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Xu Jia Li didn't know how long she had been looking at the letter in her hands – totally forgetting Si Weimin and his letter.

The hair on her skin rose up as she had goose bumps all over her body. Her heart was pounding so fast, she was having cold sweat. She was shaking as she dropped the letter from her hands.

Her face was full of worry as she kept repeating the words in her mind, trying to get the answer on who could have sent it.

'Don't always believe everything that you hear. What you see isn't always what it is.

What you know isn't always what they should. There are things that aren't what they seem.

You have to dig deeper. Find out. And in doing so, I hope you'll finally free your heart.

Be careful.'

The last words gave her a feeling of fear as she tried her best to decipher the meaning of the letter. Suddenly, the memories of her dying mother on her arms made her heart ached. The only thing that came up on her mind was her dreadful past – the sudden death of her mother. The letter must have been connected to her mother's death.

What if these people were planning to hurt her? What if they knew all along? What if they had been waiting for her to make her move?

Too many what ifs troubled her mind, it was as if all her plan, her effort and her sacrifices would be for nothing now. The people whom she wanted revenge could have been planning against her all along.

'Could the sender been trying to warn me of my revenge? Do they know that I'm planning to avenge mom?'

Tears started to fall from her cheeks as she raked her brain with answers. It was never easy to lose her mother, there were times that she just wanted to stop and quit but it would always been the last words of her mother that haunted her.

Yes, she was worried. She was worried sick and it made her hate herself even more.

With so much that she'd been through, she couldn't back out now. She had to give them the things that they deserved especially Zhou Jiayin and Ye Lingling. She couldn't just let them be happy while her mother suffered so much... in their hands.

She knew that her mother's death was their fault. Her hate for Zhou Jiayin and Ye Lingling grew even bigger.

She stood up from her seat and once again rummaged the parcel sent to her. No matter how hard she looked, there was no other clue that would help her know the sender.

'I'll gladly risk my life for you, mom. I guess I just have to surprise them and make my move now.'

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Xu Jia Li had that determination on her voice as she went to her room and got changed. She picked a denim jacket which she put over a white t-shirt. She paired it with jeans and 3" high-heeled ankle-length boots. She also got her sunglasses and scarf. She let loose her wavy mane and didn't put any make up on.

She immediately called Shen Linqin,

"Linqin, tomorrow is the welcome party, right?"

"Yes, Li-jie."

"How about the art exhibit?"

"It's tonight, Li-jie. I gave you the invitation. Aiyoo, don't tell me you forgot?"

"No, I was only checking. Anyway, is what I asked you to do – "

"Of course, Li-jie. You can trust Linqin with that. Leave it to me. Just be present there tonight."

"That's good to hear, Linqin. I gotta go."

She hung up after hearing Shen Linqin's goodbye. She grabbed her purse and went out.

After making sure that no one was outside, she put her sunglasses on, and covered her head with her scarf. She strode fast – not noticing the man who was also walking towards the elevator.

Upon entering, she bumped into him. Her head hit the man's broad shoulder. As she was walking fast, the impact was quite hard. When she was about to fall, she felt a strong arm encircled around her waist.

'Oh! Such strong arm!'

She held onto her head she grunted and felt a dizzying feeling which made her hold onto the hard shoulder of the man.

'He has very nice shoulders.'

She closed her eyes tightly as she blushed with what she was thinking. She continued to make a guttural sound to express the pain she felt.

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'Oh! Why is it so nice to be held by this man? And his smell, oh! That smell... smells so good. It smelled familiar. He made me remind of him.'

Still holding her head, her mind continued to wander as she felt her head swirled. She immediately opened her eyes as she heard him speak,

"Hey, are you alright?"

She suddenly felt her body stiffened as she recognized that voice. 'Oh my gosh! It's him!' Forgetting the dizziness she felt, she forced to stand and push him away from her.

However, the man didn't let her go.

"Don't be stubborn. Stay put for a while."

She slapped his hands and glared at him.

"Don't touch me! Why are you here?"


"You're stalking me!"


"What? You swallowed your tongue? Why don't you speak huh?"

Instead of answering, he held his waist and dragged her inside the elevator. She wriggled from his hold and pounded her fists on his chest. While she continued throwing punches on him, he pushed the elevator button for the rooftop.

"Don't touch me. Get that dirty hands off me!"

"If you don't keep quiet, I'll repeat what happened yesterday."

"You pervert!"

"I swear, I'll do it if you won't stop."

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Xu Jia Li's eyes grew big with shock. Her mouth was agape, no sounds escaped her lips. She stomped her right foot directly on Si Weimin's left foot. He winced but he still held her even tighter.

"I'll only let you go if you stop struggling."

"Why would I listen to you?"


Instead of answering, Si Weimin pulled her closer to his body – his face only inch away from her.

She stopped struggling and blushed as she was hypnotized by his mesmerizing black eyes. She felt him take off her sunglasses as he looked into her eyes.

She instantly let her eyes closed, expecting for his lips to come and take a taste of hers.

After a while of not feeling his lips on hers, she opened her eyes and turned even redder due to the embarrassment she felt when she saw him staring with intense gaze.

His eyes spoke of so much emotions, it was too hard for her to grasp.

'Seriously? You close your eyes and expect a kiss. This is so embarrassing.'

She looked down – turning her gaze away. Seeing her abashed look, he held her chin and looked sincerely on her eyes. He held her gaze and spoke,

"It's really a coincidence that I'm here. I'm not stalking you. I mean, I'd love to but no. I know, you won't believe me, even if I'm saying the truth. But can you just please open your heart for me?"

She didn't know what to say to him. She didn't even know why she was acting this stupid and weird whenever she was with him.

It was as if her mind and heart were always fighting and she was always torn between which to follow and which was right.

While pondering her actions, she heard him continue,

"I know that it'll be hard to gain your trust after yesterday. It'll also be hard for you to believe, and yet I'll tell it to you again, I'm crazy about you, Xu Jia Li. I hope you'll give me chance to prove my feelings."

With heart beating faster than ever, she felt his thumb caressed her lower lip. She shivered as the sensation made her whole body hot. His other hand continued to massage her back, making her melt on his embrace. She put her hands on his chest – feeling his warmth, together with his pounding heart. She felt him slowly taking off the scarf on her head. It fell on the elevator floor in a swift.

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She looked directly on his eyes and nodded. She couldn't contain the feelings she had for him so she nodded her head in agreement. She saw the happiness in his eyes after seeing her nod. Without wasting anymore second, he moved his head close to her and touched his lips to hers.

The touch of his lips made her gasped which made her moved her hands up to his shoulders. She clutched them tightly, getting strength as his intrusion on her mouth made her weak. The slow rhythm of his lips gradually increased as he tempted her – biting her lower lip as his tongue licked it.

She moaned in ecstasy as he felt his hand stroking her back, up and down. She opened her mouth and began responding to his tempting kisses. Her action made Si Weimin even bolder as he tried to open her mouth by pushing his tongue inside.

Her mind told her to stop but her heart said otherwise. She followed the latter and accepted his tongue inside. The kiss was so long that Xu Jia Li gasped for air when they parted.

He held her closer to him and began kissing her ear. She felt him nibbling on his earlobe which gave her a shiver. She hugged him tightly and buried her face on his chest.

"Just trust me, love."

The endearment he used for her gave her immense joy as she nodded – face still buried on his chest.

"I won't hurt you."


Author's Note:

Hello my dear readers!

Isn't our Weimin the sweetest? Ugh! ♡

Anyway, this will be the schedule of our chapter update. Since the following days will be hella busy because of the holiday, the update will be:

No chapter for Monday (December 24, 2018)

1 (ONE) chapter daily from Tuesday to Saturday (December 25-29, 2018)

Bonus chapters will depend on our Power Ranking for this week.

I hope you'll continue reading this novel.

If you like this story, don't forget to vote.

All the love, you guys! 

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