Chapter Forty-Seven:

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Temporarily Staying in Another Courtyard (Part 1)

Just as Shaoshang thought that this situation was already unbearable, her darling fiancé, holding a horse and pulling a small carriage, came up from behind with a loud noise. He looked up and couldn’t wait to speak to his fiancé. His eyes were already shining like torches, and he shouted, “Brother Zisheng, older brother, Older Brother Ling… you are also here…”

Shaoshang squinted her eyes. Lou Yao looked too familiar. Her roommate, the blogger sister, looked at the male god next door just like this!

The young man’s voice was loud, and the shouting could be heard from a distance of two miles. Ling Buyi could no longer ‘indulge in the chess game,’ and finally sat back and smiled. “A’Yao, you’re here.”

Lou Yao quickly walked forward with Shaoshang, feeling overjoyed. “Brother, you don’t know yet. I’m engaged, here she is. She’s your future sister-in-law…”

Shaoshang’s half body was still as stiff as a freshly molded plaster statue. Indeed, she didn’t understand why she turned into a plaster cast.

At this moment, there was a ‘click’ sound from behind, and everyone turned around to see a corner of the square small tray held by Liang Qiu Fei inexplicably split. Fortunately, the young guard was quick and quickly supported the lacquer wood and vermilion bowl on the tray, which prevented the medicine from spilling out from the bowl.

Ling Buyi’s expression remained unchanged and he said gently, “You don’t know how to do these things. In the future, let the boy come.”

Ling Qui Fei trembled and quickly ran into the pavilion holding a medicine bowl, serving Ling Buyi to drink the medicine. Yuan Shen furrowed his brows and looked at the young bodyguard running like he was flying, then at Ling Buyi next to him, with a hint of confusion between his eyebrows.

However, upon hearing Ling Buyi’s gentle and old tone, Shaoshang immediately felt relieved and smiled and arched her hand. “Don’t worry, Master Ling. A month ago, I heard that your old injury had recurred, and everyone in the Cheng family was worried. Now that I see Master Ling’s bravery as before, I can tell my uncle and aunt.”

Then, she turned to Lou Yao. “You don’t know,” she said, “my aunt and I were attacked by bandits on our way to Hua County, and we almost fell into their hands. If it weren’t for Master Ling’s righteous help, you wouldn’t have seen me!”

Lou Yao’s admiration grew stronger in his heart, and he repeatedly thanked him.

He had loved martial arts from a young age, but the Lou family were all literati who neither supported him in practicing martial arts nor had many connections to make friends with current heroes. However, when Lou Yao was twelve years old, his big brother was rescued by Ling Buyi when he was on a trip to school. The Lou family was deeply grateful and repeatedly thanked him. Lou Yao took the opportunity to meet this young hero who was famous in the capital city, as well as his little cousin Lou Li.

Ling Buyi had held several positions since he was young. He was usually busy and never saw the end. Lou Yao didn’t have many opportunities to seek advice, but whenever he met with him, Ling Buyi was always willing to give advice.

Lou Yao was grateful and clenched his fists, saying, “Older Brother, you have been kind to my family several times. I really don’t know how to thank you.”

After listening to her fiancé’s brief account, Shaoshang follow suit. “Yes,” she said, “elder brother, you are a pillar of the country with your righteousness and reputation.”

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Liang Qiu Fei’s empty medicine bowl cracked with a loud ‘kuao’ sound. This time, before Ling Buyi could speak up, he repeatedly blamed himself. “It was my carelessness. I will leave now! I will leave now!” Then he retreated as if he were fleeing.

Ling Buyi hung his long eyelashes and remained silent, twirling the black chess piece with his fingertips repeatedly with his left hand.

Yuan Shen’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he said coldly, “It’s not too late for Mistress Cheng to become a relative and follow Master Lou’s name.”

Lou Yao was a bit confused and didn’t know how to respond. Shaoshang was very angry in her heart. This guy named Yuan was mocking her for trying to curry favor with the powerful people in the Lou family. She immediately glared at him, with a clear expression on her face of, ‘It’s none of your business!’

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Yuan Shen hummed coldly and turned his face away.

At this moment, Master Huangfu had finished drinking medicine by the small stove next to the pavilion and slowly walked over. “Alright,” he said as he smiled. “The cold in early spring is not decreasing. Let’s go talk in another courtyard.”

Shaoshang, who was still wanting to go at this moment, said coldly, “It’s getting late today. We won’t go to the other courtyard. We’ll have a good time reminiscing with Master Huangfu when we have a chance.”

He frowned and was about to persuade her, but unexpectedly, the sky suddenly shrouded in clouds, dropping scattered drops of rain, one of which was a big raindrop that his Shaoshang’s forehead. The girl might as well have let out a dull ‘ouch.’

Yuan Shen was already sulking, but seeing this situation, he couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

Shaoshang glanced at him and became more determined to leave, climbing straight into the carriage. While pulling out leather gloves from her waist pocket to wear, she beckoned Lou Yao to mount quickly.

Master Huangfu stared at Shaoshang’s hand with a stern gaze. “Is this what Shun Hua made for you?” he asked. “Did she break her finger again?”

Shaoshang looked down. These were a pair of soft suede gloves that Madam Sang had just made a few days ago to prevent her from getting callouses while driving around all day. Shaoshang became increasingly unhappy and said bluntly, “Master, you’ve been thinking too much. It was my uncle who broke the finger, because my aunt only drew and sewed the leather rope, and the rest of the rubbing and punching was all from my uncle!”

Yuan Shen couldn’t help but speak out and help when he saw that his mentor was being scolded, “Since Mistress Cheng is so careful to ignore him, why not return the gift carriage given by my master? That’s truly clean and efficient.”

“You-!” Shaoshang became even angrier. A scholar’s mouth was poison, words were like whips. If she really returned the carriage, she would be caught in the rain before returning back home. She didn’t want to get sick again.

Lou Yao couldn’t figure out the exact details. He only knew that his fiancé, who represented the Cheng family, and Yuan Shen, who represented the teacher, were arguing. However, he was clumsy and couldn’t argue, so he took the practical action to support his fiancé’s decision – to ask his servants to get coir raincoats and hats for him, and prepare to set off in full.

“I won’t return the carriage or go to another courtyard. So what about Master Yuan?” Shaoshang said.

“Then don’t talk so badly, don’t make things so clear. Just marry someone, and make it seem like the future and past are gone, as if you have never seen each other again!” Yuan Shen stood upright, with a strong expression on his face. Since he was calm, he didn’t know who he was blaming.

“I’m going to say die, I’m going to get rid of it, what can you do with me?!” Shaoshang sat in the carriage, her hands full of anger.

“Not so good? Just seeing your pretentious appearance just now makes people angry!” Yuan Shen said slowly, but he was really angry in his heart. Pretending to be polite, with a fake smile on her face, she, Cheng Shaoshang, obviously had a sharp and arrogant temperament, and she would hit whoever disagrees with her. What’s wrong with being mean, overbearing, and loving to fight? He thought it was good. Had she deliberately pretended to be like that just to marry into the Lou family?!

“Whether I pretend or not has nothing to do with you!”

“Then, whether I’m angry or not has nothing to do with you!”

At this moment, a servant had already propped up a huge oilcloth umbrella, and Master Huangfu couldn’t help but shake his head under it. He was usually in the prelude to the emperor, who was decent and gentle in the palace, and now he was arguing with a little girl in the rain.

Master Huangfu was about to consider his words and continue to persuade the girl to go to the other courtyard when he saw a familiar black iron edged carriage coming from the slanting horizon. He couldn’t help but be taken aback.

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At this moment, Ling Buyi in the pavilion had already put down his chess pieces and stood up to walk towards the crowd. “A’Yao, we should go to the other courtyard together.” She didn’t know how he raised his voice, but this sentence clearly spread to everyone outside of the pavilion.

The male god had spoken, and Lou Yao stopped fidgeting with the raincoat and hat, and looked at his fiancé in embarrassment.

The pitch-black carriage slowly drove up to the small vermillion carriage. Sitting in the driving position was Liang Qiu Qi, who had not been seen for some time, and two powerful martial maidservants carrying swords strode along on both sides of the carriage.

Ling Buyi’s expression was gentle as he walked up. “Although your carriage has an umbrella cover, it can’t withstand much of the wind. I heard that Mistress Cheng has been recovering from illness and it would be a pity if she gets sick again. It’s just a matter of dealing with others, don’t deal with yourself.”

Shaoshang paused from her argument with Yuan Shen, wanting to agree but unwilling to be ridiculed.

Lou Yao quickly helped out and said, “Shaoshang, what Older Brother said is reasonable!”

Seeing that the little girl was a little shaken, Master Huangfu was afraid that her fiancé would be self-defeating, so he quickly pulled aside. Yuan Shen was angry and refused to speak.

Ling Buyi was tall and had long legs. Within a few steps, he walked to the side of the carriage and personally opened the door. He looked at the girl and smiled slightly. At this time, it was early spring in March, when the rain was scattered and the cold air with a hazy texture fell on his plain robe, like a light veil. It was reflected by the dark and inky carriage behind him, inexplicably carrying a sense of unpredictability, just like the magnificent and elegant scenery in the north.

Shaoshang first praised Master Ling’s beauty in her heart, then glanced at Yuan Shen next to him. She arched her hand and said, “I am at the mercy of Brother – ah!”

Before the word ‘Ling’ could be uttered, Ling Buyi nodded his head back slightly. The two martial maids joined hands and quickly stuffed Shaoshang into the safety of the carriage. Shaoshang was sitting by the door of the carriage, wanting to get her fiancé, “A’Yao, why don’t you…” Still unable to say anything, the two thick carriage doors closed! Then the interior darkened.

Shaoshang was speechless for a while. Master Ling was really nice, she didn’t have any opinions, but could he control his desire for control just a bit?

This carriage was probably used by Ling Buyi himself. The interior was tall and spacious, and Shaoshang’s body was petite. She could actually stand straight up inside it. The furnishings was simple and dignified, with sheepskin and butter lamps hanging on both sides of the light wood chamber, shining brightly on the black fox fur and black oil on the surface. In the middle was a square table with a small cabinet. In addition, there was no brazier, no water slurry, and no incense.

If there was a seemingly non-existent decoration inside the chamber, which was filled with ordinary bow string grease and a faint smell of blood, and carried the aura of an adult man. It made Shaoshang feel uneasy, like being in a demon beast’s lair.

At this moment, she heard Ling Buyi’s soft but undeniable voice outside. “…A’Yao, even if the rain stops later, you may not have time to catch the gate. Why don’t you set off early tomorrow? I’ll send someone back to the county town to report so you don’t have to worry… the rain is getting heavier, let’s ride to the other courtyard.”

What else could Lou Yao say? Shaoshang didn’t even need to look, she only knew that he nodded and said, “What my brother said is right.”

Shaoshang, who was locked in the carriage, was deeply moved and sighed. Master Ling was really humble and polite. He was so considerate and thoughtful, if he had a strong desire to control, he should be stronger. Speaking of which, her marriage was pretty good, so everyone who comes and goes will get along with each other. And, she learned to make friends with Master Ling. Not bad, not bad.

This carriage looked tall and heavy, but it unexpectedly traveled very quickly and smoothly. Shaoshang had just taken off her leather boots and placed them by the carriage door. Someone knocked on the wall of the carriage in front of the driver’s seat, and Liang Qiu Qi said, “Young Mistress, we have arrived at the other courtyard.” Two military maidservants slowly opened the door again and helped her down together.

Shaoshang turned with her feet on the ground and saw a courtyard with white walls and dark tiles. The walls were high and the courtyard was deep, and under the eaves were flying phoenixes and carved beasts. Especially on the two heavy purple golden beast head door rings at the vermilion gate, there were also four green camp jade decorations as good eyes.

Entering the door and looking around, she saw tall pillars, long beams, and a spacious roof. Although she didn’t see how wealthy and noble it was, it was full of elegance.

Shaoshang was led into an exquisite guest house by the maidservants, and immediately was meticulously served to wash and change clothes. At this time, aristocratic woman naturally did not only bring a water bottle and mobile phone while going out. To prevent accidents, the laundry clothes and dressing box compartments were all ready and wrapped in oilcloth, so they were stored in the box under the carriage.

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When Shaoshang was dressed properly, the sky was already dark and she was quickly led to one side of the hall.

Shaoshang first bowed to the first two people and then looked at the seating arrangement, which had two tables on the left and right. She wanted to sit in the second seat on the left, so that she could leave the first seat for Lou Yao. Unexpectedly, Yuan Shen glanced sideways and sat directly in the first position on the left with his long legs crossed.

Yuan Shen smiled and waved to Lou Yao. “Young Master Lou,” he said, “please take your seat.” He brushed his sleeves and pointed to the second seat next to him, then to Shaoshang, “Young Mistress Cheng, please take your seat.” He pointed to the opposite seat.

Lou Yao felt a bit foolish. Wasn’t this a situation where unmarried couples sit together? However, it seemed very polite to give up the right upper seat to Shaoshang. In the end, amidst Shaoshang gritting her teeth and a burst of skin and flesh, the unmarried couple had to take their seats as Yuan Shen had instructed.

The dishes on the table were quite rich, including tender grilled chicken, stewed pork bone soup, sauce grilled fish, two dishes made of freshly pickled vegetables and fruits from the early spring mountains, and even a pot of rice wine. After the maid poured the wine, everyone raised their glasses and toasted each other. What would they toast?

Ling Buyi looked calm and said, “The war has ended, and the weather is favorable.”

Master Huangfu felt a bit said and said, “May the years never regret and the past never mourn.”

Lou Yao didn’t understand, Yuan Shen pretended not to understand, and Shaoshang wanted to leave. The three of them drank silently.

No one spoke during the meal.

Yuan Shen’s eating was refined and elegant, without any deliberate affectation, and he hardly made the sound of chewing. This was a habit of restraint and introspection developed since childhood. Lou Yao ate very quickly, after all, the Lou family tutor was there, but compared to Yuan Shen it appeared to be slightly more dynamic.

Master Huangfu didn’t eat much and continued to drink one after another.

Shaoshang was unable to get used to such large pieces of food. She insisted on cutting the fish into smaller pieces before putting down her knife and eating. When she looked up, she found that Ling Buyi had quietly finished his food.

When she was full, she put her jade chopsticks down and said in a loud voice, “Senior Official Huangfu, do you always drink alcohol? Didn’t you say you wanted to talk with this little girl before it rained?”

“You can call me Master,” Master Huangfu smiled desolately. “I have resigned from my official position and plan to live in the countryside, write some classics and theories, and teach some disciples who aren’t very stupid.”

Ling Buyi glanced at him and said, “His Majesty values you, why do you have to be like this?”

Master Huangfu shook his head. “It’s been over twenty years!” he said. “Since Emperor Liang attacked my uncle, I have had to leave home and travel the world for over twenty years. I am old and tired!”

Shen Yuan was very calm. “Master,” he said, “it’s better to take a break. You’re only in your early forties, and now you look almost older than my father.”

He laughed and pointed at Yuan Shen. “I’m the one who left early. With a big disciple like you, it seems that the rest of the children are either stupid or pedantic!”

“Master, have you accepted other disciples?” Yuan Shen said. He was the only one!

“Not yet, not yet,” Master Huangfu said, slightly embarrassed.

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Both Shaoshang and Lou Yao couldn’t help but laugh softly.

Master Huangfu’s drunkenness surged, and his gaze fell onto Shaoshang. “Mistress Cheng,” he suddenly said. “I rely on my old age to sell my age today. How about me calling you Shaoshang like your aunt does?”

Perhaps because she had also drunk a few glasses of rice wine, Shaoshang, with a flushed face, readily agreed.

Slightly intoxicated, Master Huangfu exclaimed in a loud voice, “Us meeting is fate. Today I will tell you a story. Remember, this is just a story! Don’t drag it to anyone else.”

Shaoshang’s ears pricked up and she was full of energy. Today, she would finally learn about the ‘long story’ that Madam Sang always refused to say.

Yuan Shen sighed weakly, looking at the vaguely understanding Lou Yao beside him, and then let out another sigh.

Ling Buyi furrowed his brow, waved his hand to dismiss all the waiting maids in the hall, and asked Liang Qiu Qi to clear the people around them.

“Many years ago, when the last emperor was still in power and the Li emperor hadn’t yet usurped the throne, there was a nobleman in a certain place…” Master Huangfu said with drowsy eyes. “Although his father died early, he was highly valued by his uncle for his outstanding talent from a young age. Whether in his clan, school, or county, he had a great reputation and was praised everywhere. This nobleman had a fiancé who he had been engaged with since childhood, but unfortunately, he always felt that this fiancé was not worthy of him.”

“How did this fiancé look?” Shaoshang suddenly interrupted, unable to conceal her sarcasm.

Ling Buyi and Shen Yuan both looked at her, each with differing expressions on their faces.

Master Huangfu was surprised and smiled bitterly. “You, little girl, are too sharp. That’s right, alas, this fiancé had an ordinary appearance. The young master not only has a great and promising future, but also the nickname ‘Song Yu.’ In fact, considering that this fiancé has excellent academic and moral qualities, the young master is really superficial. Very superficial…”

Shaoshang curled her lips and continued to listen to his story.

“When I was young, no one had ever thought of wanting a beautiful and charming woman with both talent and appearance. This young master couldn’t help but be vulgar. In books, poetry, and essays there were countless beautiful and affectionate women… This fiancé had a poor appearance and plain temperament, which was always a regret in the young master’s heart. However, he also knew that his fiancé was indeed the best woman, so the two grew up together in this way. The young man thought, ‘If you marry her in the future, just treat her politely.’”

“Unexpectedly, when this young master was seventeen years old, his uncle in the clan pointed out the writing of Emperor Li in court. Overnight, all the adult men in the young master’s clan were nowhere to be found, leaving only one house of elderly and weak women and children. This young master escaped a disaster by studying in the Enshi mountains, and later had to flee to another land. This young master’s family background had already been defeated, so the elders of his fiancé advised him to withdraw from marriage and avoid disaster. That year, she was only fourteen years old.”

Upon hearing this, Shaoshang felt that she could already guess the ending. She smiled. “Master said that when we met, it was fate. It seems that this young master and his fiancé have no fate anymore.”

Who told you to initially dislike people who were not good-looking, you deserve to be cheap, Uncle Pig’s Feet! But… it seemed the age was incorrect. She remembered when her uncle asked for her aunt, both of them were already in their twenties.

“What do you know? If that was the case, this young master wouldn’t regret his time in the future,” Master Huangfu’s eyes were full of tenderness, but his voice was filled with pain.

Shaoshang was surprised. Did Uncle Pig’s Feet become a male mistress?!

The author’s note for this chapter is simple: ‘Don’t worry, I can’t write tragedies.’


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