wife.

“Of course there is. I have been studying at Bailu Mountain since I was young, and when I left the mountain, your uncle had not yet entered.” Master Huangfu eased his bamboo hat behind him. “In the end, he married Shun Hua.”

Shaoshang lowered her face and arched her hand. “If there is nothing else, I’ll leave now.” She turned around and went to get into the carriage. Lou Yao was stunned beside her, completely unaware of what had happened.

“Wait!” Master Huangfu suddenly raised his voice and gave a smile. “Do you know that I gave this fancy carriage to your aunt?”

Shaoshang’s face turned cold. “So what?” She cursed Uncle Pig’s Feet ten thousand times in her heart. It really was a matter of not discussing with her niece, and she’s been implicated again and again!

Master Huangfu took a few steps forward and gently stroked the curved and graceful axle. “I heard that she has a leg injury. To avoid making it difficult for her to travel, I specially made this beautiful carriage to be sent to her. Who knew that your uncle would give it away.”

Shaoshang was unwilling. “Master is wrong,” she said. “This beautiful carriage was not given to me by my uncle, but by my aunt!” Although her third uncle may not have a good brain, he had a high appearance, a good figure, a simple and sincere personality, and her aunt loved him dearly. Time had passed, what else do you want, a dead old man?! Don’t count the wrinkles on your face!

“As for the leg injury of my aunt, you don’t have to worry. From dressing, changing clothes, and even sucking on the pus and blood from the wound, my uncle doesn’t trust anyone and does everything himself.” Even if every sentence was true, it was difficult for a young lady to speak up, but Shaoshang had a tough heart and thick skin. At this time, for the sake of Uncle Pig’s Feet, she would fight.

Sure enough, Master Huangfu’s face chanced greatly upon hearing the words. In just a short while, he regained his elegant and comfortable appearance, only grinning bitterly and shaking his head repeatedly. He pondered for a moment and said, “In terms of seniority, I am also half of your elder. Crossing this mountain slope is the other courtyard where His Majesty once stayed. It’s better for the young mistress to speak there.”

Shaoshang sneered repeatedly. “My aunt told me that she once asked you something, and in the future, please don’t go to her or anyone around you, nor write letters nor send her things. So, there is no need to talk about it.” This pair of mentor and disciple looked reasonable and resolute, regardless of whether they could bear it or not.

Master Huangfu smiled slightly. “Your aunt has indeed treated you kindly and told you everything,” he said. “However, after the last time Shanjian entrusted you with a message, your uncle wrote a letter saying that it was okay to meet old friends.”

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Shaoshang gnashed her teeth together and wished she could drag Uncle Pig’s Feet over and beat him a hundred times!

Master Huangfu saw that the young girl’s expression was varied so he sincerely said with warmth, “I don’t mean anything else. It’s just… Oh, I want to see your aunt, but I think she doesn’t want me to appear in front of her again. You are a close person to her, and talking to you is like seeing her.”

Shaoshang listened to his sincere words and lowered her postures. She thought to herself that this person was one of Yuan Shen’s teachers and probably had some connections. If possible, she should try not to offend him, so she could only hold her breath and nod.

The slope was gentle, with Master Huangfu walking ahead with his hands down, while Shaoshang followed silently. Lou Yao, who still didn’t understand what was happening, led a horse behind him about ten zhang away, followed by a large number of guards and maidservants.
[Ten zhang is about 109 feet.]

Unexpectedly, she had not yet climbed the mountain slope, but saw a tall and wide pavilion built on top of the mountain, with bronze unicorn cast on the eaves, and six rows and eight columns below it, stretching out.

There were two young men in the pavilion. The one in the baby blue scholar’s robe was holding a roll of bamboo slips and standing facing the eastern mountains. The other was dressed in a plain white satin jacket with a dark pattern on the front, with a crane-like appearance and a handsome side face. He sat quietly in front of the stone table and chessboard, one hand resting on his knee and the other leaning on the stone table with his wrist. His white fingertips were wrapped in a grain of thick black.

Upon seeing the two people, Shaoshang immediately felt as if her legs were filled with lead, and her brain surged with magma, unable to pass through no matter what.

When Yuan Shanjian saw them, he bowed gracefully to Master Huangfu and said, “Master, you should drink some medicine now.”

Obviously, Shaoshang was standing next to his teacher, and his gaze was so firm that he didn’t even glance at her, pretending not to see anything. As for the chess player, he didn’t even move the corner of his clothes.

Master Huangfu smiled. “His Majesty returned to the capital after patrolling Qingzhou a few days ago,” he said to her. “However, my body is not in good condition and I can’t bear the fatigue of the journey anymore. His Majesty sent me here to recuperate. Shanjian, you have seen him before, he came to accompany me. There is also son… Oh, Master Ling… I only came here two days ago, and His Majesty instructed him to take good care of his injuries.”

Shaoshang nodded awkwardly. Indeed, deep down in her heart she felt that this awkwardness was very unreasonable because she didn’t feel that she needed any awkwardness, but the atmosphere was unfoundedly awkward.

Master Huangfu walked to the side of the stove and was supported by a servant to sit down and drink medicine.

Shaoshang felt that she needed to break the tension, so she took two steps forward and bowed. “Master Yuan,” she said, “it’s been a long time. How have you been?”

Master Yuan, with a cold expression, finally shifted his gaze a little, his voice even colder than his expression. “I haven’t seen you for two months,” he said. “I heard that Mistress Cheng has been engaged. I congratulate you here.”

A sentence with a very elegant tone, with the words ‘two months’ biting heavily, with a hint of gnashing teeth.

Shaoshang swallowed her saliva, but before she could reply, a young man holding a tray turned out from the other side. As soon as he saw Shaoshang, he exclaimed in surprise, “…Mistress Cheng…?”

Shaoshang smiled. “Guard Liang Qui, you are here too.”

Lian Qiu Fei’s face darkened inexplicably, and said in a strange way, “I haven’t seen you for just a month. I heard that Mistress Cheng has been engaged. I congratulate you here.”

Shaoshang felt embarrassed.

Why did you say the same thing as Yuan Shen?

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