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Sun and Star Entertainment Basement Parking

Qi Xenjin was inside her car - crazily punching the seat opposite her. With face twisted in fury, she continuously threw sharp gazes at Hui Ruo. She told her to contact Li Yun so they could arrive together at the company but she was left to wait instead.

Her plan was for Li Yun and her to arrive together and let Xu Jia Li saw how sweet they were – believing that it would slap Xu Jia Li on the face and that it would cause her to be filled with envy.

She imagined everything in her mind; she would make her feel lesser and make her see that she was the one who had Li Yun's heart.

She couldn't allow her plans to put to waste. So she had been contacting him non-stop but he never answered her call.

She was fuming mad as she dialled Li Yun's number again. She had been waiting for him. What she never expected was that Li Yun would bluntly reject her. She could no longer take how he took her for granted so she vented her anger towards Hui Ruo.

"You're useless! You're the most useless person I've ever known, Hui Ruo. I should get a new manager and replace you!"

Her manager could only sigh as she tried to understand Qi Xenjin's tantrum. With the way she was acting right now, Hui Ruo knew that responding to her would only be in vain and to remain quiet would be the best thing to do.

'This bitch has always been like this. Humph!'

Hui Ruo sneered on her mind as she gritted her teeth – trying her hardest to not lose her patience. She was really pissed off but annoying Qi Xenjin further was the last thing she wanted to do.

Qi Xenjin bawled at Hui Ruo with more insults as she impatiently looked at the time on her watch. She was raging mad, her face was so red – the veins on her forehead were visibly bulging. Her brows formed a deep v-shape, making her look even more frightening.

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Hui Ruo could only try her best to contact Li Yun's manager to appease Qi Xenjin.

"I told you to call his manager! You're so dumb and useless!"

"I've been calling Manager Ho, but he only answered once. He said Li Yun will arrive on his own."

"What?! Can't you see that we have to arrive together? This is bullshit! Tell Manager Ho that we have to go inside together! This is clearly part of our contract!" Qi Xenjin furiously threw her phone on Hui Ruo's face. It specifically hit her lower jaw – a red mark suddenly appeared.

Hui Ruo held her aching jaw which was already swollen red; the other hand clenched on a fist. She moved her head down and cursed Qi Xenjin inside. She didn't expect that Qi Xenjin would throw the phone on her, lest she could have avoided it. 'This girl is horrible.'

Instead of being sorry for what she had done, Qi Xenjin only sneered and picked her phone again. She once again dialled Li Yun's number. After a few ring, she almost dropped from her seat when she heard his voice,

"What is it this time?" Li Yun answered impatiently.

"Yun-ge, let's go inside the company together. I am already here on the basement parking." Qi Xenjin's voice immediately turned into a sweet melodious tone.

Hui Ruo suppressed the condemn she had for her when she heard the hypocrisy on her voice. She took her compact powder on her purse and looked at herself on the mirror. She tried to cover her swollen jaw by putting foundation. She scoffed as she heard her spoke again,

"Yun-ge! Yun-ge, please! Please! It would really make me sad if you won't agree. Please, Yun-ge!"

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"I told you I'll go alone. Why are you so stubborn?"

"Yun-ge, isn't it that we have to let our fans see that we have a good relationship?"

"We are in good terms as on-screen love team, Xenjin. No need to pretend off-screen."

"But Yun-ge, I am only asking that we go inside together. Could you not give that to me?" Qi Xenjin copiously pleaded.

"Hmm, I am already here inside."

"W-what? B-but, Yun-ge, please! Wait for me. I'll go there now." She ended the call and picked her purse.

Without delay, she got off from the car, leaving the stunned Hui Ruo behind. She almost stumbled on her way as she ran fast – afraid that Li Yun wouldn't wait for her. Hui Ruo followed behind, also running on her way to keep up with Qi Xenjin's pace.

Qi Xenjin cursed multiple times as she staggered because of her heels. She rode the elevator, not minding the gasping Hui Ruo. She pushed the button for the 16th floor where the conference room was located. She prayed hard that Li Yun was not yet inside.

'She is crazy!' Hui Ruo scornfully looked at Qi Xenjin's back. 'She is literally crazy!'

Ping! The sound of the elevator door opening made Qi Xenjin alert; she went out hurriedly and walked towards the conference room. He saw Li Yun outside the door, talking to his manager. She didn't even notice that someone was taking her picture.

"Yun-ge ..." She was panting so hard with all the running and walking that she did.

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"Yun-ge, I'm so happy that you are still not inside." A huge smile plastered on her face then turned her gaze towards Manager Ho, "Hello, Manager Ho!"

Li Yun only nodded as he resumed talking to Manager Ho, "I just heard the news from Yue Shin's manager that he will not be doing Sweet Memories. So, they may still be looking for the male lead."

"If Yue Shin won't be doing the film, then I should better try to audition for the male lead."

"No, Yun-ge! You can't!" Qi Xenjin answered abruptly – earning the odd look from Manager Ho.

"Said who?"

"Said the contract, it was written in our contract. Have you forgotten already, Yun-ge?"

"Fuck this contract! This is what I've been telling you, Manager Ho. This contract is limiting my choices and decision. We've better discussed this with the company."

"B-but, Yun-ge! How can you do that? Aren't we doing well? Our career is flourishing. Would you like our fans to be mad? This will definitely affect our career." Qi Xenjin grabbed hold of Li Yun's arm – eyes pleading with love.

"I don't give a damn, Xenjin!" He yelled at her as he shrugged her hands off.

As he was about to turn his back and leave, Qi Xenjin hugged her from behind.

"Yun-ge, don't go. Let's just finish this movie, okay? You can talk to the management after this. Just do the film with me." Lump of tears flowed down her face - trying to get Li Yun's sympathy.

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Instead of showing sympathy, Li Yun was even more infuriated as he harshly took Qi Xenjin's arms away from him and said in a dark tone,

"I don't care about the contract! You should very well know that! Don't ever use that against me, ever again!"

"Xenjin is right, Li Yun. Just finish the movie as secondary male lead and then, we will talk with the management." answered Manager Ho, trying to pacify Li Yun's anger.

Li Yun only gritted his teeth as he punched the wall, he turned his head and spoke, "You know the reason why I decided to get contracted at Sun and Star. I hope you're not forgetting that."

He glared at the Manager Ho, who was still shocked with his sudden fury.

Hui Ruo only gaped at the scene; she was somehow overjoyed that Qi Xenjin was being ill-treated and rejected by Li Yun. She looked at her direction and she saw her eyes glistened with unspoken wrath towards Xu Jia Li.

After Manager Ho checked on Li Yun's hand and made sure that aside from it being swollen, his hand was okay. They decided to enter the conference room.

'I told you, Xu Jia Li, Li Yun is mine.'

She smirked as she held Li Yun's arm. They walked together inside the room – following behind them were Hui Ruo and Manager Ho.

Qi Xenjin's face was so happy that she became unaware of her surroundings. She didn't notice that someone was taking pictures and videos of what transpired a while ago. Everything had been recorded – since the moment she got off her car, and all her pitiful act was caught on camera.

"Boss, I already have what you need."

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