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Sun and Star Entertainment Conference Room

Xu Jia Li's voice echoed around the room as she looked at Si Weimin in disbelief. She couldn't believe her eyes, it was really him! The boy on the hill! How could she forget? She had been thinking of those dark eyes ever since – those eyes that were tattooed on her mind.

She didn't realize that she had hastily stood which made her chair screeched due to her sudden movement.

"It is you, isn't it? Oh my gosh!" her finger pointing at Si Weimin.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and realized that aside from the amazed look on Si Weimin's eyes, everyone was looking at her. She felt Shen Linqin's hand pulling her back on her seat.

Her face became flushed and red as tomatoes as she moved her hand down. She gripped her chair and slowly sat as she slouched a bit – hiding from everyone's gazes.

Then, she immediately covered her mouth using her hands and tightly shut her eyes due to embarrassment. She heard the worried voice of Lan Meixu as she questioned her,

"Hey, Jia Li! What's wrong?"

"N-nothing, Meixu-jie. N-nothing." She answered nonchalantly, trying to hide off her embarrassment. She felt the urgency to disappear right then and there. She even shook her head to let her know that she was alright.

Lan Meixu only arched her brow – letting Xu Jia Li know that she wasn't buying her alibi. Both were surprised when they heard Si Weimin speak,

"Manager Lan, don't worry. She is only happy to see her boy friend again." His usually dark and cold voice had a hint of warmth on them especially when he emphasized on the word – boyfriend. He glanced at Xu Jia Li and asked, "Miss me?"

"Whaaat?" answered Xu Jia Li and Lan Meixu at the same time.

Xu Jia Li almost lost her control upon hearing Si Weimin's words. She felt like she would collapse any moment because of him.

"What boyfriend are you talking about? What miss? Are you insane?"

"Aren't I your friend? Aren't I a boy?" Laidback, Si Weimin only grinned as he put his elbow on the armrest and caressed his chin. His eyes were glistening as he continued, "and didn't you miss me?"

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Xu Jia Li was speechless beyond words that she could only glare at him due to her annoyance. She rolled her eyes and focused her gaze elsewhere. 'He is doing it again.' she sneered to herself.

In the mean time, the busy Wang Guo who took a call heard Si Weimin's words. He was flabbergasted as he took the seat next to him. He was ashamed of this devil's shamelessness.

'Who can beat you? Pfft, no one can be more shameless than you are, CEO Si.'

He was shocked to see him acting like a teenager in love – very far from the devil he had known him to be. Still he was very happy that the devil could finally talk to Xu Jia Li. This was the moment he had been waiting for. It took the devil a long time to finally have the chance to be with her.

Si Weimin's grin made Xu Jia Li even more annoyed. What she couldn't hide was the strange feelings he made her feel. Despite her annoyance, she couldn't explain the emotions he brought to her.

She stole a glance on him and was relieved to see him talking with Assistant Wang Guo, she couldn't help herself admiring his face. 'He is really handsome.' She sighed.

She heard Wang Guo's phone rang as he stood to answer it. She immediately turned her gaze – afraid that Si Weimin would see her looking at him.

'Why am I feeling this way?' she castigated herself as she pinched her left hand. She pouted and bit her lower lip.

"Stop drooling over him, Li-jie." whispered Shen Linqin who had been observing Xu Jia Li.

"W-what d-drooling? I-I am not!"

She slightly slapped Shen Linqin's hand as she completely denied her words.

"Aiyoo, Li-jie, you can't fool me. You've been staring at CEO Si since like... earlier?" She laughed and teased her more.

"Stop it, Linqin. I'm not, okay?"

"Seriously, Li-jie. Do you know him? He said he is your boyfriend? I never know that you've been hiding a boyfriend from us."

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"What boyfriend? H-he is n-not my boyfriend! S-stop – "

"I am." Si Weimin's voice startled the two.



Xu Jia Li and Shen Linqin were speechless and couldn't immediately grasp what his words were.

She blushed beet red as she asked, "Why do you keep on saying that you are my boyfriend?"

"Because I am."

"Will you stop? Stop saying that!"

"Why would I stop? I love being your boyfriend."

"Ugh! Whatever!"

Xu Jia Li sulked and rolled her eyes – trying not to be distracted by him as she heard him laugh. She crossed her arms on her chest and tried to ignore him. All of a sudden, she heard Shen Linqin shout Li Yun's name.

When she turned her gaze, she saw Li Yun and Qi Xenjin entered the room. She was holding Li yun on his arm – smiling and greeting everyone.

She wasn't surprised that Qi Xenjin would be the secondary female lead because she already expected it that she would do everything for him.

'How pathetic!' she sneered inside.

She didn't really want to pay attention but she immediately felt the scorn on Qi Xenjin's eyes. She was obviously trying to provoke her.

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She arched her brow, flipped her hair, and smiled mockingly towards her. She saw how her innocent face turned apoplectic in a split second before she innocently smiled again and bowed in front of everyone.

"Hello everyone! I'm Qi Xenjin! I'm happy to work with you all!"

"Such a nice lady! We are really fortunate to have such a strong line of actors for our film!" one of the crew excitedly said.

Everyone agreed and the previous concern about Si Weimin's acting skill resurfaced.

Si Weimin didn't seem to mind at all as he sat regally on his chair.

They sat opposite Xu Jia Li with Qi Xenjin still holding Li Yun's arm. He smiled at her which annoyed Qi Xenjin. Xu Jia Li only laughed inside. 'How pathetic!'

On the side of her eyes, she also noticed the intense gaze of Si Weimin towards Li Yun.

'Why is he looking at him like that? Do they know each other?'

Li Yun wasn't oblivious to his gaze which he answered with an even more intense gaze. The two continued glaring at one another – no one wanted to drop their gaze. Si Weimin's eyes turned even colder that even Xu Jia Li felt his chilling gaze.

Li Yun was the first to turn his gaze. He clenched his jaw – veins on his head were visibly swollen. She saw Si Weimin wore a triumphant smile on his face. She couldn't understand what was happening with the two. She was cut in her thoughts when she heard Qi Xenjin's voice.

"Hello, Senior Xu! It's so nice to work with you!" Qi Xenjin greeted her with that fake smile of her. She also turned her gaze on Si Weimin; she smiled meekly and blushed,

"Hello, CEO Si. It's nice to meet you."

Xu Jia Li was surprised to know that Xenjin knew him. She arched her brow and smiled sarcastically without responding to her. Even Si Weimin only looked at her and paid her no attention.

She pretended not to care as she talked to Si Weimin again, "Thank you for supporting the film, CEO Si."

He arched his brow and frowned as he answered, "Why are you even thanking me? It's not as if you are the female lead."

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Qi Xenjin turned pale with embarrassment which made Xu Jia Li rejoiced inside.

"Oh! CEO Si, she is just being grateful, right Xenjin?"

Xu Jia Li didn't hide the sarcasm on her voice as she smiled at her.

"She should be." He answered mysteriously as he smiled at her.

Qi Xenjin could only purse her lips and hid her anger as she cursed Xu Jia Li in her mind. 'Wait, you bitch! I'll make your life a living hell.'

Xu Jia Li provocatively looked at her as she curved her lips into a sweet smile that she knew would make her even angrier.

Li Yun smiled at her and asked, "Xiao Li, how have you been?"

"I'm okay, Yun-ge!" she smiled sweetly at him and glanced at Qi Xenjin.

Li Yun was ecstatic to hear Xu Jia Li called him Yun-ge – with a huge smile on his face, he said,

"I heard that Yue Shin backed out as the male lead. I'm planning to audition for the role."

"Yun-ge..." Qi Xenjin pulled Li Yun's arms.

Xu Jia Li gazed at her and saw her fuming with anger. She could see through her facade and would never be fooled by her smile.

She was about to answer him when Director Han spoke,

"Ah Li Yun, we already have our new male lead."

"Who?" questioned Li Yun and Qi Xenjin in unison.

"I am."

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