Chapter Forty-Eight:

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Temporarily Staying in Another Courtyard (Part 2)

Master Huangfu suddenly gasped for breath. Yuan Shen silently poured a cup of hot water from the warm nest and knelt down to serve his mentor the drink. Master Huangfu breathed a sigh of relief and continued his story, “Not only that, but as a young woman, she also had to shoulder the heavy responsibility of taking care of the young master’s family. The mansion and estate of the young master’s family had been occupied by local bullies, and the food and clothing of the lonely, widowed, and weak children had come from the fiancé’s various sources. She had been waiting for seven years.”

Shaoshang hesitated, but refrained from speaking.

“Many things this young master will only inquire about in the future. For a man, seven years was a time to venture into the Dragon Pond and Tiger Cave to seek revenge, but for a woman, it was an endless stream of family blame, taking whatever is desired, and desperately trying to cover the wind and rain for orphans and widows. Daily trivial matters and life, age, illness, and death are all summarized to find her advice.”

Master Huangfu’s eyes lit up with water. “But at that time, the young master was too arrogant. He thought his fiancé loved him very much, and these were all things he deserved. It would take many more years of worldly experience for this young master to understand even more how much pain and suffering his fiancé had endured for him back then…”

Ling Buyi, who had been silent so far, suddenly spoke up. “Master,” he said, “if I may be frank, perhaps that young master shouldn’t have let his fiancé wait. Heaven has its own way and one will never let a lover separate. If heaven has no way, one should follow the fate of heaven.”

The words startled everyone in the hall. If this was said by an elderly person who had experienced many hardships, or a mediocre and incompetent person, it wouldn’t be surprising at all. However, Ling Buyi, a young powerful official who was omnipotent in the sky and sea, should be in high spirits when he would say such resigned words. It was really strange.

Only Shaoshang lightly clapped and warmly praised the audience, saying, “Well said Master Ling!” In fact, she also thought this way.

Throughout history, those who had been guarding cold kilns had not come to a good end. After decades of hard waiting, the person on the other side of the straight had already married and had children and grandchildren. Otherwise, you would be the imperial wife for a day, and then get a young, noble and beautiful ‘good sister’ to sleep with your husband and beat your baby. The literati and bureaucrats still wanted to spread your unlucky through the ages, and ‘encouraged’ the women in the future to follow suit – although, in Shaoshang’s opinion, that story was more like a warning.

According the ethical logic of Shaoshang, humans could not compete with heaven. God told you to separate, so you can separate obediently, find each other, and marry each other. Reorganizing the family also brought a lot of happiness. For example, her previous life’s father and mother, didn’t they both have good lives after they remarried? They became peaceful and optimistic. If everyone could think of it that way, there would have been many tragedies prevented from the ancient times to present.

After speaking out, Shaoshang saw the startled gaze of the others before bluntly realizing that she seemed to praise the wrong person.

Fortunately, Lou Yao had an open-minded and sunny personality, and was naturally not suspicious. He spontaneously takes his fiancé’s words as a habitual act of agreeing with the male god – because he himself often unconsciously agreed with ‘what the older brother said is good.’

However, the remaining few people clearly recognized that the girl’s words were all from the bottom of their hearts. Master Huangfu twisted his beard and shook his head with a bitter smile. Ling Buyi didn’t know what was on her mind, but he turned his head and chuckled lightly.

Yuan Shen then said, “Mistress Cheng, if Master Lou encounters this matter, will you wait for him or not?”

Shaoshang had already slapped this guy eighteen times in her heart, and knew that it would be no good if he opened his mouth. Fortunately, she reacted quickly. “Master Yuan, let me ask you this. If you encounter such a disaster, should someone wait for you?”

“I asked you first,” Yuan Shen raised his eyebrows.

“If you don’t say it, I won’t either,” Shaoshang glared.

Seeing the two of them drawing their swords, Lou Yao carefully approached as the mediator and said, “Shaoshang, I wouldn’t have you wait.”

“Don’t speak yet!” Shaoshang glared at Lou Yao and turned back to the master and disciple, saying word by word, “Since Master Yuan asked, I’ll answer. In fact, it’s simple: if he waits for me, I’ll wait for him.”

Yuan Shen frowned. “What do you mean?”

Shaoshang smiled awkwardly. “If he treats me wholeheartedly, even if he falls into Jianghu and his family background falls, I am willing to wait for him.” It was better if she came to support the family. The mother of President Xianyu earned more than his father, and she was also harmonious and affectionate.
[This was the guy next door that Yu Cai Ling was in love with.]

“But, if he makes excuses as to why it isn’t easy to wander outside, what are the difficulties and hardships, and gives me the pleasure of being around, I won’t wait for half an hour!” After finishing this sentence, Shaoshang’s gaze turned straight to Master Huangfu.

Master Huangfu looked at the girl’s sharp and clear gaze, and his heart ached, as if he had heard Madam Sang’s initial questioning.

He continued: “Before the downfall of her family background, there were indeed many women who admired the young master. If it were true about her talent, appearance, and family background, none of them would be inferior to the young master’s fiancé. However, the young master kept his promise and remained cold to those women. Later, when the catastrophic disaster came, the floating flowers and shadows naturally dispersed. However… alas, the young master’s deceased father had a very good guard, and later he established his own family in the Jianghu, which made him quite famous. The kindness of his deceased father in the past, he volunteered to escort the young master southward. However, unfortunately, he died on the way.”

Shaoshang squinted. “Then, the guard had a daughter?” Such a cliché trope?!

Master Huangfu smiled bitterly and nodded. “Exactly. He had only one daughter under his knee, who was still young at the time and raised by his relatives. It wasn’t until a few years later that Emperor Li was so cruel that he caused heroes from all over the country to raise flags, and the government could not even arrest him. This young master remembered the last commission of the guard, and only then did he find the daughter of the guard to give him abundant wealth.”

“She won’t be subjected to extreme abuse and suffering in her relatives’ homes?” Shaoshang quickly thought to herself.

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“It’s not like that,” Master Huangfu sneered and shook his head. “That guard was also a prestigious figure in the Jianghu, and the orphan girl he left behind was also guarded by someone. Later… later…”

“Later on, that orphan girl must have taken a liking to that young master, and all kinds of obsessions and secret love, right?”

“Mistress,” Yuan Shen said, displeased, “can you please stop interrupting all the time?”

“Who made your master stutter? I’ll go on talking for him,” Shaoshang said with a mischievous smile.

Master Huangfu waved his hand and signaled to Yuan Shen and Shaoshang to stop their arguing. “Shaoshang is right. However, the orphan girl was not obsessed either, just silently following behind the young master. Seeing that the guards around the young master were not careful in their daily lives, she came forward to take care of them. However, despite this, the young master still kept his words to her. After two years, the Central Plains had already been plagued by flames of war, and Emperor Li couldn’t spare himself. This young master could finally return to his hometown.”

Shaoshang sneered in her heart, what a ‘genuine tone.’ It was just not ‘accepting or resisting.’

“In the past seven years, the young master traveled all over the world, serving as a guest under the guise of many current heroes, and also achieved considerable fame. The young master thought to himself that he could finally marry his fiancé with great success. So, he wrote back and said that on the day of his father-in-law’s birthday the next month, he would enter the main entrance holding a golden phoenix and Zhu robe and ask for the wedding date in front of all the guests! Who knew, who knew…”
[Golden phoenix and Zhu robe are wedding ceremonial items.]

Shaoshang was mesmerized and stopped interrupting.

Master Huangfu trembled and said, “That orphan girl committed suicide by taking poison on the day the young master set off to return home.”

“She’s dead?!” Shaoshang was shocked. This story had a unique twist she didn’t see coming.

“Probably not dead,” Ling Buyi said lightly.

Master Huangfu let out a sigh. “Due to the maid’s early arrival and timely induction of vomiting, the orphan girl did not die. However, seeing her dying, the young master remembered how her father, who had died tragically, could not ignore her. The young master knew a famous doctor from outside so he could only carry the orphan girl to search for that doctor. The young master made up his mind, so that even if the orphan girl died in front of him, he would no longer pay attention. He hurried to take the orphan girl to the famous doctor on the mountain. The young master hurried back to his hometown, traveling day and night, and the birthday banquet had already come and gone.

“The young master knew that offending his fiancé was not easy, and he wanted to make it clear to her. He begged for a few days before he could open the door and meet her. However, when she opened her mouth, she was about to withdraw from the marriage!” Master Huangfu’s fingers began to tremble. “At that moment, all the relatives and guests turned around and advised the fiancé to be calm and reasonable, not to be too headstrong and stubborn. She missed this great marriage and would regret it in the future. But… But…”

“The fiancé was able to resist everyone and refused to withdraw,” Shaoshang said coldly. “But now she could also stand alone and step forward and withdraw to her heart’s content.” The decision to withdraw from the marriage was so good, it was truly heartwarming!

Master Huangfu nodded, “The young master thought that his fiancé was getting angry at the moment and would be fine after a while. So he treated the Yue family kindly and withdrew according to his fiancé’s wishes. As long as she didn’t marry for a day, he wouldn’t marry for a day. One day, the fiancé changed her mind, and the young master immediately welcomed her with sincerity. Who knew… when we arrived, the young master waited for news that his fiancé was going to marry someone else. The young master immediately went crazy and asked his fiancé about it.”

Master Huangfu’s face was filled with pain. “No matter how the young master explained the matter of the orphan daughter and also explained that he had sent someone back to report it, the messenger died in a military disaster and he did not intentionally leave his fiancé to make a fool of herself at the birthday banquet. However, all the fiancé did was turn a deaf ear and only asked if the young master had ever cared about her and if he had ever known what she wanted. Then, without waiting for the young master to answer, she declared that she would cut all ties and never see him again.”

“Young mistress, I really don’t understand why the fiancé could wait for him for seven years and endure all those hardships for him, while also being magnanimous and understanding justice from a young age. Why is it that when I see the flowering season in sight, I become stubborn on the last trivial matter?” Master Huangfu held his head in his hands and wept profusely.

For a long time, it was so silent in the hall a falling needle would be heard.

After listening to this long story, Lou Yao seemed to understand but also not understand. Yuan Shen was already aware of the situation and could only sigh lightly in this moment. Only Shaoshang was full of anger. If she hadn’t closed her mouth tightly, she would have poured out roasts and insults.

Ling Buyi caught a glimpse of the girl as if she were a small kettle with a round upturned mouth, boiling water vapor and almost pushing the lid open. “Master,” he said, “I have some questions but I’m not sure if you can answer.”

Master Huangfu’s face was covered in tears and he looked up. “Zisheng, it’s okay to speak.”

“You just said that the young master was as cold as ice to the women who came to admire him. Is that young master considerate and caring for his fiancé?” Ling Buyi asked.

Master Huangfu was taken aback. “Hmm… this young master had been calm and self-disciplined since childhood, and there was no such thing as… such hospitality.”

Shaoshang couldn’t stop herself. “Is there a difference between treating others as cold as ice and treating one’s fiancé as lukewarm?” What women want is for their beloved to treat them differently. Who treats a random woman and a wife the exact same?!

Ling Buyi couldn’t help but smile and continued to ask, “From what you said, this fiancé is a clever person. Although this young master knows how to marry a good wife, he still secretly regrets his fiancé’s mediocre appearance. Master, guess if the fiancé noticed or not.”

Master Huangfu hurriedly said, “I… she… that young master had this intention when he was young, but later on, he was moved by the deep affection and righteousness of his fiancé and he had no such frivolous thoughts anymore.”

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Shaoshang angrily said, “Does that fiancé want the young master’s affection? My uncle…” She suppressed herself and changed her tone. “Who knew at that time that Emperor Li would seek his own death so quickly? That fiancé waited for him when her hope was slim, which shows what a person who is indifferent to fame and fortune is. All she wants is to hope that the person in her heart will also take her to heart. Who would have thought it was such a conceited and sentimental bastard!”

Master Huangfu was at a loss for words.

Yuan Shen didn’t stand up for his mentor this time. He glanced sideways at the girl’s flushed little face, with a pair of bright big eyes shining brightly. He silently thought: if someone treated him like that, he would never be as aloof and indifferent as his mentor. He would treat her well.

Shaoshang held back her anger. “The orphan girl had been following the young master for two years and there are many people who came to the countryside who knew. Did the rumor spread to the young master’s father-in-law’s house?”

Master Huangfu supported Yuan Shen’s arm and stood up hastily. “I know,” he said. “But the young master repeatedly sent letters to refute rumors with the family, saying that the orphan girl was not worth mentioning.”

Shaoshang sneered again. “But that fiancé couldn’t be trusted.”

Master Huangfu was struck by lightning. His wrinkled forehead dripped cold sweat and he still argued with himself. “In the young master’s heart, what if that orphan girl was not as good as his fiancé? How could he let her go? It’s really the fiancé that misunderstood!”

Shaoshang was furious. Misunderstanding?! Those were the words that men loved to say the most! “Master, you…” But she couldn’t think of a satisfactory rebuttal for the moment, and couldn’t yell.

Ling Buyi slowly got up and walked to the huge lantern, holding a copper needle to light up the lamp. “Master Huangfu,” he said, “if this fiancé was on the battlefield with the orphan girl…” He shook his head and felt that his example was inappropriate. What were two women doing on the battlefield?

Shaoshang understood what he was trying to say and quickly jumped in. “If both the fiancé and the orphan girl fell into a river, who would the young master rescue first?”

Master Huangfu wanted to answer immediately, but Ling Buyi added, “If that fiancé knew a little bit about water, she could float on the water for a moment, and the orphan girl couldn’t swim at all. Who would this young master save first?”

After listening to the whole question, Master Huangfu hesitated again. “This… this…” Ordinary people would think that the one who could float could persist for a little while, and would first save the person who couldn’t swim.

Shaoshang felt that Ling Buyi’s knife was extremely well prepared, and she looked at him with admiration in her eyes. Ling Buyi didn’t look aside, but the corner of his mouth was slightly curved.

Yuan Shen looked at his mentor’s expression of distress. “Master Ling,” he said, “if it were you, who would you rescue first?”

“I would save my fiancé first,” Ling Buyi said simply.

Master Huangfu trembled. “Could you just watch the orphan girl die?”

Shaoshang snorted coldly. If it were Uncle Pig’s Feet, he would have saved his aunt one hundred percent! What orphan and widow, even if they did die, they couldn’t compare to Madam Sang drinking an extra mouthful of river water, which would make Uncle feel heartbroken!

Although Lou Yao was young and reckless, considering such a situation, he also expressed his opinion in a daze, “If it were me, I would also save Shaoshang first.”

Shaoshang was overjoyed and turned her head to give him a big, fawning smile as a sign of approval.

Lou Yao blushed, but his heart was filled with pleasure.

Ling Buyi didn’t look at the expression of the little girl, and continued to poke the fire with the copper needle. “That year, General Wu’s army was attacking the Tyrant King Chen’s family. I was pressed behind His Majesty and plundered the formation, thinking that being idle was also idle. So, he pretended to attack the convoy where the Tyrant King held his treasures. Unexpected, Chen’s army was fatigued and drew thirty percent of its troops to rescue the property while killing Zhenghan. Chen’s army was crushed like a mountain.”

Reflecting on the lights, Shaoshang only felt that his cheeks were as beautiful as jade.

“At the time, I was still young and didn’t understand what kind of treasure was needed to win. However, the wealthy tyrant of the Chen family didn’t think so. For him, the city could be lost, the soldiers could be killed, but the treasure could not be missed at all.”

Ling Buyi had his hands behind his back and smiled humbly, “Master, is the fiancé a person who could not afford any mishaps for that young master? Anyone who has drowned knows the height of the riverbed, and the depth of the water is unknown. If there were any water plants entangled on their feet and an undercurrent, the consequences would be unimaginable. Did the young master ever think that the moment he first goes to save the orphan girl, the fiancé might have died? If the young master really had the fiancé in his heart, how could there be half an accident?”

Yuan Shen couldn’t help but open his eyes for his mentor and said, “But the fiancé didn’t fall into the river.”

“The orphan girl didn’t fall into the river, either. She took the poison herself.”

Ling Buyi spoke coldly, “These types of people will die if they want to die. Then he would give the guardian a stepson to inherit, and in the future, he would be promoted and wealthy and his descendants would continue, so that the guard’s legacy would continue forever.” This simple and rough hypothetical scenario left Master Huangfu stunned, while Lou Yao and Shaoshang tried to suppress their laughter.

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“I feel a bit sorry for the guard who died tragically,” Yuan Shen said.

“If you’re sorry, then you’re sorry. In life, no one can be right,” Ling Buyi finished the last light and put down the copper needle. “If I had known that the bodyguard sacrificed his life to protect him in exchange for marriage, it would have been better for the young master to find another wealthy person in Jianghu to escort him. Others may not have been able to sacrifice their lives.”

Shaoshang sneered. “My father is a military general. In order to protect him as the commander in battle, there are many soldiers who have died or been injured. It’s just a matter of caring for the family and promoting the children. I don’t see any sisters or daughters coming after my father for marriage!”

She was most annoyed by the theory of giving one’s life to repay one’s kindness. According to this kind of argument, those generals and marshals, this one would marry his younger sister after his death, and the general will marry his daughter after his disability. If you pity an army of one hundred thousand, you would have marriage pacts all over!

Master Huangfu was completely dumbfounded. Yuan Shen supported his mentor, feeling half of his body cold and trembling.

Lou Yao looked at the male god closely and hummed. “What older brother said is true. That orphan girl just ignored her parents’ kindness to have children just to prevent the young master from returning home. It’s really not self-loving.”

“Perhaps it isn’t about the delaying, but because the orphan daughter knew that the young master was about to get married and became disheartened and poisoned herself,” Yuan Shen argued.

“What matters isn’t the intention, but the result,” Shaoshang spat loudly. “The result is that she asked for medical treatment but delayed the young master’s return to his hometown, so she took poison to prevent him from returning to his hometown!”

Yuan Shen sighed. Master, he tried his best.

“After all, if the young master had sent the orphan girl away earlier…” Master Huangfu sighed with sorrow.

Ling Buyi picked up his slender eyebrows. “That orphan girl is just a clow jumping off a beam, not worth mentioning.” He suddenly raised his voice and said, “Mistress Cheng, if your uncle travels far away and there are rumors that he has another woman, would your aunt believe it?”

“She wouldn’t believe it,” Shaoshang said with a smile. Then, she laughed. “My aunt would also find someone to quickly rescue him, afraid that my powerless uncle would be taken by the passing female ruler and taken back to the mountain!” If it were Father Cheng, Director Xiao would also be worried that a female ruler deceived her husband.

Ling Buyi couldn’t help but laugh. Master Huangfu was filled with disappointment, but knew that the girl was telling the truth.

“This fiancé can’t actually believe that the young master, although cold on the face, actually has a heart for her, nor can she believe that the young master has no feelings for the orphan girl,” Ling Buyi said. “How could two such people who can’t trust each other become husband and wife?! She must have understood this before she decided to withdraw from the marriage.”

“But… he really only has his fiancé in his heart…” Master Huangfu murmured.

“Seven years of life and death are intertwined, and the sea of suffering is boundless. No one in the village knew the intentions of his fiancé. However, the young master could not make his fiancé believe him, which shows how arrogant and reserved he is.” Ling Buyi’s words were like a line, leaving no room for others.

“The fiancé spent seven years proving her love for the young master, and then resolutely withdrew to tell him that although she had an ordinary appearance, her heart should not be underestimated.”

Shaoshang couldn’t help but shed some tears when she thought that a woman as good as Madam Sang had been subjected to such great bullying.

Ling Buyi looked at her and said in a soft voice, “I thought that this fiancé was actually a wise woman who could afford it and let it go. Once he figured it out, he would never leave a trace of it behind.”

Master Huangfu slumped down on the ground, covering his face with his sleeve and didn’t speak after that. Yuan Shen felt pity for his mentor and could only silently accompany him.

Shaoshang was full of gratitude and felt that in the future, she would follow Lou Yao, and they would admire the male god together.

Ling Buyi bowed his head and arched his hand, saying, “I apologize, I’ve been blaspheming too much.”

Master Huangfu sat on the ground, weakly waving his sleeve. “What is your fault?” he said. “I have to thank Zisheng. The long-standing doubts in my heart have finally been resolved today. It’s my fault… it’s my fault…”

For so many years, although he had been full of apologies and gratitude towards Madam Sang, he never complained that she withdrew from the marriage and broke up with him for the small matter in the middle of the night, which was a bit of a fuss. Now, in retrospect, his fault was not that he had missed Old Master Sang’s birthday banquet, but that he remained arrogant and self-reliant from childhood to adulthood, never repaying Madam Sang’s affection. Afterwards, year by year, time was like sand and youth was wasted, finally grinding away all of Madam Sang’s enthusiasm.

The wine was cold and the feast ruined, but the music ended and the people dispersed.

Yuan Shen helped the drunken Master Huangfu back, and Ling Buyi was about to say something. Unexpectedly, Liang Qiu Qi entered the hall from the side and presented a black scroll with a solemn expression. Shaoshang and Lou Yao left first.

In the early spring night, the cold wind was still strong. Fortunately, after drinking some rice wine before, the two of them walked slowly back to the room along the corridor without feeling the chill.

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Lou Yao let out a white breath and sighed, “The story of Master Huangfu is actually about him and your aunt.” Even if he was short on the uptake, he could hear it.

“Nonsense,” Shaoshang snorted lightly.

Lou Yao sighed again. “Speaking of it, if Third Aunt had understood earlier, she wouldn’t have suffered so much. Fortunately, your admiration for Older Brother isn’t as great as if it were Third Aunt, otherwise the pain would have been even greater.” Brother Zisheng was not as kind as Master Huangfu and his disciple, who would have been pitiful to her.

Shaoshang sneered. “If my aunt withdrew early, I’m afraid it wouldn’t have been my uncle’s chance! This is all fate, fate! Hey…” She suddenly froze for a moment. What… what did Lou Yao just say?

“When did I have admiration for Master Ling?!” Shaoshang tugged at Lou Yao’s sleeve, eyes showing a fierce look. Food could be eaten indiscriminately but words could not. Even if he was a toad, he couldn’t falsely accuse her of wanting to eat swan meat.

Lou Yao was taken aback. “Aren’t you?” he stammered. “Didn’t you fight with Wang Ling that day…?”

Shaoshang took a look at his thoughts and said suspiciously, “Wang Ling said that it was Eleventh Lang I admire?” Although she didn’t know who that was.

“But brother… that’s just… Eleventh Lang?” Lou Yao felt foolish.

Shaoshang stayed still for a moment, her mind a mess. “…Why is he called Eleventh Lang?”

“His Majesty has ten princes. His older brother has a weak relationship with Duke Ling’s father and son, and he has been raised by the Empress since childhood. When he enters the palace, he lives and stays there, and when he leaves, he accompanies him. His Majesty said that Older Brother is his eleventh son.”

Shaoshang’s face turned green and white, feeling thunderous and rumbling overhead.

Fortunately, Lou Yao told her about this matter, otherwise it wouldn’t be easy to fool others by revealing things in other places. Recalling the various times she spent with Ling Buyi recently, she vaguely felt that it wasn’t good.

“How do you not know that Older Brother is Eleventh Lang?” Lou Yao asked.

Shaoshang quickly pulled back her crazy thoughts and sneered, “Well… if I say, since I got engaged to you, I’ve completely forgotten about Eleventh Lang, would you believe that?”

“Of course not!” Lou Yao blushed. He wasn’t stupid yet, okay?!

Shaoshang herself thought that this excuse was too lame, so she let go of Lou Yao’s sleeve, and said weakly, “Actually, there’s something I haven’t really said. My second aunt and my mother have always had quarrels, and I was locked up by her in the inner house since I was a child. I didn’t have any friends and didn’t know anyone outside. During the banquet, the others talked about Eleventh Lang and they were all giddy. You know how it is… if you know, everyone is fine with it. If you don’t, everyone thinks you’re different… I didn’t even know who Eleventh Lang was!” After saying that, she carefully looked at Lou Yao’s expression, secretly hoping that this excuse worked.

Lou Yao was very satisfied with this and even scratched his head with a worried smile. “You make sense,” he said. “I don’t love cockfighting, but the young men in the market are all familiar with it, so I had to raise several roosters. In fact, what’s the point of cockfighting? I can’t see it at all.”

Shaoshang breathed a sigh of relief and she knew that choosing to marry Lou Yao was the right choice! Then, she thought of another more troublesome matter.

From the first encounter at the Wan family’s martial arts arena that day to the hunting house rescue, she faintly felt that Ling Buyi treated her very politely. His smile was so gentle and good looking, and his words were also so polite and humble. She couldn’t even say that she treated his various courtesies as a secret love.

Since Ling Buyi was Eleventh Lang, he must think that she was one of the secret admirers. He may also think that she pulled the wood from the bridge and caused the girls to fall into the water for him, because he didn’t see herself arguing with Wang Ling and others like Lou Yao did!

And then… and then, she got engaged… what would Ling Buyi think about her! A scumbag, narcissistic girl? The front foot still smiles like a flower in the hunting house, while the back foot happily calls the new fiancé ‘brother’ together?!

Even if Shaoshang became a Tyrannosaurus Rex, she felt like she didn’t have much integrity anymore.

After taking a detour in her mind, Shaoshang couldn’t help but ask Lou Yao, “Since you think that I liked Eleventh Lang, why did you still want to marry me?” She felt that she couldn’t understand his thoughts.

“Because Brother Zisheng isn’t interested in you!” Lou Yao naturally replied. “In the capital city, there are eight hundred people who yearn for him, if not one thousand, so it’s time to get married and have children!” His little cousin Lou Li would not discuss marriage until next year.

Shaoshang opened her mouth. The thunder overhead stopped, the clouds cleared, and sky became visible again.

She patted Lou Yao’s shoulder hard. “A’Yao, you’re right! Brother Zisheng doesn’t mean anything to me!”

Perhaps in Ling Buyi’s heart, there was no difference between her and Wang Ling. So what was she worrying about? It really was unfounded!

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